+TLJx2 Posted May 19, 2010 Posted May 19, 2010 I have had abput 6 of my caches stolen and I'm tired of replacing them. why do people feel the need to steal them and I know its cachers that are doing it
+buttaskotch Posted May 19, 2010 Posted May 19, 2010 I have had abput 6 of my caches stolen and I'm tired of replacing them. why do people feel the need to steal them and I know its cachers that are doing it The caches could very well have been stolen or muggled or washed away. Saw your posted notes about the caches being "stolen" but to be honest caches go missing all the time. Is it a pain to maintain, yes. Does it suck, absolutely. But more often than not its just plain bad luck. One of my caches consistently got "muggled" and contents strewn about, then realized one day it was "racooned" yup, the critters had a ball playing with the cache and contents. But, I think more to the point, the caches you speak of were muggled last year and it took a while for them to be archived via reviewer. Why didn't you just replace or archive? Just curiosity, nothing malicious intended by the question.
+TLJx2 Posted May 19, 2010 Author Posted May 19, 2010 The caches that are being stolen are way out in the country and where no one has any business being but cachers the last one was inside a hollowed out cypress tree and the contents were left there and the ammo can was stolen. Its all of the unique one that are stolen one was a phone box that everyone commented on and well yep it was stolen. muggled I think not, stolen YES If you cache then enjoy it but leave it alone for the next person to enjoy also
BCProspectors Posted May 19, 2010 Posted May 19, 2010 You could consider making your caches Premium Member Only caches. I'm not saying it'll solve your problem, I'm just saying it's something to think about. [cue the Ultimate Battle Over Premium Member Only Caches]
+gravechaser Posted May 19, 2010 Posted May 19, 2010 (edited) We don't have any MOC in our area but if mine were being stolen? Well, I'd replace and MOC them in a heartbeat. Edit: I assume that MOC means Members Only Cache) Edited May 19, 2010 by gravechaser
+dorqie Posted May 19, 2010 Posted May 19, 2010 We have a geo-terrorist in our town too. Just keep replacing them, and don't let them win the battle. I personally wouldn't let this get me down, as it's unlikely they'll be back to take them for a second time.
+ventura_kids Posted May 19, 2010 Posted May 19, 2010 I had a tiny rusty altoids mint tin stolen 4 times. Ya just never know why some people think they need to take them.
+narcissa Posted May 19, 2010 Posted May 19, 2010 We had an ammo can thief around here for a while, and then another thief targeting older caches that are part of an unofficial challenge. As far as I know, they both eventually stopped.
+dorqie Posted May 19, 2010 Posted May 19, 2010 I just wanted to add that I took my sisters 8 year old niece caching a few weeks ago, and it really took a lot of convincing to get her to understand why she couldn't keep the whole cache. Some people are just like that.
+SSO JOAT Posted May 19, 2010 Posted May 19, 2010 People who steal caches are not "cachers", they are muggles, geo-theives, or cache-maggots. So don't say cachers are doing it... theives are doing it. Replace the caches with NO FANFARE. Many of them are just looking for the attention. Don't give them any. Tie your cans down. A loose cache can easily walk away. If the cache it attached to the Earth, they are less likley to take an "accidental walk". If the string is cut, replace it with SS cable and crimp it in place.
+roziecakes Posted May 19, 2010 Posted May 19, 2010 You'd really be surprised how caches 'walk away.' Most likely it isn't other cachers. My latest muggle has been a raccoon. I had to move a cache because of that little varmint. Really it's fine though, he/she had that stump before I did, so I didn't mind too much.
+Hockeyhick Posted May 19, 2010 Posted May 19, 2010 It could be someone like this: Bless their heart...
+baloo&bd Posted May 19, 2010 Posted May 19, 2010 Replace the caches with NO FANFARE. Many of them are just looking for the attention. Don't give them any. Probably the best advice, we have done this once or twice. Making them MoC only gives perceived security, it really doesn't help and only means your cache will be found less. Also check to see if there is a teenage or homeless "hangout" nearby. The cache discovery and subsequent disappearance may be incidental to that.
