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I Guess I Don't Get It....


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I really don't get the draw to be the first to find thing. I can see if it was a very difficult cache and had some sort of prize for the FTF.


FTF's are not tracked, so tell me why do you like to be the FTF?


This is an honest question and I am not ranting or trying to bash those who do like to be FTF. I don't have any problem with the concept of wanting to be FTF.



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Because it's fun to be first. It can also be frustrating if the coords or off.


Just like it is fun to be the first to cross the finish line in a race, being the first to find a new cache would be the same. Many caches are found within the first day where I live, but some last for days or weeks, especially if, as an example, a boat is required.


My fondest memory of geocaching was going out with one of my daughters to a newly placed cache and being the first to find it. There was a 1st place ribbon in the cache and she has it on her wall and still talks about it. We've had other 1st to Finds which she also remembers, especially the Rocket Man cache.

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FTF's are not tracked, so tell me why do you like to be the FTF?

In a sense they are tracked. If your first to find, then more than likely (but not always) your log will be first in the cache page.


In a close knit community of cachers the competition to get the FTF can be intense and it's a good way to add a new twist to caching.

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Well, somebody is going to be. Might as well be you.


I've had a couple first finds. My first was a drive-by micro that showed up right near the house. That one was one of those "hey, what the heck" spur of the moment kinda things. Once we had that first FTF under our belt, we really haven't given them another thought.


The one I'm much more smug about is that after nearly two months, I'm still the sole finder of this one: Vulcan Hot Springs

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I really don't get the draw to be the first to find thing

I think competition is an innate quality in animals. Didn't you want to be the first picked for a team in gym class or on the playground? Don't you like to get the first slice of a freshly baked pie? Don't you want to sit front row at a play, ballgame concert? :anitongue:

This is just one more manifestation of this behavior. It also adds a little more challange for the jaded/experienced cacher who likes to search before there is a visible geotrail, and the area has been trampled by searching elephants. I would like to try to be FTF more but my schedule and work demands don't allow for it too often.

A few weeks back we (Team CHB) drove over two hours to try to be FTF on a 5/4 that the local regulars hadn't been able to find in two months. Nothing like a little intrastate rivalry too.

Someone local had beat us to it that morning. But I'll bet they had found some of the preliminary stages on previous visits. We nailed all four in one morning. B)


PS if you have more than one pet you will also see this behaviour every day at feeding time. :P


On caches that I've hidden, I note the first finder in the cache description.

I like that too. It keeps them from falling off of the front page after lots of finds are posted. Neat idea.

Edited by wimseyguy
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