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SF Bay Area geocachers

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and now for something a bit different to keep things interesting.


How was the activity in the SJ area this fine w/e? It was GORGEOUS in the Santa Cruz area but I had little time to get out cachin' - too many built up honey-dos! :P


no, wait. ;)


Had a GREAT weekend over here! I hadn't cached for 6 weeks - put in a hardwood floor in my house during much of that time - so I was *ready* to get out!


Did 8 caches and hid 2 new ones. Nice weekend!

Posted (edited)

Did 8 caches and hid 2 new ones.  Nice weekend!

<------ Jealous


(Although I did manage time to sneak out and hide two new ones myself)

Edited by Kealia
And I got a cache that I think is in my top 10 easy. Love caching on the other side of the hill.

Would that be Return of Spot?


I'd agree with that (assuming it is).

And I got a cache that I think is in my top 10 easy.  Love caching on the other side of the hill.

Would that be Return of Spot?


I'd agree with that (assuming it is).

Return of Spot definitely ranks up there.


I had a great weekend! I found out that I still have a job. There goes my plans of becoming a professional cacher though.



Posted (edited)

Agreed - the best weekend in months!


We spent a little time in Almaden Quicksilver ourselves, mostly hiking and enjoying the views, but of course we also picked up some caches. This wasn't the only interesting part of the weekend for Team KH&J, along with the good time outdoors I also accepted a new job on Friday thus ending 6 weeks of GLORIOUS unemployment. If one is going to be unemployed Christmas isn't a bad time for it. With my new employment I expect my caching numbers will go down ... along with the Christmas bills. So, with the bad much good.


Marky, I'm glad a fellow cacher didn't need to go through this. Although, the employment climate looks much better than it has for the last 5 years, the uncertainty is wearing. /Lefty

Edited by KennyHannahJacob
Yep, he touched it while searching for the cache :huh:

I emailed him and he said the snake was 15-20 feet away from the cache but I will post a warning anyway, one always should remember to not poke around anywhere with hands, we sometimes can easily forget when on the hunt.

Very nice Dave ;) . Very impressive collection, although you do have Marky's penny turned sideways as if he's asleep. That doesn't seem too likely to me considering his find count :huh: .

Heh, thanks. It will be fixed with the next update.


The web page looks fine, but the collection is much more impressive! Looks like you've put a lot of work into gathering all that stuff. My own puny sig item collection will remain at home in shame until it grows more. :huh:

Posted (edited)
The web page looks fine, but the collection is much more impressive! Looks like you've put a lot of work into gathering all that stuff. My own puny sig item collection will remain at home in shame until it grows more.  ;)



A few coins (12) + some other items make up my collection but I have to say that I probably have one of the best coin racks out there - it would make you say WoW. ;)


ND - congrats on your "first". I remember when I did my first when my daughter was born - felt like a proud poppa on both fronts :huh: .

Edited by Kealia

Very nice Dave, tickled pink (well green!) that we even made the cut! Glad you got a green one, I ran out of green ink once and hated signing some with black. I know, weird. :huh:

Now we'll have to focus on getting a few more of those fine signature items, some I know we'll never find. Want to see WoW's collection Sat.


I concur with Nazgul... I'll be keeping my puny collection at home for quite some time as well :huh: Very impressive and great job on the pages, good fun to browse through.

Posted (edited)
Hey, look what I just did!  I know not to thrilling with all you techies around here, but it's my very first webpage and I'm just thrilled it worked.


geocaching stuff

I see you have some of our Johnny Vegas and Julie buttons in your collection, and one of the Marin Outdoors Geocaching Seminar buttons (NLA). I just some sample of a new button, it is a Johnny Vegas and Julie glow in the dark button. I want to use it for a night time only cache I want to place in the Sacramento area.

These are our the buttons we are using now. You will see a couple you have not found. One is in a nightime only cache in Novato.

I also added some mini micro cards for those supper small micros like breath strip holders.




Edit to update photo

Edited by JohnnyVegas

Interesting: It looks like SBC is adding Wi-Fi access to the California State Parks:

short article here


Not sure if I like that or not.

On the one hand, logging finds from the field would be nice.

On the other, I go outside to get away from my computer.


Me thinks me needs to think on this....


