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Now that it's summertime and with the numerous rain we've had, a lot of the trails and woods are extremly overgrown. Is it a good idea to cut your own path, like with a machete, or is this not considered proper. I realize there might be restrictions in state forests.

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Now that it's summertime and with the numerous rain we've had, a lot of the trails and woods are extremly overgrown. Is it a good idea to cut your own path, like with a machete, or is this not considered proper. I realize there might be restrictions in state forests.

Who are the land managers of these trails and woods?

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Now that it's summertime and with the numerous rain we've had, a lot of the trails and woods are extremly overgrown. Is it a good idea to cut your own path, like with a machete, or is this not considered proper. I realize there might be restrictions in state forests.

Its a very, very bad idea. If land managers even thought we were doing that they's shut down our sport faster than mercury on Teflon.

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Something like instant coffee in a microwave?

:o What does instant coffee do in a microwave?


Geez, I live a sheltered life...

I put instant coffee in a microwave oven and almost went back in time.

-- Steven Wright


Steven Wright is a comedian with an almost cult following, know for his bizzare one line comments.

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grasshopper, similar to stepping between the rain drops, you must learn to pass unmarked through the poisons (Oak, Ivy, Sumac, etc) and nettles, and vines, and weeds, and thorns, and pricker bushes, and - oh well - you get the idea. :blink:

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wow this stuff would be great if you don't wanna clean the junk out of your yard. It would be covered in a few days

yes, it is fantistic. Until it isn't happy covering just your junk pile and it set's it's sites on your house. I kid you not, in some parts there are vine plants that actually pull down telephone polls and can crush houses given enough time.


In most cases, no, you shouldn't harm the vegetation any more than absolutely necessary when caching or any other time for that matter, but there is some vegetation you can whack at with impunity (and futility).

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Hey ... I do not condone outright trailblazing ..... but a pair of garden shears on a belt clip to snip some nasty picker branches in your way is OK by me! I agree to leave the last 50 feet alone but many trails her in PA get severly overgrown and a bit of conservative pruning does them no more harm than deer who eat 5 lbs of "Browse" a day each. What we definitly do not want are errosion issues on the trails! :lol: ImpalaBob Hunter Trapper Education Instructor for the PA Game Commission.

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Looks to me like the perfect difficult cache would be in the middle of some of that KUDZA stuff. Just delay getting it approved for a couple of weeks and then let someone try and find it.



There is actually a cache around here that is IN that stuff (River Pirates, too lazy for a link, but it was discussed on the 1st episode of GeoRadio). In the winter, the stuff dies out and become brown, leafless and and brittle. But in the summertime...LOOK OUT!


And its KUDZU, not KUDZA...


Like the old Jeff Foxworthy 'You might be a Redneck if...'

"You've ever lost a loved one to kudzu"

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The only time I ever saw my step-father vein-bulging mad was when somebody brought a clipping of kudzu onto our land and advocated it as a ground cover. He ran the fellow off like Black Death.


Did you see where some dadgum fool might've found a use for it? Seems something in it works against alcoholism.


See? How evil can a plant get?

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actually durring the summer there is a trail to the river throught the kudzu at river pirates. i bring my swingblade out there sometimes and help keep that trail clean. but then again thats a long way away from the actual cache and lots of people use that trail to go swimming.

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I'm new to geocaching, but having grown up in Georgia, I know all about Kudzu...


This thread has really inspired me. I've been thinking about where to locate my first cache. I now know. There is a park nearby with trails through a kudzu field B)


Boy, did this thread get hijacked

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I was scoping out a spot for a hide today and stood for quite some time looking at a big patch of kudzu. I kept thinking... man that would make some excellent cover for the cache... but then I decided against it. Didn't want people losing kids and pets... and possibly even my cache... to the vine from heck. That stuff is MEAN!

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Now that it's summertime and with the numerous rain we've had, a lot of the trails and woods are extremly overgrown. Is it a good idea to cut your own path, like with a machete, or is this not considered proper. I realize there might be restrictions in state forests.

If you make a trail to my cache, I will kill you. But then, I’m likely to kill you anyway.

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I always tell my son this, and I still believe it to be true. When hiking in the woods, a straight line is not always the fastest, or easiest way to get where you are going. Unless there is already a trail, it is usually the most painful way.

I know this...I have experienced this...I TELL people this...And yet, I never seem to remember it when the cache is .2mile THATAWAY!

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One of the fen dwellers caches was meant to be hard to get to, I believe it was the 'belt of the victim' or something... (if i had a minute I'd look it up). Basically it ruined the cache because someone hacked their way in, made a trail for others to follow right to the cache, what a shame. I vote for no machete, even though I wish I had one a time or two.

Everybody say BEO

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