+Team Cotati Posted May 19, 2010 Posted May 19, 2010 (edited) The world is full of whackjobs. This game seems to have a few. Why they behave the way that they do will never be known or understood. Why do people steal kiddie bicycles? Why do people knock over cemetery headstones? Edited May 19, 2010 by Team Cotati
+TLJx2 Posted May 19, 2010 Author Posted May 19, 2010 That would be one bad a** racoon to open these ammo boxes or pick up that large phone box from out of the stump it was anchored to and I guess he only wanted the boxes and not the contents. Since he was nice enough to stick them back under the tree. Hey maybe he wants to put out his own caches. Be ont the look out for a cacher named racoon I know everyone wants to believe that it's not a fellow cacher but you would have to know the circumstances under which these caches are coming up missing I mean if IOU look at some of my comments on my caches I take alot of time and thought into making these and they are very different. It would be very easy to just take them and not log the find. Sometimes I wonder why someone will log a find on one or two of my caches but not go the next mile to get 2 more. Maybe I should start investigating this as that always seems to be when they come up missing.
+edscott Posted May 19, 2010 Posted May 19, 2010 Are yours the only ones in the area that area being stolen or are other owners having a similar problem? As much as I dislike the message sent by members only caches, it may be your best alternative. As soon as the cache maggot finds some other form of amusement you can switch them back.
M.A.D. Cows Posted May 19, 2010 Posted May 19, 2010 People who steal caches are not "cachers", they are muggles, geo-theives, or cache-maggots. So don't say cachers are doing it... theives are doing it. Yeah if we are the Caching WIZARDS. People who dont know about it are MUGGLES. Those kind of people are the owrst of the worst. The DEMENTORS
+Proud Soccer Mom Posted May 19, 2010 Posted May 19, 2010 Sorry to hear about it. Something like that happened to me when I began hiding caches, but it was just the one. I was upset, then treated it with humor, then moved on. If it ever happened again, I'd just move on. You can't stop people from being petty so you can (1) accept that infantile petty behavior is a risk and continue to play; or (2) not accept that behavior and stop playing to prevent your exposure to it. From now on, I recommend hiding Premium Member Only Puzzle caches. Not only will puzzle-workers appreciate finding a Regular size cache at the end of it, you'll have two filters (people have to be willing to pay $30/yr and spend time working out a puzzle) to stop maggots from stealing the containers.
+BlueDeuce Posted May 19, 2010 Posted May 19, 2010 Make your caches harder to find or get to. Multies, puzzles, etc. Most cache maggots don't like to work hard to get the attention they crave and eventually they'll move on to other anti-social behavior that's easier to maintain.
+Eagle and the nuts Posted May 19, 2010 Posted May 19, 2010 I had a tiny rusty altoids mint tin stolen 4 times. Ya just never know why some people think they need to take them. You probably haven't seen in these forums all the people talking about how "lame" altoids tins are for caches. That might be why they go missing so often, lots of cachers don't like them. Cachers really like ammo cans, which may be why they go missing, too.
+BlueDeuce Posted May 19, 2010 Posted May 19, 2010 I had a tiny rusty altoids mint tin stolen 4 times. Ya just never know why some people think they need to take them. You probably haven't seen in these forums all the people talking about how "lame" altoids tins are for caches. That might be why they go missing so often, lots of cachers don't like them. Cachers really like ammo cans, which may be why they go missing, too. Yeah VK, do a little reading first would ya?
+TLJx2 Posted May 19, 2010 Author Posted May 19, 2010 When I started caching there were only three caches in my town and two of them are for a local sheriff so I don't think he is taking them but he has had one come up missing but it was at alocal park lots of muggies. I added 27 caches to my town to generate interest in the area and all with permission of the city but the one that are disappearing are out in the wooded areas with out muggles and that are not going to be found by anyone else but cachers I'm not saying that everyone that caches is a theif but they are cachers and not everyone can afford to pay the 30 dollar fee to be a member for the little that you get for it. I want this to be fun for everybody but it is starting to cost me money for the ammo cans and special items I make to hold the cache. I think I will set up game cameras and will post pictures of the theif on this fourm lol. How's that
+AuntieWeasel Posted May 19, 2010 Posted May 19, 2010 I had a cache in the woods near a teen hangout area. One day, found it emptied of everything but the log and the tupperware. So I re-stocked and left a note to the thief. Something like, "This is a geocache. If you leave the contents alone, this cache can stay and people will keep coming back and you can check out the changes. If it vanishes again, I'll move it to another part of the city." Nothing else ever went missing, that I'm aware. But reasoning with vandals probably doesn't work very often (I was just too lazy to want to move the hide).
