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Social Cachers: Let's Hear From You!


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Geocachers are the most interesting subset of humanity that I have ever encountered. It's no secret that many folks consider Geocaching Events as the best part of this great Hobby/Sport/Activity/Obsession.


I have attended events in 5 states and last night I attended my 54th official GC.com event. (I have been to quite a few more that were OFF the radar.) I pulled strings to get off from work early to attend it too.


I just can't stand the thought of having to miss an event that is nearby (within about 75 miles, or so) if I don't absolutely HAVE to.


For a special weekend event, I might travel as far as 400 miles to attend, which gives me an 800 mile event radius.


I have traveled 2,000+ miles (roundtrip) just to attend ONE event, (GeoWoodstock III) and I'm certain that I'll repeat that distance again sometime soon.


I've hosted 7 events of my own and I have 3 more approved to be held over the next 6 weeks. YAY! :D


I know for a fact that I'm NOT the only one who does this judging by the people I have met again and again and again.... and in different parts of the country which is often amusing if you had no idea that the other cacher was even going to be there. :D


Spring is here and it's EVENT SEASON!!! I'm giddy with excitement, because my area has an event posted every single weekend for the next FOUR weeks! YIPPEE!!!!




What's your event story?


To what lengths will you go to attend an event?


How many have you attended/hosted?


Share an event anecdote?

Edited by Snoogans
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I've attended "regular" events in Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, Maryland -- but even then, only three of these have been within 50 miles of home. It is great fun to plan a caching roadtrip to nearby event destinations like Cleveland, Erie and Central/Southcentral Pennsylvania.


Nationally I've been to GeoWoodstock II in Nashville, and GeoWoodstock III in Jacksonville, where I met Snoogans. And next week, I've built a week's vacation out of flying to Seattle to attend the regional "Spring Fling" event. It will be my third geo-trip to that area. It's 2100 miles from home, but there's caches in Seattle that I've visited twice with different groups!


Roadtrips rock. You meet different people and pick up lots of new finds and hiding techniques. If you have a tourguide you can be sure to hit the very best caches in the area, in the company of someone who knows how to get around without quite so many U-turns and missed exits.


So, I am looking forward to adding my 7th state to my "count" for events. More important, I will increase my find count for "new cachers I've met," which has to be well over 1,000 at this point, mainly because of events.

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I hosted the second event ever in my region and a year or so later, a geocachers backpacking trip/event. That was the end of my hosting days. Not because I don't want to, but because there are several people in the area who are really into hosting events and put on some outstanding ones. I can't do better, so I don't bother. There are plenty for everyone to attend without me adding more. I'm not saying I will never host one in the future, but as long as people like Avroair and Team Rampant Lion are putting on great events, I'm happy to attend and leave the planning to them.


As far as events I've been to, I've logged 16, but the real number is closer to 20. If I just stop by for a few minutes to say hello I feel funny logging an "attended".


I'll go through reasonable lengths to attend an event. If it sounds interesting and I have nothing else on my calendar, I'll go. But I'm not likely to drive 200 miles to an event.

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I've attended 17 posted events and hosted 2. Add to that numerous puzzle solving pizza parties.


Events are a blast. I won't miss one if I can help it, and have been known to attend events solo when out of town on business. It didn't matter that I didn't know anyone, I was welcomed as if I was a local regular.

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I've logged an attended note on 41 events (edit to add 5 CITO events and hosted 3 so far). I've been to a bunch of WSGA meetings that I never logged so I'm likely closer to 50+. We attended our first event exactly 4 weeks after registering to the site back in Feb. '02. We were a bit nervous at first because we only had a few finds at that point and hadn't met any other cachers. I was still not 100% sure about this whole sport/hobby/obsession and so we bucked up our courage and headed out.


We had a great time and I remember walking back to our car at the end of the day and commenting on how nice everyone was. We were just tickled that we found a group of people that understood this new passion. Many of the people we met that day are still caching and we now consider them friends.


The next bit of courage came when we attended our first out of state event later that summer. A bunch of cachers in Portland, OR decided to get together to do a service project for a local park that wasn't being to geo-friendly. The park had a campground and several people were going to be camping for the weekend/night. That event is now celebrating it's 5th year and we are thrilled to be able to have attended every year.


We do our best to make events when they come up, sometimes it's not possible but I always look at them to see if we can fit it into the schedule. Cachers are the greatest people in the world and I'm a little like the OP in that I hate to miss a chance to meet new cachers and visit with old friends.

