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Team Tigger International

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Indiana Spirit Quest Headlines:


1. we have a winner

Team Ramfire just logged the 2,000th find on an ISQ cache. Number 2,000 came on their FTF on ISQ#149. :(


2. In addition WilliamsfamGC logged their 100th find on ISQ #158 and Stoheim their 500th find on ISQ#110 Congratualations cachers. :huh:


3. The last two days of this extended Holy weekend have brought out a lot of cachers--12 groups logged 34 finds Thursday and Friday. :D


4. The count stands at 187 cachers and 2,018 finds... :(


5. Even Patrick and I managed to get out and grab 4 FTF's from Trickworm. :ph34r:


6. Meteorology is a pseudoscience just one rung below the ladder with Astrology. First they said it would be partly cloudy this weekend, then rain and snow both Sat. and Sun., now they say snow today and cloudy tomorrow--they haven't a clue. But the rain didn't stop the cachers yesterday! We had snowflakes here at the Dog Yard the size of ping pong balls, but it didn't stick long. We are NOT "Sunshine " cachers!! :D


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i had never heard of the ISQ's but i think i'm going to start hunting them though.

Greeting Team BubbyMac. If you want to hunt ISQ's, you've come to the right place. Since you bring it up, for others who may not know, ISQ's are cemetery caches hidden by a consortium of Indiana cachers: SixDogTeam, THE SHADOW, Kodiak Kid, Team Shydog and Rupert2 who have agreed to maintain a standard of excellence in terms of respectful caches that teach a little local pioneer history and provide a method of honoring our departed Veterans, among other things. We pride ourselves on our cache pages that provide a virtual tour of the cemetery. The nearest caches for you to hunt, BubbyMac, would probably be those of Rupert2--I suggest you visit his profile page and peruse his hides--of course a search of "Indiana Spirit Quest" from the Hide and Seek a Cache page would yield all 160 caches hidden to date... And of course anyone who shares our goals is welcome to e-mail me on how to become a member of the ISQ hiding team... :(



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I just realized that Earthdog Patrick (who is a Jack Russell Terrier) has found 98 caches. I want to take him to a special place for his 100th find--Not a cache that I've found, tho. (I want that smilie, too!) So, since I'm not quite ready to go up north or out west for us to find our FIRST ISQ, I wonder if anybody has any suggestions for a good 100th cache for Patrick? He likes walks-in-the-woods caches better than urban trash caches--actually anything that has plenty of things to smell and things to lift a leg on... :blink:


any ideas?

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By the looks of things as we were out caching today I would say that Patrick did indeed already make that special 100th Find !


What did you do LeadDog/Patrick  get up at like 4 a. m.  just to beat Buddaman to the FTF honors of Trickworms newest caches !  :)  :)


We were at those same caches today , wish we coulda met up *sigh* someday!



Star , my count is 98 AFTER today's caching...


Also, Lead dog tells me Alan Pinkerton started the Secret Service during the War of Northern Agression, tasked with guarding President Lincoln. His Pinkerton Detective Agency quickly garnered a reputation of dogged determination similar to that of Wulf's RCMP in that they "always got their man" His corporate logo was an all-seeing eye (That's were we get the term "Private Eye") That eye never closed--Their motto was the same as mine and Lead Dog's when it comes to trying to beat Buddaman to caches:




As far as meeting at caches, let's do this: We'll publish a cache page under a sock puppet account, and get Mountain Climber to activate it on a late Friday night. We'll make it near Buddaman's house. Then we'll meet sat. morning and hide in the bushes and watch him hunt it and get all frustrated,except it won't be there! Then we'll jump out as he's about to leave in defeat, and "find" it and show him and it will already be signed by us and other "cachers". And we laugh at him and point at him and drink beer and eat peanuts . ANd you could bring precious. And we videotape the whole thing...heheheh :blink::blink::o Actually I wouldn't do this to Buddaman, he's my buddy, besides he lurks here all the time. and will read this. Let's do it to Trickworm, I don't think he's discovered the forums yet--what do you think? :(

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Yea, yea yea , live it up people. :o I didn't get up today untill 9:00am checked the web for new caches and saw a bunch in my area. but going on fridays lead dog ftf's and the stuff him and me have been blowing each other :( I knew he would be there with flashlight in hand to get it first as to quote Lead Dog"IN MY OWN BACK YARD"plus I had only till 1:00 to go caching (sometimes family things get in the way of caching :blink: DARN EASTER :blink: )And another thing changing the cords on that one cache, shame on you lead dog ( guess I should have looked at the page one last time before leaving. :) And I'll give you my address, so you can hide one in my yard and I'll let the wife look for that one.

