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Look Whats On Ebay....


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If anyone is creating a "Katrina" themed coin for purchase and you're donating all the proceeds to a good organization, please contact me about listing it in a complimentary Coin Edition on our site.



September 15, 2005 @ 8:21 PM

N40° 46.565' W073° 58.756'

Red Cross, Katrina and Humane Society Geocoin auctions


AG: Do you have the coins in 3 different finishes? Gold, Brass and Silver?



For 2005 I had a total of 175 produced of my regular nickle (silver) coin (of which 6 are left), 50 antique brass (of which 21 are left) and 25 shiny gold (of which 11 are left). The reason why there are several of the limited left is because they were placed with my second order (or reorder if you will) and that was just 2 months ago or so.

Posted (edited)
Gawd, I have bid envy!  :D  :P

You shouldn't. Your coin is going up against limiteds. I'd have to think the MIGO Fall, my gold and mauison's Brass would get higher bids just because of the limited number of coins available. But that's the collector in me thinking outloud.


I have eBay's live help link handy. If you need it to get your listing title changed, email me.


You'll get more bids closer to the auction end time regardless. No need to fret there froggy :)

Edited by AtlantaGal
Yeah, I couldn't find that Katrina Coin one when I did my search for the above.

Check the string in the "advanced search" box. That is the exact string I typed to get that url. I did a little digging on the ebay help page to get the "any of these" along with the "must include this" parts of the string.


Here's the string:

(katrina, red cross, humane, joefrog, geobone) +geocoin


Its been very interesting to watch this new coin market come about on eBay. What was originally only 2 entries just a few months ago is now 2 pages and growing. Looks like the overall prices for coins might be coming down a bit now though... I think we might be seeing the combination of the new flood of coins and a lack of purchase pressure to jump those prices up like has been happening over the last month. Some of the coins seem to be holding in the teens instead of the 20-30 mark. That's not such a bad thing, I really was hoping to pick up a Dallas FT Worth Geocoin some day.



QUOTE (LadeBear68 @ Sep 16 2005, 04:28 PM)

This coin is so beautiful and special that it is well worth the money.




Why is Cornerstone4 selling off 50 of his coins?


Hi AG,


Strictly economics. I have an idea I am working on for another coin, and I haven't been able to pay the credit card off on the first one. I was in a quandry over how to do this, and believe me, with everyone donating their coins for the relief cause, I felt a little dirty doing this.


On the other hand, nobody has to buy it, and I don't think I have turned down a trade yet, even if I already had the coin.


I saved the 50 highest numbers for this, so hopefully, I don't ruffle too many feathers.



Posted (edited)

Gotcha C4. I've thought about selling off some of my extra state coins via eBay to fund the purchase of all these additional coins I cannot trade for. However, I haven't done it yet, nor do I know if I will for sure.


Aside from the charity auctions, since my coin received permission to use the geocaching.com logo, I feel I would be violating that "not for profit" agreement if I were to sell my personal coins on eBay. I don't think they would mind the charity ones (at least I hope not), but I won't be listing any of my personal coins on there with the proceeds going into my pocket, that's for sure.

Edited by AtlantaGal
QUOTE (LadeBear68 @ Sep 16 2005, 04:28 PM)

This coin is so beautiful and special that it is well worth the money.




its a nice coin, but $20 is too much IMO, i might do half that. but thats just me.




To be honest, I didn't really expect anyone from this forum to purchase any. I was pretty sure that most people that were interested had contacted me already. I wasn't stingy with my trades, many of the trades I made were for state coins that I already had extras of. I just thought that anyone that wanted a coin, should have the opportunity. It wasn't too long ago that I didn't have a shot at most of the personals out there myself. I had originally planned on selling some to help support my habit, but after I made many trades, I was struggling with selling some of them.


Here is what I mean...many people traded me their personal coins for my coin. Many of these people will not trade their personal coins for anything but another personal coin, or at least a special coin. Now that I had traded them, I felt I would cheapen the trade if I turned around and sold them off. So, now I felt stuck. By listing them on ebay for a higher price, I felt like at least the trades I made would not be cheapened by the sales.


I don't know if that makes sense to anyone but me or not, but that was my line of thinking.




I'm a founding member of the Wanna Go Group. We're a caching/hiking group. There are about 50 of us in GA, TN, MS, KY, AL and even AK (I think I got everyone). I headed up that coin order and have 16 left to trade.


I'm trying to think who's auction that is because I've only delivered 5 coin orders other than mine. Everyone elses is still here. I'm thinking it's gotta be GA Cacher or Johnnie Lacy's auction. I am shipping many orders tomorrow and delivering the rest on 10/8 at the GGA Challenge Event.


It's a 1.75" antique copper coin. The front says "wanna go?" and the date our group was founded. The back has our slogan... Why don't you just take a hike? (LOL). There were only 150 coins produced and they were only available for sale to members.

I must be extremely dense but what is between the words est. and the map? I can't make out the images, especially the item that looks like it has antennas.

It's a sign that has "here" and "there" as the choices, there is the ground (around the sign), which is probably what you're seeing. The detail on the coin is great... it just doesn't photograph/scan well :)


Hmmm, I wonder what this is about? From their profile page:


Member Since: Friday, June 24, 2005

Last Visit: Friday, June 24, 2005

To make a long story, short. There was a local female cacher who wanted to do a cache called Portland Caves. It's in rural NW georgia. Definitely not the type of area a woman would wander off hiking alone in (my opinion). So she made a post on the GGA Message boards with the subject: "Wanna Go?" There were 7 of us who joined her on that cache and several caches in the area. This 8 are the founding members. Since then, every 6-8 weeks, we try to pick some other cool location to have a cache/hike event. As an example, we had a group drive up to TN to hike to The Stone Door Earth Cache this summer. One of our members, AB4N, headed up that event for the group.

Finally, the auction is GA Cacher's. I looked at the items recently purchased. He puts those canadian nickles he bought into caches.

If the title can be changed, I would highly recommend it. Add "geocoin" at least. Adding Red-Cross or Katrina is probably a good idea too.

Finally, the auction is GA Cacher's. I looked at the items recently purchased. He puts those canadian nickles he bought into caches.

If the title can be changed, I would highly recommend it. Add "geocoin" at least. Adding Red-Cross or Katrina is probably a good idea too.

Can't edit that info once there are bids unless ebay support is involved. Send an email to the seller with your suggestion.


check this out! First I like that my coin is displayed on the binder :lol:, Second this is the perfect way to keep your coins as long as the holders are the right size. Not sure who is selling these but it is a great idea. I'm currently using 2"x2" pages that aren't quite large enough for many coins.

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