Edited by Wander Lost
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I've only made it to 35 events. Too many of them are on the weekends and I do not have a M-F job, but I try to get to as many as I can. I've traveled to the last two geowoodstocks, in Nashville TN and Jacksonville FL, each about 500 miles away. The plans are already made to fly to TX for #4 in just a few weeks.


We also have a great tradition here of throwing a social event for you after you find your special 1K tribute multi (they are not easy-you deserve a few cold ones after that). :D

Edited by wimseyguy
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I've attended about 30 events in 5 states- Montana, Idaho, Washington, Illinois and Delaware. Hoping to add a CITO in Mississippi next weekend. I love going to events and meeting folks. And I've been lucky enough to have the time when out of town to visit events going on nearby. First thing I do when I schedule a trip is check for events during the week I am in the area. I almost made a Missouri event once but was too busy working to make the 40 mile drive.

We'd love to make some of the big national group events or large multi-state events like Geowoodstock and Champoeng someday. We hope to be able to plan on doing more of those types of things in the future.

But I have found that it is just as much fun to contact a local or two and get together with them for caching and dinner, more personal, less having to run around and try to meet everyone. And I really have enjoyed hanging out with the folks I've been lucky enough to meet that way! Even managed to have dinner with some geo-friends in Las Vegas a few weeks ago when it turned out that their trip there and my conference converged nicely! Having a local around for weekend caching is one of the best parts- CaRiverCpl took me out in California a few years back, and LALady and I met up last weekend for 6 caches in New Orleans.

There are so many neat folks who geocache that meeting them is one of the best parts of the hobby.


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Well, I'm just getting started, 2 standard events, and 1 CITO. I am planning to go to one event at the end of this month, and another next month. I also want to have my own event this spring/ summer.


My range is about 60-80 miles one way. I'd like to go to Geowoodstock, but it's not looking like I will be able to go this time. <_<

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I hosted my first event (GCTP5Y) a month after I started caching on the day after St. Patrick's Day. After starting caching, I found myself quickly wanting to meet the people behind so many great caches I discovered in my first fifty finds. Having attended a number of blog-meets, I had long past got over my phobia of "meeting a bunch of people from the internet." To add to the fun for the event, I bought a little six pack of St. Patrick's Day green mini-mugs and placed them in caches that the GF and I particularly liked. Whoever showed up with a green mini-mug was treated to a drink of their choice on me.


In the end we had about 20 cachers show up, and it was a delight to meet so many folks from diverse backgrounds. The GF who wasn't as impressed with meeting bloggers as I was had an entirely different and pleasant opinion of meeting geocachers.


On a side note, Snoogans, I'm watching Quantum Leap and hoping to take a crack at it next fall. Job requirements and my personal desire to find many more caches before I try it are responsible for the time delay. I have loved reading all the logs for it. Maybe sometime in the future, I'll get a chance to meet you at an event and trade canine TBs. I've already copied your idea of putting a travel bug on your dog. :P

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My event listing is meager, compared to others. I've attended 8 different events. Seven of those events have been held in my home state of Oklahoma. The eightth, I was lucky enough to be in London when that group of cachers held an event at the Ye Olde Mitre Pub. The events in Oklahoma are mostly weekend long social gatherings with geocaching games included. The most enjoyable part is the campfire story sharing, which takes place normally on the Friday night before all of the caching gets started. Our monthly meeting in OKC is an event, that although I've attended many of, have only logged an Attended once. But, as with the weekend long events, these regular meetings provide a great chance to share experiences with other great cachers and Oklahoma is blessed with many of these. :P

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... a M-F job ...

I've often referred to my job that way! :D:P:):D


But seriously, I love attending Events, especially outside of my "home" area. It's great to meet fellow cachers in different areas, learn about different favorite local hiding techniques and caches, and in every case I've felt completely welcome. (even in areas where I've railed on-line about Micro Spew!)

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:D I love attending events far and wide. Attended events in TX, KY, TN, WV, OH, and IN.


Met LOTS of awesome cachers along the way; have never felt unwelcome at a geo-gathering even if I knew noone going into it.


Biggest event ever attended: Midwest Geobash; attending Geowoodstock for the first time this year!


Attended around 40, hosted 5


Hosted 2 CITOS, well one is coming up this weekend anyway. :D


I think I even met you before SNOOGANS! (Moosiegirl's Ammo Can/Sign My Cast like 2 years ago)

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I'd attend a whole lot more if there were some in my new area that weren't on a Saturday :D . It gets a little frustrating for me, wanting to participate and meet new people, but I can never attend. I'm the Sup. at my shop and getting a Saturday off is next to impossible. Guess I'll have to wait for retirement before I can really start to enjoy this aspect of the community. :D

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