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How about a real puzzle cointest?


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Ok, with a little help from my friends...we got the hint.


Using a Caeserian Shift Cipher, the hint translates as:


"We of peaceful London City have never beheld—and please"


That is the opening line of Chapter 32 in Vanity Fair.


Moscow 32

Chapter 32


Methinks the key to the puzzle is 32. Now to figure out which cypher was used...

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Ok, with a little help from my friends...we got the hint.


Using a Caeserian Shift Cipher, the hint translates as:


"We of peaceful London City have never beheld—and please"


That is the opening line of Chapter 32 in Vanity Fair.


Moscow 32

Chapter 32


Methinks the key to the puzzle is 32. Now to figure out which cypher was used...


Cool. I got as far as never and We without the keyword.


I tried 32 with ROT-13 earlier did not work.

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I'm sorry to see so many exploded heads. I'll call the janitor!


No explosions here but then again I haven't started dinner yet and with the time I have spent on this so far I may forget it if I do. so listen for the sirens responding to the kitchen fire!!


I'll keep my ears open. If I see fire trucks headed that way, I'll know, and I'll send a janitor over to clean up the exploded head. :)

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Alright just got home from the Doctors office and I tried to read through all the post but may have missed something. Can someone bring me up to speed as to what we all are trying to do.

We're all back to trying to figure out the original puzzle. A encrypted hint was given, wich ended up being "We of peaceful London City have never beheld—and please" (the opening line of Chapter 32 in Vanity Fair)

Yes, I too am working this puzzle, I've just been using my time to actually work the puzzle instead of posting about it :)

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more observations/conclusions


i am 99% sure that each group of letters doenst represnt a 5 letter word, becuase this would mean 25 different 5 letter words, and it would be highly unlikely that 25 5 ltter words could be strung together to form a coherent sentence.


maybe each group of 5 letters each represent 1 letter, and the entire sentence is only 25 letters? - i tried adding the values of all the letters in a group, and and then dividing that by 26 and assigning the letter of the reminder to that group, but it doest work. i also tried adding the values of all the letters, then adding until i ended up with a single digit number (like the check he provides), but nothing came of that either

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Ok I just read ch 32 of Vanity Fair and decided I don't want to read the rest of the book......




LOL! No need to read it. :)


Here's a fairly good picture of what we're playing for.




Just to be clear, the LEs are not trackable, but they are numbered!


(As far as I know, there is only one person with a complete set of these coins out there, aside from myself, of course. You could be the next!)


I'm going caching now, so I won't be back for a while. I'm ok if this puzzle isn't solved today... or tomorrow...


Go caching!

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It has something to do with 32.... xxxii, three x's and two i's, moscow 32, chapter 32...




Question is... what??


How about eliminating or using every certain number of rows or columns as I think we have way to many letters here to form just one word.. Of course as Dennis said maybe it is a sentence that you need to answer.

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This is driving me crazy!! LOL :) There has to be at least 2 levels of encryption that we are trying to figure out. I really don't think the letters on that moth picture 'convert' into something meaningful....it's my feeling that they convert into another number or letter (by it's grouping of 5) then from that we decipher the message. B):):D But I could be wrong.


mousekakat you should get some sleep. :) it's important...I'd be very surprised if someone solves this tonight. And if by some miracle (and I mean big miracle) that I figure it out and you're alseep I will send you one of the 4 coins. :) But don't hold your breath for me solving this thing.....my hubby is the puzzle solver in the house. I showed him the puzzle and being it's Friday and all he doesn't want to go crazy with it...not even for 4 geocoins!! LOL He wants to relax....LOL :D:D

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This is driving me crazy!! LOL :D There has to be at least 2 levels of encryption that we are trying to figure out. I really don't think the letters on that moth picture 'convert' into something meaningful....it's my feeling that they convert into another number or letter (by it's grouping of 5) then from that we decipher the message. :):):) But I could be wrong.


mousekakat you should get some sleep. :) it's important...I'd be very surprised if someone solves this tonight. And if by some miracle (and I mean big miracle) that I figure it out and you're alseep I will send you one of the 4 coins. :D But don't hold your breath for me solving this thing.....my hubby is the puzzle solver in the house. I showed him the puzzle and being it's Friday and all he doesn't want to go crazy with it...not even for 4 geocoins!! LOL He wants to relax....LOL :D:D


Don't worry PF, we will get this solved tonight. B)

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more observations/conclusions


i am 99% sure that each group of letters doenst represnt a 5 letter word, becuase this would mean 25 different 5 letter words, and it would be highly unlikely that 25 5 ltter words could be strung together to form a coherent sentence.


maybe each group of 5 letters each represent 1 letter, and the entire sentence is only 25 letters? - i tried adding the values of all the letters in a group, and and then dividing that by 26 and assigning the letter of the reminder to that group, but it doest work. i also tried adding the values of all the letters, then adding until i ended up with a single digit number (like the check he provides), but nothing came of that either

I believe spaces and punctuation have been removed, and the letters are just broken into groups of 5. When the letters are deciphered, you have to put spacing in where it belongs. That would follow the ADFGVX thing.

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Ok, can't stay up any longer, I've got a 15 month old that will be up in about 5 hours, urgh! Thankfully it's Saturday and Mr Mousekakat can help a bit!


Here's what I've come up with so far:


It has something to do with 32.... xxxii, three x's and two i's, moscow 32, chapter 32...




Question is... what??




and another, 3+2=5, the number of letters in each group of letters...and 5 groups of letters per row


Now, looking at the original graphic, the letters of the code are the letters in the name Moscow... and according to what we're all guessing, 32 has something to do with it, so his nickname is part of the answer key.


There was a code where you used a keyword, I'm thinking either he didn't use both o's, or he scrambled the word moscow, not sure.


In any case, I think that 32, XXXII, 3 and 2... that has something to do with it. Just at a total loss as to what it is!


Off to the land of dreams for me... I sure hope someone figures it out, but then again, at the same time, I hope they don't, lol, so I can try again tomorrow!


Ni-night, all!



Edited by mousekakat
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Now is it time for a hint?


I'll drop a hint just before I leave work in about 25 minutes.




I'm, thinking drop the "O" use moscw as the keyword...



ADFGVX, is based off of a six letter keyword. Bingo!!! Moscow fits the bill, notice I didn't say that it was the answer.

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Now is it time for a hint?


I'll drop a hint just before I leave work in about 25 minutes.




I'm, thinking drop the "O" use moscw as the keyword...



ADFGVX, is based off of a six letter keyword. Bingo!!! Moscow fits the bill, notice I didn't say that it was the answer.

Actually, the keyword can be any length.

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Tar, feathers, torture......anything else on the list that I missed. :o


Nah no tar and feathering. I was just picking on my kids today about forgetting everything over the summer break and now I am giving myself a headache trying to figure this out! Now I have the husband helping me too.


I have used a Polybius square with the letters "Moscw" (I didn't use "O" twice because it was a repeat), against the letters in the puzzle:




Nada, nothing.

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