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To All Those With Personal Coins


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Good question. I was worried about running out - so I decided to make a series that I would slowly release over a year. I figure that way I will have plenty of coins to last me for caching for a year or two. What will I do when I run out completely? I suppose I'll cross that bridge when I come to it - but for now that bridge is very far away :D



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My personal coin when and if I ever make it will not be sold. Thus I can do what I want, how I want, in any way I want and nobody has a leg to stand on if they ever gripe about it. That remaind the best way to tackle a coin.


Were I to sell it to help me afford the die fees then it's important to be up front about your intent. "I'm selling 200 LE coins, but making as many of the regular coin as I need during my caching career" is fair if you say it up front. Then if you run out you can make more and you are good to go.


Some cachers have got all excited about making a coin and say they are making 500 and no more. Then they realize that the 50 they kept wasn't enough and now they want more. The catch 22 being they sold the most of the 500 to people by saying it was limited to 500 to be able to afford the ones they did keep.


Some people think it's ok to solve that dilema by making the same coin with a differnet metal. Regardless of if it's ok, it's still essentially the same coin (painting your house green doesn't change that it's still the same house) and it's going to dilute the 500 limit that was set. I don't think that's right.


Being up front is the best policy. Especially now that you can benifit from hard won experience in these forums. It's not any harder to say "200 LE and Unlimited regular than it is to say 200 LE and 500 Regular".


For trades: I'm not going to trade a 200 LE coin for a 200 LE AtlantaGal knowing she also makes unlimited regular coins. It's just not the same. But I know that up front (since she just said it above) and I would trade her another Unlimited coin for one of her unlimited coins.

Edited by Renegade Knight
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I promised my investors (those who pre-ordered my Lowracer coin) that I would mint only a fixed number. 250 of bronze, and 50 of silver. I'm sticking to that. If I want to do more personal coins, I would create new artwork. I'm not planning another lowracer coin until next year for my 5th caching anniversary. The design and artwork will be completely different from this years' coin. Of course by then this whole geocoin craze may have blown over, like the hula hoop and the big wheel... Or maybe not.

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I make more of my standard coin if necessary, but the LEs never are reminted.

I probably should have clarified that since my coin is a 2006, I will mint more of the standard nickle or possibly a few of another metal not already used if I run out. The reason is that I don't want to have to mint them early like I did for this one. The standard version is the one I also put into caches so 200 coins might not last for all of 2006 considering I only have about 78 left, lol.


I won't do a new design of "my" personal coin until december for 2007.

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While we're on this subject..........I'm contemplating possibly using the front of my coin that is in production now with the standard Groundspeak reverse to create a trackable coin that i could leave in caches.


I know they are my coins to make how and when I want, but I'm curious if the masses would consider this essentially the same coin and making them would devalue my current coin of which there are 200 of one metal and 50 of another metal being minted now.

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While we're on this subject..........I'm contemplating possibly using the front of my coin that is in production now with the standard Groundspeak reverse to create a trackable coin that i could leave in caches.


I know they are my coins to make how and when I want, but I'm curious if the masses would consider this essentially the same coin and making them would devalue my current coin of which there are 200 of one metal and 50 of another metal being minted now.

If the design of even one side is changed, it's a different coin. If all I changed on my gear coin was the year, it would be a different coin.

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My personal geocoin is simple. I make a different design when I run out and only use gold color for special milestone finds.


I never sell my personal geocoins. My coins are only for trade and to be found. If you have to sell coins to make more coins then maybe you should not be being doing this.


I have found the regular coins that are not for sale and small in number the most valued geocoins to find or own.


My gold raven is now only for cache finds. I feel I cheapend the value of the gold coin by trading it away and now leave it for a lucky cacher to find. However the ones I did trade for other geocins was well worth the trades.


My geocoin belongs to who ever finds it in a cache and I can't claim and ownership to the coin once I leave it out in the woods...


I will stay with only one color from now on on which ever design I use next. I could care less for metal colors and what year it was made.


There are so many geocoins coming out now that I am loosing interest and sticking with the personal geocoins that attract my attention.


Geocoins are kinda like collecting action figures. You will only buy so many GI Joe variations holding a cup of coffee before you say enough is enough.

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There are so many geocoins coming out now that I am loosing interest and sticking with the personal geocoins that attract my attention.


We agree with this statement. Another problem we have run into is that more and more people want trackable coins. Our coin is not trackable and we have found that some people veiw ours as less "valuable". Maybe our post belongs in the whinning thread. :laughing:

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There are so many geocoins coming out now that I am loosing interest and sticking with the personal geocoins that attract my attention.


We agree with this statement. Another problem we have run into is that more and more people want trackable coins. Our coin is not trackable and we have found that some people veiw ours as less "valuable". Maybe our post belongs in the whinning thread. :tired:

Coins made prior to the tracking being allowed offer a historical perspective on this activity. :(


Regarding changing the year to make a coin different. That's not much added value :blink:

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Regarding changing the year to make a coin different. That's not much added value :tired:

If this was in reference to my post above, I didn't mention value :( I just said it would be a different coin. But I will add that if a 2005 coin has some value, making the same coin with a 2006 year shouldn't lower that value.


I'm not sure where these values are coming from. Is there a Beckett Guide to Geocoins? :blink:

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I too have been pondering this problem. As of right now I still have several many of my own coins to trade and drop into caches but once they are gone then they are gone. However I would like to do another coin when these are gone, and I would like to keep the front of my coin (the dreamcatcher) because that is part of me and my personality (similar to CAV SCOUTs and his ravens) so would it then be ok to create a new back side??


ps. the comment about CAV SCOUTs raven is in no way a mean comment just the comparison that it is symbol that means something to him.

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There are so many geocoins coming out now that I am loosing interest and sticking with the personal geocoins that attract my attention.


We agree with this statement. Another problem we have run into is that more and more people want trackable coins. Our coin is not trackable and we have found that some people veiw ours as less "valuable". Maybe our post belongs in the whinning thread. :)

Coins made prior to the tracking being allowed offer a historical perspective on this activity. :D


Regarding changing the year to make a coin different. That's not much added value :P

I also have to agree with all of the above.


While trackable is nice, I don't see it as needed. I have had some trades either turned down, (which is OK), or stopped in mid-stream, (not OK :P ), only because my personal isn't trackable at GC.


I had one cacher offer me a rare and trackable coin for my personal. When I agreed to the trade, he changed his mind.


And, I also do not believe that changing the year is enough. My Ver. 2.0 is entirely different from 1.0. And, it's still not gonna be trackable.

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Speaking on behalf of myself only, when I run out of my new 2006 Damenace coins I will probably mint more coins using same die. However come 2007 a new design will be minted. There are many people that redesign there coin for each year. The catch to this is if you have a LE metal for your coin you should not be minting more of that LE series, they no longer become LE. I think it is OK to mint more coins in the same metal as the standard edition


As for tracking, since I am paying for these out of my pocket and they are a "signature" item, I don't believe that tracking was a good way for ME to go.


Statistically signature items are collected and traded and not moved on. If I wanted to know where they are I will look at the spread sheet, since I only trade one for one the chances of them being traded away are slim to none therefore maintaing the accuracy of the spreadshee

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