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All time favorite 2007 Coin....


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Posted (edited)

Everyone has a favorite coin. Whether it is carried in your pocket, displayed in the center of your coin collection or even one you helped design, everyone has a favorite. We are beginning to see a glimpse of what is in store for us in 2008 and with the designs i've seen or heard about you can bet everyone will empty their pockets to get some of these beauties.


So....for 2007....what was your favorite coin? Which coin was it that you gave up your lunch money for because you just HAD to have it? Or even risked your job because the sale started while you were at work but you still had to have that coin? What coin did you stay up all night for in order to beat the rush at the online shopping carts? Which coin did you or would you give up your entire collection for? (or at least half of it) Better yet....what one coin would you have to think twice about before ever parting with?


Local favorites: 2007 MAGC-Airborne Chapter coin and the Adopt-a-site coin


Probably because i'm a geocoin newbie I haven't yet had to give up my lunch money.


I did risk being caught at work when I ordered my Earth Turtles. Sale started while I was at work and although we aren't suppose to use the internet for personal reasons....that was one coin I just had to have lol.


My collection isn't all that big (yet) so there are probably plenty of coins i'd give up my collection for (or at least half of it).


I'd think twice before ever parting with my GW5 Volunteer coin and my two toned MAGC-Airborne Chapter coin. Both coins have special meaning and would be hard to part with.


So lets hear what your favorite coin was in 2007.

Edited by n8turgrl

Well if I had to choose one of the coins in my collection from 2007, I'd have to say that my BN(red) Tatanka Pejula is one of my best coins. Now there are plenty of other wonderful coins in my collection, but that Buffalo always seems to catch my eye whenever I turn to that page. Who wouldn't love something that looked like this:



Posted (edited)

I'm sure once the RFJ V2 gets in my hand, it will become a favorite.

I love the BC Cougar for 2007.

Moun10Girl, the Templars, SCAVOK's coins...okay, I'd better stop the list.

Lots of great coins and I'm sure 2008 will be just as big a hit on the pocketbook :unsure:.


Yeah, OK - what A+T said above!! What a coin.

Edited by Tethys C

Biking for MS because I have MS. I have been lucky as I have some how always bounced back from an episode. I carry it with me so when I get tired it reminds me not to give up. I just stumbled across this as it was before I started collecting coins. It just seemed like I was meant to find the site in Canada that had it. If they do it again this would also be the coin I would have to have each time.


I was counting the RFJ V2 as a 2008 coin because it was received this year. So what would you guys say? Is it a 2007 coin?


If so then that moves to #1 on my 2007 list and I await anything else tsun makes this year with eager anticipation knowing it willl be goregeous and unique!! :unsure: Never the same old, same old from tsun. :blink:


Biking for MS because I have MS. I have been lucky as I have some how always bounced back from an episode. I carry it with me so when I get tired it reminds me not to give up. I just stumbled across this as it was before I started collecting coins. It just seemed like I was meant to find the site in Canada that had it. If they do it again this would also be the coin I would have to have each time.


Now that is very cool! :unsure:


My all time favorite coin is the 2006 Compass Rose in nickel but since you asked about 2007 I will have to say that there are several. I like coins that are simple in design not ornate coins and ones that make me smile so for this year I would have to say Bitten By the Bug. Other simple ones with good use of color such as the Earth Turtle coins also would be on the list


The other question asked is what coins I would have to think long and hard about giving up. Those would be the ones that have been gifted to me and the mystery coins that I have been lucky enough to receive. The meaning behind these coins are priceless.


Biking for MS because I have MS. I have been lucky as I have some how always bounced back from an episode. I carry it with me so when I get tired it reminds me not to give up. I just stumbled across this as it was before I started collecting coins. It just seemed like I was meant to find the site in Canada that had it. If they do it again this would also be the coin I would have to have each time.


Now that is very cool! :blink:


Indeed. I think any coin that touches you in some way is the best. :unsure:


We have alot of coin we just love otherwise we dont purchase them but the one that stands out to us and would never ever part with is the Raiders Of The Lost Cache coin and the Earth Turtles. What makes them even more special that when we traveled and vacationed in Montana we had the priveledge to meet Tsunrisebey.



Barry and Val




Mountain, WI.

So far I don't think much can top RFJ V2. :huh:


Well, the year is young, but... :o





Geez - that's a new coin? :blink: When I saw this I thought it was the letterbox coin. Thought I was seeing something old there when you said this year. To me, most of the coins out of this house look exactly the same with a couple variations on the same idea & themes. I can't tell them apart. Must need new some new eyes. :unsure:

Posted (edited)
Geez - that's a new coin? :huh: When I saw this I thought it was the letterbox coin. Thought I was seeing something old there when you said this year.


You did? You must be blind, I daresay...I haven't heard anyone else have the same malady...


To me, most of the coins out of this house look exactly the same with a couple variations on the same idea & themes. I can't tell them apart. Must need new some new eyes. :unsure:


It's odd that you mention that because it seems to me that virtually all the coins to come from the house of tsun were drawn in 10 minutes by a moderate artist. :blink:

Edited by Arthur & Trillian

A&T, can you post in a thread without making it an advertisement for CB or to trash Tsunrisebey. You can't answer the question without pumping CB and her designs, are you being paid on commission?


A&T, can you post in a thread without making it an advertisement for CB or to trash Tsunrisebey. You can't answer the question without pumping CB and her designs, are you being paid on commission?


