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Possible 2007 MWGB Locations?


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Since the end of this year's event, we have yet to get a suggestion for a place to contact for the 2007 rendition of the event. That's unless you include "There's a park across from my backyard" which we've heard many times now.


We are beating down some doors but we could use some help. All we need is a recommendation and if you happen to have an inside contact or know when they've got something planned already or even just a phone number or web site, please send them in. We're expecting to have 1000 to 1200 people at the venue next year.


I can understand if you wouldn't want to have a Mega Event near you. They do tend to devastate the area in a few ways. Hopefully we have been better about maintaining cache integrity this year than last. Last year left scars in some places from the grass being trampled by hundreds who visited in a matter of two days. It also seems to remove nearly every TB that is anywhere near the event. But, if all the locals grab some bugs at the event, it should still work out in everyone's favor.


So, if you want to have one of the largest gatherings in your neck of the woods or somewhere you would like to visit in the Midwest, email some venue information to info@midwestgeobash.org . We'll take it from there.


Come to this area! There are 3 places relativley close to each other you can have events and camp:


Summit Lake State Park


Mounds State Park


Westwood County Park


Have the event at one, and camping can easily overflow into the other two. Westwood would be the central location.


Trample all you want if you have it here. I'll go right every blade of grass for that much gas savings!


I liked the idea of having it at Bean Blossom in Southern Indiana. Great caches in the area.

It turned out that Bean Blossom doesn't have the indoor facilities that we need. That and that they didn't return any contact attempts... Seems to be a popular way to business.



Summit Lake State Park


Mounds State Park


I'll admit a couple of years ago I had considered these IDNR properties as possible sites. Given the stories of drunkeness, midnight swimming escapades, and other black eye causing episodes from recent bashes, I would be concerned about recommending one of our Indiana State Parks. Granted, this type of behavior only comes from a certain 1% of the attendees, it is enough to damage some of the relationships that many geocachers have built with these parks.


At current I would recommend a private venue, and leave the state parks for the smaller events and CITOs such as the fall and spring picnics and cacher campouts.


I think 1markymark1 mentioned having a contact at Kruse...he was gonna try to look into it for a possible MWGB location. However, I seem to remember him saying he didn't think there were enough restrooms or showers or something like that. May want to get in touch with him about it.


I read on an event page somewhere, however, that Ohio was going to "officially announce" their hosting of the 2007 MWGB. From the sounds of it, they already had full plans of hosting it.



Summit Lake State Park


Mounds State Park


I'll admit a couple of years ago I had considered these IDNR properties as possible sites. Given the stories of drunkeness, midnight swimming escapades, and other black eye causing episodes from recent bashes, I would be concerned about recommending one of our Indiana State Parks. Granted, this type of behavior only comes from a certain 1% of the attendees, it is enough to damage some of the relationships that many geocachers have built with these parks.


At current I would recommend a private venue, and leave the state parks for the smaller events and CITOs such as the fall and spring picnics and cacher campouts.


Having been at both GeoBashes, I don't see how either one hurt any park system/geocaching relationship. Perhaps if you would have attended either instead of relying on 2nd hand or worse accounts your opinion would be different. I would not hesitate to recommend holding GeoBash at any site that is appropriate.



Having been at both GeoBashes, I don't see how either one hurt any park system/geocaching relationship. Perhaps if you would have attended either instead of relying on 2nd hand or worse accounts your opinion would be different. I would not hesitate to recommend holding GeoBash at any site that is appropriate.


I second that!



Summit Lake State Park


Mounds State Park


I'll admit a couple of years ago I had considered these IDNR properties as possible sites. Given the stories of drunkeness, midnight swimming escapades, and other black eye causing episodes from recent bashes, I would be concerned about recommending one of our Indiana State Parks. Granted, this type of behavior only comes from a certain 1% of the attendees, it is enough to damage some of the relationships that many geocachers have built with these parks.


At current I would recommend a private venue, and leave the state parks for the smaller events and CITOs such as the fall and spring picnics and cacher campouts.


Having been at both GeoBashes, I don't see how either one hurt any park system/geocaching relationship. Perhaps if you would have attended either instead of relying on 2nd hand or worse accounts your opinion would be different. I would not hesitate to recommend holding GeoBash at any site that is appropriate.


