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Poison Oak Cachers

Ca Racetramp

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Hey Geocachers,

We have started a group for the San Luis Obispo / Santa Barbara county Geocachers in California. We are calling our selves the Poison Oak Cachers. We just held a picnic and voted on a name and in time hope to get more Geocachers in our group. Anyone from another county nearby can be part of our group. We have a web page if you want to check us out. http://webpages.charter.net/awhitster/poisonoakcachers


Thanks, Ca Racetramp

Posted (edited)

I never thought I'd say this but on behalf of the Central Valley Cachers, Welcome Poison Oak. [itch, itch, scratch] :):blink::lol:


I'd guess Marky is your poster child. He really gets into Poison Oak.

Edited by Green Achers
With a name like that you may want to up the difficulty on your event caches! :D



Thanks for the tip. just about all the caches in this area have PO near them, unless they are in the "concrete jungle" LOL


I live in Poison Oak (cachers) country. Morro Bay!

I'll keep my ears/eyes open for an upcoming opportunity to join in an activity. Is that an "official" POC avatar? :blink:


Incidentally, I just got over poison oak from caching 3 weeks ago and have my new "badges" begining to come up from last weekend!

Hey Geocachers,

We have started a group for the San Luis Obispo / Santa Barbara county Geocachers in California. We are calling our selves the Poison Oak Cachers. We just held a picnic and voted on a name and in time hope to get more Geocachers in our group. Anyone from another county nearby can be part of our group. We have a web page if you want to check us out. http://webpages.charter.net/awhitster/poisonoakcachers


Thanks, Ca Racetramp

Awwwww, and here I thought this was a group for cachers who had gotten poison oak while caching! :(

I live in Poison Oak (cachers) country. Morro Bay!

I'll keep my ears/eyes open for an upcoming opportunity to join in an activity. Is that an "official" POC avatar? <_<


Incidentally, I just got over poison oak from caching 3 weeks ago and have my new "badges" begining to come up from last weekend!

The POC logo I have posted here is just temporary. We are asking people to send us logo's that they come up with. We will vote on our favorite at our next event. You can contact us through our website: http://webpages.charter.net/awhitster/poisonoakcachers


BTW, you don't have to have a case of PO to be a member....LOL. :yikes:


I played around with a few logos to display on the POC website. (I don't know if or how to display them here.)

I think it'd be fun to have our logo on a geocache coin. If we keep the logo simple enough we could stamp them on wooden nickles. (I have a box of 'em to start with.)


I've never had poison ivy or poison oak in my life and while we are charter members of Poison Oak Cachers, I don't want to change my record.


Now we need a motto also. Did I hear someone at the picnic mention something about "itchin' to go caching"? I kinda like that. :ph34r:


Or maybe

We're itching and scratchin'

to do some geocachin'



Gosh, that even sounds like a lyric to a song. Maybe we could have a rousing club song!



So glad we have a local group. Sorry I missed the 11/11 Q, I just learned about Geocaching a week prior to the BBQ and hadn't read enuf to find you guys by the time you had your Naming BBQ.


Hope we have another.


I was down that way from Spokane Wa. visiting my brother Ca Racetramp when the POC cachers had their picnic and voted in the official name. It's a great group of people with lots of stories to tell. The bbq was super and I had a great time.


The web site is looking great bro :D


Good luck to all of you in your caching adventures and for crying out loud......


:lol: Make sure to carry some Calamine with you. B)

Posted (edited)

Thanks for the welcome CA Racetramp, I've emailed you from the website. :rolleyes:


Thanks for the heads up on the Technu...having lived here since '68 & I think I'm immune now. :lol:

Edited by Oreo Pony

Heya POCachers!

Recovering from a heavy bout (rash from head to toe...pretty much...shoulda seen the eyes! Opted not to photograph...) with our mascot.


BUT HAVE managed to get 9 of the 10 Parks Survey caches back in action. You may recall that these were my first multi-cache effort, and it turns out it was just a bit much for a relative newbie. Several of the caches were muggled, which is a serious problem if the only way to move on is to find the coordinates within each cache!