Why yes...I get paid $100K annually to be their advocate. :blink:


It shows! :unsure:

Posted (edited)

A&T, can you post in a thread without making it an advertisement for CB or to trash Tsunrisebey. You can't answer the question without pumping CB and her designs, are you being paid on commission?


Why yes...I get paid $100K annually to be their advocate. :unsure:

Another sign of how people are underpaid for the amount of work they do. :blink:

Edited by pghlooking

Look, we like what we like and don't what we don't.


I prefer original art while some of you don't...it ain't that big of a deal.


Now...to preserve the topic, and I do apologize for wanding off topic...I think another coin that goes on the "Best Of" list for 2007 are the Scavok 2007 lead coins...totally original. :unsure:


Look, we like what we like and don't what we don't.


I prefer original art while some of you don't...it ain't that big of a deal.


Now...to preserve the topic, and I do apologize for wanding off topic...I think another coin that goes on the "Best Of" list for 2007 are the Scavok 2007 lead coins...totally original. :unsure:


I prefer original art, which is why I love the Rainforest Jewel. It is also why I loved the Earth Turtle. Two well done designs.


I prefer the Mystery coins that came out this year. A true sign of people who weren't in it for the money. Few can say that.


Yep - I put the CCC in my tops list! That was one coin we just could not put down or put it away!


The mystery coins are fabulous!


I think the very best that 2007 has had to offer is the windowpane method of applying paint. The GW5 Sunburst was awesome and the ones that followed from Santas Window to CinemaBoxer's Boxer and even Jim's Jack Russell Terrier are groundbreaking. I luv 'em.


Still on the standard technical aspect I have to give kudos to the Earth Turtles, the RainForest Jewels and the Dragon Spinner. On the comedic scale Kuntry Kachin takes the cake.


I prefer the Mystery coins that came out this year. A true sign of people who weren't in it for the money. Few can say that.

Most of the Mystery coins were practically *delivered* to friends and preferred collectors. I believe only the GSA was actually dropped off in caches by the actual coinmaker, all other being delivered to friends to drop off in caches near their home locale.


Having said that I agree that the non commercial endeavour of creating a mystery coin is something memorable and laudable.

Posted (edited)

I liked a lot of coins this year, but the best round was the 2007 LE two-tone compass rose. That coin is shiny, sparkly and simply gorgeous.


For a shaped coin, the Earth Turtle tops my list. I love the designs within the coin itself.

Edited by AtlantaGal

Since I was only introduced to coins in the last half of the year, my "6 month" picks would be:


CCC coin - top of the list, special beacause it's a mystery coin and I DID retreive it from a cache! I keep it on my desk and glance at it often :unsure:


Petrified wood compass - missed out on these, so I don't have one, but I really like it.


Zodiac Final - Big nice coin, may not be caching related but it is a nice design.


Final Note: I think coin designers really pushed the envelope - hinges - jewels (Pirates of Harriman and Rainforest Jewel are examples) - spinners - window glass effect - and some of the shaped coins where amazing.


Come on "guys"--you know it was the Alaska 2008 Gold. It's round, it represents a state, it does not have a cartoon like, muti colored paint by number appearance. On the spot market it's worth what was paid. Nuf said!


Backhiker reminded me of my other favorite coin of the year:


Petrified wood compass! That is one gorgeous coin!


You are right MJ. Forgot about that one. Stunning in copper and very unique.


Maybe this should be a top ten of 2007 list. :unsure:


I gotta go with the Geocoin Fairy V2...Heather was just so tickled when she found it in a cache. We were watching the Geocoinfest video the other day, and she said "Mom! There's my Tinkerbell coin!" Then she asked me where it is...guess I gotta give both versions back to her. LOL! There are plenty of other coins from 2007 that I love, but the fairy coin holds a special place in my collection because it is so special to Heather.


Just started caching in May 07 and buying coins in June. First purchase was the NC coins. I like my Laptop coins and the latest MAGC coin. But my Favorite coin is the Blue VW Bus coin.


There were alot of beautiful coins that came out.


Mystery coins are always a given and thanks!


I'm choosing my selection not based on design but the circumstances. It's Dragonfly Dreams personal coin. I got it at a event she hosted here in Helena when she came home to visit (my 1st event) and it was my first trade person to person, exchanging personal coins. I don't get many opportunities to do that, so that was a big deal for me.


I really enjoyed all the personal coins I got this year :unsure:


As most know, I cannot for the life of me choose 'a' favourite coin, so I shall put them in categories :unsure:


Best State Coin

Alaska Two Tone 2008 (which came out in 2007)


Best Personal Coins





Best Spinners

South Pointing Chariots

ROT13 Dragon Spinners


Best General Coins




Ellandel Australia

Spy Coin


Best Shaped Coins

Scout Knives (Red, Pink and Blue)

March of the Penguins to the Cache

Petrified Wood Compass

Egyptian Ankh


Most Innovative Coins




Best Bling Coins

Earth turtles

v1 Rainforest Jewels


Best Event Coin

Allegany State Park Geobash


:blink: Aaaaaah artists/coin makers, you make me so happy :huh::o Keep up the most excellent work!

Posted (edited)

Wow, such an innocent question turned into such an ugly ad campaign. Then to wake up this morning to see the chat transcripts in response to the campaign? Some people should be ashamed . . :unsure:


Anyway, my favorite coin of 2007 was NNJC Thank You. It wasn't produced in 2007, but it tore out of a package at my local postal sort station, and they busted their humps to dig it up out of the trash and return it to me. That's means it must have really wanted to come visit, so it's my favorite :blink:


edit to add


Pimpslap away son :huh:

Edited by The Moop Along

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