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Cache/hides being stolen/removed by hispanic muggles....

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Posted (edited)

My wife has replaced twice her cache she has at a garden. This garden of course is maintained by a Hispanic lawn & garden maintnance crew.


We had a green "Official Geocache Site" sticker afixed to the container. The sticker is one that we purcahsed directly grom Groundspeak.com.


Of course the sticker is in 100% english. No spanish at all on the sticker. In the DFW, Texas area a good 90% of the hispanic lawn & garden crews DON'T speak OR read english. So I know the crew disposed of our container both times as though it was TRASH. I have seen the crews in the area picking up trash before prior to doing any mowing or other lawn & garden maintnance.


We aren't mad or angry, we fully understand that missing cache/hides happen. We just want to reduce the chance of this happening again & maybe try to get our hispanic community interested in geocaching as well.


So I am asking... Has anyone seen stickers that are DUAL language? That have BOTH english AND spanish printed on them? OR.... even a SPANISH sticker?


Our container was large enough to be able to afix TWO stickers to it. One in english one in spanish. When we replace the cache/hide we will put a cable and padlock on it. (AS I & other CO's have done in our area with some of our lager & nicer caches.)


IF no one has... then I would request that Groundspeak.com or others who are printing "Official Geocache Site" stickers consider printing some with dual language &/or in spanish as well.


I am sure that in the Southwest states of Texas, NM, CA, AZ as well as a few other states spanish language geocache stickers would be of GREAT value!





Edited by texasgrillchef

I'd be happy to translate any note into Spanish so that you could attach it to your cache. Other places to ask for specifically language-based stickers would be the various regional forums.


I'd be happy to translate any note into Spanish so that you could attach it to your cache. Other places to ask for specifically language-based stickers would be the various regional forums.




"Please Do Not Disturb" = .....


"This is an official game piece" = .....


"Refer to GEOCACHING.COM for details" = .....


Thank you




There is a NOTE on the Hide/Seek page that is downloadable in Spanish.


Print it out, laminate it then epoxy it to the cache container.


Duh... yeah I remember seeing that now... I will print that out and add it to the english version note I place inside the cache as well.


Thank you



Posted (edited)

I have seen stickers in various languages. I'm not sure exactly WHICH language though....can't remember. Don't know if there's any rules about posting non-Groundspeak dealers here, so I'll be safe & say just search up "buy geocache swag", or something similar. I've found at least a dozen reputable sites which sell geo-supplies.


Of course too, geo'ers often take pride in doing it themself. Other cachers have already given some ideas for you to try. What I often do is make "FTF Prize" tags out of regular copy paper. I tend to include 1 above-average goody in my caches for the first person. I just take a black ink pen & write "FTF Prize" on one side of a 1" X 3" piece of paper, and "Yours To Keep" on the other side. I then take some wide clear tape that you can buy at most U.S. post offices & seal each side with a piece. This makes the tag sturdy & water-proof & costs me maybe 2 cents each. And they do as good of a job as any commercial product you can buy.


P.S. I can translate anything you want into Old Latin. Only trouble is, all cachers that spoke Old Latin died out about 500 years ago. :anitongue::laughing:


P.S.S. You might can pick up some hints as to how to reduce theft over in this thread:



Edited by astrodav

Hmmm. In El Paso this wasn't a problem. Caches seemed to get muggled at the same rate as other places to which I've been in the US, and most were in English. :laughing:


I did have one cache that had the stash note in Spanish, which didn't help since it was muggled just like any other cache - and was a bush cache that most likely got taken by the ground crew (despite the fact that after receiving permission, I had talked to the groundskeepers about the cache)... :anitongue:


Perhaps in some areas, Spanish would be a better choice. Most (not all, but most) gringos that I've encountered in the regions you list would probably understand the note in Spanish.


Perhaps you should try naming the cache in Spanish, too, as I did with this one! :laughing:

Cache/hides being stolen/removed by hispanic muggles....

Your title sounds racist without further reading.

It sticks out in the topics like my crooked pinky finger.


A dual language sticker is a good idea. I wonder if a caching club in a Spanish-speaking country might be able to help you obtain one that is either in English/Spanish, or just in Spanish? Try posting in the Spain or Mexico/Central America regional forums for help.


As a courtesy to cachers who have trackable items in circulation, you should probably reconsider the size of the container if it is big enough to hold TB's or coins since you already know the cache is prone to muggling by the grounds crew. Even if it is labeled in Spanish, they will no doubt still open it and might remove the contents. Changing it to a micro (or a long, thin container) will prevent coins or TB's from being left there and subsequently stolen.


