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New Southern Ontario Geocoin - Canada Geese


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A few weeks ago we finalized the details of a new Southern Ontario Cachers geocoin. After the details had been finalized, we were all struck with the sad news of the passing of 1701eh.


We were all shocked, and saddened by the situation.


After the shock wore off, we contacted the company we were using to create the new coins to see if we could reconfigure the minting/selling to create a bit of a fundraiser for Tony's family. We are pleased to say that TheCachingPlace.com was very helpful in this manner, and agreed to donate $1.50 from each coin sold to the family!

The details of the sale are below:


Southern Ontario Cachers / Trackable with Icon


1.5" Antique Silver

GC trackable with Icon

500 Antique Silver coins available for purchase

50 Antique Copper LE (kept by Southern Ontario Cachers)

Price: $8.00


Southern Ontario Cachers - Canada Geese Coin




Preorder starts Thursday, September 7, 2006

World Time Converter

Eastern European DST 2:00 am

Central European DST 1:00 am

Greenwich Mean 12:00 midnight

USA Eastern DST 7:00 pm

USA Central DST 6:00 pm

USA Mountain DST 5:00 pm

USA Pacific DST 4:00 pm


Ships on September 28, 2006


The shipping cost is based on the actual weight and there is a $2.00 handling fee per order (not per coin).


On the evening of August 26th, after a geocaching event, Ontario lost one of its geocaching pioneers. Tony Dawe, better known as 1701eh, was an icon in the Southern Ontario geocaching community, and one of our best ambassadors. By all accounts, Tony was one of the friendliest people you could meet, the kind of fellow that many considered a true friend after only a brief encounter on the trails. He was the first in line to welcome newcomers to events, offer congratulations on milestones and give the encouragement that we have all needed at times with some of the puzzling caches that we have encountered. We will all miss his camaraderie, his sense of humour and his jovial nature. It was clear to all who knew him that his first priority was to have a great time in all that he did.


Although also seriously injured, Tony is survived by his wife Sue and their two children Allan and Rebecca. The Caching Place has arranged to donate $1.50 from every geocoin sold. These proceeds will go to Tony’s family during their time of sorrow.


Rest in peace 1701eh...

and Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before.


Memories of 1701eh can be read Here.


Thanks Everybody!


Edited by JWID
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That is a very good looking coin that will make a nice tribute to Tony Dawe and provide support to his family. A nice gesture. I've never met Tony, but your post describes a great person who will sorely missed.


I'll probably be in for 2.

Edited by markp99
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Just bought 8 of these coins. Thanks to JWID for another great coin. And for the 1701eh tribute/donation. That is what the geocaching community is all about. A gesture like that is worth more than all the FTF's we could ever get. I am sure Tony is looking down and thrilled with the tributes and friendship he is receiving from his buddies.



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Hi Folks.


Sales have been brisk over the first day, and certainly will continue that way into the weekend. If you were looking to get a Southern Ontario Cachers - Keepers of Ontario's Caches coin featuring the pair of Canada Geese, you might consider doing so quickly before a sell thru.


Don't forget that $1.50 from every coin is going to the family of 1701eh. The donation will certainly be put to good use and the coin will look great in your collection.




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We ordered some too!! Great idea for a coin and we like what is happening with the donations! :anitongue:


A few weeks ago we finalized the details of a new Southern Ontario Cachers geocoin. After the details had been finalized, we were all struck with the sad news of the passing of 1701eh.


We were all shocked, and saddened by the situation.


After the shock wore off, we contacted the company we were using to create the new coins to see if we could reconfigure the minting/selling to create a bit of a fundraiser for Tony's family. We are pleased to say that TheCachingPlace.com was very helpful in this manner, and agreed to donate $1.50 from each coin sold to the family!

