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lock and lock boxes

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Hi there,


Can't say for certain but generally the L&L type seem to be decent - most have a rubber seal around the lid which helps to keep things dry.


Could you let me know how much they were please?






I bought a 'multi-piece' set from Woolworths a while ago. They were very cheap and not of the highest quality. They were translucent white plastic with separate, blue plastic locking tabs that were clipped onto the lid. I found to my cost that the soft blue plastic seal in the lid didn't mate with the top of the box and they were a lot less than watertight. Also, the tabs broke off the lid very easily. I would definitely not recommend them. On the better type, the locking tabs are all part of the lid moulding. I found the ones available from 'Lakeland', the kitchenware folk, to be the best but expensive. The best value for money, IMHO, are the ones available from Wilkinsons.


I was looking for "lock & lock" boxes siutable for caches and saw a 12 piece set in Costco , anyone seen these or can look , give me a headsup if these are suitable



Go to Sainsbury's they sell the boxes you can buy from the geocache sites for half the price. small, medium, large and xlarge.


I was looking for "lock & lock" boxes siutable for caches and saw a 12 piece set in Costco , anyone seen these or can look , give me a headsup if these are suitable



Go to Sainsbury's they sell the boxes you can buy from the geocache sites for half the price. small, medium, large and xlarge.

V good.


The real loc-n-loc boxes look great. Check they are genuine and I think you will do all right.


I saw some in Woolworths that claimed to be 100% watertight! :unsure: Can't remember what make, but there was a picture of water droplets on the label. Not the ones in the multi pack. My small lunchbox from Asda is holding up quite well (the one with the white lid, the clear lidded ones don't seem as good). I got a lunch box about 9 years ago that is totaly watertight, no rubber seal, but has carried liquid lunches and has been used daily, can't seem to find another one though :unsure:


morrisons ones are good too

I have been tipped off :laughing: that Morrisons klip and lock will be half price on the 27th december.


got a fair few of them now floating around the house, not for long though i hope


I've been using some from poundstretcher. They have held up for over a year in the wild and are still going strong... A set of two small and one large lok 'n' lok are £3.


morrisons ones are good too

I have been tipped off :rolleyes: that Morrisons klip and lock will be half price on the 27th december.


got a fair few of them now floating around the house, not for long though i hope


Till the 3rd of Feb (at least that's what the shelf label says..)




QVC are currently running lots of offers on Lock 'n Lock boxes.


Good spot, are these the official lock n lock ones do you know?

I was sad enough to have seen them on QVC TV. (I was flicking through the channels on Freeview! My excuse and I'm sticking to it!) According to QVC they are the official ones. But I'm going to go to poundstretcher...


The original lock n lock boxes are excellent cache containers.

We placed our first cache using a lock n lock on the 14th September 2003 and it has been in situe 24 hours a day, 7 days a week untill toda, when we swapped the original box for an ammo box.

The cache contents were still dry and the box in great condition apart from some slight nibbling to one of the locking tabs.


The original lock n lock boxes are excellent cache containers.

We placed our first cache using a lock n lock on the 14th September 2003 and it has been in situe 24 hours a day, 7 days a week untill toda, when we swapped the original box for an ammo box.

The cache contents were still dry and the box in great condition apart from some slight nibbling to one of the locking tabs.


I have just taken a trip to my local £stretcher in South Chingford and they have stacks of these lock lid boxes. The most useful sizes are £1 each but they are not genuine Lock & Lock boxes. These are Lock 'n' Seal. The originals are fantastic and we have caches in them that are fully watertight years later. However they are expensive. These cheap ones seem okay but I have one currently immersed in water to check the seal so will feedback later. The lid fit seems okay.



Just had these cheap £stretcher ones immersed in water for over an hour and no leaks so look good to me.


I have a Wilkinson's 1lt size tab-lock box with magnets from a hard drive attached to the bottom. It's hidden inside a disused farm tank, magnetically stuck to the underside of the top surface. There's still (rain) water in the tank that's about a foot or so deep. Some kind soul (stupid b**tard) had decided it would be a laugh to stick it to the bottom of the tank, under the water. A couple of DNFs and probably a month or so later I went to investigate. I retrieved the box, opened it and apart from the log book feeling a tiny bit damp but still perfectly serviceable, there was no damage to the box or its contents. I reckon that's a good enough recommendation for anyone B)


i had a lock n lock box as one of my caches when it rained heavely it was washed in to the river some 4 mounths later (i though it was long gone) i had a phone call from a cannoest he returned the cache wich was dry an in perfect condidtion apart from the tide lie round the top of the box lol i cleened it up an put it back they are fab!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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