NOW, they're just 10 caches, some micro, some traditional small containers. (None as well cammo'd as the "A"vila-nche cache recently FTF'd by Droo - Congrats!)


Start with 1 : http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_detai...9b-1a0bdb5b4947


(BTW: How do people insert links to the web forum posts without the entire web address showing?)

Heya POCachers!

Recovering from a heavy bout (rash from head to toe...pretty much...shoulda seen the eyes! Opted not to photograph...) with our mascot.

And it was you that said.


It's TECNU...before caching AND after!


Or maybe it wasn't PO you got..... :blink:

Heya POCachers!

Recovering from a heavy bout (rash from head to toe...pretty much...shoulda seen the eyes! Opted not to photograph...) with our mascot.



Sorry to hear about your bout with PO. Maybe we could tweek a picture of you and use it as our logo.........LOL :grin:


Well my 60cs was delivered to the office on Monday morning and boy has this been a long week at work!


Can't cache much on a 30 minute lunch hour :-( I'm sure having fun with it in the evenings though. I have GSAK w/ 250 local cachesites and it took literally 10 seconds to load from GSAK to my GPSr. Totally impressed me how easy everything is.


Can't wait for Friday as I have Christmas Eve off.

:rolleyes: Attention All POC Members,

Do you think it is about time for an EVENT? If you have any idea's, post them here or email us at poison_oak_cachers@hotmail.com


Steve :lol:

Sorry for the delayed response, 'Tramp! 'm interested in another gathering, but we're going to be out and about off and on 'til June so I'm not big on planning. (Then again, I suppose I never am the leader when it comes to organizing gatherings. Building up my skills on kid parties.)


Waller Park has some nice, relatively large areas and plenty of space to set out a geo game for the day (not to mention four ready caches immediately in the park and a few more not far away). There's also a Klondike's pizza spot down here. I wouldn't mind HELPING to plan this one (just not a lead dog these days).


Anyone else?


Wow, POC members! I just found this event while tracking one of my TBs. Have WE got something to aspire to! This sucker is HUGE! Wish I could've been there. Will definitely keep an eye on this group for a caching vacation adventure in future.


check their cache event page for a listing of their programs:

Mega Event


HEY Poison Oakers! I've posted three new caches which are best achieved by taking a 9-mile loop trail accessible to anyone who's not averse to a forest of poison oak (you know I AM, but I did it anyway 'cause it's just so dang'd BEAUTIFUL here) and can walk a fair piece up and down a mountain. Anyone who's done Bishop Peak or Gaviota Peak can do this hike. AND you get waterfalls, swimming holes and THREE caches to boot! :huh:


These are the "K", "M" and "N" caches in my (eventual) alphabet series.


"K"ismet Cache




"N"ot Mine


And finally, here's the route map. Please note that while there is a road on the upper portion, it is currently closed due to a creek washout on the Pozo side. So, at this time, this area is accessible only on foot or by mountain bike (good luck with a skinny-tired road bike). AND while the roads are open to bikes, the paths connecting them are not. Foot traffic only. Bring LOTS of water, a bathing suit, snacks, camera, sunscreen and Tecnu!



OK, BooBooBee has talked me into subscribing to this forum :huh: . I'll look forward to an event soon.


I haven't been out caching much lately, but will hope to be soon. I'm starting to miss getting skunked by the Maasmen :huh:


While I'm here, I'll advertise my cache up on the Big Sur Coast. It is called Salmo Rivulus. Check it out next time you are up that way.


Greeting all and to all a good cache!

Posted (edited)

Thanks Bee for reminding me about this forum. I'm looking forward to another event, and it is time to have one down Santa Maria Way. Don't know when I'll get out for the hike, but I'm looking forward to it.





Edited by teeoff2

Did you find all us "frequent flyers" and e-mail us re this forum? Thank you very much for your consideration.


I just missed the November Atascadero Lake picnic by a few days (began caching 11/12/04). I would enjoy a trip down to Waller Park as we've just recently discovered it and would love any excuse to spend a day there.