+GeoGeeBee Posted May 19, 2010 Posted May 19, 2010 The caches that are being stolen are way out in the country and where no one has any business being but cachers That's not even close to true. (Yes, we can easily click on your profile and see your archived caches. Did you think we wouldn't?) One of them was in a "teen hangout," one was in a park, and all of them appear to be right next to the road. That's no excuse for anyone to take them, but there's really no reason to think that only a geocacher would find them. Things get muggled all the time. Putting a cache next to a place where teenagers make out and drink beer is asking for trouble. For a cache in a park, or next to a tree that's listed in local historical guidebooks, all it takes is for a cacher to be spotted returning it to its hiding place. Then some curious muggle is going to open it up to see what it is, and they might not be too careful about how (or if!) they replace it. I'm sorry if this sounds snarky, but I really think you were out of line for accusing cachers of stealing your caches.
+BlueDeuce Posted May 19, 2010 Posted May 19, 2010 The caches that are being stolen are way out in the country and where no one has any business being but cachers That's not even close to true. (Yes, we can easily click on your profile and see your archived caches. Did you think we wouldn't?) One of them was in a "teen hangout," one was in a park, and all of them appear to be right next to the road. That's no excuse for anyone to take them, but there's really no reason to think that only a geocacher would find them. Things get muggled all the time. Putting a cache next to a place where teenagers make out and drink beer is asking for trouble. For a cache in a park, or next to a tree that's listed in local historical guidebooks, all it takes is for a cacher to be spotted returning it to its hiding place. Then some curious muggle is going to open it up to see what it is, and they might not be too careful about how (or if!) they replace it. I'm sorry if this sounds snarky, but I really think you were out of line for accusing cachers of stealing your caches. Up here we often see mushroom hunters who find the cache and sign the log.
+TLJx2 Posted May 19, 2010 Author Posted May 19, 2010 Now you see you jump to concolusions because of the archived caches. Yes those are gone and not replaced but the latest 3 are not archived yet one is called (louisiana swamp land) now you want to be all nosey and criyicalgo find it and read the comments the other is (no more phone calls from here) that onehasbeen replaced but if you look back you will see where it was taken. I know you can look at my caches I'm not stupid and I'm not a liar I know it is a cacher and he will soon be exposed if not by name by his picture posted on this fourm
+roziecakes Posted May 19, 2010 Posted May 19, 2010 Sigh... I wasn't saying a raccoon was stealing yours, I just mentioned that's what happened to mine. The point was, there are so many people/things/animals, whatever that will take caches. It could be a bum, even way out in the woods, or teenagers, or hikers, or state troopers, or, or, or... We are all just trying to give advice from our own perspective and experiences. There might be a reason why most of us here are telling you not to jump to conclusions to blame other cachers... because usually, it's not the case. However, we don't really know your story. What is your evidence that it's another cacher? Please tell us rather than just being snarky and rude, and please don't use the person's name, and maybe we can help.
+TLJx2 Posted May 19, 2010 Author Posted May 19, 2010 I wasn't be rude I was just retaliating against being called a liar by a cacher that felt the need to go sniping into my account to see where my archived caches were hidden. I am not calling any of you theives and if you've never looked for my caches then it could not be you. I just put it on here to see if it was happening to anyone else. I'm am very sorry if I offended anyone as that was not my intention. And if I knew who it was (name) I would have already have reported him to the local atthorities as this is my personal property and that is theft. I got great advice and I will be trying it out shortly so thank to you who tried to help and good luck caching
+roziecakes Posted May 19, 2010 Posted May 19, 2010 (edited) I wasn't be rude I was just retaliating against being called a liar by a cacher that felt the need to go sniping into my account to see where my archived caches were hidden. I am not calling any of you theives and if you've never looked for my caches then it could not be you. I just put it on here to see if it was happening to anyone else. I'm am very sorry if I offended anyone as that was not my intention. And if I knew who it was (name) I would have already have reported him to the local atthorities as this is my personal property and that is theft. I got great advice and I will be trying it out shortly so thank to you who tried to help and good luck caching I'm personally not offended, and I don't think you are a liar. If you really think you know who the person is, get your evidence together and you can tell Groundspeak. Otherwise, I think you'll unfortunately just have to replace the container and monitor it well. I do know how frustrating it is to have a cache muggled, no matter what reason. Edited for spelling. Edited May 19, 2010 by nymphnsatyr
+GeoGeeBee Posted May 19, 2010 Posted May 19, 2010 Now you see you jump to concolusions because of the archived caches. Yes those are gone and not replaced but the latest 3 are not archived yet one is called (louisiana swamp land) now you want to be all nosey and criyicalgo find it and read the comments the other is (no more phone calls from here) that onehasbeen replaced but if you look back you will see where it was taken. I know you can look at my caches I'm not stupid and I'm not a liar I know it is a cacher and he will soon be exposed if not by name by his picture posted on this fourm Again, though... you said that all your stolen caches were way out in the woods where "no one but cachers should be." But "No More Phone Calls From Here" was right next to the road, in a unique container, that could easily be seen from the road. Around here it would be stolen before I could get home from placing it, and cachers would have nothing to do with it. But I guess you don't have bored teenagers in Jennings? </sarcasm> That one and Louisiana Swamp Land seem to form a mini-power-trail with Take a Hike. If a geocacher is targeting your caches, why isn't Take a Hike missing? Why didn't he steal the replacement container for Phone Calls when he went to get Swamp Land? If you have some evidence that a cacher is stealing your stuff, post it. But just the fact that caches are missing is not evidence.
