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Poison Oak Cachers

Ca Racetramp

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Just wanted to say 'Hi" and thanks for the caches in the local area.

Knew about GC'ing, but never had the oportunity to try it out until recently.

Got hooked on the hunt and bought a 60csx. Now my youngest (16) is going out with me to search.

Hope to see some of you out there (I think I may have in passing)


Welcome ackamp to this great sport. The forums are an awesome place to learn, laugh and stay in touch.




Time for my annual road trip to spend Easter withnthe family in Atascadero. I usually make a few other trips during the year but I wasn't able to make it out as much this past year. I will have to work on that.


I will be arriving Thursday afternoon and the schedule is clear until Saturday. Anything in the works for Thursday Evening or during the day Friday?




Time for my annual road trip to spend Easter withnthe family in Atascadero. I usually make a few other trips during the year but I wasn't able to make it out as much this past year. I will have to work on that.


I will be arriving Thursday afternoon and the schedule is clear until Saturday. Anything in the works for Thursday Evening or during the day Friday?


I tell ya what - I've had my eye on a newly placed cache, that I've been itch'n to go check out, but it sounds like a hike and I didn't want to solo it. The cache is Bear Fort, GC1NT6H, http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_detai...d4-fe5cbde67566. It was logged 3/16th and it has no FTF, yet. There are 3 other caches in the same area.


Anybody want to venture out Friday? That's when I can go.


I'll bring my hiking stick. It's a bit of a drive from Atascadero but I think I can talk my kid into it.


How is the option to come in through Pozo and along the Salinas River?


I'll bring my hiking stick. It's a bit of a drive from Atascadero but I think I can talk my kid into it.


How is the option to come in through Pozo and along the Salinas River?


It looks like a viable option. It appears to be about 15 miles from Pozo. Studying different electronic maps, it seems that there is a road east of Pozo called Avenales Ranch Rd, which takes you about 2/3rd of the way there. It looks like it travels along the Salinas River (but I can't be sure as the maps aren't that specific) Then you turn right on Agua Escondido Rd, then it seems to turn into Forest Route 30S02. Finally you turn right on Forest Route 31S09 and park somewhere around there.


Now, I've never gone on such an adventure as this. Maybe this is too ambitious for a novice, like me. I don't have 4-wheel drive and I'm afraid these forest roads aren't meant for my little car. Do you think we should look into a more mellow hunt? Do you have any suggestions for something simpler.


I'll bring my hiking stick. It's a bit of a drive from Atascadero but I think I can talk my kid into it.


How is the option to come in through Pozo and along the Salinas River?


It looks like a viable option. It appears to be about 15 miles from Pozo. Studying different electronic maps, it


sorry about not following thru... I had to take my car into the shop this morning and this hunt just wasn't going to happen after all. But if anyone is up for some geocaching next week, Wed or Fri work best, but I could venture out on Tue or Thur afternoon, too.


I'll bring my hiking stick. It's a bit of a drive from Atascadero but I think I can talk my kid into it.


How is the option to come in through Pozo and along the Salinas River?


It looks like a viable option. It appears to be about 15 miles from Pozo. Studying different electronic maps, it


sorry about not following thru... I had to take my car into the shop this morning and this hunt just wasn't going to happen after all. But if anyone is up for some geocaching next week, Wed or Fri work best, but I could venture out on Tue or Thur afternoon, too.

My even more humble apolgies for not following through. Things came up and I cannot leave until Friday. When I attempted to post that, the forums were too slow and I could post.


Looks like another whirlwind trip.


PS - I need to retire.


I have a grocery bag full of caching items - containers, ziploc bags, etc. Free for the takin' for placement of more caches! :blink:


If anyone's interested, drop me a note (JenPete (at) A O L (dot) (com)) since Groundspeak and my e-mail dont' seem to get along. :P


I have a grocery bag full of caching items - containers, ziploc bags, etc. Free for the takin' for placement of more caches! :rolleyes:


If anyone's interested, drop me a note (JenPete (at) A O L (dot) (com)) since Groundspeak and my e-mail dont' seem to get along. :)

Have you ever considered switching to GMail?


Lucy Goose had a great idea. She wants to have an event where we all would participate in the SLO Holiday Parade on December 4. I would be willing to host the event and take care of the paperwork. Are there enough people interested to make this work? Any ideas on how we would structure it? I was thinking I would put lights on my cachemobile and get some large car magnets made with the geocaching logo or POC logo. I can pull a lightweight trailer (though someone would need to supply one) - maybe decorate it somehow to be a large ammo can or other cache container? The Goose thought it would be fun to have some people in costumes as big TB tags. We are open to any ideas!


