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The All New All New Groundspeak UK Pub Quiz

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Thanks for the unexpected ding!


While racking my brains for a question that I don't think has been asked already, I overheard an interesting fact on TV that should make a good question. So...


... What are the official languages of Switzerland?


French, German, Italian and there's another local one. I think it might be Romance or something like that?

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Thanks :) my question is about something someone said about Switzerland:


You know what the fellow said – in Italy, for thirty years under the Borgias, they had warfare, terror, murder and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and the Renaissance. In Switzerland, they had brotherly love, they had five hundred years of democracy and peace – and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.


For the ding can you tell me either what film the quote is from, or who wrote that bit?

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Thanks :) my question is about something someone said about Switzerland:


You know what the fellow said – in Italy, for thirty years under the Borgias, they had warfare, terror, murder and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and the Renaissance. In Switzerland, they had brotherly love, they had five hundred years of democracy and peace – and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.


For the ding can you tell me either what film the quote is from, or who wrote that bit?


The Third Man and reputedly that bit was written by Orson Welles, who spoke the line

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The Third Man and reputedly that bit was written by Orson Welles, who spoke the line


Double Ding to you :-)


Thanks for that


Immediately to the east of Switzerland, and bordered also by Austria, is Liechtenstein. This country is unusual in many ways but perhaps its most uncommon feature is that it’s doubly landlocked i.e., the country itself has no access to the sea, and nor do any of its neighbours. There are only 2 countries that have this feature; Liechtenstein is one – what is the other? Only UN members count.

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No... 5 is not minutes ... and I'd give the game away if I specified the units!


OK, I drive a Prius and I reckon Toyota are pretty good on alternative fuel and hybrid cars so how about some sort of fuel economy record. I think the long track is about 20km, so........1.5 litres of fuel for a lap?

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It was a Toyota Prius, and the record was for fuel economy (although they now probably also have the record for the slowest lap that complies with the minimum speed rule).


I was looking for the answer in miles per gallon, which would have been 698 ± 5 mpg. However, 698 mpg equates to 0.405 litres per 100 km. 0.5 is in the range of 0.405 ± 5 and so speakers-corner gets the ding.


So over to speakers-corner...

Edited by Pajaholic
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At even +/- 100 parts, I suspect that the answer will depend on which car and at what is considered a component. For example, the steering wheel alone may be considered to have millions if each part of each switch is a separate component and each 'discrete equivalent' in any PLC is also. Back in the 1960's, things were simpler. I suspect that an early 1960's F1 car would have had about a thousand parts.

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I'm going to guess the +/- 100pcs means we're talking about a number in the low thousands (otherwise it'd be less than 1% variance) so will suggest 4,800 parts. And welcome back from Switzerland; I'm off there next month for a couple of hours :)

I thought that also. FWIW, I have a suspicion that the answer might have an implied precision much coarser than +/- 100.

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