Thanks Bee for reminding me of this forum. I have been busy lately and just forgot. :huh:

I have created the first Earthcache in this area, The Morros Earthcache and while I was at it a standard GC nearby, High Lowe Mountain. If you are into a good hike or mountain bike ride, check them out. <p>

Today I finally made it to the top of the mountain I live on, Pine Mountain, and found it to be a nice hike, not as strenuous as described if you know the right way to get up there. <p>

I'm all for another function. Count us in. Waller Park sounds nice. I've driven by it but never visited it.

Did you find all us "frequent flyers" and e-mail us re this forum? Thank you very much for your consideration.

Yes, in fact, that's exactly what I did. :D I figured, yeah, it was borderline SPAM, but since this was a targeted audience I ALSO figured I was OK. B) Was just surprised to see no response to CA Racetramp's query about the next event. I finally posted one 'cause I kinda felt bad. :D Then I placed these caches and wanted to let everyone know, so I looked for as many locals as I could find in the time alotted and SPAMmed you all! :D


I wonder who will be the first to complete the Big/Little "K" "M" "N" loop...


GeoCats - I DID see your Lowe hike and I've been wanting to go up there FOREVER. Looks like another instance in which caching is going to get me where I want to be. :huh: Thanks. (Why don't we just DO it without the caches??? Oh, I guess that's 'cause we have other hobbies, interests, trails and, oh yeah, jobs.)


OreoPony - You've done a great job on your initial caches. ;) Are you sure you haven't done this before? :huh: Perhaps you're just using a new screenname, or perhaps you've moved from another geocachic spot... Hmmm... B)

:huh: Attention All POC Members,

Do you think it is about time for an EVENT? If you have any idea's, post them here or email us at poison_oak_cachers@hotmail.com


Steve ;)

OK, sounds like there's a bit of interest, EVEN if it involves coming CLEAR down to Santa Maria! :huh:


So, I'll jump...As I said before, I'm not really an event planner, but it takes volunteers to make these things happen. And I'd like to meet some of the newbies, see some of the oldskies and generally have a nice day out.


SO...how's about April 2, Saturday, at Waller Park? There is a fee to reserve a picnic are and the place CAN be busy (though it's always tough to tell ahead of time). We could always go WITHOUT reservations, do the paper-plate-trail-from-the-front-gate thing and hope no one kicks us off our spot or... anyone got some extra cash to donate to Santa Barbara County? (Now this is something I REALLY can't volunteer for...considered SELLING the GPSr and Palm last month, if that's any indication to you.)


Perfect Name for your group...

The 1st and Only time I cached in Morro Bay....

I got a dose of Poison Oak That would make your group PROUD.




Dave ( 1_Seeker) Sant Cruz


I'll be at a trout conference in Fortuna that day. No need to make special plans for me though, I'll be around for a while and will surely cache an event asap. Thanks for keeping me informed.




Mwenechanga and I live in New Cuyama; about an hour from Santa Maria. We are tentatively available for the date. Mwenechanga may have school, but we would love to meet others from our area! Keep us posted!


Amazingly, we're open on the 2nd & will gladly contribute to reservation funds.


Waller Park


site #of people $

Gazebo 100 $ 75

Lakeside Terrace 300 $200

1 250 $150

2 150 $100

3 100 $ 75

4 100 $ 75

5 100 $ 75

6 150 $100

7 150 $100

8 16 $ 40

9 32 $ 55


Waller webpage


We'll be one adult and two children under 10.

OreoPony - You've done a great job on your initial caches.  Are you sure you haven't done this before?  Perhaps you're just using a new screenname, or perhaps you've moved from another geocachic spot... Hmmm... 


