halftrack guy Posted October 4, 2008 Posted October 4, 2008 (edited) how'd I do that? Edited October 4, 2008 by halftrack guy Quote
+boysnbarrie Posted October 4, 2008 Posted October 4, 2008 Wow, you shore did go to an awful lotta trouble to git me that card, girlfriend! When TheHikingMonk tol' me he seen evidence (and he took a picture of it!), I thot to myself ... "Self? Ya mean Harmon wudn't pullin' yer leg?" Golly, I shore do feel bad now ... doubtin' ol' Harmon n' all. I can only hope you'll find it in your heart to fergive me one day, Harmon. I'm mighty grateful to The Fat Cats, tho, for thinkin' o' me as they made that wild ride! Yeeee HAW!! Next time, may I ride along? how'd I do that? Somehow I must have opened up the wrong browser ... and I thought HTG posted something, and discovered it was me . LOL Whoops! Quote
+boysnbarrie Posted October 4, 2008 Posted October 4, 2008 (edited) double post Edited October 4, 2008 by boysnbarrie Quote
+SD Rowdies Posted October 4, 2008 Posted October 4, 2008 (edited) "Ya mean Harmon wudn't pullin' yer leg?" Golly, I shore do feel bad now ... doubtin' ol' Harmon n' all. I can only hope you'll find it in your heart to fergive me one day, Harmon. Why I oughta ... but then, any PUD cake baker is a lifelong friend of mine. Too bad I didn't have witnesses to the incident. When I poked my head up out of th' bushes all I could see was smokin' tires, car parts all over the parking lot, and the nether part of some black jeans pokin' up out of th' bushes over by the "Max's Favorite Park" Geocache. The member of The Fat Cats that shall remain nameless for reasons cited before was shouting "Praise th' Lord, they ain't all gone." Imagine how rerlieved I was, no question about it. If I was caught holdin' th' last few Kwver! cards I would have been in for a major body-slam. Who would think that Geocaching could be so much fun? Glad you got a photo of the RAV4 tracks where she jumped th' curb ... I call that a serious Geotrail! Edited October 4, 2008 by SD Rowdies Quote
+jahoadi and john Posted October 5, 2008 Posted October 5, 2008 I pulled up to the cache and saw a team of gardeners working feverishly to repair those RAV4 skid marks. They looked none too happy and were shaking their heads! Took a card for me and one for my buddy. There's more left! No misprints though. Quote
+FlagMan Posted October 20, 2008 Posted October 20, 2008 Introducing the newest addition to the TNG Series, #6 - Snake & Rooster Thanks to Chuy! for the selection and Harmon, of course, for all the graphic design work. Several copies are available at Max's Favorite Park, along with the inevitable misprints... Note that the container has been replaced with a larger container and it is not at the base of the light pole just a few feet from its previous location... Quote
+SD Rowdies Posted October 20, 2008 Posted October 20, 2008 (edited) Introducing the newest addition to the TNG Series, #6 - Snake & Rooster Thanks to Chuy! for the selection and Harmon, of course, for all the graphic design work. Several copies are available at Max's Favorite Park, along with the inevitable misprints... Note that the container has been replaced with a larger container and it is not at the base of the light pole just a few feet from its previous location... Rats! y' mean I'll need my GPS? Congratulations to Snake & Rooster! Nice job once again Flagman. Update, 7:30 pm - Grabbed four sets, one set each for Splashette, Jahoadi, Chuy!, and myself. The bonus round surprised me, missed that intent during our many email exchanges. That makes TNG #6 unique ... wouldn't you know that it would be the Snake & Rooster cards? The cards sure look different under sodium lighting. The graphic layouts came off well on the cards. Photographic layouts tend to crowd the limited space. I'm quite pleased with this set. Harmon SD Rowdies Edited October 21, 2008 by SD Rowdies Quote
+Snake & Rooster Posted October 22, 2008 Posted October 22, 2008 Rooster and I feel honored. We have not stopped laughing since we saw them. Thank you. Quote