The details of the sale are below:


Southern Ontario Cachers / Trackable with Icon


1.5" Antique Silver

GC trackable with Icon

500 Antique Silver coins available for purchase

50 Antique Copper LE (kept by Southern Ontario Cachers)

Price: $8.00


Southern Ontario Cachers - Canada Geese Coin




Preorder starts Thursday, September 7, 2006

World Time Converter

Eastern European DST 2:00 am

Central European DST 1:00 am

Greenwich Mean 12:00 midnight

USA Eastern DST 7:00 pm

USA Central DST 6:00 pm

USA Mountain DST 5:00 pm

USA Pacific DST 4:00 pm


Ships on September 28, 2006


The shipping cost is based on the actual weight and there is a $2.00 handling fee per order (not per coin).


On the evening of August 26th, after a geocaching event, Ontario lost one of its geocaching pioneers. Tony Dawe, better known as 1701eh, was an icon in the Southern Ontario geocaching community, and one of our best ambassadors. By all accounts, Tony was one of the friendliest people you could meet, the kind of fellow that many considered a true friend after only a brief encounter on the trails. He was the first in line to welcome newcomers to events, offer congratulations on milestones and give the encouragement that we have all needed at times with some of the puzzling caches that we have encountered. We will all miss his camaraderie, his sense of humour and his jovial nature. It was clear to all who knew him that his first priority was to have a great time in all that he did.


Although also seriously injured, Tony is survived by his wife Sue and their two children Allan and Rebecca. The Caching Place has arranged to donate $1.50 from every geocoin sold. These proceeds will go to Tony’s family during their time of sorrow.


Rest in peace 1701eh...

and Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before.


Memories of 1701eh can be read Here.


Thanks Everybody!


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Hi Rayman,


Sales are being conducted only thru the website. They handled the minting / website hosting and distributino of the coins. They also made a large contribution towards the donation on top of what we were originallly discussing. Shipping date is set for September 28th.


Southern Ontario Cachers - Geese Coins


Sorry I won't be able to be at GHAGAFAP this year, but work calls.




Are these going to be available at GHAGAFAP this coming weekend, or do we need to purchase from the website? Great design!

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Just received word that there are less than 200 of these coins left. The geocoin collectors of the world have really made me feel good with their generous purchases of this coin and it's subsequent donation to the family of 1701eh.


Thanks everybody!


Yikes, I just saw this thread and ordered - I hope that I got in under the wire!


As soon as I saw this coin I knew I had to order one. My husband used to spend days helping band geese at the Jack Miner's Sanctuary when he was growing up. The fact that it's also being used to help a cacher's family just cemented the deal. Tis a lovely coin, and a nice thing you're doing.

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Thanks for jumping in PAWSitraction. Last I heard there were still coins available, but the sales have been steady. We are blessed with Canada Geese throughout Southern Ontario and are glad to be able to commemorate them in the coins. Thanks goes out to everybody that has bought the coins for the "nice thing" that's being done.




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Caching Place website says these coins were to be shipped yesterday. Anybody get one yet?




Hi Folks!


The coins have indeed arrived, and they are AWESOME - we are in the process of preparing them for shipping. They will start going out on Monday!


We would like to thank everyone for their support on this coin. There are still some remaining in the gallery at The Caching Place.


Thanks and have a great weekend!


Mrs Cach-U-Nuts!

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Caching Place website says these coins were to be shipped yesterday. Anybody get one yet?




Hi Folks!


The coins have indeed arrived, and they are AWESOME - we are in the process of preparing them for shipping. They will start going out on Monday!


We would like to thank everyone for their support on this coin. There are still some remaining in the gallery at The Caching Place.


Thanks and have a great weekend!


Mrs Cach-U-Nuts!


Next week is gonna be a good week! :P

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Looking forward to seeing these coins and holding them in hand. I received my email saying that my order shipped out today.


Lots of people contacted about the Beaver coins after they were sold out. If you are even thinking about a Canada Geese coin, jump on down to the Caching Place while you have the chance. These will be sweet looking coins and are supporting a great family.




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