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*** This Just In***


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This Just In...



Can you name:



Cache Location?

Character mimicked? We couldn't remember.


and TV show?

Cacher? - MIRAGEE

Cache Location? - Darn it...does 4 out of 5 count??

Character mimicked? We couldn't remember. - EDITH ANN


and TV show? - LAUGH-IN



Shoot. You beat me to it. I'm old enough to remember watching her on Laugh In setting in that big rocking chair.



One ringy dingy, two ringy dingy...


This Just In...



Can you name:



Cache Location?

Character mimicked? We couldn't remember.


and TV show?

Cacher? - MIRAGEE

Cache Location? - Darn it...does 4 out of 5 count??

Character mimicked? We couldn't remember. - EDITH ANN


and TV show? - LAUGH-IN



Shoot. You beat me to it. I'm old enough to remember watching her on Laugh In setting in that big rocking chair.



One ringy dingy, two ringy dingy...


Man, that show is really old. I don't remember that show..... :unsure:


"Sock it to me!" :unsure:


This Just In...



Can you name:



Cache Location?

Character mimicked? We couldn't remember.


and TV show?

Cacher? - MIRAGEE

Cache Location? - Darn it...does 4 out of 5 count??

Character mimicked? We couldn't remember. - EDITH ANN


and TV show? - LAUGH-IN



Shoot. You beat me to it. I'm old enough to remember watching her on Laugh In setting in that big rocking chair.



One ringy dingy, two ringy dingy...


Man, that show is really old. I don't remember that show..... :unsure:


"Sock it to me!" :unsure:





This Just In...



Can you name:



Cache Location?

Character mimicked? We couldn't remember.


and TV show?

Cacher? - MIRAGEE

Cache Location? - Darn it...does 4 out of 5 count??

Character mimicked? We couldn't remember. - EDITH ANN


and TV show? - LAUGH-IN


4 out of 5 does it, since you gave us the character name that we couldn't remember! Could that be because we actually remember watching that show OTA {Over the Air, or not on cacble!}


Location: Quartz Cave, GCTJ75, Thank You Johoadi & John for the fun!

Posted (edited)

This Just In...



Can you name:



Cache Location?

Character mimicked? We couldn't remember.


and TV show?

Never thought I'd see Miragee wearing clodhoppers. What next, highwater socks?

Edited by SD Rowdies
Posted (edited)

This just in ....




Honk if you know where this is.




Bwah-hah-hah! hey everybody, look, I posted a photo via dial-up service. I'm going mad I tell y', mad!


This shot was taken from the crawl-hole of my hand-crafted forest shelter as in Gecko Dad fashion. I'm in negotiations for a television show named "Senior Survivor Man." The spin is that I have to eat forest-road kill without my uppers and sleep with Bigfoot in my skivey-shorts. Bigfoot is holding up the contract, say's he ain't wearin' my skivey-shorts to bed under any condition. You heard it here first, Bigfoot has issues. Go figure.



Senior Survivor Man


p.s. If y' have any suggestions for my television show just say so.

Edited by SD Rowdies

This just in ....




Honk if you know where this is.




Bwah-hah-hah! hey everybody, look, I posted a photo via dial-up service. I'm going mad I tell y', mad!


This shot :o JJJ!!!my uppers and sleep with Bigfoot in my skivey-shorts. Bigfoot is holding up the contract, say's he ain't wearin' my skivey-shorts to bed under any condition. You heard it here first, Bigfoot has issues. Go figure.



Senior Survivor Man


p.s. If y' have any suggestions for my television show just say so.





We are coming to you from Moab,UT after a FUN day of running HELL'S REVENGE TRAIL ! !!!!!!!!!!

Nine Jeeps total including our Rocketman from Denver, Team Reid, Kickbackjack & Barb & Ruscal among others.

So,for todayI guess we could say we beat Hell.............altho it was pretty rough..and had a ball doing it!


Oh, the answer to your question is...........Mt. Shasta.... probably from one of your cabin windows!!!!

Sorry you're having such a time roughing it and all, and we do hope that Bigfoot keeps his socks bunched !


We may post some pics tonight after dinner, Rocketman will probably do the honors!

Elephant Hill is on the schedule for tomorrow............


This just in ....




Honk if you know where this is.




Bwah-hah-hah! hey everybody, look, I posted a photo via dial-up service. I'm going mad I tell y', mad!


