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Posted (edited)

Honk if you know where this is ...




The perils of Splashette as viewed by her Escort Service.


***** Time passes *****




***** TIme really passes *****




The End.

Edited by SD Rowdies
Posted (edited)
Honk if you know where this is ...




The perils of Splashette as viewed by her Escort Service.


***** Time passes *****




***** TIme really passes *****




The End.



:lol: Uh Oh...honk? I told you...blame Map4navigation..it's his hill.

Edited by jahoadi and john
(This is within a couple of hundred feet from Borderline. Too bad that I didn't know it was there when I was there :) )

Speaking of which, it looks to me like there might still be room for one or two more out there...



Good gosh, who's th' idjit that caused that mess?

Posted (edited)
Now is the time for all nature-loving Geocachers to hit the MTRP trails. Hurry and get your boots wet

and muddy ... and don't forget to post photos so's I can screw around with them. :)

Your wish is my command...



Team Clari-netacache made it this far in their sit-upon. With Bonnie anything is possible.


Notice who is doing all the paddling, poor Dave. Notice that they are wearing PFDs even though

the water is only ankle deep. Old people, you know, always "Better safe than sorry. Yak! Yak!

Yak!" How sad.


Note to Self: Boy am I ever glad that they can't figure out Forum posts.

Edited by SD Rowdies
Posted (edited)

So, I've been out in New England for a week now and have another week to go. Yes! I still exist and Yes I am homesick........ :) So, thought I would check in......I've been really busy with a new job and haven't had the opportunity to geocache much...but slowly getting back out there. I was able to hit 3 states yesterday and today. That's the beauty of New England. the downfall is that it's really really cold. I miss you guys....getting back out there slowly. (stupid work!) :D


Here are a couple photos from my adventures.


Breakers........Mansion in Newport, Rhode Island. I really need to get a good job to get a place like this!




Then I actually ran into some cachers from the Boston area while in Boston.



Edited by Team Geogeeks
So, I've been out in New England for a week now and have another week to go. Yes! I still exist and Yes I am homesick........ :D So, thought I would check in......I've been really busy with a new job and haven't had the opportunity to geocache much...but slowly getting back out there. I was able to hit 3 states yesterday and today. That's the beauty of New England. the downfall is that it's really really cold. I miss you guys....getting back out there slowly. (stupid work!) :)


Here are a couple photos from my adventures.


Breakers........Mansion in Newport, Rhode Island. I really need to get a good job to get a place like this!




Then I actually ran into some cachers from the Boston area while in Boston.




Hi Paulette! It's good to hear from you again.

Posted (edited)

This just in ....




Judy of "Hot Tubbers" paddling in MTRP? Well no, let's just say close to MTRP depending on your



Honk if you know where this actually is. Hint: Several things are missing from the photo.

Edited by SD Rowdies

This just in ....




Judy of "Hot Tubbers" paddling in MTRP? Well no, let's just say close to MTRP depending on your



Honk if you know where this actually is. Hint: Several things are missing from the photo.

Looks like Lake Murray.


This just in ....




Judy of "Hot Tubbers" paddling in MTRP? Well no, let's just say close to MTRP depending on your



Honk if you know where this actually is. Hint: Several things are missing from the photo.

Looks like Lake Murray.

Yes indeed, it looks like Lake Murray but no cigar.


This is still the best thread in all the geocaching.com forums and I don't even live in San Diego

Gosh, thanks. When are you moving our way?


Thanks but no thanks. I'm more than happy living in AZ :unsure:

This just in ....




Judy of "Hot Tubbers" paddling in MTRP? Well no, let's just say close to MTRP depending on your



Honk if you know where this actually is.

I can't say that I know where this is but from the kayaker's perspective it does look a lot like the east end of Lake Miramar.


Hint: Several things are missing from the photo.

...things are missing...


It would seem that the list of things missing from this photo is almost endless: sea monsters; alligators; sharks; sinking jeeps; FattBoy, the GeoBabes; the giant head; bunched socks; unbunched socks; a yellow finger; etc.


But I'm sure that it's only a matter of time before that is taken care of...

...things are missing...