Someone who knows about my addiction refered me to a material called ShapeLock. I'm not very handy with that sort of thing (as anyone who has found my sig-caches knows), but I figured others might be interested in it.

Someone who knows about my addiction refered me to a material called ShapeLock. I'm not very handy with that sort of thing (as anyone who has found my sig-caches knows), but I figured others might be interested in it.

I think with the temps that many cache locations experience, this material would re-melt.



Posted (edited)

I wonder what the record is for the shortest time from hide to find. Our new cache we hid today, at 10:10am, was submitted from the cache site at 10:15am, approved at 10:19am, and found at 11:35am (this included about a 20 minute search). That means that stbk was searching for the cache about an hour after I hid it. I had joked to Joani that we should go back and see if anyone was there. We didn't actually think anyone would be there. I guess maybe we should have gone over and said hi. :(



Edited by Marky

My Got Screams? cache was found pretty quickly, not as fast but close. It is certainly crazy around here sometimes.


July 11, 2004 by bullit (677 found)

Well, that must be some sort of record. We hid the cache today around 2:30 PM and then went off to look for Agnew's Park and Toadally Bowers. I got home, filled out and submitted the cache page at 4:50 PM. The listing was approved at 5:09 PM (19 minutes!) and Mauison found it at 6:36 PM. Four hours from hide to First Find or 1:27 from posting to FTF! Cudos to Westcoastadmin for a very prompt approval and congratulations to Mauison on their first two FTFs today!


but you had three cachers out there that quick... I was only 1 mile away but had to wait an hour before getting out there because of a meeting but otherwise I might have bumped into you guys as you were submitting the page :-)


I got one last spring within about 2 1/2 hours of approval. That's pretty fast for our area. Funny part was, that I barely beat out the caching jugernaut of our area, The Mighty Plunketts :(

I wonder what the record is for the shortest time from hide to find.  Our new cache we hid today, at 10:10am, was submitted from the cache site at 10:15am, approved at 10:19am, and found at 11:35am (this included about a 20 minute search).  That means that stbk was searching for the cache about an hour after I hid it. 

Did it really go live at 10:19? I'm pretty sure I didn't see it at about 10:40. I was logging another new cache that I'd found, and I used a PQ for new caches to get to the entry for that one. When I checked again (as I do every 15 or 20 minutes when I'm online...sigh) at 10:55, there it was.


If you'd made the cache easier to find, the hide-to-find time would have been even more impressive. :(


I've gotten lucky (and that's all it was) and picked up a few caches right after they were approved, including one that couldn't have been live on the site for even 30 minutes. No idea when it was placed or how long it took to get approved though.


85 minutes from placing the cache to FTF is extremely fast!!! :(


And 4 minutes for approval? I clearly need to copy your forum sig line, LOL.

Posted (edited)
I wonder what the record is for the shortest time from hide to find.  Our new cache we hid today, at 10:10am, was submitted from the cache site at 10:15am, approved at 10:19am, and found at 11:35am (this included about a 20 minute search).  That means that stbk was searching for the cache about an hour after I hid it.  I had joked to Joani that we should go back and see if anyone was there.  We didn't actually think anyone would be there.  I guess maybe we should have gone over and said hi.  :(



I'm not even that fast, I don't think I was that fast when I was fast, then maybe agian it could I have never been really all that fast. :rolleyes::mad:

Edited by JohnnyVegas

I wonder what is the record for a cache that vanishes right after approval. One of my caches disappeared overnight and it was under a wall in a scary hole with bark on top of it!! Me thinks some muggle saw me plant it. :laughing:


I saw that amazingly fast disappearing cache. I've always wondered why someone would walk off with a box(cache) that is essentially worthless to them?

Posted (edited)

In the good old days (last spring) Hemlock was very predictable in his habits. I could check the site around 10:30 and new caches would have just come up. At one point I had a new cache awaiting approval, and when my email notifier told me it was approved I checked the site and found caches in fremont that had been live for all of 5 minutes. I know I got one within 30 minutes of approval, although i have no idea how long it had been hidden.


What's more, when that sort of thing was going on I regularly ran into Joe at cache sites. Not just once or twice, but practically every time I went out. See my log for Eucalyptusream. , then look at his.


I miss Joe....