This shot B) JJJ!!!my uppers and sleep with Bigfoot in my skivey-shorts. Bigfoot is holding up the contract, say's he ain't wearin' my skivey-shorts to bed under any condition. You heard it here first, Bigfoot has issues. Go figure.



Senior Survivor Man


p.s. If y' have any suggestions for my television show just say so.





We are coming to you from Moab,UT after a FUN day of running HELL'S REVENGE TRAIL ! !!!!!!!!!!

Nine Jeeps total including our Rocketman from Denver, Team Reid, Kickbackjack & Barb & Ruscal among others.

So,for todayI guess we could say we beat Hell.............altho it was pretty rough..and had a ball doing it!


Oh, the answer to your question is...........Mt. Shasta.... probably from one of your cabin windows!!!!

Sorry you're having such a time roughing it and all, and we do hope that Bigfoot keeps his socks bunched !


We may post some pics tonight after dinner, Rocketman will probably do the honors!

Elephant Hill is on the schedule for tomorrow............

Hell's Revenge was one of my favorite runs! Glad to hear that you all are having fun! :o


p.s. If y' have any suggestions for my television show just say so.


First episode has to be a day of caching with the geobabes... that's gotta take considerable survival skills... :)



While out caching with ThePolarBear we got an idea to hide a cache. The only problem was building the Geopile. We found some rocks that worked however!


For bonus points, where is this cache?





Now you boys put those rocks back where you found 'em...


(That'd be Table Rock with a View (GCGEFN), I believe...)

Posted (edited)
While out caching with ThePolarBear we got an idea to hide a cache. The only problem was building the Geopile. We found some rocks that worked however!


For bonus points, where is this cache?

Now you boys put those rocks back where you found 'em...


(That'd be Table Rock with a View (GCGEFN), I believe...)

I remember that cache very well because I left my hiking stick stuck in the ground next to the cache while doing a night hike with the SDCET. I didn't realize that I had forgotten my stick until I got to the bottom of the next valley. So I had to hike back up to get it. :) Edited by TrailGators

This Just In...


OK, how about this one...



Cache Location:

What is the photographer looking for:

Who's cache is it:

What is the photographer looking for:

The lens cap that he dropped into this hole??? :D

Since it has been a while, and the answer has not yet been revealed, I thought I would post a link to the cache at which CTYankee9 got to search for his GPSr down below the room-sized boulders not once, but twice . . . :D


What fun!!! :D If you get the opportunity to do this cache, and really want to make it into an adventure, I highly recommend not following the directions on the cache page . . .





Posted (edited)

This just in ...




Roadside autumn colors of Siskiyou County, CA with

Harmon and his sweet bride Sandra Sue the ex-nun.


No, I didn't 'shop the colors either. That's really the

actual color. Fall colors are bursting out all around.

Edited by SD Rowdies
Posted (edited)


p.s. If y' have any suggestions for my television show just say so.


First episode has to be a day of caching with the geobabes... that's gotta take considerable survival skills... :)




I like to call it my Obedience Class.

Edited by SD Rowdies
This just in ...




Roadside autumn colors of Siskiyou County, CA with

Harmon and his sweet bride Sandra Sue the ex-nun.

Is that wild Sumac behind you? The color is amazing! :)

Yes, I believe it is.


We had to hit the brakes when we came upon the scene.

The first stages of autumn has hit in a big way here in Siskiyou County.

The country roadways wil be ablaze with color for the next two or three weeks.


Must have something to do with the Lemurians. Go figure.

This just in ...




Roadside autumn colors of Siskiyou County, CA with

Harmon and his sweet bride Sandra Sue the ex-nun.

Is that wild Sumac behind you? The color is amazing! :(

Yes, I believe it is.


We had to hit the brakes when we came upon the scene.

The first stages of autumn has hit in a big way here in Siskiyou County.

The country roadways wil be ablaze with color for the next two or three weeks.


Must have something to do with the Lemurians. Go figure.

You should have left a cache there and named it "Sumac me in the rear." :ph34r: Also what the heck is a Lemurian? You got me on that one....
Posted (edited)
This just in ...




Roadside autumn colors of Siskiyou County, CA with

Harmon and his sweet bride Sandra Sue the ex-nun.

Is that wild Sumac behind you? The color is amazing! :(

Yes, I believe it is.