Lucy Goose had a great idea. She wants to have an event where we all would participate in the SLO Holiday Parade on December 4. I would be willing to host the event and take care of the paperwork. Are there enough people interested to make this work? Any ideas on how we would structure it? I was thinking I would put lights on my cachemobile and get some large car magnets made with the geocaching logo or POC logo. I can pull a lightweight trailer (though someone would need to supply one) - maybe decorate it somehow to be a large ammo can or other cache container? The Goose thought it would be fun to have some people in costumes as big TB tags. We are open to any ideas!

That sounds awesome. Send me an e-mail when the cache page is ready to publish.


Lucy Goose had a great idea. She wants to have an event where we all would participate in the SLO Holiday Parade on December 4. I would be willing to host the event and take care of the paperwork. Are there enough people interested to make this work? Any ideas on how we would structure it? I was thinking I would put lights on my cachemobile and get some large car magnets made with the geocaching logo or POC logo. I can pull a lightweight trailer (though someone would need to supply one) - maybe decorate it somehow to be a large ammo can or other cache container? The Goose thought it would be fun to have some people in costumes as big TB tags. We are open to any ideas!

That sounds awesome. Send me an e-mail when the cache page is ready to publish.

I'm in. I'll try and think of some ideas. I've inked the date in my calendar.


Thank you to everyone who generously offered their house as a place to meet. We will have the first planning meeting for the Holiday Parade event at the home of Steve and Carol Kennedy (aka SLO GUY). Here are the details:


Sunday October 18, 4:00 pm

1184 Lexington Court



Lexington Court is off of Southwood Drive, across from the YMCA. Approximate coordinates are N35 15.897 W120 38.557. Hopefully a lot of you can make it. Bring your ideas!


Well, for whatever reasons this forum doesn't keep me posted when someone writes a note here, so I'm not the best at checking up on it. But I DO want to say that I had fun at the parade, entirely because the company was so friendly. Thanks for getting us all organized. And GREAT JOB to the creative participants who came up with such a great float, plus living coins and an energetic mascot or two!


Some of us talked about a four-wheel-drive adventure behind Lopez Lake. Who's game? What weekend in January works for anyone else?



Some of us talked about a four-wheel-drive adventure behind Lopez Lake. Who's game? What weekend in January works for anyone else?


Jen, 4-wheel drive adventure sure sounds like fun. I'd like to tag along. Stan, my husband would go, too. But we don't have a 4-wheel drive. Could we hitch a ride? If you scheduled it for a Sunday, that would work for me, as I'm out of town every Saturday. Any Sunday in January, except 1/3 or 1/17 I could do.



Can anyone check on/replace High Mountain Hide for me?


It was an ammo can on the back side of the bushes (near the edge). If not, I will archive it.


We're camping at Lopez the first week of January. It wouldn't be tough for us to take the drive out to check on the cache. I have ammo cans here I can replace it with if necessary.

Thanks - you would my bestest friend if you did. (I suspect the old one is still deep in the shrubbery)


Although I have picnicked there a couple times, I think the last time I camped there was just it was first built in the early 70's(?).


Just wanted to pop in and say HI! Circumstances have me back here anytime from 3-4 months to a year. Hoping to get some backcountry caches done this time around. I was living in Vegas most recently, and got the chance to meet Moose Mob in a fleeting moment in a IHOP parking lot on 12/27 as I was embarking on an all day adventure that had me finding 31 caches in 1 day!




Maybe see some of you out there...


Anything happening this weekend?


Looks like I will arrive in Atascadero on Friday evening and will depart Monday morning. Sunday is family day, but I may be free on Saturday.


Anything happening this weekend?


Looks like I will arrive in Atascadero on Friday evening and will depart Monday morning. Sunday is family day, but I may be free on Saturday.


Unfortunately, it looks like the POC has gone the way of the Dodo bird. Also, I'll be in OC on Saturday, so that is out... :wub:


Anything happening this weekend?


Looks like I will arrive in Atascadero on Friday evening and will depart Monday morning. Sunday is family day, but I may be free on Saturday.


Unfortunately, it looks like the POC has gone the way of the Dodo bird. Also, I'll be in OC on Saturday, so that is out... :D

Those guys have a way of rising again.



