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Premium membership, why...?


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For reasons I don't understand, someone thinks I'm a guru -- and emailed me a question that other folks could answer better:


...A friend of mine has an I-phone. He has shown an interest in geocaching. At least to give it a go. This friend has hunted a few with me. I can tell you that he will be just a sporadic cache hunter. Not a FTF hound or anything.


I know there is an app for sale that does this, but I got to thinking...If my friend (who could just sign up for a basic account to see the cache description page) had a cheap handheld GPS ( to hand enter listed coords and finish the hunt) why would you even need an app or a premium membership? Am I missing something here?

I could answer this in two short bits:


Premium Membership: Gives access to members-only caches and pocket queries. Worth $30 a year certainly, even if not using the iPhone app. But if you're not sure then buy a 1 or 3 month membership to see how you like it.


iPhone App: Only costs $10 and gives a seamless, easy to use "paperless caching" system. If you're already on a premium membership, and an iPhone, why would you NOT want this?


Anybody want to expand on those points, or counter them?

Edited by lee_rimar
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If its true that he will likely be only a sporadic cacher, then there is probably very little reason to get the membership (depending, of course, on what "sporadic" means in actuality), at least until he decides that he wants to take it further. On the other hand... it won't take much printer ink to equal and surpass $30.

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Premium Membership: Gives access to members-only caches and pocket queries. Worth $30 a year certainly, even if not using the iPhone app. But if you're not sure then buy a 1 or 3 month membership to see how you like it.

If he's an occasional cacher, then knowschad is probably right.


If he might cache more often, Pocket Queries are worth $30 Premium Membership alone. Not to mention


- Instant Notifications (of new caches, sent to phone or email)

- Ability to generate user routes (e.g., Caches Along a Route queries)

- Bookmark lists

- Ability to send cache info directly to your GPS from a cache page

- supporting an activity you enjoy by supporting the site

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How much did that iPhone cost?


And what does he pay for the required data plan per month?


How much was that did you say? He can pay that to text people and check his email at lunch and listen to mp3s at work or whatever most folks use those expensive toys for, but he can't pay $30 per year for Groundspeak to maintain and manage the cache listings he wants them to deliver on demand?


Really? :laughing:

Edited by TheAlabamaRambler
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How much did that iPhone cost?


And what does he pay for the required data plan per month?


How much was that did you say? He can pay that to text people and check his email at lunch and listen to mp3s at work or whatever most folks use those expensive toys for, but he can't pay $30 per year for Groundspeak to maintain and manage the cache listings he wants them to deliver on demand?


Really? :D

I fail to see the logic of your argument. What does how much he pays for the iPhone have to do with getting a premium membership?


Every time I walk through a supermarket, there are tens of thousands of things I can afford individually, and they cost next to nothing compared to my car, or to my house. Do I buy them just because I can afford them? No. I buy what I need. Same thing for the premium membership.


If you think someone should get a premium membership, convince them by telling them what it can do for them, not by saying how cheap it is.


Edit : and just so you know, yes, I really needed that bag of potato chips in the supermarket. It's a life and death issue :D

Edited by Chrysalides
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The real benefit of the premium membership is the pocket queries as you've already mentioned.


After my first couple cache outings, when I realized it was taking me an hour or two to research where I wanted to go and print out 12+ cache listings, it was obvious that the premium membership was worth it for me. On top of not having to print them out, I also have a nice radius always loaded on my GPS so I can stop and grab caches along the way or in a place I didn't realize I'd end up without being out of luck.


If it were my friend, I'd explain those advantages and tell him to stick to the free membership until he starts heading out to a park specifically to grab a half dozen or more caches. At that point - upgrade.


I haven't used the iPhone app, but if that's an option it could be a good one. Not sure if caching using just the iPhone app would be a good solution or not. Seems like you'd get sick of hand transferring the coords from your iPhone to your more accurate GPSr constantly. But again, probably a good cheaper thing to go with until one sees how committed they are to the hobby. Although OTOH, 3 months of a premium membership is also just $10 and after 3 months your friend would know if he or she is going to stick with it.

Edited by rob3k
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How much did that iPhone cost?


And what does he pay for the required data plan per month?


How much was that did you say? He can pay that to text people and check his email at lunch and listen to mp3s at work or whatever most folks use those expensive toys for, but he can't pay $30 per year for Groundspeak to maintain and manage the cache listings he wants them to deliver on demand?


Really? :D

I fail to see the logic of your argument. What does how much he pays for the iPhone have to do with getting a premium membership?