We had to hit the brakes when we came upon the scene.

The first stages of autumn has hit in a big way here in Siskiyou County.

The country roadways wil be ablaze with color for the next two or three weeks.


Must have something to do with the Lemurians. Go figure.

You should have left a cache there and named it "Sumac me in the rear." :ph34r: Also what the heck is a Lemurian? You got me on that one....

Are you really sure that you want to know what a Lemurian is? http://www.lemurianconnection.com/ Prepare for a wild trip down the rabbit hole.


Alice laughed, "There's no use trying," she said, "one can't believe impossible things."

"I daresay you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."

-- Alice Through The Looking Glass


P.S. For the record, "Auld Lang Syne" was written by the Scots poet Robert Burns. (Irish, indeed! Harrumph!)

Edited by Let's Look Over Thayer
Posted (edited)
This just in ...




Roadside autumn colors of Siskiyou County, CA with

Harmon and his sweet bride Sandra Sue the ex-nun.

Is that wild Sumac behind you? The color is amazing! :(

Yes, I believe it is.


We had to hit the brakes when we came upon the scene.

The first stages of autumn has hit in a big way here in Siskiyou County.

The country roadways wil be ablaze with color for the next two or three weeks.


Must have something to do with the Lemurians. Go figure.

You should have left a cache there and named it "Sumac me in the rear." :ph34r: Also what the heck is a Lemurian? You got me on that one....

Are you really sure that you want to know what a Lemurian is? http://www.lemurianconnection.com/ Prepare for a wild trip down the rabbit hole.


Alice laughed, "There's no use trying," she said, "one can't believe impossible things."

"I daresay you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."

-- Alice Through The Looking Glass


P.S. For the record, "Auld Lang Syne" was written by the Scots poet Robert Burns. (Irish, indeed! Harrumph!)

No kidding, and in the Lemurian case the rabbit holes are located one at the north pole and one at the south pole. The earth is a hollow crust with cities on the inside surface of the crust and with a sun at the center where one might expect the molten core to be. (Restraunt at the End of the Universe, Douglas Adams?). The polar borealie are caused by the inner-earth sun shining through the pole holes and by the way our distant sun isn't hot, it's actually cold. There's 25,000 Lemurians living in the inner cities such as Telos and Atlantis. Telos is located upside-down on the inner surface of the earth right under Mt. Shasta. Lemurians are eight foot tall and are multidimensional so that they are inherently connected to each and every aspect of the universe at all times.


Some Lemurians are amongst us, notably the lost-city Atlantans ... they are disguised as highly-technical scientists that are on a mission to teach us dumb-as-a-stump surface dwellers the way to ascend to the Lemurian state.


As luck would have it there are privileged followers that are able to channel Lemurians, not any old Lemurian mind you but just the Big-Cahuna Lemurians. These followers write books and pamphlets and give Lemurian lectures. Lemurians are big on crystals which explains the many crystal shops of Mt. Shasta City. There's a major colony of Lemurians in Ramona for gosh sakes. I suspect that this story bears some relationship the fact that there's a little town named Weed just west of Mt. Shasta.


O by the way, there's a space-alien flying-saucer airport on the inner surface as well. Landing approaches are through the north-pole hole.


But wait, I got ahead of myself. Lemuria was an ancient continent that sank beneath the Pacific Ocean due to a cataclysmic event that altered the geography of the entire earth. Only 25,000 Lemurians survived the event. Luckily they live forever although they live many separate lives as time goes on. O, excuse me, for Lemurians there is no time and there is no space.


I'll have t' get back to y' on this ... I'm only part way through the Lemurian Pocket Guide that was furnished with our mystic rental cabin. Also the cabin has a DVD set of annual lectures presented by the established channelers. Big turnout, huge lecture hall, call-and-return format, paid attendance ... I'd say that the Channelers are making serious money.


Go figure, does any this remind you of something?

Edited by SD Rowdies
This just in ...




Roadside autumn colors of Siskiyou County, CA with

Harmon and his sweet bride Sandra Sue the ex-nun.

Is that wild Sumac behind you? The color is amazing! :(

Yes, I believe it is.


We had to hit the brakes when we came upon the scene.

The first stages of autumn has hit in a big way here in Siskiyou County.

The country roadways wil be ablaze with color for the next two or three weeks.


Must have something to do with the Lemurians. Go figure.