+Let's Look Over Thayer Posted October 24, 2008 Posted October 24, 2008 Introducing the newest addition to the TNG Series, #6 - Snake & Rooster Thanks to Chuy! for the selection and Harmon, of course, for all the graphic design work. Several copies are available at Max's Favorite Park, along with the inevitable misprints... Note that the container has been replaced with a larger container and it is not at the base of the light pole just a few feet from its previous location... Boohoo...! I stopped by Max's last night and all the S&R's were gone... (3x Kwvers were still there though...) Quote
+The Lost Clan Posted October 24, 2008 Posted October 24, 2008 Introducing the newest addition to the TNG Series, #6 - Snake & Rooster Thanks to Chuy! for the selection and Harmon, of course, for all the graphic design work. Several copies are available at Max's Favorite Park, along with the inevitable misprints... Note that the container has been replaced with a larger container and it is not at the base of the light pole just a few feet from its previous location... Boohoo...! I stopped by Max's last night and all the S&R's were gone... (3x Kwvers were still there though...) There were a couple left after I took two yesterday, but I think maybe FATTBOY got them. I know Fat Cats were there before me - I didn't see any new skid marks though! I sure hope some Yrium cards make it to the campout raffle! (hint, hint!) Quote
+SD Rowdies Posted October 24, 2008 Posted October 24, 2008 (edited) Introducing the newest addition to the TNG Series, #6 - Snake & Rooster Thanks to Chuy! for the selection and Harmon, of course, for all the graphic design work. Several copies are available at Max's Favorite Park, along with the inevitable misprints... Note that the container has been replaced with a larger container and it is not at the base of the light pole just a few feet from its previous location... Boohoo...! I stopped by Max's last night and all the S&R's were gone... (3x Kwvers were still there though...) There were a couple left after I took two yesterday, but I think maybe FATTBOY got them. I know Fat Cats were there before me - I didn't see any new skid marks though! I sure hope some Yrium cards make it to the campout raffle! (hint, hint!) Hey! why aren't you collectors logging your Yrium grabs on this thread and on Max's Favorite web page? Edited October 24, 2008 by SD Rowdies Quote
+The Fat Cats Posted October 24, 2008 Posted October 24, 2008 My bad...I'm behind on all my logging, including here. I took four sets of S&R cards, one each for: The Lost Clan, kwvers!, boysnbarrie and us. Turns out TLC was able to make it over and she grabbed one for herself, so I have one extra which I'll drop into a cache somewhere. After I left, there were still five regular S&Rs (TNG 6), five kwvers! (TNG 5), and two Lulu499s (TNG 4). I'll be sure to log right away from now on...sorry. Quote
+SD Rowdies Posted October 24, 2008 Posted October 24, 2008 My bad...I'm behind on all my logging, including here. I took four sets of S&R cards, one each for: The Lost Clan, kwvers!, boysnbarrie and us. Turns out TLC was able to make it over and she grabbed one for herself, so I have one extra which I'll drop into a cache somewhere. After I left, there were still five regular S&Rs (TNG 6), five kwvers! (TNG 5), and two Lulu499s (TNG 4). I'll be sure to log right away from now on...sorry. O please, no you're not sorry ... more like ready to give me a swat in the behind, yes? Quote
+The Lost Clan Posted October 24, 2008 Posted October 24, 2008 My bad...I'm behind on all my logging, including here. I took four sets of S&R cards, one each for: The Lost Clan, kwvers!, boysnbarrie and us. Turns out TLC was able to make it over and she grabbed one for herself, so I have one extra which I'll drop into a cache somewhere. After I left, there were still five regular S&Rs (TNG 6), five kwvers! (TNG 5), and two Lulu499s (TNG 4). I'll be sure to log right away from now on...sorry. O please, no you're not sorry ... more like ready to give me a swat in the behind, yes? Before I get chastised , I also took a kwvers! and a lulu499 for Silver Horde. I didn't realize I should be logging them - so sorry! I'll fix that immediately. Quote
+FlagMan Posted October 26, 2008 Posted October 26, 2008 Dropped about 20x Yrium TNG #6 S&R cards at Max's. Come 'n git 'em!! Quote