Another solution might be to move the cache to a new location in the same park/garden and update the coordinates. If it is extremely well-hidden or well-camoflauged, perhaps no one will spot it unless they are caching.

Posted (edited)
Cache/hides being stolen/removed by hispanic muggles....

Your title sounds racist without further reading.

It sticks out in the topics like my crooked pinky finger.


"WOW" Super Racist........this just shows that the "Amigos" are doing their job. Removing Trash, in your case "Geo-Trash"..........do you have pic's of who grabbed the cache? it could have been some of those little green guys, or perhaps the purple ones , even a white or black one who knows......."Assumption"

Edited by GIDEON-X
Cache/hides being stolen/removed by hispanic muggles....

Your title sounds racist without further reading.

It sticks out in the topics like my crooked pinky finger.


"WOW" Super Racist........this just shows that the "Amigos" are doing their job. Removing Trash, in your case "Geo-Trash"..........do you have pic's of who grabbed the cache? it could have been some of those little green guys, or perhaps the purple ones , even a white or black one who knows......."Assumption"



I'm surprised it took this long for the "race card" to get tossed in by the victimologists. :laughing:


Since its a made-up word, I would imagine that "geocache" is going to translate as "geocache", and since maintenance workers may not have their iPhones in their overall pockets, www.geocaching.com may not be accessable to them, either.


Google's rough translation feature suggests that "geocaching game piece. Please leave this here." would translate as "geocaching pieza de juego. Por favor, deje este aquí." That should be enough to get the idea across, I'd think.


I'm surprised that someone hasn't mentioned that if maintenance crews continue to throw out a cache that perhaps more communication is required with whoever gave permission for the hide.


I'm surprised that someone hasn't mentioned that if maintenance crews continue to throw out a cache that perhaps more communication is required with whoever gave permission for the hide.


Or perhaps more communication is required from whomever gave permission.

Cache/hides being stolen/removed by hispanic muggles....

Your title sounds racist without further reading.

It sticks out in the topics like my crooked pinky finger.


"WOW" Super Racist........this just shows that the "Amigos" are doing their job. Removing Trash, in your case "Geo-Trash"..........do you have pic's of who grabbed the cache? it could have been some of those little green guys, or perhaps the purple ones , even a white or black one who knows......."Assumption"


I would like you, or the post directly above, to describe to me in precise detail how the title of this post is racist... seriously, I'll wait here all day looking for a response.


Let's take a look at the title...

"Cache/hides being stolen/removed by hispanic muggles...."


is using the word "hispanic" taboo? Nope, it isn't, especially when not used in a derogatory fashion.


I'm surprised that someone hasn't mentioned that if maintenance crews continue to throw out a cache that perhaps more communication is required with whoever gave permission for the hide.


Or perhaps more communication is required from whomever gave permission.

I'm thinking that the communication that you suggest is not going to happen spontaneously.


I'm surprised that someone hasn't mentioned that if maintenance crews continue to throw out a cache that perhaps more communication is required with whoever gave permission for the hide.


Or perhaps more communication is required from whomever gave permission.


After fully reading OP I have a definite feeling of sympathy. We have a crew come through the neighborhood I live in and they are usually hispanic. I also work in one of the local school districts where 60% of our 11,000 students are or have been English Learners. It's a reality in the western USA that immigrants will quite happily take on the work most citizens deign as beneath them or too hard for the pay. Good workers, most of them (aside those who keep blowing leafs into my carport) and a keen eye for anything which looks out of place.


By all means place a sticker, if they can read they may mind it, but keep it very simple and very clear, as they generally don't want to be seen standing around lollygagging.





I'm surprised that someone hasn't mentioned that if maintenance crews continue to throw out a cache that perhaps more communication is required with whoever gave permission for the hide.


That was my first thought when I read the OP.

Cache/hides being stolen/removed by hispanic muggles....

Your title sounds racist without further reading.

It sticks out in the topics like my crooked pinky finger.

The title appeared that way but after reading the OP that is not the case at all. All further accusations that the OP made a racist statement will cease and desist.

Cache/hides being stolen/removed by hispanic muggles....

Your title sounds racist without further reading.

It sticks out in the topics like my crooked pinky finger.