You should have left a cache there and named it "Sumac me in the rear." :ph34r: Also what the heck is a Lemurian? You got me on that one....

Are you really sure that you want to know what a Lemurian is? http://www.lemurianconnection.com/ Prepare for a wild trip down the rabbit hole.


Alice laughed, "There's no use trying," she said, "one can't believe impossible things."

"I daresay you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."

-- Alice Through The Looking Glass


P.S. For the record, "Auld Lang Syne" was written by the Scots poet Robert Burns. (Irish, indeed! Harrumph!)

No kidding, and in the Lemurian case the rabbit holes are located one at the north pole and one at the south pole. The earth is a hollow crust with cities on the inside surface of the crust and with a sun at the center where one might expect the molten core to be. (Restraunt at the End of the Universe, Douglas Adams?). The polar borealie are caused by the inner-earth sun shining through the pole holes and by the way our distant sun isn't hot, it's actually cold. There's 25,000 Lemurians living in the inner cities such as Telos and Atlantis. Telos is located upside-down on the inner surface of the earth right under Mt. Shasta. Lemurians are eight foot tall and are multidimensional so that they are inherently connected to each and every aspect of the universe at all times.


Some Lemurians are amongst us, notably the lost-city Atlantans ... they are disguised as highly-technical scientists that are on a mission to teach us dumb-as-a-stump surface dwellers the way to ascend to the Lemurian state.


As luck would have it there are privileged followers that are able to channel Lemurians, not any old Lemurian mind you but just the Big-Cahuna Lemurians. These followers write books and pamphlets and give Lemurian lectures. Lemurians are big on crystals which explains the many crystal shops of Mt. Shasta City. There's a major colony of Lemurians in Ramona for gosh sakes. I suspect that this story bears some relationship the fact that there's a little town named Weed just west of Mt. Shasta.


O by the way, there's a space-alien flying-saucer airport on the inner surface as well. Landing approaches are through the north-pole hole.


But wait, I got ahead of myself. Lemuria was an ancient continent that sank beneath the Pacific Ocean due to a cataclysmic event that altered the geography of the entire earth. Only 25,000 Lemurians survived the event. Luckily they live forever although they live many separate lives as time goes on. O, excuse me, for Lemurians there is no time and there is no space.


I'll have t' get back to y' on this ... I'm only part way through the Lemurian Pocket Guide that was furnished with our mystic rental cabin. Also the cabin has a DVD set of annual lectures presented by the established channelers. Big turnout, huge lecture hall, call-and-return format, paid attendance ... I'd say that the Channelers are making serious money.


Go figure, does any this remind you of something?

Harmon, have you been drinking Lemurian Ale? :o
Posted (edited)

I just noticed this on the front page...Rocket Man's Jeep.


Nope! Sorry Toby's Gang. That's my Jeep!

Taken with RM spotting for me up a difficult area with Chris aka "Smilin' Bob" standing in the back working the camera. I have a soft top Roob that is easy to open up while RM's is a hard top. The trip was Rm's Off Road Series #5. We did a little playing around on some of the steeper, more difficult trails (Winding Stairs and Hidden Valley) before hand.



This is the full on photo from our trip. Those GREAT looking legs belong to RM.





That's Smilin Bob. He is standing in that rut.



This is RM's rig straddling. That's aardvark56 next to it.



On this trip, we got caught in a major downpour. The ruts didn't take long to start flowing with water.




Edited by zoltig

I just noticed this on the front page...Rocket Man's Jeep.


Nope! Sorry Toby's Gang. That's my Jeep!

Taken with RM spotting for me up a difficult area with Chris aka "Smilin' Bob" standing in the back working the camera. I have a soft top Roob that is easy to open up while RM's is a hard top. The trip was Rm's Off Road Series #5. We did a little playing around on some of the steeper, more difficult trails (Winding Stairs and Hidden Valley) before hand.



This is the full on photo from our trip. Those GREAT looking legs belong to RM.





That's Smilin Bob. He is standing in that rut.



This is RM's rig straddling. That's aardvark56 next to it.



On this trip, we got caught in a major downpour. The ruts didn't take long to start flowing with water.





My mistake, I knew it was on his cache so I assumed.... :laughing:

Great photos by the way. I've been caught in a rut before but nothing like that.


This just in ...




Roadside autumn colors of Siskiyou County, CA with

Harmon and his sweet bride Sandra Sue the ex-nun.


