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Shut Down The Forums For A Week


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Here is an idea,


Topics are getting to be drifted towards personal attacks


Mods are having to(rightly i must say) lock a rediculous amount of topics


Topics are being derailed


This place has turned mean lately and it sucks(can i say that here, sorry if i can't it was as mild as i could think)


I see personal attacks against other cachers, approvers, mods here and the game in general.


Why don't we just thut the forums down for a week to let people cool off?

Posted (edited)

It won't work because the forums would be turned back on in a week and those people will still be there! Some people are just rude and there's nothing you can do about it except ignoring it or telling them to knock it off! But whatever you do, don't stoop to their level! <_<

Edited by TrailGators

I must be missing something - I don't see a lot of threads being locked. I've seen a few recently - but compared to the past it's minimal.


I recall not too long ago when the forums went down for a week or so - it had little effect.


If certain people don't need to post, the moderators CAN keep those people from posting for a certain amount of time.


Incidentally, the climate in here must be "mean" all of the time - because most of the geocachers I meet at events have some pretty bad things to say about the forums and why they don't use them.




Personal attacks? That's ridiculous! The stupidest idea I've ever heard! Geez, what planet are you from!? <_<;);)


I've largely stopped posting lately myself. I skim the topics on occasion, but I've felt loathe to engage in much meaningful discussion...because there hasn't been much that I've dared jump into.


Very few people in my area frequent the GC.com forums either. Our local forums are actually fun and lighthearted. Personal attacks are the exception rather than the norm. What a concept. ;)

Very few people in my area frequent the GC.com forums either. Our local forums are actually fun and lighthearted. Personal attacks are the exception rather than the norm. What a concept. :blink:

I wonder if that has anything to do with the fact that the posters might actually run into the other posters while out geocaching.......





Anyone remember last year's "Thanksgiving Massacre"?




with 27 8x10 color glossy photographs...

and circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back explaining each one.

Anyone remember last year's "Thanksgiving Massacre"?




with 27 8x10 color glossy photographs...

and circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back explaining each one.

You can get anything you want...'ceptin' Alice. :blink::blink:

Anyone remember last year's "Thanksgiving Massacre"?




with 27 8x10 color glossy photographs...

and circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back explaining each one.

You can get anything you want...'ceptin' Alice. :blink::blink:

Arlo ... is that you? :blink:

Anyone remember last year's "Thanksgiving Massacre"?




with 27 8x10 color glossy photographs...

and circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back explaining each one.

You can get anything you want...'ceptin' Alice. :blink::blink:

and he looked at the judge and he looked at the dog and he looked at the stack of 8X10 glossy photos with circles and arrows and a paragraph on th back and he started to cry....

Not a good idea, every one would be forced to spend the time they would have spent in the forum looking for caches, that might overload the system with to many logs B)


Here is an idea,

Why don't we just thut the forums down for a week to let people cool off?

Ummmm, let's not and say we did. :blink:


Maybe you could just take a forum vacation? Same difference. :blink:


Honestly, I really don't see what you're talking about, but maybe that's because I spend most of my quality forum time in Off Topic. :blink:

...I have seen much more interesting angst here.  :blink:

Carleen, it's people like you, doing just what you're doing (stirring the pot) right now, that create all the angst, and name calling and personal attacks that are driving these forums to a shambles.


Will you please just stop it! :blink::blink::blink:


I have another suggestion. Let's disable the moderator rights for one week and let's see what happens. I bet everything will be much smoother and more relaxed. Controversial topics will actually be discussed as they should.

I have another suggestion. Let's disable the moderator rights for one week and let's see what happens. I bet everything will be much smoother and more relaxed. Controversial topics will actually be discussed as they should.

Now that's funny; I don't care who you are! :blink::blink:

...I have seen much more interesting angst here.  :huh:

Carleen, it's people like you, doing just what you're doing (stirring the pot) right now, that create all the angst, and name calling and personal attacks that are driving these forums to a shambles.


Will you please just stop it! :blink::blink::blink:

Oops sorry! Let me rephrase my post:


Angst is bad, stop the angst! :blink:

Posted (edited)
Controversial topics will actually be discussed as they should.

Until someone gets their chocolate in someone else's peanut butter and all heck breaks loose.


Tooooo close to the Turkey Day From Heck anniversary for that.

Edited by Snoogans
Off topic rocks. Please don't shut that one down. Shut the rest of them down but leave off-topic.

Where is the off topic forum? I don't tihnk I've ever seen it.

Off topic rocks.  Please don't shut that one down.  Shut the rest of them down but leave off-topic.

Where is the off topic forum? I don't tihnk I've ever seen it.

It's for premium members only... but you haven't lost anything.

