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Anybody got a life?

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Ahhh, nice cat. I had a girlfriend who had an orange cat that was extremely affectionate. I have been told that Siamese are very cold and territorial. I have a part Siamese and she is pretty stand offish and dominates other cats bigger than her in their territory, so I don't know if there is any correlation with "breed" (and is orange a "breed") and personallity. Anyway, I'm planning some trips to see my parents in the following weekends (which I also plan to use to work on my pittiful find stats) and printing nearby caches. One of my cat's favorite spots is right by the printer and just as she starts to doze off, I send a job and the printer makes her jump. So, now I have to warn her or I will feel guilty..... icon_razz.gif

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Originally posted by SamLowrey:

Ahhh, nice cat. I had a girlfriend who had an orange cat that was extremely affectionate. I have been told that Siamese are very cold and territorial. I have a part Siamese and she is pretty stand offish and dominates other cats bigger than her in _their_ territory, so I don't know if there is any correlation with "breed" (and is orange a "breed") and personallity. Anyway, I'm planning some trips to see my parents in the following weekends (which I also plan to use to work on my pittiful find stats) and printing nearby caches. One of my cat's favorite spots is right by the printer and just as she starts to doze off, I send a job and the printer makes her jump. So, now I have to warn her or I will feel guilty..... icon_razz.gif

Cold, territorial, stand offish. Doesn't that describe cats in general, not just Siamese? icon_wink.gif




I came...I saw...I geocached.

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Actually Mike is curious, mischevious, and thrives on affection.


My neck hurts from all the time he spends on my shoulder. He'll stay there for hours if I let him.


He likes the computer. He will sit on top of it or in front of it and paw at the pictures for hours sometimes like he's trying to get inside the monitor.


He always tries to get into the printer when he hears it too.


Caint never did nothing.

GDAE, Dave

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Life?????? Whats that?

I work/live in surgery. Some of the weardest hrs you can think of. Most of the time I go to work in the dark and get off when its dark. No windows in there so we all ask the same questions when someone comes in on another shift. "Whats it doing out there?"

Really screws up your sleeping. Like now, I am wide awake.

Well anyway just thought I would add to the post.


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Originally posted by ChurchCampDave:

Here I am at 0100, typing half-baked opinions and knonsence into a stoopid useless forum that only gets read by geonerds, saying much about nothing, with an orange cat on my shoulders.


Can someone help me get a life?


Uhh, hate to say this, but we are the geonerds sitting here reading half-baked opinions and nonsense in a stupid, useless forum. What makes you think we can help you? icon_rolleyes.gif


<i>Rubber spoon...rubber spoon...rubber spoon...</i>

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