+Chickahominy Posted June 25, 2009 Posted June 25, 2009 Kita will require a lift from the Flying Spaghetti Monst-arrrrrrrr in order to get to the Treasu-rrrrrre LOL!
+Chickahominy Posted June 25, 2009 Posted June 25, 2009 Shiver me timbers, me mornin' rum had not kicked in yet when ye first posted o' yer predicament.... but with a lil' help from the man in black I came up with a plan... Gather yer enemies unto a ring of fire, they'll go down, down, down as the flames get higher...a ring o' firrrrrrrrrre. Johnny Cash???? LOL!
aniyn Posted June 25, 2009 Posted June 25, 2009 Shiver me timbers, me mornin' rum had not kicked in yet when ye first posted o' yer predicament.... but with a lil' help from the man in black I came up with a plan... Gather yer enemies unto a ring of fire, they'll go down, down, down as the flames get higher...a ring o' firrrrrrrrrre. Johnny Cash???? LOL! It's a well documented fact that Johnny Cash was a pirate. Just google it.
ATMouse Posted June 25, 2009 Posted June 25, 2009 (edited) Aye, sir! The crew agrees that you need to finally show these scurvy bunch your true powers, sir! We will make a commotion just out of sight of those thugs and you can climb to the highest tree and fly over them, sir! Edited June 25, 2009 by ATMouse
+Carbon Hunter Posted June 25, 2009 Posted June 25, 2009 (edited) Purrfect - we seem to have a problem. This just makes me want to spit a hairball!!!! http://www.mypicx.com/06252009/Pirate/ Well this is going to take a bit of doing. But this is the plan. 1) Take off my wooden pegleg and throw it North East (yes you liver lillyed landlubbers - the map does have north at the base). That silly half brained dog will chase it thinking this is the worlds greatest game since cutlass crossing and pugilism. 2) The phesants that were quietly performing their courtship dance will "jump up in fright and take flight like a kite" (now say that quickly 10 times you tongue tired terror of the tepid turbulence). The will fly towards the tallest point (the flag pole) 3) The Pansy Pirroetting Pirates from Penznace will flee westward Ho - and run straight into a waiting rattle snake! Ignoring the age old "Don't tread on me" - these guys will be toast - leaving me to grab the booty and head north 4) Taking the waiting get away car - we move from a Pirate story into a great getaway. and make off. You'll find me and my matey living on a small fish shaped island in the Carribean. Eating fish and birds (Jack Sparrows in particular). One dubloon and a piece of eight goes to the dogs for their help. Of course we stopped for a bit of milk from the cows on the way past too. I love it when a plan comes together. Edited June 25, 2009 by Carbon Hunter
+Jackalgirl Posted June 25, 2009 Posted June 25, 2009 (edited) <ahem> First, Harlots & Scurvy Dogs, let me direct yer attention to th' map and th' associat'd scale bar(rrrr). Note, if'n ye please, the wordin': "SCALE IN FEET" This be yer first clue. Let us be lookin' at feet, shall we? The Cap'n - may we call ye 'Tripod', Cap'n? - she still be havin' her stylish and functional peg leg and perfectly poised paws. But our passle o' four-water grog-drinkin' stage monkeys be cut off at the knees. The squirrel, me mateys. Aye, look at the squirrel! The pirates' knees? Oh, give or take two feet off the ground. The squirrel's height (judging by th' scale bar)? Two feet. Coincidence? I think not! Yes, our clever an' wily Cap'n, she be parlayin' with those scurrrrrilous Sciuridae an' charmin' 'em into kneehaulin' those tune-blubberin' landlubberin' excuses fer pirates! An' now that the Cap'n has defeated [HAR HAR HAR!] those cheatin' sons o' biscuit eaters, she can simply walk to the treasure! [step-step-step-THUMP! step-step-step-THUMP! step-step-step-THUMP! step-step-step-THUMP!] "Rrowrrrrrrrrrrrrr"* *"The treasure be mine!" Edited June 25, 2009 by Jackalgirl
+SgtMikal Posted June 25, 2009 Posted June 25, 2009 Me plan is a simple one. Me thinks you should walk up to the scurvy lads, holding a plank. Lay it on the ground beside the goup and look each of them in the eye, muttering nere a word. As soon as one of them starts to ask a question, shush them like that scene in Austin Powers. When someone else tries to ask a question, start singing, "Let me tell you a story about a man named SHH!" When they look at each other in confusion, pick one who is still looking at you, and say, "SHH! That was a pre-emptive SHH! Just know that I have a whole bag of SHH with your name on it." As they all mill about in bewilderment, tell them, "I have a simple question for you. The first person to answer it can watch as the others walk this plank. The question is this: What is the difference between an egg?" As they all mutter in confusion, simply walk around them and get the treasure that you have been seeking!
