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I don't normally get involved in the political side of the forum and understand that there should be some cooling off for the people involved. So this will be my only input......


To me, Geocaching is a hobby - something I do primarily to forget about the grief at work. It is pretty obvious that to Tim & June, Richard & Beth and Moss Trooper it's a lot more. They put more work into it than the vast majority of those who participate. I'm usually happy to go with the flow - defering to the views of the moderators and other cachers of note- Chris n Maria, The Hornet and the like. They don't always agree, but thats life. None of them has anything to gain by doing something to harm the hobby and everyone is entitled to their own opinion.


Whatever your point of view on the GAGB issue, I honestly believe that no one has anything to fear from it. I can understand some of the misgivings brought up on the other threads. I have my own. But so what? No one is being forced to join. Geocaching.com and the others will still be there. I'm sure no one is going to be prevented from approaching Farmer Giles to ask to hide a cache on one of his cows (is this allowed?). However, the problem arises when you deal with larger organisations. I work for one. Sometimes it is a case of right hand / left hand. An organisation like GAGB would be invaluable in this respect.


Like it or not, there have to be some controls and guidelines. People will place things in stupid areas (I have friends who are POLSA trained who can vouche for that). A recent rule I fell foul of was placing food in a new cache. Within a day I received a personal e-mail from Tim to ask me to remove the offending item. I may or may not have agreed (the food was for animal consumption), but if being asked to take an item out of a cache is my major worry this month, then I must lead a very happy life. The issue for me here was that my new cache was viewed within a day by someone who doesn't get paid. That person, in his free time, then took the trouble to send me a personal e-mail explaining why - not a generic one. The offending item was removed from the cache page and I e-mailed Chris n Maria who were able to get the item from the actual cache that afternoon. I then cried myself to sleep, promising to burn the two T & J bears in our collection. Not. If the likes of Moss Trooper, T & J and R & B (!) use their own time to help me enjoy my hobby, then who am I to complain? I may not agree with all the rules of geocaching.com, but am free to go elsewhere should I choose.


Hindsight is a wonderful thing. Maybe things could have been done diferently and I don't claim to know the ins and outs. But most of the ill feeling has been due to both sides seemingly not being able to see the others point of view and some people feeling excluded from the set up. As someone else put it though, the issue of GAGB and that of Administering the UK side of geocaching.com are surely different and disagreements over one should give no cause to resign from the other.


So what happens now? From today, I'd like posts from Tim & June, Richard & Beth and Moss Trooper saying that they will continue in their roles. I'd also like the various warring parties to make up, sort out their differencies and if not agree, agree to disagree. As someone else puts it; it's only a search for tupperware boxes!


Judging from the other threads I can now expect a number of the following replies and will be offended by them in varying degrees;

1) from someone who has read this very quickly, will get completely the wrong end of the stick and post a stroppy reply. I will then be stroppy back and this will then carry on (Or should I just explain myself)

2) from someones whos sense of humour doesn't match my own and I will take it that they are having some sly dig and I will post a stroppy reply in return and this will then continue (Or should I just try to take it as it was meant)

3) from someone who reads into the post something that is not there and goes off into one before asking for clarification. I will then take umbradge that they haven't understood my eloquent posting and question their parenting (Or should I just explain myself a bit better?)

4) from someone who posts a one line answer, in my view in attempt to show me how clever they are. I will then try to be clever back. (Or should I just ignore it?)

5) from someone I think is being pedantic. I will be equally pedantic back and question their grimmar and spalling. (Or should I just take it that they are being helpful in their own way?)

5) from someone whos only interest is to start an argument......I could go on.


Sorry and now to the pole. Do you agree that we should all a) put things into perspective :P ask for the safe return of our moderators c) at some stage the interested parties have a CALM debate about GAGB, face to face rather than via these forums where there is too much scope for ambiguity d) I can't think of a d.


As there is only one sensible answer to the above, you can only vote yes. Any complaints? There are no moderators and it's my pole, so I do as I please!


(Ps Mutiple votes are allowed)


Shall we just decrypt the clue?


[This message was edited by Nick & Ali on May 13, 2003 at 04:21 AM.]

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Count me in, as well!


A propos of not very much, isn't it a bit worrying that Sarah of Team Tate (who has been a nurse on a high care ward for many years) uses the tag line "Remember, if it's moving it's not dead"?


Before anyone who doesn't know me flames me for that...Sarah and I have been friends for years, and I'm teasing. icon_smile.gif


So many caches, so little time...

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