+TLJx2 Posted May 19, 2010 Author Posted May 19, 2010 I'm sorry geogeegeebee that we can't all be as perfect as you and figure all this out on our own he'll youshould maybe become a detective since you seem to have this all fiqured out My be he had already found the other two and signed the logs before they decided that they liked my beautiful camo job on this one who knows why they only stole one but that's one he'll of a nice person to just take the container and not the contents huh.
+roziecakes Posted May 19, 2010 Posted May 19, 2010 I'm sorry geogeegeebee that we can't all be as perfect as you and figure all this out on our own he'll youshould maybe become a detective since you seem to have this all fiqured out My be he had already found the other two and signed the logs before they decided that they liked my beautiful camo job on this one who knows why they only stole one but that's one he'll of a nice person to just take the container and not the contents huh. I'm not sure if this helps or not... but most of the times that my caches have gotten muggled the contents were still there and the container was gone. I think the reason is that most thieves no matter who they are, aren't really interested in the contents. Sometimes muggles will take everything, but in my experience they usually leave the contents behind. I would really like to see the evidence that you have, and that's genuinely asking, I'm not being snarky, I would like to see it to see if I can offer any better advice.
+Crow-T-Robot Posted May 19, 2010 Posted May 19, 2010 I think you'd be surprised to learn just how many people visit "remote" places but aren't geocachers. Hunters, hikers, birders, climbers and just plain old naturalists...there really are few places on earth that humans don't traffic. To think that "only geocachers" are visiting the places you've placed your caches is pretty short-sighted. Sometimes I wonder why someone will log a find on one or two of my caches but not go the next mile to get 2 more. Maybe I should start investigating this as that always seems to be when they come up missing. This sort of thing has happened to me alot. Sometimes I've only loaded regular sized caches in my GPS, so if it's a micro, I don't know that it's there. Sometimes I've only got time to do 1 or 2 caches and not the 4 or 5 that are in a particular park/forest. Sometimes I just don't feel like going that extra mile. Sometimes I'm fussy and do the caches that appeal to me more. Sometimes I do them all. I don't think it's reasonable to say "X cacher found these two caches, but they didn't find the other two a mile away....hmmm, I wonder if they stole the other two and that's why they didn't log them". That's an absurd and paranoid way to think.
+J the Goat Posted May 19, 2010 Posted May 19, 2010 I think you'd be surprised to learn just how many people visit "remote" places but aren't geocachers. Hunters, hikers, birders, climbers and just plain old naturalists...there really are few places on earth that humans don't traffic. To think that "only geocachers" are visiting the places you've placed your caches is pretty short-sighted. Sometimes I wonder why someone will log a find on one or two of my caches but not go the next mile to get 2 more. Maybe I should start investigating this as that always seems to be when they come up missing. This sort of thing has happened to me alot. Sometimes I've only loaded regular sized caches in my GPS, so if it's a micro, I don't know that it's there. Sometimes I've only got time to do 1 or 2 caches and not the 4 or 5 that are in a particular park/forest. Sometimes I just don't feel like going that extra mile. Sometimes I'm fussy and do the caches that appeal to me more. Sometimes I do them all. I don't think it's reasonable to say "X cacher found these two caches, but they didn't find the other two a mile away....hmmm, I wonder if they stole the other two and that's why they didn't log them". That's an absurd and paranoid way to think. I absolutely agree with this, as it's regularly the case with me as well. I have small children who enjoy going caching with me, but regularly can't make the entire hike for all the caches on a trail. You are, given the evidence you've presented, really jumping to conclusions on this one. You've been asked at least 6 times to present the evidence that it's a cacher and you have neglected to do so. You've been defensive and rude in response to GeoGeeBee who has simply asked and stated the obvious without being rude in the first place. It seems you're bent on the fact that it's a fellow cacher and nothing is going to change your mind. Why are you here in the first place? To accuse? Not us, I understand you're not coming after us here, but that makes even less sense. On top of that, you want to run surveillance on your caches? Dude, if you posted my picture on the internet without asking me there would be HUGE problems. That is a horrible idea, I strongly advise against it. I hope you figure out how to keep your caches in place, but your attitude has gained absolutely zero sympathy from this geocacher.