As one of the hosts for the Area 51 Campfire at the '06 Bash I witnessed and contributed to, a geat deal of adult beverage and boiled peanut consumption on the part of Geocachers, and to a man and woman they all behaved like ladies and gentlemen, even the swimmers. And I never saw any black eyes... And for the record , the percentage is way above 1% and no relationship damages were incurred. I don't know what you are talking about. Maybe providing some specific instances re '06 bash could be provided before making sweeping negative statements would be a more responsible course to take ... My opinion only, but based on facts. --Rick


For the record, the 2005 Ohio DNR Annual Report uses the MWGB as one of the highlights of the department's expansion of it's traditional activity boundaries. We actually had more people leave our event because of the family reunion than the park received complaints about us.


The 2006 site was enthusiastic about having us back again. That was on Sunday after all the big activity was over. I think the only real problem we had from outside involved Jimmy Buffett on the fairground's loudspeakers which just weren't pointed the right way to be heard inside the park.


We still don't have any emailed recommendations. We're following our own leads, but we'll gladly take any we're sent.




Indeed Ross Camp would be a good place for a group willing and able to spend the money for the inside facilities. There are sizable indoor facilities, a campground and even a chapel in case someone wants a geo-wedding. Right next to the 200 acre Ross camp is the 175 acre Ross Hills park and thus there is about 375 acres of rolling wooded terrain to wander around. We have had one geo-picnic in Ross Hills park but nothing in Ross Camp ... but this is because the open face shelter in the park cost $30 while the Camp's enclosed shelters are much more pricey.



Summit Lake State Park


Mounds State Park


I'll admit a couple of years ago I had considered these IDNR properties as possible sites. Given the stories of drunkeness, midnight swimming escapades, and other black eye causing episodes from recent bashes, I would be concerned about recommending one of our Indiana State Parks. Granted, this type of behavior only comes from a certain 1% of the attendees, it is enough to damage some of the relationships that many geocachers have built with these parks.


At current I would recommend a private venue, and leave the state parks for the smaller events and CITOs such as the fall and spring picnics and cacher campouts.


Granted I have only attended the 06 Geobash, but did not see anything that would have portrayed Geocachers in anything less than a positive light. My family participated in some of the Area 51 festivities. There was absolutely nothing going on there that I was concerned about my kids being around. An average Friday or Saturday night at the Turkey Run or McCormick’s Creek S.P. campgrounds would have seen more “negative activity” IMHO.


If you know of something that we don’t, let’s hear it. It would be better to address any problems now rather than later.


I see the larger problem of utilizing one of Indiana’s DNR properties being the lack of indoor facilities. We would either be stuck with an outdoor shelter at the low end or having to book the entire Potawatomi Inn at the high end. There is not much in between available (especially that could accommodate 1200 persons) to my knowledge.


I think that Ross Camp would be a perfect venue!


I still like Kendallville or Warsaw ... County fairgrounds instead of Parks where we could "own" the whole place and not have to sweat non-players getting their bloomers in a bunch.


I have been by Ross Camp near Purdue ... not in it, though. Could be interesting but a bit far for the core of attendees in OH and MI.


I still like Kendallville or Warsaw ... County fairgrounds instead of Parks where we could "own" the whole place and not have to sweat non-players getting their bloomers in a bunch.


I agree Fairgrounds would be better like at the 06 Bash.


We too were in the Area 51 with our son and didn't see anything going on there that was unfit for him. Just some good'O fun with fellow cachers just like any other campout.


Looking forward to 07 Kendallville area sounds great to us!


I have been by Ross Camp near Purdue ... not in it, though. Could be interesting but a bit far for the core of attendees in OH and MI.


certainly no worse than either location has been (distance wise) for those of us from Southern OH or even Northern KY.


We be willing to travel for this!



If you know of something that we don’t, let’s hear it. It would be better to address any problems now rather than later.


I think that Ross Camp would be a perfect venue!


:D Yes, feed the trolls! If the OP is that interested in park infractions and violations that were commited, he can ask. It is of no business to any but the planning committee. As for naming out names of those who commented... come on.