+Team CeDo Posted June 25, 2009 Posted June 25, 2009 For this task capt'n Kita knew there was only one thing to do.....call upon the back up ship "the flying dutchman", and Spongebob square pants and the not so courageous Patrick star. With the help of the two, capt'n Kita was able to confuse the pirates and sneak past them grabbing the treasure before the pirates even knew what was going on. Thank you for an awesome cointest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
+fuzziebear3 Posted June 25, 2009 Posted June 25, 2009 (edited) Arrrr mateys, we go around. Thar be some bushwackin, but that is what our handy cutlasses (Pirate Bushwhacking Swords) be made fer! We start to the NE, where we can pick up the lovely Compass Rose, which will be handy on the rest of our Journey. Continuing NNE, we get some Peaceful Doves (suncatchers), useful in calming any negotiations. A bit NW to pick up some GeoGold and GeoGems in them thar hills. Then back on track to the NE to meet up with the Eclectic Penguins, who must be useful somehow. Continuing to the N, we will come across the Cache Critters (cow edition). The penguins can round up them cows (the Mystery Bandita might come along and help), while we parlay with the ladies who are having an Event and have offered us a feast of MWGB Chicken and spaghetti. The cows, now corralled by the penguins, will be incited by the Flying Spaghetti Monster, and will charge up the road, scattering the pirates to the 4 Corners Benchmarks. They will even drop their Pirates of the Caribbean Doubloons. We can then head up the road (just be sure to Look Twice) and pick up the nice Traveling Case for all of our booty. Don't forget to stop at the Mailbox on our way by. Along the road, there is an Earth Turtle crossing, so we should help any of them along too. As we head back to the port, we can grab that Betsy Ross from the pole, and that Rattlesnake from its lair. And I hear there are Trilobytes along the shore by the port. Before we board, we can refresh at the Celtic Tree of Life, and I saw the Fox and Hound nearby too. Then we need to sail off in search of Neptune's Compass for our next adventure. Edited June 25, 2009 by fuzziebear3
+GATOULIS Posted June 25, 2009 Posted June 25, 2009 That is easy For a Pirate with your fame!!! a good captain must have a plan and a backup plan and a way to escape if things will not go as you wished! I can help in that!!!! I just want a share from the treasure.... do not forget I am a Cat too!!! Plan A! Remember.. you are a captain of Pirates!!! Go ahead and face them! they are just crue! start talking about adventures and gold (do not mention abut the treausure!!!), and take them in your side! they only want to go back! they need a ship and probably a captain! You are the one! And.... remember... you have 9 lives!!! Isn't that enough to convince them that you are the best captain they can find??? Emergency case, PLAN B Never forget that you are an animal!!! A real animal, not.... It is time to activate the animal alliance!! Bring all the animals of the island and talk to them! According to the Alliance, they are obliged to help you! Animals rule!!! Attack the pirates with your new army! Animals know the place! they know how to attack and surprise the enemy! On the other hand... do not forget to ask them if there is an other way to avoid the pirates and go on the other side (find an excuse...like you want to see these strange machines with the name CAR you can see in the map (what are they doing there????) .... do not say anything about the treasure!). Then thank them and leave, taking an other way! Do not go direct to the place the treasure is! Be sure that you are not beiing watchd first and then go! Escaping plan and red allert plan! If you can not convince the other animals to follow you (some may understand that you are hiding something some are more clever.... Do I see a fox in the map???) just ask them to lead you from a safe passage to the USA camp! I can see a USA flag in the map!!! Go to the head officer and tell him that terrorists, (Somalian pirates??) are close to the camp that they are dangerous! then let US army do the rest!!! Now the treasure is yours!!! What do you think now?? Did I convince you with my plans??