No, I didn't 'shop the colors either. That's really the

actual color. Fall colors are bursting out all around.

WOW, Harmon - absolutely GORGEOUS!! (And that foliage is real purty, too!!) :shocked: Glad to see you and your bride are having such a lovely vacation...hubby and I are sure looking forward to those days!


What is it about Europeans (Spaniards and Swedes, anyway) that makes them want to rearrange the landscape??? :shocked:




(From the GC.com Banner Gallery...)


PFT.... I am all American baby, I am still trying to convince ThePolarBear the difference between Bread and Crackers...... They just don't get it :o

I am still trying to convince ThePolarBear the difference between Bread and Crackers...... They just don't get it. :o
:shocked: A simple way to get him to remember would be to have him to eat a bunch of crackers in bed one night. Then ask him the next day how well he slept. :D
I am still trying to convince ThePolarBear the difference between Bread and Crackers...... They just don't get it. :yikes:
:laughing: A simple way to get him to remember would be to have him to eat a bunch of crackers in bed one night. Then ask him the next day how well he slept. :yikes:


Civilized people (Northern Europeans) eat at the table! :anicute:

I am still trying to convince ThePolarBear the difference between Bread and Crackers...... They just don't get it. :P
:( A simple way to get him to remember would be to have him to eat a bunch of crackers in bed one night. Then ask him the next day how well he slept. :P


Civilized people (Northern Europeans) eat at the table! :P

You've never eaten in bed? :sad::sad: Americans are all animals! :P:grin: I actually got to experience food crumbs in my bed because my bed was also the couch in my dorm room back in college. So I have a legit reason for understanding the agony of cracker crumbs in bed..... ;):(
I am still trying to convince ThePolarBear the difference between Bread and Crackers...... They just don't get it. :(
:sad: A simple way to get him to remember would be to have him to eat a bunch of crackers in bed one night. Then ask him the next day how well he slept. ;)

Civilized people (Northern Europeans) eat at the table! :P
You've never eaten in bed? :D;) Americans are all animals! :P:D I actually got to experience food crumbs in my bed because my bed was also the couch in my dorm room back in college. So I have a legit reason for understanding the agony of cracker crumbs in bed..... ;):sad:

Speaking of things I learned in college: The ultimate test of the strength of a relationship (though in some cases, it may just be the strength of lust) is whether or not your partner will kick you out of bed for eating crackers... ;):lol:

Posted (edited)
I am still trying to convince ThePolarBear the difference between Bread and Crackers...... They just don't get it. :sad:
:P A simple way to get him to remember would be to have him to eat a bunch of crackers in bed one night. Then ask him the next day how well he slept. ;)

Civilized people (Northern Europeans) eat at the table! ;)
You've never eaten in bed? :D:P Americans are all animals! ;):D I actually got to experience food crumbs in my bed because my bed was also the couch in my dorm room back in college. So I have a legit reason for understanding the agony of cracker crumbs in bed..... :(:D

Speaking of things I learned in college: The ultimate test of the strength of a relationship (though in some cases, it may just be the strength of lust) is whether or not your partner will kick you out of bed for eating crackers... ;):lol:

That's funny! We used to say the same thing.... :sad: Edited by TrailGators
Honk if you know where this is. ( Harmon might since it's close to one of his favorite spots..Jackass Flats....(no I am not implying anything :grin: ) The cache is hilarious!!!





So how long were you buried Jody? B)
Honk if you know where this is. ( Harmon might since it's close to one of his favorite spots..Jackass Flats....(no I am not implying anything B) ) The cache is hilarious!!!

Ah, yes... Jackass Flats...truly the garden spot of southern Nevada...




Been there, Done that, Got the T-shirt...

Posted (edited)

This just in ...




Here's my sweet bride with her dimples on.


You see her here "adjusting" to retirement.


Life is good.


As to the "Jackass Flats" remark .... Why I oughta!


I'd have more to say except that it took an hour to post

this entry on friggin' dial-up.

Edited by SD Rowdies
This just in ...




Here's my sweet bride with her dimples on.


You see her here "adjusting" to retirement.


Life is good.


As to the "Jackass Flats" remark .... Why I oughta!


I'd have more to say except that it took an hour to post

this entry on friggin' dial-up.

Nice photo Harmon! I'll have to pull out Photoshop later today.... :mad:

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