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Arrr, it be a cointest!


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After a day o' pillaging at the shops, I dipped into the rum stores for a little nick to warm me bones when I just couldn't resist deciphering the last treasure map. email sent.


As long as I can enter it into the pirate joke/story contest :mad:


Okay, that's it for riddle #2! The answer was Pirates of Penzance! That's right, the comedy musical by Gilbert & Sullivan. :)


It is also where the song "I am a model of a modern major-general" came from. :lol: And I have to share this cache-interpretation sent to me by irwando. I hope he doesn't mind!


I am the very model of a modern Caching General,

I have information latitude, longitude, and directional,

I know the coordinates and can quote the logs historical,

From FTF to last find, in that finders found the haul.


I'm very well acquainted, too, with all matters trackable,

I understand geocoins, both the simple and personal,

About travel bugs I'm teeming with a lot o' news,

With many cheerful finds my TBs I do not lose.


I'm very good at multis, virtuals, and mysteries;

At Earthcaches I learn about natural histories,

In short, in matters latitude, longitude, and directional,

I am the very model of a modern Cahing General!


Oh! this is a little hard... I didn't get some things...


From these letters we have to make the word? I mean...we will have to change the place of some letters, or we can add letters??


And something else...


What is the first letter I see in #3?? A "G" ???


Oh.... that's part 3 of the cointest, right?


Now a small joke! :D



As we all know, sailor of the past, including pirates used to say that they had seen mermaids!!!!


I am wondering what a Cat pirate could see.....






Thank you Anyin!!! :mad:


Email sent! :)


Something different now....


Cats were in ships with a mission thousands of years ago!!!


they were taken in the ships during a voyage, to kill the rats that were on the ship! rats were destroying the products that the ship was curring, they were eating the ropes and were damaging the wood of the ship too!

Except that they were carrying diseases!!!


The first domestication of cats is believed to date back some 9,500 years, and the practice of taking cats aboard boats and ships began not long afterwards.

The Ancient Egyptians took cats on board Nile boats to catch birds in the thickets along the riverbanks.

Cats were also carried on trading ships to control rodents, and that concept was adopted by traders from other nations. This led to the spread of cats throughout the world, with the species eventually reaching nearly all parts of the world accessible by ship. Over the centuries their offspring developed into different breeds according to the climate in which they found themselves and the mates they took, as well as the deliberate selection by humans. Phoenician cargo ships are thought to have brought the first domesticated cats to Europe in about 900 BC.


* partly taken from wikipedia!


email sent - we'll git them theivin' scoundrels soon!!


Arrr, here be a joke til then:


A man walks into a pet store and says, "I'm playing Long John Silver in the play Treasure Island, and I'm looking for a parrot. Can you sell me one?" The pet store owner says, "You don't want a real parrot, it'll squawk all the time and poop on your shoulder, and what if it falls off during the play?" The man says, "Well, I want to be as realistic as possible." The pet store owner says, "I've got a stuffed parrot you can use. Can you pick it up on Thursday?"


"Oh, I can't come on Thursday. That's when I'm getting my leg cut off."


I also found that it REALLY helps if you read the letters correctly. With a little help from my friend I think its time to send that email. LOL


You all have no idea how fun it is to wake up to an email box full of Pirate Speak emails! :)


I love the pirate flip avatar! That's so great. :lol:


I've responded to all the emails I've gotten so far. If you haven't heard back from me, come bug me!


Also if you're stuck and want a clue, feel free to send me an email as well. :mad:


This pirate walks into a bar with a big ship's wheel down his pants. The bartender says, "Excuse me, sir, but do you know you have a ship's wheel down the front of your pants?"

And the pirate says...

Aaargh, it's driving me nuts!! :mad::):lol::D;):D:huh::laughing:







You guys crack me up :mad:


Alright, emails sent out to everyone.


I am gonna be without internet for a while (I have NO IDEA how I'm going to survive!) and I may be a bit late with the last installment of this quest!


Please forgive me if I am late!


Well I am back, so you can't throw me overboard yet! A little over an hour until the FINAL INSTALLMENT!!!


Are you excited? Because I sure am!


Here's the list for Day 3:


Day 3

57. opalsns

58. clarkbowman

59. slowdownracer

60. Team CeDo

61. JohnMac56

62. sunsetmeadowlark

63. The Walkabouts

64. snowball 58

65. jackalgirl

66. aniyn

67. irwando

68. carbon hunter

69. gardengorilla

70. xpat-021

71. sgtMikal

72. ATMouse


74. Frank n Beck

75. Penguin#1

76. fuzziebear3

77. LadyBee4T

78. Chickahominy

79. scottch

80. rosebud55112

81. FScout

82. kehunt64

83. AlienHeads

84. Surteb


If you think you should be on the list and you're not, lemme know!


Arg Yarr Avast and all that sort of spirited high sea adventure slur.

I be awaiting this last bit of piraty play in order to complete the search for the stolen chest of treasure that my captain be missing. Tis the reward I seek along with me shipmates. Arg. Hard Starboard, men!!!!


Okay! Cap'n Kita is getting the last bit ready for you all, but I wanted to post the answers to Part #3!


The locations were:

Skull Mountain

Anchor Bay

Treasure Hill


The cipher used is called atbash. It's similar to rot13 (used for the hints on caches) but it's a full reversal:









The last part will be run SLIGHTLY differently, so stay tuned!


Arrrrr mateys, we be closin' in on th' thievin' seventeen Pirates o' Penzance!!!