Maybe you could just take a forum vacation? Same difference. :blink:

tried that, everybody else was still here ranting and shouting and derailing topics just because it seems to be what some posters like to do. some people were making personal attacks, just because i am not here doesn't make it go away... that is like saying if i close my eyes you cant see me. :blink:


A forum vacation for everybody would be nice, i know some people are well behaved, actually most are, but the few that aren't make this seem like a good idea.

...I have seen much more interesting angst here.  B)

Carleen, it's people like you, doing just what you're doing (stirring the pot) right now, that create all the angst, and name calling and personal attacks that are driving these forums to a shambles.


Will you please just stop it! :blink::huh::blink:

Oops sorry! Let me rephrase my post:


Angst is bad, stop the angst! :blink:

Won't somebody PLEASE think of the angst?!? :blink:

Posted (edited)
...A forum vacation for everybody would be nice, i know some people are well behaved, actually most are, but the few that aren't make this seem like a good idea.

Do you really think anything would change? I don't. :blink: :blink:

Edited by sept1c_tank
...A forum vacation for everybody would be nice, i know some people are well behaved, actually most are, but the few that aren't make this seem like a good idea.

Do you really think anything would change? I don't. :blink: :blink:

I am optimistic...

I have another suggestion. Let's disable the moderator rights for one week and let's see what happens. I bet everything will be much smoother and more relaxed. Controversial topics will actually be discussed as they should.

Interesting concept ... let's give the mods a weeks vacation, send them on a cruise so they can't cache or log-on to the website. While they are gone, we all try to be civilized and see how long we can make it work. I'm guessing two days max. before Jeremy pulls the plug on the whole kit and caboodle.

Interesting concept ... let's give the mods a weeks vacation, send them on a cruise so they can't cache or log-on to the website. While they are gone, we all try to be civilized and see how long we can make it work. I'm guessing two days max. before Jeremy pulls the plug on the whole kit and caboodle.

I give it much less than that.


The cruise thing though... I'm liking that idea. If you run for president you have my vote.



I have another suggestion. Let's disable the moderator rights for one week and let's see what happens. I bet everything will be much smoother and more relaxed. Controversial topics will actually be discussed as they should.

Interesting concept ... let's give the mods a weeks vacation, send them on a cruise so they can't cache or log-on to the website. While they are gone, we all try to be civilized and see how long we can make it work. I'm guessing two days max. before Jeremy pulls the plug on the whole kit and caboodle.

Let Jeremy go on the cruise, too. :blink:

Posted (edited)
Maybe you could just take a forum vacation? Same difference. :blink:

tried that, everybody else was still here ranting and shouting and derailing topics just because it seems to be what some posters like to do. some people were making personal attacks, just because i am not here doesn't make it go away... that is like saying if i close my eyes you cant see me. :blink:


A forum vacation for everybody would be nice, i know some people are well behaved, actually most are, but the few that aren't make this seem like a good idea.

Ummmmmmm, OK


Uh, WHY does it matter to you what other people post when you're not around?


Maybe you need to take time out to address your control issues on your break from the forums and leave your blanket judgements behind when you return. :blink:

Edited by Snoogans
I am optimistic...

Yes, you are.


I don't think it would hurt anything, if the forums were shut down for a week (or a month). There might even be a few people who participate in these forums who would metamorphose to something "better" or simply migrate somewhere else.


I too am basically an optimist, but with the diversity of the geo/forum crowd, I really doubt any substantial changes would occur, except that Briansnat's post average would decline. :blink::blink:

Uh, WHY does it matter to you what other people post when you're not around?

Not what they post when i am not around but that it seems to be the same fight, different day.


Maybe you need to take time out to address your control issues on your break from the forums and leave your blanket judgements behind when you return. :blink:


I don't have control issues, I just see that there is a great deal of fighting and bickering here. I don't want to control anybody or make them go anywhere else. I do understand that you and others seem to post regurlarly and with friendly intent it seems, I would hate to deprive those users who follow the rules but maybe that is what it would take to stop the bickering. If the trouble makers are ignored because everybody else knows the serious consequences then maybe it would solve the problem.

If you develop a thicker skin none of the dinks comments matter!

There are a lot of cool people in here.

So focus on the positive!

yeah, and when a topic is so far lost you can't even tell how it started then what do you do? post an answer to the original question? you most likely will get ignored sad to say.


This was just an idea to kick around and see what the response would be. I think in is a good idea but my opinion doesn't make it so.

Posted (edited)
If the trouble makers are ignored because everybody else knows the serious consequences then maybe it would solve the problem.

That's exactly why I don't see your point. I DO ignor the noise UNLESS it's one of my soapbox issues. Heck, my posts are probably noise to some people. I don't care.


There will always be angst here, however misplaced, when people care about something, or wish to exert control over it.

Edited by Snoogans
Posted (edited)
ok, this is my last post here, I think


i remember when the forums were a quiet friendly place... just was hoping to be able to see that again.