Edited by Buddaman
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Errrr ummm Precious says she is up for anything that gets her next to Patrick !


As far as that cache Buddaman ... did you really look at the coords that LeadDog and Patrick posted ? I mean really look at them ? :o:(


Hope you enjoy the "Loonie" you got from that cache Lead Dog!


Ok so whats the story with Buddaman and Barnaby Jones on the Goonie' Cache... seems you two logged a DNF on it cept Patrick , Lead Dog and us Tiggers found it ! :):blink::blink:


Sorry , I love you guys you make me laugh!



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:rolleyes: greeting fellow hoosiers. i had never heard of the ISQ's but i think i'm going to start hunting them though. may be i will try to start putting them in PARKE COUNTY



Parke County... Instead of hiding for the ISQ you should be hiding for the IBQ (Indiana Bridge Quest). No I am not kidding (that is another one of Six Dog's cache series). I would go hunt those in a heartbeat out in your neck of the woods.

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You there? 6Dog?

We're here, we never sleep. Bluegillfisherman just leaped to the top of the ISQ Leaderboard in a big way, with 28 new finds, the first to break 100. He is your new relentless Leader with an astounding 112 ISQ finds, followed by Team Tigger at 92, Buddaman at 89 and Sweetie Pie at 78. The quest has grown to over 160 caches, with Rupert2 adding the latest ones, at a furious pace...


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You there? 6Dog?

We're here, we never sleep. Bluegillfisherman just leaped to the top of the ISQ Leaderboard in a big way, with 28 new finds, the first to break 100. He is your new relentless Leader with an astounding 112 ISQ finds, followed by Team Tigger at 92, Buddaman at 89 and Sweetie Pie at 78. The quest has grown to over 160 caches, with Rupert2 adding the latest ones, at a furious pace...


Bluegillfisherman had a Lot of help , We have met Abigail and with that nose of hers ...

Well he can't Lose !


Congratulations BGF !




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What about caching cats? I could leave some behind as swag, too.

Can you picture Torry trying to stuff an ornery uncooperative Tomcat into an ammo box? :mad:

Heres how!


Cat's left as cache trinkets must be sedated, as getting the cat to voluntarily enter most caches is difficult.


Sedate the cat using a sleeping pill as follows:


1) Pick cat up and cradle it in the crook of your left arm as if holding a baby. Position right forefinger and thumb on either side of cat's mouth and gently apply pressure to cheeks while holding pill in right hand. As cat opens mouth pop pill into mouth. Allow cat to close mouth and swallow.


2) Retrieve pill from floor and cat from behind sofa. Cradle cat in left arm and repeat process.


3) Retrieve cat from bedroom, and throw soggy pill away.


4) Take new pill from foil wrap, cradle cat in left arm holding rear paws tightly with left hand. Force jaws open and push pill to back of mouth with right fore-finger. Hold mouth shut for a count of ten.


5) Retrieve pill from goldfish bowl and cat from top of wardrobe. Phone best friend to come over and help.


6) Kneel on floor with cat wedged firmly between knees, hold front and rear paws. Ignore low growls emitted by cat. Get friend to hold head firmly with one hand while forcing wooden ruler into mouth. Drop pill down ruler and rub cat's throat vigorously.


7) Retrieve cat from curtain rail, get another pill from foil wrap. Make note to buy new ruler and repair curtains. Carefully sweep shattered figurines and vases from hearth and set to one side for gluing later.