My point being, I have heard enough that I would not recommend a state park. Point said, my opinion.


Ross Camp would be a perfect venue. You'll love the alcohol policy there! :D

Posted (edited)

What about here? http://www.vanwertcountyfair.com/index.htm

The fair grounds is large and has alot of indoor buildings,lotsof camping spots w/electric and I think they have septic for campers too, theres already wireless internet there and it has alot of caches really nearby you can cache in three states all in one day, Indiania is 12 miles away and michigan is only about an hour away!! and it is really easy to get to it is right on 127! Just an idea.

Edited by the butterfly effect

How about this one


Elkhart County Fair Grounds


Just trying to get some Indiana locations out there.


I'd love to see it here!


Lot's of caches around the area (140 in a 20 mile radius)


It looks like a nice facility, and is close to alot of nice features and tourist locations. They even list their GPS coordinates on the site!


I've been to their county fair and the grounds are extensive. Hmmmmm.



If you know of something that we don’t, let’s hear it. It would be better to address any problems now rather than later.


I think that Ross Camp would be a perfect venue!


:) Yes, feed the trolls! If the OP is that interested in park infractions and violations that were commited, he can ask. It is of no business to any but the planning committee. As for naming out names of those who commented... come on.


My point being, I have heard enough that I would not recommend a state park. Point said, my opinion.


Ross Camp would be a perfect venue. You'll love the alcohol policy there! :grin:


Resorting to namecalling like well lets just say it isn't nice .. as far as alcohol goes well I have it by good authority that it exsists even at events such as the POKAGON CACHERS CAMPOUT at least last years event anyhow ......


Just my 2 cents ,




It looks like the Bippus Area Geocaching Organization (BAGO) took a strong lead with their proposal submitted today. It does look like the bribes work for and against, since some people prefer beverages that don't come adorned with a slice of orange.

Posted (edited)


If you know of something that we don’t, let’s hear it. It would be better to address any problems now rather than later.


I think that Ross Camp would be a perfect venue!


:) Yes, feed the trolls! If the OP is that interested in park infractions and violations that were commited, he can ask. It is of no business to any but the planning committee. As for naming out names of those who commented... come on.


My point being, I have heard enough that I would not recommend a state park. Point said, my opinion.


Ross Camp would be a perfect venue. You'll love the alcohol policy there! :grin:


Resorting to namecalling like well lets just say it isn't nice .. as far as alcohol goes well I have it by good authority that it exsists even at events such as the POKAGON CACHERS CAMPOUT at least last years event anyhow ......


Just my 2 cents ,




WHOOOOOOO.....Let me just say that, yes, there WAS alcohol at last years PCC, difference being, there were less than 140 cachers at the campout, and of those >140, only about 5 teams actually camped. There was NOT alcohol at the actual "event!" I would GREATLY appreciate it if my event was NOT compared to the MWGB, as they are two TOTALLY different types of events. And please note that while, yes, our event is "co-sponsored" by Pokagon Nature Center, all that basically means is that they donate the use of the shelter, saving me over $150.00, and they put on a program for us. Other than that, myself and "Paws" do all the work. I thought this was a thread about where to hold the 2007 MWGB, not one about who consumed alcohol where, and who didn't?!?

Edited by The Herd

It looks like the Bippus Area Geocaching Organization (BAGO) took a strong lead with their proposal submitted today. It does look like the bribes work for and against, since some people prefer beverages that don't come adorned with a slice of orange.


You forgot to mention that that area is totally awsome with terrific senic views , loads of caching possibilities, great hiking and waterfalls ! Plus for those that wish there is fishing !





If you know of something that we don’t, let’s hear it. It would be better to address any problems now rather than later.


I think that Ross Camp would be a perfect venue!


:( Yes, feed the trolls! If the OP is that interested in park infractions and violations that were commited, he can ask. It is of no business to any but the planning committee. As for naming out names of those who commented... come on.


My point being, I have heard enough that I would not recommend a state park. Point said, my opinion.


Ross Camp would be a perfect venue. You'll love the alcohol policy there! :P


Resorting to namecalling like well lets just say it isn't nice .. as far as alcohol goes well I have it by good authority that it exsists even at events such as the POKAGON CACHERS CAMPOUT at least last years event anyhow ......