+Let's Look Over Thayer Posted October 27, 2008 Posted October 27, 2008 Dropped about 20x Yrium TNG #6 S&R cards at Max's. Come 'n git 'em!! Boohoo...! :cry: becomes Whoohoo...! I took two. One went home with me. The other can be found in "Bankers Hill Zoo" (GC18TTV) Quote
+boysnbarrie Posted October 28, 2008 Posted October 28, 2008 Thank you Fat Cats! I just got home from visiting halftrack guy and celebrating his graduation from Army BCT in South Carolina. You are SOOooo sweet to remember me. Are you wanting a PUD cake as a pay off? boysnbarrie Quote
+The Fat Cats Posted October 28, 2008 Posted October 28, 2008 Thank you Fat Cats! I just got home from visiting halftrack guy and celebrating his graduation from Army BCT in South Carolina. You are SOOooo sweet to remember me. Are you wanting a PUD cake as a pay off? boysnbarrie No PUD required, but I'm sure if you bring one to the campout, you'll find volunteers to taste test! Quote
+Chuy! Posted October 28, 2008 Posted October 28, 2008 Rooster and I feel honored. We have not stopped laughing since we saw them. Thank you. You guys were long overdue. My favorite is the Happy Festivus misprint, but Harmon, as always, did an excellent job on the cards, including, I think, an unprecedented 2nd misprint. Quote
+SD Rowdies Posted October 29, 2008 Posted October 29, 2008 Rooster and I feel honored. We have not stopped laughing since we saw them. Thank you. You guys were long overdue. My favorite is the Happy Festivus misprint, but Harmon, as always, did an excellent job on the cards, including, I think, an unprecedented 2nd misprint. Working on the TNG #6 layout was a breeze because Chuy! and FlagMan had clearly-expressed concepts. I feel ever-so lucky about having so many Yrium-card assignments. Quote
+The Fat Cats Posted December 31, 2008 Posted December 31, 2008 Picked up a SlabyFam Yrium card at IHO: SD Rowdies' Sandy Creek Cowboy Harmon cache on Sunday... Quote
+jahoadi and john Posted January 15, 2009 Posted January 15, 2009 I scored two cards on Tuesday at Scripps View-Resurrected (Cedar Fire) GCA4BE. It is an older Flagman multi cache. They were TNG #5 (kwvers!)and TNG #6 (Snake and Rooster). Quote
+FlagMan Posted January 17, 2009 Posted January 17, 2009 Introducing TNG #7 condor man and TNG #7.5 duck432: Thanks, of course, to Harmon for the great design work!!! A few dozen of each of these will be found in Max's Favorite Park by the time all you sleepy heads get out of bed!!! See you all at the event tonight!! Quote
+splashman Posted January 17, 2009 Posted January 17, 2009 I went up to Max's today to grab the two new cards, and I couldn't believe that I was the first one there! Where is everybody? Anyway, I took 3 of each and one S&R. One set for Harmon, one set for Lil Splash, and one set for us. The S&R is also for Lil Splash. The cards are so professional looking...........Wow! You guys are great! Thanks! Splashette Quote
+SD Rowdies Posted January 17, 2009 Posted January 17, 2009 (edited) I went up to Max's today to grab the two new cards, and I couldn't believe that I was the first one there! Where is everybody? Anyway, I took 3 of each and one S&R. One set for Harmon, one set for Lil Splash, and one set for us. The S&R is also for Lil Splash. The cards are so professional looking...........Wow! You guys are great! Thanks! Splashette Just my luck, in the dentist's chair and doing some final tasks on the new master-bathroom when FlagMan releases the latest Yrium Cards. Janie, your such a pal. Doing Yrium layouts is great fun, especially now that I'm using Photoshop CS4. The tricky part of Yrium-card layouts is gathering useful source material and inside stories about new honorees. Anybody that hopes to become an Yrium-card honoree should punch up their profile page and expand their profile photo gallery using decent images. If your cell-phone has a camera feature ... STOP USING IT FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! Otay? Edited January 18, 2009 by SD Rowdies Quote
+The Lost Clan Posted January 18, 2009 Posted January 18, 2009 I just had to stop by Max's Favorite Park with zeber on our way to caching in MTRP this morning. I took 4 sets of the new cards - one each for myself, The Fat Cats, kwvers! and Silver Horde. I ran into Duck before the event and he didn't know about his card - he was thrilled to be the subject of one. Great job on the cards, Harmon! Quote