xpat-021 Posted June 25, 2009 Posted June 25, 2009 I rrrecon me matey, that you befriend them on yrrrrrr way!!! Offer em some good ol' rrum. Wait tell they drunk and head off underrr the coverrrr of night. Don't howeverrrr forrrrget to nick their GPS and ditch y'r map so that you can find the treasure without any hassels. Make sure y'r out of there quick though as ya don want no trouble when they awake...
+fuzziebear3 Posted June 25, 2009 Posted June 25, 2009 Time fer ano'ter joke, mateys!! So, there's this pirate ship in the midst of a long voyage. The men have grown terribly bored. A pirate amongst them happens to know a bunch of magic tricks, and he decides to put on a magic show. His parrot, however, is quite gossipy and can't keep it's mouth shut. The pirate begins his first trick, and tha parrot gives it away by saying "rawwk, the coin is in the other hand, rawwk!" Frustrated, the pirate tries another trick, but again, the parrot gives it away by blurting out "rawwk, look under the table, rawwk!" This goes on for some time, to a point that the pirate can't manage to perform anything spectacular to entertain the crew. His anger towards his blabbermouth parrot eventually grows so phenomenal that one night he gets very drunk and accidentally crashes the ship into some rocks. Sobering up the next morning, he finds himself adrift on some wreckage. The parrot, ever the attentive sidekick, happens to land next to him looking quite puzzled. It says to him: "Rawwk, Okay, I give up, What'd ya do with the boat?"
+surteb Posted June 25, 2009 Posted June 25, 2009 Yo ho ho! It be an easy task luring those scallywags away from yer treasure. Ya just start singin' a tune from another pirate musical, "The Pirate Queen"! In no time at all, they be forgetting all about swashbucklin' and stealing yer booty. Aye, they'll be too busy dancin' on their peg legs and singing along with the lassie who's a singing to them. This method ain't be for the lily-livered, though, cause a pirate's voice ain't none too sweet. But it be worth it for you to be back to countin' your doubloons!
+LadyBee4T Posted June 25, 2009 Posted June 25, 2009 Here's what Capt'n Kita said of his dramatic grabbing of the treasure-- Ya gotta be outta ye mind ye wench if ya be thinkin' I'd reveal the secret of the trip to the treasure. We felines are known as crafty creatures and I'd not be wastin one of me 9 lifes on that motley crew of 17--nary a one would I waste I tell ye. But since the treasure be all mine I'll give ya a hint. Keep to a bearing of SSW and creep along on their bad eye side. They be brawling and partying up a storm but ye can never be too careful. Once you see the One-Eyed Jack then head SSE and scurry along the side of the Hill until you see the X you won't see the treasure though because I have already plundered it!! Roar Roar!!
+anne.and.eli Posted June 25, 2009 Author Posted June 25, 2009 HAHAhahahahaha these stories are just getting funnier and more awesome. Once again I'm off to no-internet land, but I'll be back in time for the dramatic conclusion! Thanks everyone for playing.