Just my 2 cents ,




WHOOOOOOO.....Let me just say that, yes, there WAS alcohol at last years PCC, difference being, there were less than 140 cachers at the campout, and of those >140, only about 5 teams actually camped. There was NOT alcohol at the actual "event!" I would GREATLY appreciate it if my event was NOT compared to the MWGB, as they are two TOTALLY different types of events. And please note that while, yes, our event is "co-sponsored" by Pokagon Nature Center, all that basically means is that they donate the use of the shelter, saving me over $150.00, and they put on a program for us. Other than that, myself and "Paws" do all the work. I thought this was a thread about where to hold the 2007 MWGB, not one about who consumed alcohol where, and who didn't?!?


WHOOOOOOO...Let me just say that I've been to both your event and MWGB 2006 and they are NOT "totally different" types of events. The only Significant difference is that of SCALE.


And for the life of me I am dumbfounded as to why you would not want your event to be compared to such an excellent and historical event as MWGB---unless you're attempting to make some veiled disparaging implication about the BASH.... unless I've totally missed something here.


As for the subject of Adult Beverage comsumption at events and unsupported allegations of how that practice may affect the choice of venues, I don't think it's appropriate for you to presume to want ot put limits on the scope of the discussion. That subject is a valid part of the over-all decision process...Let's keep the discussion open and free... :P

Posted (edited)


Summit Lake State Park


Mounds State Park


I'll admit a couple of years ago I had considered these IDNR properties as possible sites. Given the stories of drunkeness, midnight swimming escapades, and other black eye causing episodes from recent bashes, I would be concerned about recommending one of our Indiana State Parks. Granted, this type of behavior only comes from a certain 1% of the attendees, it is enough to damage some of the relationships that many geocachers have built with these parks.


At current I would recommend a private venue, and leave the state parks for the smaller events and CITOs such as the fall and spring picnics and cacher campouts.


This seems to be the post that started all the bad karma. But your right, lets get back on topic here.


Our vote is for the Elkhart County Fair Grounds. Lots of caches in the area, and with so many to choose from, should help keep the 'trampled look' from happening to to many caches. It's in Northern Indiana and this is where the MWGB said they'd like to hold 07 at during the announcments at the 06 Bash. It appears to have plenty of room and facilities. It's not on State Park land. There shouldn't be many if any muggles staying in the area for us to annoy. Close to Ohio, Illinois, Michigan and easy to get to for Indiana people too.


Sounds great!


So how soon can we make our reservations, how much, what's the date. Is the website up and going yet?!?!? Come on, it's been like a month sinc the last one and we are so ready to go to the next one!!


Quack, Quack!!

Edited by 501_Gang

I think somewhere along the way someone forgot that PNC and I are NOT the same person, and therefore myself, and my event, got drug into something that I really wanted to stay out of. PNC has his own opinion, and what he posted is just that. Now, I also have heard the stories of people passing out drunk, people missing certain "events" because they were passed out, contests to see who could drink the most, etc. However, I was not there, and so I don't know what really happened. All I know are the stories I have been told, and NO, I will not post names out here in public, as some of these people are people I consider friends. I do realize that ADULTS consume alcohol, I enjoy it on occasion also, (not near as often as a few years ago...hehe)


The problems I have with MWGB being held in a state park are these: first off, MWGB is held during their busiest camping time, so you would have to share the park with HUNDREDS of muggles, if you could even find a campground big enough for all the MWGBers! I know that most SPs fill up a year in advance in their busy season. I also know that as posted in the original post, it would effect the terrain around the area. Hundreds and Hundreds of cachers all converging on the caches in the park at once could cause serious damage, and would NOT look good in the eyes of the IDNR, despite what we as cachers may think. I know that a LOT of cachers have worked VERY hard to establish a good relationship with the IDNR, and I would be afraid of damaging that relationship in any way. I am sure they would be on stand by, just waiting for one little slip up.

I vote for the Elkhart Fairgrounds....or any suitable fairground for that matter....no worries of muggles, no worries of damage to the land...(have you seen the ground after a fair??) and no worries of IDNR patrol standing by waiting for someone to slip.