"WOW" Super Racist........this just shows that the "Amigos" are doing their job. Removing Trash, in your case "Geo-Trash"..........do you have pic's of who grabbed the cache? it could have been some of those little green guys, or perhaps the purple ones , even a white or black one who knows......."Assumption"


I think the poster was just trying to explain a situation. Due to the nature of the problem, a language barrier, they needed to explain a bit further. Hence, saying that the muggles were hispanic. They said nothing deragotory about said muggles, just that they were doing their job. Racism is NOT discussing race, it is denegrading a person due to their race, which this poster DID NOT DO.


My two cents. Take it or leave it.


I stated the title came across racist... not the post.

Your title sounds racist without further reading.

It sticks out in the topics like my crooked pinky finger.

I personally find it offensive because it reads as if it's singling out an individual race for stealing caches.
Cache/hides being stolen/removed by hispanic muggles....
Without reading the post it is impossible to know whether it is meant in a derogatory way or not.


Yes, with further reading it brings up a good idea of marking caches in dual languages. I'm all for it.

I only believe the title could have better worded. Simple.


I stated the title came across racist... not the post.

Your title sounds racist without further reading.

It sticks out in the topics like my crooked pinky finger.

I personally find it offensive because it reads as if it's singling out an individual race for stealing caches.
Cache/hides being stolen/removed by hispanic muggles....
Without reading the post it is impossible to know whether it is meant in a derogatory way or not.


Confusing, I'll give you. But it is still not racist, unless you're an ultra sensitive alarmist or apologist.. which I am not suggesting that you are. :anibad:


"Gringos utilizar este objeto para sus juegos utilizando un tonto GPS. Por favor, no te muevas o tomar este objeto. Gracias!"

Tried to translate, but "tonto GPS" = "idiot GPS"??? I'll have you know that my Garmin Summit HC is brilliant! :anibad:


I had an ammo can cache muggled recently by the maintenance crew that takes care of our huge business park. While good for the park, these guys make it tough for finding a hide for a larger container. They are exceptionally thorough (good luck finding a single stray leaf in a bush when they're done!).


I hadn't even given thought to needing a dual language geostickers, but having tried to start up a conversation during a break with the guys working around our building, it's clear that some of them have very limited English skills. In retrospect, dual language stickers make a whole lot of sense here, too... but I'm not so sure about "tonto GPS"! Watching is wandering out in the weeds, nos toman por tontos already.

Posted (edited)


I would like you, or the post directly above, to describe to me in precise detail how the title of this post is racist... seriously, I'll wait here all day looking for a response.


Let's take a look at the title...

"Cache/hides being stolen/removed by hispanic muggles...."


is using the word "hispanic" taboo? Nope, it isn't, especially when not used in a derogatory fashion.

OK, I don't want you to have to wait too long. The assumption, stated as fact, that someone of a particular race is "stealing" or removing the cache(s) is racist. What was expressed in the body of the post is very different than what is claimed in the title.


edited to acknowledge that the poster asking the question was not the OP

Edited by hukilaulau
Cache/hides being stolen/removed by hispanic muggles....
Without reading the post it is impossible to know whether it is meant in a derogatory way or not.
So... it could be interpreted two ways, and you automatically assumed it was the derogatory one? :anibad:


Yes, with further reading it brings up a good idea of marking caches in dual languages. I'm all for it.

I only believe the title could have better worded. Simple.

How's this:

Cache/hides being stolen/removed by hispanic muggles who speak Spanish and not English....

PC enough for yah?

Cache/hides being stolen/removed by hispanic muggles....
Without reading the post it is impossible to know whether it is meant in a derogatory way or not.
So... it could be interpreted two ways, and you automatically assumed it was the derogatory one? :anibad:

When the word stealing is used... how could it not be derogatory?


Yes, with further reading it brings up a good idea of marking caches in dual languages. I'm all for it.

I only believe the title could have better worded. Simple.

How's this:
Cache/hides being stolen/removed by hispanic muggles who speak Spanish and not English....
PC enough for yah?

Yes, much better. Gracias. B)


Tried to translate, but "tonto GPS" = "idiot GPS"???


Well, there goes my opinion of the Lone Ranger!


Check out Google's list of variations on the definition of "tonto!"


Uh, the "silly" or "cretin" reference was to the gringo geocacher's preference for their selected activity (which in this case would be geocaching), not to the GPSr.....


Plus, Tonto was indian American Indian (or "Navtive American," according to the obviously misnamed Bureau of Indian Affairs, whom most tribes seem to discount) not hispanic, so it is possible your Lone Ranger opinion need not be affected.