+BulldogBlitz Posted May 19, 2010 Posted May 19, 2010 I have had abput 6 of my caches stolen and I'm tired of replacing them. why do people feel the need to steal them and I know its cachers that are doing it personally, i blame the LS-who grads.
+J the Goat Posted May 19, 2010 Posted May 19, 2010 I have had abput 6 of my caches stolen and I'm tired of replacing them. why do people feel the need to steal them and I know its cachers that are doing it personally, i blame the LS-who grads. Being a raiders fan, I don't want to hear anything about any LS-pew grads
+GeoGeeBee Posted May 19, 2010 Posted May 19, 2010 personally, i blame the LS-who grads. You're just jealous because they chose LSU to play the part of UT when they made the movie.
+BulldogBlitz Posted May 19, 2010 Posted May 19, 2010 You're just jealous because they chose LSU to play the part of UT when they made the movie. i think the location under my name has thrown you off the trail a bit...
cejs Posted May 19, 2010 Posted May 19, 2010 In a nearby suburb, the Park department regulates them and removes them if you don't renew your registration (free) annually. Very few people there know it is required to register them however, so a lot go missing.
+roziecakes Posted May 19, 2010 Posted May 19, 2010 This sort of thing has happened to me alot. Sometimes I've only loaded regular sized caches in my GPS, so if it's a micro, I don't know that it's there. Sometimes I've only got time to do 1 or 2 caches and not the 4 or 5 that are in a particular park/forest. Sometimes I just don't feel like going that extra mile. Sometimes I'm fussy and do the caches that appeal to me more. Sometimes I do them all. This is a good point. Last night for example, I was out night caching between 10PM and 1AM, there were a few caches in a series that I wasn't willing to go for at night because of proximity to buildings, or terrain rating, etc; so I only did a few of that series, and a couple of caches that I did briefly look for, but then decided not to look too hard at night. Also, because I didn't want to be out ALL night, I left some more for when I come back to that area. There's many reasons why folks might not come to do all of the caches in a particular area. We have a large cache that's right in the middle of town, (yes large, not regular), but folks will drive up to Junction City, find our walking tour series and then leave; it's actually the least often found of all our caches that are in town with the exception of our MOC. Just how it goes sometimes.
+roziecakes Posted May 19, 2010 Posted May 19, 2010 Another thing to consider: Who owns the land that these caches are on? Could the landowners or stewards be removing them? Do they know the caches are there?
+J the Goat Posted May 19, 2010 Posted May 19, 2010 Another thing to consider: Who owns the land that these caches are on? Could the landowners or stewards be removing them? Do they know the caches are there? I think this is unlikely as the OP stated that the containers were removed but the contents left in place.
+roziecakes Posted May 19, 2010 Posted May 19, 2010 Another thing to consider: Who owns the land that these caches are on? Could the landowners or stewards be removing them? Do they know the caches are there? I think this is unlikely as the OP stated that the containers were removed but the contents left in place. Ah yes, that's true. Well then I suppose it's just a mystery until the OP gives us some evidence to consider.
+TLJx2 Posted May 19, 2010 Author Posted May 19, 2010 You know your right I have no proof , no evidence, no finger prints. And everybody that goes out into the woods is looking for a round telephone box to take home. your right I have no proof that its a cacher but you have no proof that its not. I didnt post this here for you to argue about I was just wondering if anyone else was have the same problems. oh and mr J ghost peoples pictures show up on the internet everyday and if its you that i take a picture of stealing my container then your face will be posted on this site and i personally don't think it will be much of a problem at least for me. and if you think there will i can give you my home address and we can discuss it then. I'm not trying to lay the blame on anyone of you but only to bring awareness to a problem that is out there and if you aren't soing this then it shouldnt bother you. If it does bother you then maybe its because your afraid of having your picture taken with cache in hand. I won't just post any picture here unless there is proof and I will be checking daily. thanks everyone who made nice comments and suggestions. to the critics normally only guilty people complain.