8) Wrap cat in large towel and get friend to lie on cat with head just visible from below armpit. Put pill in end of drinking straw, force mouth open with pencil and blow down drinking straw.


9) Check label to make sure pill not harmful to humans. Apply Band-Aid to friend's forearm and remove blood from carpet with cold water and soap.


10) Retrieve cat from neighbor's shed. Get another pill. Place cat in cupboard and close door onto neck to leave head showing. Force mouth open with dessert spoon. Flick pill down throat with elastic band.


11) Fetch screwdriver from garage and put cupboard door back on hinges. Apply cold compress to cheek and check records for date of last tetanus shot. Apply compress to cheek to disinfect. Throw Tee-shirt away and fetch new one from bedroom.


12) Ring fire brigade to retrieve the cat from tree across the road. Apologize to neighbor who crashed into fence while swerving to avoid cat. Take last pill from foil-wrap.


13) Tie the little bugger's front paws to rear paws with garden twine and bind tightly to leg of dining table. Find heavy duty pruning gloves from shed. Push pill into mouth followed by large piece of fillet steak. Be rough about it. Hold head vertically and pour 2 pints of water down throat to wash pill down.


14) Get parent to drive you to the emergency room, sit quietly while doctor stitches fingers and forearm and removes pill remnants from right eye. Call furniture shop on way home to order new table.


15) Arrange for ASPCA to collect mutant cat from hell and ring local pet shop to see if they have any hamsters.


Hamsters are much easier to place in caches.




Shamelessly copied from AGA forums.


Edited by bluegillfisherman
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It's 108 miles to Chicago, We've got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, It's dark, It's raining like hell, we're wearing sunglasses, it's still a few hours to sunup--Patrick and I are going GEOCACHING!!! (No cats or goldfish allowed) :D


We're going after three FTF's....




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It's 108 miles to Chicago, We've got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, It's dark, It's raining like hell, we're wearing sunglasses, it's still a few hours to sunup--Patrick and I are going GEOCACHING!!! (No cats or goldfish allowed) :D


We're going after three FTF's....




Errrr So yer going all the way to Chicago for the FTF's ?


Good thing you got up so early !



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Good thing you got up so early !



Waddaya meen "got up" WENEVERSLEEP!! Nabbed all three FTF's! And one was the third try on Trickworm's PC400--We highly recommend this one--It's a real tricky hide, very unique, at least it was hard for us to get! I'm sure Buddaman won't even try to find this one, it's much too hard for him!!, even with the new clues! :o:o:o

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Good thing you got up so early !



Waddaya meen "got up" WENEVERSLEEP!! Nabbed all three FTF's! And one was the third try on Trickworm's PC400--We highly recommend this one--It's a real tricky hide, very unique, at least it was hard for us to get! I'm sure Buddaman won't even try to find this one, it's much too hard for him!!, even with the new clues! :o:o:o


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are you going to get 11 ftfs tomorrow?

We're going to hunt Trickworm's 11 new Clear Creek caches--how many FTF's we get will depend on how many we find, and how many other geocachers are hunting them.... We'll probably sleep in tomorrow as we stayed up late and went to the Gas City auto auction for dinner--One of the young lads with us bought a '73 Plymouth Baracudda Rally.... Yikes! :D

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are you going to get 11 ftfs tomorrow?

We're going to hunt Trickworm's 11 new Clear Creek caches--how many FTF's we get will depend on how many we find, and how many other geocachers are hunting them.... We'll probably sleep in tomorrow as we stayed up late and went to the Gas City auto auction for dinner--One of the young lads with us bought a '73 Plymouth Baracudda Rally.... Yikes! :D


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are you going to get 11 ftfs tomorrow?

We're going to hunt Trickworm's 11 new Clear Creek caches--how many FTF's we get will depend on how many we find, and how many other geocachers are hunting them.... We'll probably sleep in tomorrow as we stayed up late and went to the Gas City auto auction for dinner--One of the young lads with us bought a '73 Plymouth Baracudda Rally.... Yikes! :rolleyes:


I am so glad you caught that to ! :rolleyes:



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are you going to get 11 ftfs tomorrow?