+Frank n Beck Posted June 25, 2009 Posted June 25, 2009 Send them rum and plenty of it then when they had their fill send a wench, they'll be fightin before you know it. Then take your time and walk on by
+anne.and.eli Posted June 25, 2009 Author Posted June 25, 2009 (edited) Oops, got bitten by the board bug! Edited June 25, 2009 by anne.and.eli
+anne.and.eli Posted June 25, 2009 Author Posted June 25, 2009 (edited) Back online! Day 4 looks like this so far: Day 4 85. JohnMac56 86. Chickahominy 87. opalsns 88. SYOTT 89. Clarkbowman 90. aniyn 91. slowdownracer 92. catsnfish 93. sunsetmeadowlark 94. Ashallond 95. AlienHeads 96. gardengorilla 97. snowball 58 98. FScout 99. ATMouse 100.carbon hunter 101.jackalgirl 102.SgtMikal 103.Team CeDo 104.fuzziebear3 105.gatoulis 106.xpat-021 107.surteb 108.LadyBee4T 109. Frank n Beck You still have 2.5 hours left! If I missed your post, bonk me on the head! Edited June 25, 2009 by anne.and.eli
+anne.and.eli Posted June 26, 2009 Author Posted June 26, 2009 Arrrr th' contest be over! Here be th' names o' th' recruits wantin' t' be First Mate! Day 1 1. geoholic28 2. snowball 58 3. the saint 4. The Walkabouts 5. Penguin#1 6. LadyBee4T 7. SYOTT 8. jackalgirl 9. gardengorilla 10.opalsns 11.sunsetmeadowlark 12.Frank n Beck 13.aniyn 14.slowdownracer 15.irwando 16.GATOULIS 17.DresselDragons 18.Clarkbowman 19.xpat-021 20.FScout 21.ATMouse 22.surteb 23.Ashallond 24.SgtMikal Day 2 25. Ashallond 26. LadyBee4T 27. opalsns 28. SYOTT 29. aniyn 30. slowdownracer 31. IC1 32. snowball 58 33. fuzziebear3 34. sunsetmeadowlark 35. TYMKER 36. The Walkabouts 37. Frank n Beck 38. irwando 39. JohnMac56 40. gardengorilla 41. clarkbowman 42. AlienHeads 43. Jackalgirl 44. Team CeDo 45. Penguin#1 46. Surteb 47. ATMouse 48. seekerfamily 49. FScoutdl 50. SgtMikal 51. hollora 52. GATOULIS 53. xpat-021 54. rosebud55112 55. The Saint 56. chickahominy Day 3 57. opalsns 58. clarkbowman 59. slowdownracer 60. Team CeDo 61. JohnMac56 62. sunsetmeadowlark 63. The Walkabouts 64. snowball 58 65. jackalgirl 66. aniyn 67. irwando 68. carbon hunter 69. gardengorilla 70. xpat-021 71. sgtMikal 72. ATMouse 73. GATOULIS 74. Frank n Beck 75. Penguin#1 76. fuzziebear3 77. LadyBee4T 78. Chickahominy 79. scottch 80. rosebud55112 81. FScout 82. kehunt64 83. AlienHeads 84. Surteb Day 4 85. JohnMac56 86. Chickahominy 87. opalsns 88. SYOTT 89. Clarkbowman 90. aniyn 91. slowdownracer 92. catsnfish 93. sunsetmeadowlark 94. Ashallond 95. AlienHeads 96. gardengorilla 97. snowball 58 98. FScout 99. ATMouse 100.carbon hunter 101.jackalgirl 102.SgtMikal 103.Team CeDo 104.fuzziebear3 105.gatoulis 106.xpat-021 107.surteb 108.LadyBee4T 109.Frank n Beck Now it be time for pickin!
+Team CeDo Posted June 26, 2009 Posted June 26, 2009 (edited) Pirate goes into a bar and says me parrot can sing. I pull his left leg, he sings Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, I pull his right leg he sings Appy Birthday. And sure enough, the parrot does it. Someone asks What happens if you pull both his legs? and the parrot says I fall off my perch you idiot. A pirate has a peg-leg, a hook, an eyepatch, but what bothers him is one day he notices he has a screw in his bellybutton. He goes to the doctor, the doctor gets out a screwdriver, and takes the screw out. Then the pirate's butt falls off. I know too late for cointest, but still had to post em!!!! LOL Edited June 26, 2009 by Team CeDo
+anne.and.eli Posted June 26, 2009 Author Posted June 26, 2009 I be consultin' th' stars and th' oracle. She be tellin' me t' get to random.org and follow th' wisdom I be findin' there. Random.org be tellin me that 38 be th' lucky number!! Congrats be goin' t' irwando!