It would seem that the list of things missing from this photo is almost endless: sea monsters; alligators; sharks; sinking jeeps; FattBoy, the GeoBabes; the giant head; bunched socks; unbunched socks; a yellow finger; etc.


But I'm sure that it's only a matter of time before that is taken care of...


This is still the best thread in all the geocaching.com forums and I don't even live in San Diego

Gosh, thanks. When are you moving our way?


Thanks but no thanks. I'm more than happy living in AZ :)

That's what they keep telliing themselves! :o

Just kidding!!


Posted (edited)
This just in ....




Judy of "Hot Tubbers" paddling in MTRP? Well no, let's just say close to MTRP depending on your



Honk if you know where this actually is.

I can't say that I know where this is but from the kayaker's perspective it does look a lot like the east end of Lake Miramar.


Hint: Several things are missing from the photo.

...things are missing...


It would seem that the list of things missing from this photo is almost endless: sea monsters; alligators; sharks; sinking jeeps; FattBoy, the GeoBabes; the giant head; bunched socks; unbunched socks; a yellow finger; etc.


But I'm sure that it's only a matter of time before that is taken care of...

Well, another version has shown up already. How'd y' guess?




For another thing one of my Photoshop understudies, Goldilocks of Geo-

caching fame, has recently discovered the delight of imaginative montages.

We'll probably hear from her soon.

Edited by SD Rowdies
This just in ...




Honk if you know where this is.



:anicute: Janie: what's a nice girl like you doing with Zig Zag papers?


That reminds me of a saying I used to hear: "Don't Bogart that cache, my friend"...or something like that.

This just in ...




Honk if you know where this is.



:D Janie: what's a nice girl like you doing with Zig Zag papers?


That reminds me of a saying I used to hear: "Don't Bogart that cache, my friend"...or something like that.

It was a song by Little Feat. Anyone remember them? :anicute:
Posted (edited)

This just in ...




Honk if you know where this is.

Know the spot very well, had to wait there about 20 minutes to identify some scary noises coming from the southern part of that canyon (before it connects to Spring canyon). Never did get a real clear view, but it was blonde in color and stalking on all fours (no comments about the ladies now Harmon), could have been the rumored MTRP big cat.

Edited by Cat & Bobby
This just in ...




Honk if you know where this is.

Is it just me, or has Splashette slimmed down a bunch? I been noticing that in this thread and have also noticed all the epic hikes that have been going on. What's up with that?

Posted (edited)

This just in ...




Honk if you know where this is.

Know the spot very well, had to wait there about 20 minutes to identify some scary noises coming

from the southern part of that canyon (before it connects to Spring canyon). Never did get a real

clear view, but it was blonde in color and stalking on all fours (no comments about the ladies now

Harmon), could have been the rumored MTRP big cat.

Dang, where's the photos? Janie and I saw some really huge tracks in muddy areas today. Trouble

is they were sort of squished up so we couldn't really see whether or not claws were in evidence,

you know, if claws then dawg if not then cat.


I do admit that during the seventies I knew a few blondes that would stalk on all-fours. They were

clawed if y' must know. No, wait, it was me that was clawed.


On a serious note most people wouldn't know what to do should a Mountain Lion attack. Here's a

tip from a Texan that could save your life ... always carry a large bottle of Tabasco with you. If a

Mountain Lion grabs you and tries to bite just sprinkle lots of Tabasco on the spot that the lion

intends to bite.


Mountain Lions don't have a taste for Tabasco, they prefer steak sauce instead.


Tip No. 2. Don't use steak sauce to ward off Mountain Lion bites, otay?

Edited by SD Rowdies
Posted (edited)
This just in ...




Honk if you know where this is.

Is it just me, or has Splashette slimmed down a bunch? I been noticing that in this thread and have

also noticed all the epic hikes that have been going on. What's up with that?

Goldilocks made the same observation last Friday when she asked me about a photo taken last week

when Janie and I climbed that mean hill leading up to Jodi's hide. [see first post on this page.]


Janie and I have accumulated a lot of trail miles of late. Not only that, I can say from a couple of years

observation that she always orders a salad at Carl's jr. after our hikes. She's a tough lady that can lay

down the trail mileage without a whimper. Our outing today was 9.8 miles, about the same mileage as

our previous two or three outings. She's even thinking of another ramble later this week.