No, I have NOT been to a MWGB, doesn't mean I have not tried TO go. I want to, and would have, if work wouldn't have been so important. I think it would be a LOT of fun, and look forward to going in 2007!


As an organizer, I'd appreciate hearing the details alluded to previously - but privately. Please direct any comments to info@midwestgeobash.org and they will be kept confidential. Any such input helps us in our planning year to year.


I think it's safe to assume we won't be persuing any Indiana State Parks for a variety of reasons. So the "why not SP" discussion can cease.


I also don't think we need to defend the MWGB so vigorously in this thread. If you've been - you know it's a stand up event. Can events that size get away without any incidents? Of course not. But in the scope of large events - we behave very well. We were told so by each year's venue operators.


So on with the possible venue discussion.


Things I'm personally looking for as far as venue are:


- An exclusive venue like the 2006 venue

- Preferably camping on site, preferably managed by said venue

- Preferably easy access to highways to ease travel

- Preferably closer to the middle area of the Midwest to make it more accessible to more Midwest cachers.

- Preferably with ample hotels and other facilities nearby for food, ice, etc.

- Preferably with water feature to cool off in on site or very close by

- MUST have indoor facilities onsite or available very close by

- MUST offer some kind of concessions

- Preferably provide all facilities if they have camping (i.e. toilets, showers, etc.)



has any one checked this place out? There is fishing really close by the hospital is across the street, the buildings(commercial and JR. fair buildings are airconditioned theres lots of showers and bathrooms hotels just down the road food places all over and Ice right across the street! theres 800 spots for campers and has a septic dump spot. It is a 4h fairground so I bet 4-H would work with consessions!! and it is really easy to get to!!!



has any one checked this place out? There is fishing really close by the hospital is across the street, the buildings(commercial and JR. fair buildings are airconditioned theres lots of showers and bathrooms hotels just down the road food places all over and Ice right across the street! theres 800 spots for campers and has a septic dump spot. It is a 4h fairground so I bet 4-H would work with consessions!! and it is really easy to get to!!!


Looks nice but the first one was not far from there.


Besides they have this crazy cat lady living nearby who gets drunk on boxed wine and steals plants. We don't want THAT type around. ... Not that I'm gonna name names even though I could.



Things I'm personally looking for as far as venue are:


- An exclusive venue like the 2006 venue

- Preferably camping on site, preferably managed by said venue

- Preferably easy access to highways to ease travel

- Preferably closer to the middle area of the Midwest to make it more accessible to more Midwest cachers.

- Preferably with ample hotels and other facilities nearby for food, ice, etc.

- Preferably with water feature to cool off in on site or very close by

- MUST have indoor facilities onsite or available very close by

- MUST offer some kind of concessions

- Preferably provide all facilities if they have camping (i.e. toilets, showers, etc.)

With all that, I'm thinking that the Elkhart County Campgrounds is an excellent possibility.

They do offer rental of the entire grounds by a group, lots of camping, close to the interstate...


They're near Shipshewana, and hence have lots of "tourist area" experience - I've seen hotels and a variety of restaurants available in and around Elkhart.

I don't know about the indoor facilities, though. On their "site map" they do have a couple of exhibition halls - probably at least one of them in enclosed; plus there's the Elkhart Community Center.


Oooo, and an enormous stage area, if that'd help.


And they also have WiFi (for a fee) and Free DSL hookup. <_<



Things I'm personally looking for as far as venue are:


- An exclusive venue like the 2006 venue

- Preferably camping on site, preferably managed by said venue

- Preferably easy access to highways to ease travel

- Preferably closer to the middle area of the Midwest to make it more accessible to more Midwest cachers.

- Preferably with ample hotels and other facilities nearby for food, ice, etc.

- Preferably with water feature to cool off in on site or very close by

- MUST have indoor facilities onsite or available very close by

- MUST offer some kind of concessions

- Preferably provide all facilities if they have camping (i.e. toilets, showers, etc.)

With all that, I'm thinking that the Elkhart County Campgrounds is an excellent possibility.

They do offer rental of the entire grounds by a group, lots of camping, close to the interstate...


They're near Shipshewana, and hence have lots of "tourist area" experience - I've seen hotels and a variety of restaurants available in and around Elkhart.