When I came across this last night I was worried that the content would be offensive. I was wrong. I read it carefully and came to the conclusion that the OP was merely trying to discuss a way to communicate the situation. Hispanic isn't a derogatory word though the attitudes towards those who are hispanic can be prejudiced. I spent the last few years living in Guatemala interacting exclusively with native Guatemaltecos and understand the difficulty in finding the correct balance in both writing and speech to discuss issues arising from language or cultural differences. Discussion is healthy and pretending that there aren't differences between groups of people is well-meaning but ultimately not celebrating or understanding the diversity.


I'll look at the list of phrases the OP provided and provide some polite, neutrally-phrased (soft imperatives using infinitives) translations later in the day hopefully by PM. Some of the suggestions already great and I'm sure other Spanish speakers will help as well :anibad:


Tried to translate, but "tonto GPS" = "idiot GPS"???


Well, there goes my opinion of the Lone Ranger!


Check out Google's list of variations on the definition of "tonto!"


Uh, the "silly" or "cretin" reference was to the gringo geocacher's preference for their selected activity (which in this case would be geocaching), not to the GPSr.....


Plus, Tonto was indian American Indian (or "Navtive American," according to the obviously misnamed Bureau of Indian Affairs, whom most tribes seem to discount) not hispanic, so it is possible your Lone Ranger opinion need not be affected.


Humor, Jeep Dog... humor. :anibad:


How about a thread in Off Topic about what sort of title rises to the level of racism? I think the OP's question has been answered. Just a suggestion.

Posted (edited)

Good grief.


So, have you talked to the land owners and asked them to not have their garden crew remove the cache? Your real issue here is with the land owners and any communication issue between you and them.


Yes, speaking of landowners...


Perhaps this should be solved "Cowboy They Who Herd Free-Range Bovines to More Fertile Pastures" style -


City Dweller Goes Geocaching


A citizen of Dallas got tired of all the stories of his office colleagues who went geocaching every weekend. They frequently boasted of their prowess in the hunt and how many caches they had found. So not to be outdone this city dweller decides he's going geocaching to show them all up. He buys the most expensive GPSr available, all his clothes and gear from Groundspeak and Cabella's, and goes geocaching. After an exasperating day of hiking through the brush and briars without finding a single cache, he heads back to his car. On the way back, he sees an easy 1/1 waypoint in his GPSr located in a small clearing next to a fence that is adjacent to parking and has a bilingual sticker depicting that this item is a geocache. He diverts from the trail 40 feet and easily finds the cache.


As the geocacher opens the book to log his first find , he was confronted by a rancher who says, "What the heck do you think you're doin', city boy?"


The geocacher replies, "I'm logging my find."


The rancher replies, "The Corps of Engineers are wrong with the fence boundry. This is my property, and that's my ammo can."


The new geocacher says, "Oh come on, I've been out here all day and and that is the only cache I've found, and I see the Corps of Engineer post marking the boundry right there. I found my first cache, and I'm logging this find!"


The rancher again stubbornly says, "My property, my ammo can."


Well, they argued for a few minutes and, finally, the rancher says, "Ok, I'll tell you what, we'll settle this cowboy style."


The geocacher says, "What's that?"


The rancher says, "Well, I kick you in the crotch as hard as I can, and then you kick me in the crotch as hard as you can, and we keep this up and the last man standing keeps the ammo can."


The geocacher not wanting to return home empty-handed and face the forums without a find reluctantly agrees. The rancher wearing large pointy cowboy boots haul back and kicks the guy in the crotch with all his might. The guy's eyes roll back in his head, he coughs and wheezes but barely manages to remain standing.


The geocacher composes himself somewhat and squeaks to the farmer, "Okay, now its my turn."


The rancher replies, "Oh, that there ain't my property. You can have that stupid ammo can."



(sorry, thought some levity was needed in here...)


edit - chad's friend, humor indeed. This time, just not so dry on my part.... :anibad:

Edited by Jeep_Dog
Cache/hides being stolen/removed by hispanic muggles....
Without reading the post it is impossible to know whether it is meant in a derogatory way or not.
So... it could be interpreted two ways, and you automatically assumed it was the derogatory one? :anibad:

When the word stealing is used... how could it not be derogatory?


Yes, with further reading it brings up a good idea of marking caches in dual languages. I'm all for it.

I only believe the title could have better worded. Simple.