Wasn't it around Thanksgiving last year when there was a big spike in hostile posts? What is it about this time of the year?


Anyway, people have been complaining about rancor here since I joined and longing for the "good old days" when everyone was nice. That must have been before I started 3+ years ago because I certainly don't remember the "good old days". There have always been troublemakers, trollers and flamers here. I guess that because a lot more people are in the forums these days, there are more of them, but they are still a very small segment of the forum community.


Compared to most forums I've visited these are quite tame. Heck, you go to REC.SKIING.APLINE and you find the most vile name calling and accusations you could imagine. Its rare that any thread doesn't get hijacked within 3 responses and revert to vicious attacks. Posters in that forum have had tires slashed, been taken to court (and banned from posting by court order) and been fired from jobs over stuff written there.


And in closing, here are some words from my favorite philosopher. They are words I live my life by and I think if we all did, these forums and, indeed the world would be a better place:

I love you, you love me

We're a great big family.

With a great big hug

and a kiss from me to you

Won't you say you love me too!






Edited by briansnat
ok, this is my last post here, I think


i remember when the forums were a quiet friendly place... just was hoping to be able to see that again.

Wasn't it around Thanksgiving last year when there was a big spike in hostile posts? What is it about this time of the year?


A noted pop psychologist Dr. Vims E. Guy PPS FOS, has termed the increase of angst and fowl behavior commonly observed in early November: Meleagris gallopaphobia Even though this condition can be observed year round, it is particularly acute at this time of year as it is combined with gottameettheinlawsitis, and the dreaded whatgifttogetherthisyear syndrome. Add to that the fact that the Federal Government via use of wet-ops, and the black helicopters has moved the end of Daylight Savings Time from its traditional mid fall ending date to the beginning of November. This means that the body has had minimal days to acclimate to the lack of daylight hours to find geocaches. The meloncholy reminiscing of the good old days is a common way to cope with this but really accomplishes nothing at all. Of course abstinence will alleviate the symptoms, but doesn't cure the cause of the condition. There is no cure. There is also no spoon.

Go find a night cache, eat lots of turkey, try the whole berry cranberry sauce this year, grin and bear it, and don't stress over the perfect gift. It will make you feel better. Happy Holidays!

ok, this is my last post here, I think


i remember when the forums were a quiet friendly place... just was hoping to be able to see that again.

Wasn't it around Thanksgiving last year when there was a big spike in hostile posts? What is it about this time of the year?

Because the Christmas lights aren't on yet? :blink:


The Geocaching Topics forum just needs a 'Subego' or a 'Pilty' (as in Piltdown Man) boost, to bring all of the regular forum people together in a little mental exercise to figure out a ruse/sockpuppet. I don't think we have had a really good, thought provoking sockpuppet in quite a while.....too bad....they are interesting.


I do not see much really bad in the forums except for just a little name calling every now & then....Nothing to compare with things as they had been for awhile about a year ago.


Now we just skim the forums & go to a couple of favorite threads in the OT forums.


Do not misunderstand me...I do NOT want the "Pirates" to come back, Just somebody for all to pick on & bash away at, that can just go away quickly just to make life interesting. :blink:



And in closing, here are some words from my favorite philosopher. They are words I live my life by and I think if we all did, these forums and, indeed the world would be a better place:

I love you, you love me

We're a great big family.

With a great big hug

and a kiss from me to you

Won't you say you love me too!






Favorite philosopher huh?!?!?! :blink::blink::blink:


Anyway, I agree with what Brian said. :blink:

And in closing, here are some words from my favorite philosopher. They are words I live my life by and I think if we all did,  these forums and, indeed the world would be a better place:


I love you, you love me

We're a great big family.

With a great big hug

and a kiss from me to you

Won't you say you love me too!






Favorite philosopher huh?!?!?! :blink::blink::huh:


Anyway, I agree with what Brian said. B)


A little to mushy maybe?? B)




& John says that he sure doesn't want Brian to kiss him! :blink::blink:

Posted (edited)



Not too long ago, I got fed up with some of the stuff going on with the forums, and took a 2 week vacation...I survived it, and nobody had to shut down the whole system and inconvenience people for whom the forums were working.


If the forums (and people using them) are bothering you, why not take a break rather than ask that the whole thing be shut down. Lots of the threads and the people interested in them are not being mean, attacking others, or torching villages...they're talking about geocaching, helping newbies, and writing odd haiku...why should all of that have to grind to a halt because of some nastiness (and you have to wonder if closing the forums for a week would dispel the nastiness...I don't think it would).


just my 2 pfennig's worth



Edited by NFA
Wasn't it around Thanksgiving last year when there was a big spike in hostile posts? What is it about this time of the year?

holiday madness :blink:


and believe me there are others who think this would be a good idea but have not posted here, mostly I am guessing because they didn't want to get in the middle of a fight.

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