I don't know about the indoor facilities, though. On their "site map" they do have a couple of exhibition halls - probably at least one of them in enclosed; plus there's the Elkhart Community Center.


Oooo, and an enormous stage area, if that'd help.


And they also have WiFi (for a fee) and Free DSL hookup. :huh:


... and there are a lot more local babes who don't wear bonnets than in some of the other suggested locations.



... and there are a lot more local babes who don't wear bonnets than in some of the other suggested locations.


Ever heard The Electric Amish sing "Black Bonnet Girls"? Think Queen's "Fat Bottom Girls".


Anyway, back on topic.....


This place sounds good. We'll be there!


What are you looking for in the location, I am new to geocaching and have not attended a bash yet. You may want to look at Morrison Co. Fairgrounds just outside of Little Falls MN 56345, I know that Good Sam RV Club as well as Monaco Coach both hold rallies here. First look and see if there are enough caches in the area to hold a bash here, if you need a contact name for the grounds let me know I will find one for you. My email is listed on my profile.

Posted (edited)

Special Ed: Can you rent Comiskey in October for a big Geocacher party?


(Go Tigers!)




(Mr. BBD made me do it!)


Sure.. I'll have to wait for the World Series to end though. :ph34r:

Edited by FallenFaery & Special Ed

How about this one


Elkhart County Fair Grounds


Just trying to get some Indiana locations out there.


that'd be sweet, I'd be able to attend that one not too far and not too close to home and there are a lot of great caches nearby. Plus with that location you get 2 states for the price of one with MI not too far away. :(


if i could make a recomendation how about rice creek park reserve in lino lakes mn actually the little icon next to my name is the map. although there may be parking trouble im sure that can be solved with a lil extra walking. but this park has a nice beach with 2 large picnic pavillions it still may be too small but idk how many people would actually come. there also is a fancy golf coarse and 4 miles of paved trails nice park your event may be to large though but this location is close to minneapolis



Things I'm personally looking for as far as venue are:


- An exclusive venue like the 2006 venue

- Preferably camping on site, preferably managed by said venue

- Preferably easy access to highways to ease travel

- Preferably closer to the middle area of the Midwest to make it more accessible to more Midwest cachers.

- Preferably with ample hotels and other facilities nearby for food, ice, etc.

- Preferably with water feature to cool off in on site or very close by

- MUST have indoor facilities onsite or available very close by

- MUST offer some kind of concessions

- Preferably provide all facilities if they have camping (i.e. toilets, showers, etc.)

With all that, I'm thinking that the Elkhart County Campgrounds is an excellent possibility.

They do offer rental of the entire grounds by a group, lots of camping, close to the interstate...


They're near Shipshewana, and hence have lots of "tourist area" experience - I've seen hotels and a variety of restaurants available in and around Elkhart.

I don't know about the indoor facilities, though. On their "site map" they do have a couple of exhibition halls - probably at least one of them in enclosed; plus there's the Elkhart Community Center.


Oooo, and an enormous stage area, if that'd help.


And they also have WiFi (for a fee) and Free DSL hookup. :laughing:


This place has my vote if it is affordable (are we taking votes?) And if there's free DSL, we can try to provide wifi ourselves again. Just need a better quality router than my netgear piece of junk.


if i could make a recomendation how about rice creek park reserve in lino lakes mn actually the little icon next to my name is the map. although there may be parking trouble im sure that can be solved with a lil extra walking. but this park has a nice beach with 2 large picnic pavillions it still may be too small but idk how many people would actually come. there also is a fancy golf coarse and 4 miles of paved trails nice park your event may be to large though but this location is close to minneapolis


How many campsites are there?

We had over 500 cachers this year so figure 700 to 1000 next year.




well im not sure exactly how many campsites are there but i no there r some and they r next to the beach although there r many other camp sites close by i know there r some in bunker park and i think somewhere north in forest lake here there is boat access there is a web site for the park and other anoka county parks just google anoka county parks some info will pop up another park that may be better is not to far away from this one and it has a lot more to do but i dont know much about it this park is called bunker park thats where everything is for this county now you cant hide a geocache in a park in anoka county but there r already many caches at buker park but if u google anoka county parks it should give u some more info.

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