We be makin' it past th' creepy Skull Mountain! Then we be findin' our way aroun' Anchor Bay!


And now we be on th' path to TREASURE HILL!




So thar we be to th' North.

And there be th' Pirates o Penzance to th' South.

And just past 'em is me TREASURE!


But again mateys, jus' one li'l problem. How do I be gettin' past th' pirates??




For this part of the cointest, it's all about creativity! There is NO wrong answer!

Come up with a fun/interesting/boring/stupid/dexterous/whatever way for Kita to get her treasure! Everyone who posts will get added to the list for Day 4. :o


One difference: Feel free to post your answers here!! Since there is no right answer, there is NO NEED to email me!


Oh yes, and you have 24 hours to answer. :o At 7pm PDT tomorrow, I will be cutting you all off, picking a winner of the joke/story/etc contest, and then ROLLING FOR A WINNER OFF THE LIST!!!



But again mateys, jus' one li'l problem. How do I be gettin' past th' pirates??



Aye Cap'n, I be suggestin' that you scamper high up into the trees and bound from one to another right o'er their slimy heads 'til you reach the treasure~~~


And if that not be workin', you can always claw and bite your way through them...


Aye, me captain.... I have a plan! You see those pirates be needing a new sailing vessel as they lost their last one, The Dirty Nelly, in a fierce battle with the British Navy. Alas, the Pirates of Penzance are runnin' short on funds as they spent their last bit o' gold on rum in the port of Nantucket. I will disguise myself as a loan officer from the Bank of Carolinus and befriend the dastardly group. Whilst I am convincing them of the dire need to check their credit with Free Credit Report . com, Cap'n Kita can slip by them to retrieve her treasure. We'll leave those pirates singin'... " Tell your friends, tell your dad, tell your Mom... free credit report.com"


Aye Captain, I sees the treasure.


From what I gathered from the wench at the tavern, these Pirates of penzance be of the soft kind, singing and dancing and carrying on.

What we should do is charge at them very fast and be very loud with the ARGS and YARRS, waving our swords like crazed beings that haven't pilaged in days. That ought to scare the penzance right off of them.


Aye, me captain.... I have a plan! You see those pirates be needing a new sailing vessel as they lost their last one, The Dirty Nelly, in a fierce battle with the British Navy. Alas, the Pirates of Penzance are runnin' short on funds as they spent their last bit o' gold on rum in the port of Nantucket. I will disguise myself as a loan officer from the Bank of Carolinus and befriend the dastardly group. Whilst I am convincing them of the dire need to check their credit with Free Credit Report . com, Cap'n Kita can slip by them to retrieve her treasure. We'll leave those pirates singin'... " Tell your friends, tell your dad, tell your Mom... free credit report.com"



That'll do it!


I think ye should build ye a raft and put barrels of snakes upon her, then float her down the water way. When the scoundrel Pirates o Penzance spot the’ raft they will capture her to only open the barrels and then scatter to the winds as the slitherin critters come up out tov the barrel. You can then make a mad dash down the road in the middle of the Madness and straight to our prize.


Yarr, thar be but 17 of them, I vote we cut our way through the dogs. Then all will know what happens when ye cross Cap'n Kita!

(and because anything worth suggesting is worth suggesting twice)

Keelhaul the scoundrels unfortunate enough to survive!




slowdownracer be revvin' the engine, aye, and we'll outrun them pirates to the treasure!!!


First cacher there gets to keep the loot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Cap'n Kita simply and elegantly as only a a pegleg cat can, wanders among the legs of the scurvy pirates leaving each with the black mark of cat hair and a nearly invisible rope of the finest spider silk. continuing on to the treasure, she be made for a thief by the Penzance crew as she calmly places the chest o jools and coin into the pirates own pinnace. As they race to cut the wind from her sails, they tumble like ninepins, bound by the boot as it were. taking a tack into the wind and the treasure Cap'n Kita sails outta sight as the wails of those who who bear the black cat mark meet the makers of that spider rope.


Get yerself over to that merry go round on the left side of the map, then slide down that wire to the guys in the bottom left. Have one of them then toss ya at the treasure chest...


ARRRR! Success!


Cap'n I say we be getting some duck hats for disguises from the pond then we ride down the water way next to the road right past the wags. Grab the booty and have the slop master make us some rum soaked duck.


Shiver me timbers, me mornin' rum had not kicked in yet when ye first posted o' yer predicament....

but with a lil' help from the man in black I came up with a plan...

Gather yer enemies unto a ring of fire, they'll go down, down, down as the flames get higher...a ring o' firrrrrrrrrre.


Arrr I Say Get a big ol Monsterrrrrrrrrrrrrr Truck and smash them thar pirats and take the ol loot and throw a Wing Ding of a Party for all Involved!!!!!!! Arrrrrrrr Me Matey

Aye Captain, I sees the treasure.


From what I gathered from the wench at the tavern, these Pirates of penzance be of the soft kind, singing and dancing and carrying on.

What we should do is charge at them very fast and be very loud with the ARGS and YARRS, waving our swords like crazed beings that haven't pilaged in days. That ought to scare the penzance right off of them.


While we are scaring the penzance off of them. Maybe Opalsns would call on her Cachin Crows and their crow friends to fly over pluck out all those shiny pieces of treasure and fly them back to our vessel and drop it in our waiting treasure chest. We all know how they love to move and drop shiney treasure. Arrgh

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