Unfortunately, it looks like the POC has gone the way of the Dodo bird. Also, I'll be in OC on Saturday, so that is out... :blink:

Well, I think it's safe to say we're a bit inactive as a group. We were together for Christmas Parade in SLO and again at the Christmas Parade of lights in Santa Maria, but no one's stepped up recently to plan any group events as far as I know. I, for one, seldom get updates through Groundspeak when this forum is updated, so it's tough for me to keep in touch when technology doesn't work. (WHY did I finally get the post today when I haven't received one in YEARS!? Maybe it's finally working again...I hope.)


Poison Oak Cachers now has a blog (to which all members are welcome to contribute, just contact me for access permission), and a website which will be updated as events occur (just let me know if you've organized an even for the POC and I'll post it there, too).


With newbies to the area, I hear the problem is they don't feel like part of the group because they weren't there when we founded it, don't know what membership entails or haven't seen any of us around. So here's the low-down:


DO you cache? Do you cache on the Central Coast? Then you're welcome. This is a loose-knit group of cachers in it for fun, family recreation, individual satisfaction or the numbers. There's no requirement to join, no participation requirement to remain and there are no dues.


are always welcome! The oldies really enjoy helping newbies learn about the area, learn how to use their equipment, learn how to hunt, hide and find. Each of us has her special talents. Need help? Just ask.


Everywhere. We have members from San Miguel to Santa Barbara and points further afield now that some have moved away (but still join us during visits to the area).


Anything happening this weekend?


Looks like I will arrive in Atascadero on Friday evening and will depart Monday morning. Sunday is family day, but I may be free on Saturday.


Unfortunately, it looks like the POC has gone the way of the Dodo bird. Also, I'll be in OC on Saturday, so that is out... :laughing:


Hey now! We resemble that remark!


I'll have to do something about that resemblance and come out of extinction. I for one am ready to get sumptin' going on!


BTW Shuky the multi in Paso I adopted from you is alive and well. Just checked on it at lunch today at a visitor's pre-visit request. I love that cache! I work in Paso a few days a week now and enjoy the downtown even more because of the history you shared.


Anything happening this weekend?


Looks like I will arrive in Atascadero on Friday evening and will depart Monday morning. Sunday is family day, but I may be free on Saturday.


Unfortunately, it looks like the POC has gone the way of the Dodo bird. Also, I'll be in OC on Saturday, so that is out... :laughing:

Those guys have a way of rising again.


Now that's what I like! Faith.


BBBee & I are getting together Fri-nite. Something interesting will come our putting our heads together - other than a few caches being revealed by our skill and cunning (stop ur laughing Gylfie!).


Anything happening this weekend?


Looks like I will arrive in Atascadero on Friday evening and will depart Monday morning. Sunday is family day, but I may be free on Saturday.


Hit me up on Saturday & I'll join you for a few around A-Town if we're both available. I'll be out & about but we'll be able to coordinate something, I'm sure. Anybody else up for some group caching? We could hit some of the new ones in SLO or Morro Bay or whatever.

Posted (edited)

Anything happening this weekend?


Looks like I will arrive in Atascadero on Friday evening and will depart Monday morning. Sunday is family day, but I may be free on Saturday.


Unfortunately, it looks like the POC has gone the way of the Dodo bird. Also, I'll be in OC on Saturday, so that is out... :laughing:


Hey now! We resemble that remark!


I'll have to do something about that resemblance and come out of extinction. I for one am ready to get sumptin' going on!


BTW Shuky the multi in Paso I adopted from you is alive and well. Just checked on it at lunch today at a visitor's pre-visit request. I love that cache! I work in Paso a few days a week now and enjoy the downtown even more because of the history you shared.


I really enjoy history of small towns/cities that I live in, so that is why I did it. I really did have fun putting it together. If you want help to put another one together, let me know. I should be here until at least mid-June.


BTW, check out the Historical Society in the Carnegie building. It's really cool!

Edited by Shuckymomo

Just posted my first post on the POC Blog. That was waaaaay easier than I thought it would be! OMG Google Rocks! So do you Jen! - now I can be a geek too (a high heel geek on weekdays & a hiking boot geek on weekends).


Anything happening this weekend?


Looks like I will arrive in Atascadero on Friday evening and will depart Monday morning. Sunday is family day, but I may be free on Saturday.


Unfortunately, it looks like the POC has gone the way of the Dodo bird. Also, I'll be in OC on Saturday, so that is out... :laughing:


Hey now! We resemble that remark!


I'll have to do something about that resemblance and come out of extinction. I for one am ready to get sumptin' going on!


BTW Shuky the multi in Paso I adopted from you is alive and well. Just checked on it at lunch today at a visitor's pre-visit request. I love that cache! I work in Paso a few days a week now and enjoy the downtown even more because of the history you shared.