How's this:
Cache/hides being stolen/removed by hispanic muggles who speak Spanish and not English....
PC enough for yah?

Yes, much better. Gracias. B)


I agree, it's important to change the language to reflect the 0.001% of the population in that area who speak spanish, do not know english and are not hispanic.. Good call.


When we book people into our jail, we give them an information sheet to fill out.

Name, DOB, Address, Height, Weight, etc.

I was once tasked with developing a Spanish language version of this form. An odd choice, since I don't speak Spanish.

What I discovered, upon presenting the completed form to the intended arrestees, is that about 75% of them were illiterate.

Having been born in Spanish speaking countries, they could speak the language fluently, (obviously), but they couldn't read it.

I'm wondering how effective a Spanish language geocaching sticker would be?

Maybe some sort of visual aid would be more effective? :anibad:



I'll look at the list of phrases the OP provided and provide some polite, neutrally-phrased (soft imperatives using infinitives) translations later in the day hopefully by PM. Some of the suggestions already great and I'm sure other Spanish speakers will help as well :anibad:


Perhaps you can post them publicly so that others with a similar situation can also benefit from your lingual abilities. Just a thought.


I agree, it's important to change the language to reflect the 0.001% of the population in that area who speak spanish, do not know english and are not hispanic.. Good call.



Posted (edited)

Maybe some sort of visual aid would be more effective? :anibad:


Nope, that's no good, either. Understanding of pictures can be idiomatic based upon cultural interpretation, too (edit - yeah, case in point is the post below this one. What the heck does that picture mean?!?!? To me it looks like "an excessively long-horned three-headed goat pooped here").


My vote is an AUDIBLE aide. You know, a cache device which speaks it's nature, in all known languages of the area and expected tourists, to avoid all confusion.


Naturally, a side effect of this would be our DNF Ratios decreasing as caches speak to us as we approach them....

Edited by Jeep_Dog

I was thinking something like this would be good.


Geocache Oficial (geo caché) pieza de juego. Un contenedor para algunos ocultos para encontrar utilizando un sistema de posicionamiento global o GPS. La colocación se publica en otros www.geocaching.com para buscar y encontrar.


La autorización ha sido concedida por el dueño de esta propiedad debe ser puesto aquí. Por favor, no elimines. Gracias!


Por favor, visite www.geocaching.com para más información.




Offical GEOCACHE ( geo cache ) game piece. A hidden container for some to find using a Global positioning system, or GPS. The placement is posted on www.geocaching.com for others to look up and find.


Permission has been granted by the owner of this property to be placed here. Please do not remove. Thank you!!!


Please visit www.geocaching.com for more information.




I don't think it is racist at all. It was PC. How else would you say it?

Posted (edited)
Good grief.


So, have you talked to the land owners and asked them to not have their garden crew remove the cache? Your real issue here is with the land owners and any communication issue between you and them.

The LO is aware of the caches, but the members of the grounds-crew seem to change on a very regular basis and the message obviously isn't being communicated. The LO has plenty to do without worrying over something that isn't a priority to begin with. We're not talking your typical little business park, either. This thing is 963 acres, and while I don't know the total body count for the guys that keep this place tidy, it's considerable. There's trucks and people all over the place all the time. So it's no surprise that word isn't being passed along, and I can't really expect more. The dual language stickers would be a good move, and something I should have thought of before.


Edit: Also understand that the groundskeeping outfit is a contracted company, and that none of these guys work directly for the LO, so it's not like the communication lines are all that tight to begin with.

Edited by ecanderson


I'll look at the list of phrases the OP provided and provide some polite, neutrally-phrased (soft imperatives using infinitives) translations later in the day hopefully by PM. Some of the suggestions already great and I'm sure other Spanish speakers will help as well :anibad:


Perhaps you can post them publicly so that others with a similar situation can also benefit from your lingual abilities. Just a thought.


Okay I will... I was just trying to not bump a topic that looks like it has touched a lot of nerves. Also, looks like mchaos did a nice one already. I'd only remove the imperatives and use the infinitives to soften it. I'm not sure if that's a global thing though but it is how it is often done where I was.


I have a few minutes before an appointment so lets see what I can do... Written Spanish is not my forte B)


"OFFICIAL GEOCACHE" = Geocache Oficial


"Please Do Not Disturb" = Por Favor No Molestar or Por Favor Dejarlo Así


"This is an official game piece" = Esta cosa es un pieza oficial del juego "Geocaching"


"Refer to GEOCACHING.COM for details" = Por Favor, consultar http://www.GEOCACHING.COM para detalles y más información. ¡Muchas gracias!