+Coldgears Posted May 19, 2010 Posted May 19, 2010 It could be someone like this: Bless their heart... It seems like that guy is actually enjoying doing this. I think that he doesn't realize he enjoys finding them, and confuses that joy with his delusional "joy" of destroying them.
lefthandforge Posted May 19, 2010 Posted May 19, 2010 You know your right I have no proof , no evidence, no finger prints. And everybody that goes out into the woods is looking for a round telephone box to take home. your right I have no proof that its a cacher but you have no proof that its not. I didnt post this here for you to argue about I was just wondering if anyone else was have the same problems. oh and mr J ghost peoples pictures show up on the internet everyday and if its you that i take a picture of stealing my container then your face will be posted on this site and i personally don't think it will be much of a problem at least for me. and if you think there will i can give you my home address and we can discuss it then. I'm not trying to lay the blame on anyone of you but only to bring awareness to a problem that is out there and if you aren't soing this then it shouldnt bother you. If it does bother you then maybe its because your afraid of having your picture taken with cache in hand. I won't just post any picture here unless there is proof and I will be checking daily. thanks everyone who made nice comments and suggestions. to the critics normally only guilty people complain. Good grief. Just remember that the next time someone waxes poetic about being tried by a jury of their peers. They could be talking about this guy.
Motorcycle_Mama Posted May 19, 2010 Posted May 19, 2010 Folks, let's ratchet down the vitriol. Leave the snarkiness outside. To the OP, if you cannot discuss this subject without posting veiled threats to others, let me know and I will gladly shut this thread down.
+TLJx2 Posted May 20, 2010 Author Posted May 20, 2010 Folks, let's ratchet down the vitriol. Leave the snarkiness outside. To the OP, if you cannot discuss this subject without posting veiled threats to others, let me know and I will gladly shut this thread down. On top of that, you want to run surveillance on your caches? Dude, if you posted my picture on the internet without asking me there would be HUGE problems. I'm guessing this statement by goat was just a friendly jesture right. Well mine wasn't a threat it was an invitation. But I guess its pick on the new guy day Its one of those everybody can have an opinion as long as it's the same as ours fourms. Well you can shut it down cause I'm finished with the lawyers here again I'll say thanks to the ones who gave good info and stories and happy caching
+Setan Meyacha Posted May 20, 2010 Posted May 20, 2010 Since I've had several caches disappear in areas seemingly only a geocacher would think of going, I guess I'll add my 2 pennies worth. I can't recall ever having an in town cache disappear, although I might have, but I have had several caches disappear in the desert where I hide most of my caches. In most instances, these caches were hidden well off the beaten path and mostly well enough hidden you would definitely have to search for them to find them. Do I think it was other geocachers who had sticky fingers and walked off with those caches? Not geocachers in the sense of cachers who have been in the game/hobby for awhile. But, possibly someone who is checking out what the game/hobby is all about and not really interested in pursuing it like some of us cacheaholoics; in other words, a muggle with a GPSr looking for kicks. I was lucky enough to track one such muggle down through a friend who was with the culprit when he took the cache. My friend wasn't into geocaching, but went along because they were hunting jackrabbits and happened to be in the area of one of my caches. So, until you have absolute evidence that it is a bonafide geocacher who is lifting your caches, accept the fact that it could be just a muggle without a conscience.
+roziecakes Posted May 20, 2010 Posted May 20, 2010 I'm only telling you the things I'm telling you because I don't want you to cause undue grief to yourself or others. If you don't have evidence, then you really don't know who is taking the caches, it doesn't help you out any to stress out by blaming another cacher. I would just try to let it go and replace your containers and move on. If you have some strong evidence, then is the time to be upset and take action, otherwise you're just spinning your wheels in the mud and causing yourself grief and possibly others... I'm sure you know the old adage about assumptions; they make an a... well, you know the saying I'm sure. I do hope the best for you. I read your cache pages, and it looks like you have some good hides, so don't get too discouraged.
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