Every time I walk through a supermarket, there are tens of thousands of things I can afford individually, and they cost next to nothing compared to my car, or to my house. Do I buy them just because I can afford them? No. I buy what I need. Same thing for the premium membership.


If you think someone should get a premium membership, convince them by telling them what it can do for them, not by saying how cheap it is.


Edit : and just so you know, yes, I really needed that bag of potato chips in the supermarket. It's a life and death issue :D

I agree, to a point. The price of a membership does come into play in the decision, but only after the benefits of membership have convinced the individual of the 'need'.
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The true benefit of Premium memberships is simple. If you want to geocache using Geocaching.com then help support it. If all members were basic members there wouldn't be a Geocaching.com, simple.


Is that so? does non of the geocoins/hats/tshirts/trackables/advertising/official containers etc give monies to this site?

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The true benefit of Premium memberships is simple. If you want to geocache using Geocaching.com then help support it. If all members were basic members there wouldn't be a Geocaching.com, simple.


Is that so? does non of the geocoins/hats/tshirts/trackables/advertising/official containers etc give monies to this site?

Sure, they may have many revenue streams. My guess is that Premium Memberships is by far the largest, and they would be unable to operate at the scale that they do without the PM stream.


I value the additional features PM gets me, but even if I did not use those features just the basic listing service is worth a lot more than I pay for it.

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theres no way pm's are the largest revenue streem for Groundspeak,


im not sure exactly, but i bet you its....


1) advertising on and off the site

2) merch at the official store

3) then maybe PM money,


since pm's only pay up once a year, and a small percentage at that at only $30 per membership per year, they could essentially make that in merch and advertizing daily.


Course i could be wrong, but .....

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I would guess their corporate ties generate some serious money. As well as trackable items. Then, of course all the other trademarked items they have for sale. PM is just easy money.


The only reason I got a PM was for a trip I am going to be taking and I wanted to easily create a route for that. I don't use PQ's as I also supported the company by buying their IPhone app (apparently another item they make no money off of either). And for all the people who decided that using the Iphone app for the paperless caching option is comparable to the membership fees in anyway one must remember that I also use my phone for work and it's my only phone at home and I need to access internet a lot for my job while not in my office. I didn't get the phone to cache. I happen to use the phone for caching (and only the paperless aspect... I do use a dedicated GPSr for the meat and potatoes of caching) but it's by far a minor function of my phone.


Unless I plan on going on another trip I will likely not renew my membership but support their business by buying their items (trackables etc.). Which, by the way, is still supporting the business. I just have little reason to continue to renew a membership for services that I have little use for. The service offered is great for some people but not all people and other people feed their money to the business via their other venues to do so.


So my thought is if they are offering a service that you feel you need then pay for it. If not, support the business in other ways.

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How much did that iPhone cost?


And what does he pay for the required data plan per month?


How much was that did you say? He can pay that to text people and check his email at lunch and listen to mp3s at work or whatever most folks use those expensive toys for, but he can't pay $30 per year for Groundspeak to maintain and manage the cache listings he wants them to deliver on demand?


Really? :huh:


Exactly... I can never understand the 'iphone is cheaper than a GPS and a premium membership' argument. I know for a fact that it usually costs more; unless your GPS is extremely high end.


Also, I like supporting Groundspeak. People who pay keep it free for others, and help to pay Groundspeak's paid employees, their bills, for their servers, etc. That stuff ain't free. I know that some would ideally like to think that supporting a site as big as geocaching.com is free, but it just isn't.

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theres no way pm's are the largest revenue streem for Groundspeak,


im not sure exactly, but i bet you its....


1) advertising on and off the site

2) merch at the official store

3) then maybe PM money,


since pm's only pay up once a year, and a small percentage at that at only $30 per membership per year, they could essentially make that in merch and advertizing daily.


Course i could be wrong, but .....


Some PMs pay by the month; and I do think it is a large portion of their revenue. And yes, they probably make money off of the other things as well; but I don't see where that's a problem. The more money they have, the better they can keep this site going. If that means their employees get paid more, awesome! They deserve it! If that means they have money for more bandwidth, awesome! Whatever it is; no one loses.

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HEY. I need my POCKET QuERieS!!!!!!!!


Gotta have em. HANDS DOWN. $30 a year? OH BLAH. You probably spend more then that on fast food in a week for lunches. What do you get out of that except Fat with bad cholesterol?


You can equate the cost to almost anything. Renting movies. Renting from on demand. Cigarettes(could own geocaching by now).


$30 a year to get some of the nice features like pocket queries is nothing.

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