+anne.and.eli Posted June 26, 2009 Author Posted June 26, 2009 I was planning to pick irwando for the funniest song adaptation, but no fair winning both prizes! So I'm going through the thread again to get another one. Please hold!
+LadyBee4T Posted June 26, 2009 Posted June 26, 2009 Congratulations to the winner!! and a big thanks for the cointests. They were a lot of fun and I enjoyed the jokes!!!
+anne.and.eli Posted June 26, 2009 Author Posted June 26, 2009 (edited) Okay, looking through everything, and you all did such a fantastic job, I REALLY wish I had some sorta token prize I could give to you all! Sadly, I don't. You all have really made this a great week, getting pirate speak in emails and all. Okay, but I had to pick. So I did! Fuzziebear3 gets the Quartermaster secondary prize!! Not only because they changed their icon (hehe) but also because I loved their pirate story answer to #4 which incorporated tons of geocoins into it!! The whole thing had me laughing out loud by the end, so I decided it counted. So Fuzziebear3, send me your address and I will send you the Quartermaster secondary prize! Thanks again a ton for everyone who played. This was a TON of fun! Also, thanks to google and the internet for all the graphics and riddles I "borrowed". [Edit to add bold so you all can easily pick out the winner in my wordy posts!] Edited June 26, 2009 by anne.and.eli
+Frank n Beck Posted June 26, 2009 Posted June 26, 2009 Congrats to the winners! And thanks anne.and.eli for a great cointest, we really liked this one!
+opalsns Posted June 26, 2009 Posted June 26, 2009 Congrats to Yer First Maties for finding and retrieving the treasure. Anne and Eli, Kudos for a FUN, FUN, FUN , cointest!!!!!!!!!!! GREAT JOB EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!! OPalsns
+irwando Posted June 26, 2009 Posted June 26, 2009 I was planning to pick irwando for the funniest song adaptation, but no fair winning both prizes! So I'm going through the thread again to get another one. Please hold! Wow, thanks! I'm honored on both accounts! I suppose I need to send an address or something now...
+Chickahominy Posted June 26, 2009 Posted June 26, 2009 Congratulations to the winners! Thanks for the cointest. It was a lot of fun! Avast, me mateys... I'll be drownin' my sorrows in a tankard of rum for not winning that shiny dubloon you was offerin' up!
+anne.and.eli Posted June 26, 2009 Author Posted June 26, 2009 Noooooo don't do it chickahominy! Unless you're gonna turn it into a pina colada or something. Mmmmm drowning in pina colada.... uh right. sorry. Hrm. Obviously I just need to go design a cool looking piratey coin so I'll have tons for trades and such. Plus I still want to see your personal coin! Isn't it done yet?! lol
+GATOULIS Posted June 26, 2009 Posted June 26, 2009 Congrats to the winners!!!! thank you anne for the funny cointest!!! since I am a Greek pirate.... I will have to drawn my sorrows with Ouzo and not rum! Hmm.... mom??? Is the octopus and the fried calamari ready????
+fuzziebear3 Posted June 26, 2009 Posted June 26, 2009 Avast ye mateys, and thank ye for the fun thread and me booty to boot!! Email be on the way!!
ATMouse Posted June 26, 2009 Posted June 26, 2009 What a GREAT cointest. Thanks for having it and congrats to the winners!