Just write "No basura!" on the container with a marker. It means "not trash". We write it on things at work that we don't want the cleaning crew to throw away and I write it on my caches occasionally.


Your main problem is it sounds like a bad location if it's been thrown away twice. Archive it and try somewhere else. There's no shame in admitting that you picked a poor location. Happens all the time.



I'll look at the list of phrases the OP provided and provide some polite, neutrally-phrased (soft imperatives using infinitives) translations later in the day hopefully by PM. Some of the suggestions already great and I'm sure other Spanish speakers will help as well :anibad:


Perhaps you can post them publicly so that others with a similar situation can also benefit from your lingual abilities. Just a thought.


Okay I will... I was just trying to not bump a topic that looks like it has touched a lot of nerves. Also, looks like mchaos did a nice one already. I'd only remove the imperatives and use the infinitives to soften it. I'm not sure if that's a global thing though but it is how it is often done where I was.


I have a few minutes before an appointment so lets see what I can do... Written Spanish is not my forte B)


"OFFICIAL GEOCACHE" = Geocache Oficial


"Please Do Not Disturb" = Por Favor No Molestar or Por Favor Dejarlo Así


"This is an official game piece" = Esta cosa es un pieza oficial del juego "Geocaching"


"Refer to GEOCACHING.COM for details" = Por Favor, consultar http://www.GEOCACHING.COM para detalles y más información. ¡Muchas gracias!


I think it would be more effective to say something like. "If you touch this the INS will find you"



I think it would be more effective to say something like. "If you touch this the INS will find you"


Not even remotely humorous. In the regions which we are discussing, a majority of the people to whom we refer are US citizens who speak Spanish. To assume the acronym INS would make a difference could be quite insulting to some.


First: Hispanic is not a race.

Second: I found the title of this thread to be quite offensive.

Third: Assuming that permission was received to place the cache, the present location does not seem to be a good one. OP's wife should consider moving the cache.

Fourth: OP does not seem to know for sure who actually removed the cache.

I have many caches out in heavily hispanic areas, and have never had a problem. If they disappear, I replace them. I have no idea who took them, so I do not accuse anyone. I have included the cache sheet in Spanish in some. I have no idea if that makes any difference.


Your title sounds racist without further reading.

It sticks out in the topics like my crooked pinky finger.



"WOW" Super Racist........this just shows that the "Amigos" are doing their job. Removing Trash, in your case "Geo-Trash"..........do you have pic's of who grabbed the cache? it could have been some of those little green guys, or perhaps the purple ones , even a white or black one who knows......."Assumption"


Only if you make it that way. You'll notice that the great majority of us DIDN'T try to make it racist. It could have said "Caucasions", "Russians", "Chinese", or "Eskimos" as far as I'm concerned. I wasn't looking for a reason to jerk the race-card out like evidently some were.


I have many caches out in heavily hispanic areas, and have never had a problem. If they disappear, I replace them. I have no idea who took them, so I do not accuse anyone.


Excellent point! For all we know, it could be a ravenous pack of cache-hating chihuahuas that cause these problems!


Very well, forum title suggestion: Cache/hides coming up missing in bilingual areas...

Posted (edited)

The LO is aware of the caches, but the members of the grounds-crew seem to change on a very regular basis and the message obviously isn't being communicated. The LO has plenty to do without worrying over something that isn't a priority to begin with. We're not talking your typical little business park, either. This thing is 963 acres, and while I don't know the total body count for the guys that keep this place tidy, it's considerable. There's trucks and people all over the place all the time. So it's no surprise that word isn't being passed along, and I can't really expect more. The dual language stickers would be a good move, and something I should have thought of before.


Edit: Also understand that the grounds-keeping outfit is a contracted company, and that none of these guys work directly for the LO, so it's not like the communication lines are all that tight to begin with.


I see. I vastly underestimated the size of the park. Are there other caches hidden in the park and are they having the same problem? Otherwise, I have to go with this as the best solution/answer:


Just write "No basura!" on the container with a marker. It means "not trash". We write it on things at work that we don't want the cleaning crew to throw away and I write it on my caches occasionally.


Your main problem is it sounds like a bad location if it's been thrown away twice. Archive it and try somewhere else. There's no shame in admitting that you picked a poor location. Happens all the time.

Edited by Castle Mischief

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