:ninja: thanks Booboobee. I do have a lot of lurking time in the forums. Read, read, read, gleen, gleen, gleen. Wait 'til you guys get a load of the Bianchi Ranch that's soon to be approved... :ninja:


Waller Park


site  #of people      $

Gazebo 100 $ 75 

Lakeside Terrace 300 $200 

1 250 $150 

2 150 $100 

3 100 $ 75 

4 100 $ 75 

5 100 $ 75 

6 150 $100 

7 150 $100 

8 16 $ 40 

9 32 $ 55


Waller webpage


I would say we should reserve one of the $75 spots. Put Rikki and I down for a $25 contribution from Action Fax & Printer Service Action Webpage


There will be the two of us. :D:D


Will there be 100 ppl there??? The stingy side of me (mwenechanga) says that 20-30 ppl spot would be cheaper for everyone and prolly all we need (my 2 cents)


Emily :D

Amazingly, we're open on the 2nd & will gladly contribute to reservation funds.


Waller Park


site #of people $

Gazebo 100 $ 75

Lakeside Terrace 300 $200

1 250 $150

2 150 $100

3 100 $ 75

4 100 $ 75

5 100 $ 75

6 150 $100

7 150 $100

8 16 $ 40

9 32 $ 55


Hey POC's,

things have been pretty quiet lately until Oreo Pony gave me a link to this topic, thanks OP. I figured since there weren't many new caches being placed most folks were doing ... winter stuff. Well, winter is finally over. The wild flowers are starting to turn to seed and the poison oak is looking juicy and ready to spread.


BTW, after a few days caching in and around the Berkeley Hills I have to tell you our PO is downright puny in comparison. Let's hear it for long sleeves and jeans!! :blink:


I'd love to make the Waller Park get together so put me down to contribute $25 to the reservation of the site... anything to keep BBB from having to sell her gps and Palm. :unsure:



HEY Poison Oakers! I've posted three new caches which are best achieved by taking a 9-mile loop trail accessible to anyone who's not averse to a forest of poison oak (you know I AM, but I did it anyway 'cause it's just so dang'd BEAUTIFUL here) and can walk a fair piece up and down a mountain. Anyone who's done Bishop Peak or Gaviota Peak can do this hike. AND you get waterfalls, swimming holes and THREE caches to boot! B)


These are the "K", "M" and "N" caches in my (eventual) alphabet series.


"K"ismet Cache




"N"ot Mine


And finally, here's the route map. Please note that while there is a road on the upper portion, it is currently closed due to a creek washout on the Pozo side. So, at this time, this area is accessible only on foot or by mountain bike (good luck with a skinny-tired road bike). AND while the roads are open to bikes, the paths connecting them are not. Foot traffic only. Bring LOTS of water, a bathing suit, snacks, camera, sunscreen and Tecnu!

Hey Triple B,


glad to hear someone out here is placing caches that require some hiking. I know, I know... there's still plenty of hiking caches I HAVEN'T gone for yet but I'm happy to see the old fashioned way of geocaching isn't dead.


What I propose is a group hike and cache. Similar to what AfricanQueen tried to put together for the Santa Barbara C'Ismuhu cache a few months ago. How about a group attempt at Triple B's new 'K'-'M'-'N' caches? This is the best time of year to bag those hard to reach caches that the late spring/summer/fall heat makes too unbearable to attempt for most of the year. And this year machetes may be standard issue given the rains' effect on the spread of one's favourite native botanicals. :unsure:;):blink:




Droo, are you talking about doing both Waller and the group hike or a group hike instead of Waller?


If it's both, then I could make the reservations at Waller before we get too close to the 2nd and all the spots are taken.


As far as 100 ppl vs 35, there is only a $20 dif tween the two and I'll put in for $20.


Glad to hear about this event.We were out of town for the last two. We will plan on being there and will be happy to chip in $20.


Thanks to the B's, Droo and Oreo Pony for giving us the head's up.

Droo, are you talking about doing both Waller and the group hike or a group hike instead of Waller?


If it's both, then I could make the reservations at Waller before we get too close to the 2nd and all the spots are taken.


As far as 100 ppl vs 35, there is only a $20 dif tween the two and I'll put in for $20.



it's going to have to be two separate events. But the group hike/cache hunt can be something to consider at Waller. The few times I've run into other cachers at cache sites it's been a lot of fun hunting together or one after the other. But sharing the event not just the logs is always an added bonus.


I say more is always better... though you might not realize that from my stats. :)



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