+Chickahominy Posted June 26, 2009 Posted June 26, 2009 Noooooo don't do it chickahominy! Unless you're gonna turn it into a pina colada or something. Mmmmm drowning in pina colada.... uh right. sorry. Hrm. Obviously I just need to go design a cool looking piratey coin so I'll have tons for trades and such. Plus I still want to see your personal coin! Isn't it done yet?! lol Actually, lately it's been Limoncello and Vodka that I turn into a frosty libation in my blender (add in a sprig of fresh mint from my backyard). LOL! Personal coin is going to take some work. I will be working on it this weekend. A wise coiner told me to take my time and get it right... so I'm not stopping the design process until I'm 100% satisfied. Thanks again for the cointest. My daughter and I had a great time reading all the jokes and stories. And the pictures! Oh my! PS.. I really wanted my rooster to have a patch, but lacked the time to make him one.
+catsnfish Posted June 26, 2009 Posted June 26, 2009 Congrats to the winners!!!! thank you anne for the funny cointest!!! since I am a Greek pirate.... I will have to drawn my sorrows with Ouzo and not rum! Hmm.... mom??? Is the octopus and the fried calamari ready???? This was a great, fun cointest!!GATOULIS are you willing to share the calamari? yummmm
+GATOULIS Posted June 26, 2009 Posted June 26, 2009 Congrats to the winners!!!! thank you anne for the funny cointest!!! since I am a Greek pirate.... I will have to drawn my sorrows with Ouzo and not rum! Hmm.... mom??? Is the octopus and the fried calamari ready???? This was a great, fun cointest!!GATOULIS are you willing to share the calamari? yummmm ???? Don't you want any octopus made by the greek way??? (let it in the sun and air to dry for some days and then we put it on barbeque.... oh boy!!!! ) BTW... did you see my post about the mermaid?? It is in this thread and ....you will see your avantar there! Sorry for using it but I couldn't help it! I wrote that since many sailors and pirates were talking about mermaids, that they had seen mermaids etc, I was wondering what a CAT PIRATE could see..... well your avantar was the perfect answer!! And...I hope you got my second storyfor the magazine!
+FScout Posted June 26, 2009 Posted June 26, 2009 Congrats to the winners.This cointest was really was a lot of fun!
+anne.and.eli Posted June 26, 2009 Author Posted June 26, 2009 Got emails from both winners. Thanks again everyone for making this a fun experience for ME! Mods, feel free to close this thread now.
+catsnfish Posted June 26, 2009 Posted June 26, 2009 Congrats to the winners!!!! thank you anne for the funny cointest!!! since I am a Greek pirate.... I will have to drawn my sorrows with Ouzo and not rum! Hmm.... mom??? Is the octopus and the fried calamari ready???? This was a great, fun cointest!!GATOULIS are you willing to share the calamari? yummmm ???? Don't you want any octopus made by the greek way??? (let it in the sun and air to dry for some days and then we put it on barbeque.... oh boy!!!! ) BTW... did you see my post about the mermaid?? It is in this thread and ....you will see your avantar there! Sorry for using it but I couldn't help it! I wrote that since many sailors and pirates were talking about mermaids, that they had seen mermaids etc, I was wondering what a CAT PIRATE could see..... well your avantar was the perfect answer!! And...I hope you got my second storyfor the magazine! I haven't had the octopus, but would certainly try it no problem about the mermaid it was the perfect answer I have your story and will publish it later tonight!! Thanks!
+gardengorilla Posted June 26, 2009 Posted June 26, 2009 congrats to the victors' of the spoils. arrrr, and many thanks to the cap'n of the the cointest, anne!
+Carbon Hunter Posted June 27, 2009 Posted June 27, 2009 Aaaarrr - a fun cointest - and we'll be looking for the proze to plunder as we sail the seven caches now!
+irwando Posted July 15, 2009 Posted July 15, 2009 Just had to share with everyone the awesome treasure I recieved. Thanks again for a great cointest!
+Eartha Posted July 15, 2009 Posted July 15, 2009 Such a treasure! Thank you for playing. Closed at the OP's request.
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