What can I say, country gals are tough and they keep on ticking. I should have her whipped into shape

by summer.

Edited by SD Rowdies
This just in ...




Honk if you know where this is.

Is it just me, or has Splashette slimmed down a bunch? I been noticing that in this thread and have

also noticed all the epic hikes that have been going on. What's up with that?

Goldilocks made the same observation last Friday when she asked me about a photo taken last week

when Janie and I climbed that mean hill leading up to Jodi's hide.


Janie and I have accumulated a lot of trail miles of late. Not only that, I can say from a couple of years

observation that she always orders a salad at Carl's jr. after our hikes. She's a tough lady that can lay

down the trail mileage without a whimper. Our outing today was 9.8 miles, about the same mileage as

our previous two or three outings. She's even thinking of another ramble later this week.


What can I say, country gals are tough and they keep on ticking.

Hiking and Salads? What happened to drive by caches and Dairy Queen?


But seriously, GREAT JOB. I'm proud of both of ya.

Posted (edited)
This just in ...




Honk if you know where this is.

Is it just me, or has Splashette slimmed down a bunch? I been noticing that in this thread and have

also noticed all the epic hikes that have been going on. What's up with that?

Goldilocks made the same observation last Friday when she asked me about a photo taken last week

when Janie and I climbed that mean hill leading up to Jodi's hide.


Janie and I have accumulated a lot of trail miles of late. Not only that, I can say from a couple of years

observation that she always orders a salad at Carl's jr. after our hikes. She's a tough lady that can lay

down the trail mileage without a whimper. Our outing today was 9.8 miles, about the same mileage as

our previous two or three outings. She's even thinking of another ramble later this week.


What can I say, country gals are tough and they keep on ticking.

Hiking and Salads? What happened to drive by caches and Dairy Queen?

My leeps are sealed señor.

Edited by SD Rowdies
This just in ...




Honk if you know where this is.

Ah yes. That's a spot I know very well. I had found "Another Kitty Kat Cache" earlier in the day only to find that Thunder-4 and Zatyko had already been there and, if that weren't enough, they had filled the log book with things like "The early bird gets the worm". The nerve of these people. Don't they know that mornings are for sleeping? ;)


So, it was sweet payback when I was standing up on the ridge only 0.2 mi away when Zig Zag was published. Sometimes you don't have to be the early bird! It's my one and only FTF in MTRP. :D

This just in ...




Honk if you know where this is.



B) Janie: what's a nice girl like you doing with Zig Zag papers?



To answer a few questions.........


I thought 'Zigzag' was a new flavor of Altoids..........or referred to the route we took to the cache......and

what does 'bogart' mean anyhow ?? :D


I was wondering why Harmon always made me carry all of that Tabasco sauce in my pack! I was looking for that Cat all day yesterday, glad I didn't read Cat & Bobbys log until now :D And......if you do see something blonde on all fours going up a hill, yep, it's probably me!


Ahhhh, yes, such fond memories of DQ! Since Harmon is dragging me all over the place hiking, DQ had to go, otherwise he would leave me where I fell and make me into a geocache! ;) (Splashman had threatened to do that several times........and we weren't even hiking! :D )

Thanks for your kind words, Dave!


Splashette :D


I'm not S&R but you can read about it here...

Yes indeed, to bully or to monopolize. Used a lot by pot smokers as in "Don't Bogart that joiint."


I'd say you and TG have done a fine job of defining that good old 60's term. Bring's to mind that old favorite by Country Joe and the Fish:



Don't bogart that joint, my friend

Pass it over to me


Roll another one

Just like the other one

You've been hangin on to it

And I sure would like a hit


Don't bogart that joint, my friend

Pass it over to me

Don't bogart that joint, my friend

Pass it over to me


Rolllllllllllllllll another one

Just like the other one

That one's just about burned to the end

So come on and be a real friend


'course, Rooster and I don't actually speak from experience, you understand . . . :)


Posted (edited)

I'm not S&R but you can read about it here...

Yes indeed, to bully or to monopolize. Used a lot by pot smokers as in "Don't Bogart that joiint."