I really enjoy history of small towns/cities that I live in, so that is why I did it. I really did have fun putting it together. If you want help to put another one together, let me know. I should be here until at least mid-June.


BTW, check out the Historical Society in the Carnegie building. It's really cool!


I'm trying to maintain the status quo on the caches I have. I have a personal rule - no new caches until the existing are all up and running. BTW, I'm a member of the Historical Society in SLO. I love the archives in the downstairs of the Carnegie. Some of my research comes from there.


Anything happening this weekend?


Looks like I will arrive in Atascadero on Friday evening and will depart Monday morning. Sunday is family day, but I may be free on Saturday.


Hit me up on Saturday & I'll join you for a few around A-Town if we're both available. I'll be out & about but we'll be able to coordinate something, I'm sure. Anybody else up for some group caching? We could hit some of the new ones in SLO or Morro Bay or whatever.

I may not be on line as much as I usually am - I sent a you an e-mail with my cell number.


Are y'all still breathing? :D


I just published a new post on the POC blog site. Things have been pretty quiet around here lately, so I thought I would try to liven it up a little.

And it's a GREAT post, Mark! Thanks for breathing new life into us all. :D


Funny...I've been considering just letting the website (which Best Family Adventures funded this year) go. It doesn't seem to be of much use since it's a static site and, well, we're not doing much these days. Perhaps we can use the (free) blog instead. It's more accessible to multiple administrators (you know who you are) and may, thereby, be more functional.


Another funny thing...this forum hasn't sent me an update e-mail in YEARS! But tonight - the Groundspeak gremlins are fast asleep. Even the update/notice made it through. :D


Another funny thing...this forum hasn't sent me an update e-mail in YEARS! But tonight - the Groundspeak gremlins are fast asleep. Even the update/notice made it through. :)


It must like you. I did not get any notification of your reply! ;)


Are y'all still breathing? :)


I just published a new post on the POC blog site. Things have been pretty quiet around here lately, so I thought I would try to liven it up a little.


I should probably know this, but can you tell me the URL for the POC blog site. I better add it to my bookmarks.


I am planning to do a nice big hike for around my 65th birthday (Feb. 12) either Sat. the 12th or Sun. 13th. Might want to park a car at trail end and then drive to trail head and do the hike. Unless someone knows a nice circular route. Maybe a 10 - 15 mile hike. Anyone interested in walking it with me?


I need to get out and do some hiking. I am missing the walks, the caches and being out in one of the most beautiful areas of the USA. :)


I am planning to do a nice big hike for around my 65th birthday (Feb. 12) either Sat. the 12th or Sun. 13th. Might want to park a car at trail end and then drive to trail head and do the hike. Unless someone knows a nice circular route. Maybe a 10 - 15 mile hike. Anyone interested in walking it with me?



This sounds like great fun! With shared cars, we could complete one of those long trails that doesn't work well without the car sharing. My family and I are taking part in a Civil War Ball on Saturday night, so I'd have to be in town (Atascadero) well in time to prep for that. (Then again, it'll be DARK well before the ball begins so that shouldn't be a problem, eh?)


What trails did you have in mind?


Are y'all still breathing? :)


I just published a new post on the POC blog site. Things have been pretty quiet around here lately, so I thought I would try to liven it up a little.


I should probably know this, but can you tell me the URL for the POC blog site. I better add it to my bookmarks.

For whatever reason, I only receive notification of forum posts OCCASSIONALLY even though I'm allegedly subscribed to this thread. SO...sorry for the SERIOUS delay.


The website is: poisonoakcachers.com


Blog: http://poisonoakcachers.blogspot.com/


I am planning to do a nice big hike for around my 65th birthday (Feb. 12) either Sat. the 12th or Sun. 13th. Might want to park a car at trail end and then drive to trail head and do the hike. Unless someone knows a nice circular route. Maybe a 10 - 15 mile hike. Anyone interested in walking it with me?



This sounds like great fun! With shared cars, we could complete one of those long trails that doesn't work well without the car sharing. My family and I are taking part in a Civil War Ball on Saturday night, so I'd have to be in town (Atascadero) well in time to prep for that. (Then again, it'll be DARK well before the ball begins so that shouldn't be a problem, eh?)


What trails did you have in mind?


I would go if it wasn't valentine's day weekend. We'll probably be go somewhere that weekend. but in case we don't, I'd be able to go Sunday. so, I've marked my calendar. if I don't have a volleyball match, I could do Saturday. all of this I won't know until the date gets closer.

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