We're going to hunt Trickworm's 11 new Clear Creek caches--how many FTF's we get will depend on how many we find, and how many other geocachers are hunting them.... We'll probably sleep in tomorrow as we stayed up late and went to the Gas City auto auction for dinner--One of the young lads with us bought a '73 Plymouth Baracudda Rally.... Yikes! :rolleyes:


I am so glad you caught that to ! :rolleyes:



I think 6Dog slept in and missed it.

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Well I guess we're busted on that sleep thing--in reality Patrick sleeps about twenty hours a day as near as I can tell --even when we go for a ride--the first ten minutes or so, he's all paws on the dashboard and whining and raising hell at cows and squirrels and people he sees--then boom! he's out like a light, his little dog head fast asleep under the shift knob...BUT: TA DA


We found number 300 today!! With BUDDAMAN!!!


pLEASE,please, stop the cheering and applause-you're embarassing us!


Hooray for our side--We met Buddaman as we were working our way north doing Trickworms 11 Clear Creek caches, and we was working his way south... It's a good little series, you northern people ought to come down this way and do our Silver Creek and Trick's Pony Creek and Clear Creek series--and Buddaman needs to do one too. The 11 this am took us about two ours to do and we saw, in addition to Buddaman, a pheasant and a Great Blue Heron.....Lead Dog out!



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Well I guess we're busted on that sleep thing--in reality Patrick sleeps about twenty hours a day as near as I can tell --even when we go for a ride--the first ten minutes or so, he's all paws on the dashboard and whining and raising hell at cows and squirrels and people he sees--then boom! he's out like a light, his little dog head fast asleep under the shift knob...BUT: TA DA


We found number 300 today!! With BUDDAMAN!!!


pLEASE,please, stop the cheering and applause-you're embarassing us!


Hooray for our side--We met Buddaman as we were working our way north doing Trickworms 11 Clear Creek caches, and we was working his way south... It's a good little series, you northern people ought to come down this way and do our Silver Creek and Trick's Pony Creek and Clear Creek series--and Buddaman needs to do one too. The 11 this am took us about two ours to do and we saw, in addition to Buddaman, a pheasant and a Great Blue Heron.....Lead Dog out!



Nice to see that you two are finally getting along (Buddaman and LeadDog).... and not calling each other names for a change :D


So how long is that gonna last ?


Congratulations to you LeadDog !


And I am sure we will venture down your way again someday soon to make our attempts at those fine caches.



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Blue skies, but cool and windy over northern Hoosierland for cachers this Sabbath day--how many will be out searching the Pioneer graveyards and DNR properties for those elusive little caches?? :)




From Aardvark to Yooper Trooper, there have been 215 cacher teams that have logged 2,215 finds on the series.


BFG still sits atop the ISQ leaderboard with 112 finds, but Team Tigger is the second team to reach the magic 100 mark! The venerable Buddaman has fallen to third with 90, closely followed by the surging Sweetie Pie at 86! Outstanding! AND at the bottom of the list, actually not on the list at all? SixDog Team, the ONLY member of GEOISQ never to have logged a find on an ISQ...Oh, the humanity!! :D



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AND at the bottom of the list, actually not on the list at all? SixDog Team, the ONLY member of GEOISQ never to have logged a find on an ISQ...Oh, the humanity!! :lol:


:P  B)  B)  B)  :P

Congratulations on #300. As my wife would say...you have spent how much time on this silly game?


You have no excuse to whine about not logging any ISQs. There are plenty down south waiting for you discover. The only acceptable crying will be about how much you spend in gas to find them.


Keep up the great work!

Edited by Rupert2
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The Seekers of theQuest were out in hordes this weekend. I always read all the find logs, and thanks to those of you who provided feedback. Prairie Partners (Holder of the record for one day ISQ finds at 55) found 38, to rocket into 4th place on the Leaderboard at 93, and Sweetie Pie found 18 to crack the century mark at 104, vaulting into second place. Your Leaderboard for this week looks like this:


BFG 112

Sweetie Pie 104

Team Tigger 100


Prairie Partners 93

Buddaman 90



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