I'd say you and TG have done a fine job of defining that good old 60's term. Bring's to mind that old favorite by Country Joe and the Fish:



Don't bogart that joint, my friend

Pass it over to me


Roll another one

Just like the other one

You've been hangin on to it

And I sure would like a hit


Don't bogart that joint, my friend

Pass it over to me

Don't bogart that joint, my friend

Pass it over to me


Rolllllllllllllllll another one

Just like the other one

That one's just about burned to the end

So come on and be a real friend


'course, Rooster and I don't actually speak from experience, you understand . . . :unsure:


Good song although I thought Little Feat sang it.

Anyhow, they say if you've ever smoke pot that you will lose your memory and....ah....ummm......

I forgot what I was going to say.... :lol: <j/k> :)

Edited by TrailGators

I'm not S&R but you can read about it here...

Yes indeed, to bully or to monopolize. Used a lot by pot smokers as in "Don't Bogart that joiint."


I'd say you and TG have done a fine job of defining that good old 60's term. Bring's to mind that old favorite by Country Joe and the Fish:



Don't bogart that joint, my friend

Pass it over to me


Roll another one

Just like the other one

You've been hangin on to it

And I sure would like a hit


Don't bogart that joint, my friend

Pass it over to me

Don't bogart that joint, my friend

Pass it over to me


Rolllllllllllllllll another one

Just like the other one

That one's just about burned to the end

So come on and be a real friend


'course, Rooster and I don't actually speak from experience, you understand . . . :unsure:


Good song although I thought Little Feat sang it.

Anyhow, they say if you've ever smoke pot that you will lose your memory and....ah....ummm......

I forgot what I was going to say.... :lol: <j/k> :)


I have the problem all the time, but I think it is just senior moments. I think . . .


I'm not S&R but you can read about it here...

Yes indeed, to bully or to monopolize. Used a lot by pot smokers as in "Don't Bogart that joiint."


And just how would you know that Harmon 0002011A.gif


I'm not S&R but you can read about it here...

Yes indeed, to bully or to monopolize. Used a lot by pot smokers as in "Don't Bogart that joint."


And just how would you know that Harmon 0002011A.gif

A classmate told me about it in the third grade.


I'm not S&R but you can read about it here...

Yes indeed, to bully or to monopolize. Used a lot by pot smokers as in "Don't Bogart that joint."


And just how would you know that Harmon 0002011A.gif

A classmate told me about it in the third grade.



When you were in third grade that Bogart movie hadn't been made yet. Did they even have silent movies then. 000201DD.gif


I'm not S&R but you can read about it here...

Yes indeed, to bully or to monopolize. Used a lot by pot smokers as in "Don't Bogart that joint."


And just how would you know that Harmon 0002011A.gif

A classmate told me about it in the third grade.



When you were in third grade that Bogart movie hadn't been made yet. Did they even have silent movies then. 000201DD.gif

No but children had to be silent. That's a good thang.

Posted (edited)
This just in ...




Honk if you know where this is and can name the Geocache.

FlagMan's Used Car Lot Uptown?


Yep, FlagMan's used car lot uptown in Tetnus, Nevada. Also it would be a good place to start a lead


Edited by SD Rowdies
Posted (edited)

This just in ...




"A Balanced Life," from "The Perils of Splashette, Scene 2," as viewed by her Escort Service.


Honk if you know where this is.

Edited by SD Rowdies
Posted (edited)
This just in ...




A chance encounter, Baldy & Goldilocks with Splashette at center.


Two metal walking poles surrounding the proper wood walking stick?? :blink:

Yeah, and a pacemaker, metallic knee-joints, trombone lips, and two blonds. Those are two of the

five clanking-metal hiking poles I had to put up with during my otherwise peaceful Mt. Shasta vaca-

tion. Sheesh! ... unforgettable in every way.


Did I mention one brain surgery?


Can y' tell? ... I really like these people including their assorted pieces and parts.

Edited by SD Rowdies
Posted (edited)

O.k., one last time ...




Soon it will be too late to see flowing streams in MTRP.


Start at Mission Dam and hike Oak Canyon all the way up to Highway 52 and beyond.


Dirt is not dirt, its just soil in th' wrong place.

Edited by SD Rowdies

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