Edited by WalruZ
Posted (edited)

Besides an awesome hiking/biking/caching trail FTF hunts are the best and usually produce the most memorable stories. That one looks like it ranks up there as one of the most memorable FTF hunts ever. Certainly a good story. and now I know why I found two caches there. Let's hope Joe returns!

Edited by bullit
I just wanted to thank WoW for another great event at the Workshop!

Indeed, another fun get-together! Hard to believe I was there for 3.5 hours, it felt like a fraction of that. And as usual I forgot to engage in the time-honored tradition of badgering and/or begging for puzzle hints. Doh!

I've always wondered why someone would walk off with a box(cache) that is essentially worthless to them?

Yes, that happened to PhilippeGPS and me with TUM. Philippe had supplied some really nice puzzles (Rubik's cube, etc.) in it. There are thieves everywhere, it seems.


Joani's heat laminator died last night so we went around this evening after the CITO event looking for an inexpensive replacement. We found one at Fry's that does up to 4"x6" and has both hot and cold settings for $19.99. They also had decent prices on the heat laminating pouches. We bought the last one at the Hamilton Ave store, but there might be some at the other stores. There was a larger version, which I think was somewhere around $60 (but they didn't have any, so we settled for the smaller version).


Has anyone found anything cheaper?



Posted (edited)
We found one at Fry's that does up to 4"x6" and has both hot and cold settings for $19.99.

That's the one I picked up at the Fry's here off Brokaw and Zanker.


Another question for anyone, we have replaced our Northwood cache (finally!) but it is not at the same coordinates (other side of park, less than 500 ft) and probably a higher difficulty rating. Should I just redo the exsisting page or create a new one?

Edited by GeoBrowns
Another question for anyone, we have replaced our Northwood cache (finally!) but it is not at the same coordinates (other side of park, less than 500 ft) and probably a higher difficulty rating. Should I just redo the exsisting page or create a new one?

My personal rule of thumb is if the hide is completely different, and it's more than 200 feet away, I usually make a new cache.



We found one at Fry's that does up to 4"x6" and has both hot and cold settings for $19.99.

That's the one I picked up at the Fry's here off Brokaw and Zanker.


Thanks for the tips, I just picked one up at the San Jose Fry's (they had just a couple of the 4" type, out of the larger ones, and had to search them out myself after 3 salespeople said they don't carry them... they are on the aisle behind the highlighter pens if you need to know)

Another question for anyone, we have replaced our Northwood cache (finally!) but it is not at the same coordinates (other side of park, less than 500 ft) and probably a higher difficulty rating. Should I just redo the exsisting page or create a new one?

My personal rule of thumb is if the hide is completely different, and it's more than 200 feet away, I usually make a new cache.



Thanks, that was essentially my idea since it would basically be an entirely new hunt location and container. We'll see how fast this one gets approved. :)

Joani's heat laminator died last night so we went around this evening after the CITO event looking for an inexpensive replacement. We found one at Fry's that does up to 4"x6" and has both hot and cold settings for $19.99. They also had decent prices on the heat laminating pouches. We bought the last one at the Hamilton Ave store, but there might be some at the other stores. There was a larger version, which I think was somewhere around $60 (but they didn't have any, so we settled for the smaller version).


Has anyone found anything cheaper?



I found one at Big Lots a few weeks ago for as I recall $10.00, it also does around a 4"X6". I have been laminting all kinds of stuff, I mad a bunch of mini micro sig cards for the mini micro caches.

We got ours last year at WalMart and it is hot/cold and does 8 1/2 x 11. If I remember right it cost around $25.



I knew I had seen an 8 1/2 x 11 laminator for around that price, but I couldn't remember where I saw it. Oh well, it doesn't hurt to have two. :o



Hey, look what I just did!  I know not to thrilling with all you techies around here, but it's my very first webpage and I'm just thrilled it worked.


geocaching stuff

Thanks NurseDave for sharing your collection on your website.


I also enjoyed WoW's collection at the CITO event - thanks for organizing it!


I'm starting to collect signature items as well and only have a small collection, but hopefully, they'll improve my caching skills.



I'm starting to collect signature items as well and only have a small collection, but hopefully, they'll improve my caching skills.

Oh man, that is hilarious! Thanks for putting that together for all of us to enjoy. Great stuff. The object in the lower righthand corner is all some people need to find caches. :sad:



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