+SD Rowdies Posted January 18, 2009 Posted January 18, 2009 (edited) I just had to stop by Max's Favorite Park with zeber on our way to caching in MTRP this morning. I took 4 sets of the new cards - one each for myself, The Fat Cats, kwvers! and Silver Horde. I ran into Duck before the event and he didn't know about his card - he was thrilled to be the subject of one. Great job on the cards, Harmon! Aw shucks. The Condor Man card was interesting because the best image I could find of the old Disney poster was of a wrinkled and folded collectable offered on eBay. Had to spend quite a bit of time restoring and modifying the source image. Note that the background of the TNG version was changed to feature the San Diego skyline as seen from Coronado and also the California Tower and Museum-of-Man dome from Balboa Park. Yes, of course, that's Condor Man's Kawasaki and also that's the 101st Dalmatian cache-container in the layout. A minor layout issue is that the poster featured the title as "Condorman" rather than "Condor Man," but hey, I got lazy. At times I wish for larger Yrium cards, but then, it sure made sense to make them the same size as baseball trading cards. So who's next? There's a uDesignit card up on a tiny little peak near Iron Mountain just a short stroll from Highway 67. Edited January 18, 2009 by SD Rowdies Quote
+FlagMan Posted January 19, 2009 Posted January 19, 2009 I just had to stop by Max's Favorite Park with zeber on our way to caching in MTRP this morning. I took 4 sets of the new cards - one each for myself, The Fat Cats, kwvers! and Silver Horde. I ran into Duck before the event and he didn't know about his card - he was thrilled to be the subject of one. Great job on the cards, Harmon! ... So who's next? There's a uDesignit card up on a tiny little peak near Iron Mountain just a short stroll from Highway 67. Actually, lulu499 has the uDesignit Card. She made that short stroll just a week ago or so... Quote
+boysnbarrie Posted January 19, 2009 Posted January 19, 2009 I made my way up to Max's after church this afternoon in my Sunday best, with Eeno1. While I was in the bushes with Eeno1, I began to ask myself a few things ... "I wonder how many people have come to this cache in a skirt and heels." and ... "I wonder if anyone is watching us two obviously over-dressed women (for the park setting) ... going into these bushes, bending over, etc." and then finally ... "I wonder if any cards are going to be left." Thankfully, there were still a few cards! I took one each of the #7 and #7.5. Eeno1 decided to also take one each. One of each were left in the cache, along with several S & R cards (I didn't count them). You did a fantastic job on these - well done to Harmon and FlagMan! Quote
+SD Rowdies Posted January 19, 2009 Posted January 19, 2009 (edited) I made my way up to Max's after church this afternoon in my Sunday best, with Eeno1. While I was in the bushes with Eeno1, I began to ask myself a few things ... "I wonder how many people have come to this cache in a skirt and heels." and ... "I wonder if anyone is watching us two obviously over-dressed women (for the park setting) ... going into these bushes, bending over, etc." and then finally ... "I wonder if any cards are going to be left." Thankfully, there were still a few cards! I took one each of the #7 and #7.5. Eeno1 decided to also take one each. One of each were left in the cache, along with several S & R cards (I didn't count them). You did a fantastic job on these - well done to Harmon and FlagMan! What? ... no photos of skirts and heels? That would be a terrific graphic-layout for an Yrium card one day. Skirts and heels at Max's Favorite Park cache, once in a lifetime opportunity that slipped away. What am I going to do with you Geocachers? Kind of funny how Max's Favorite Park caches has turned into a Costco type of operation. Now it's five or ten grabs at a time. I thought the price-drop of gasoline would return things to normal where one could always meet two or three Yrium collectors out to grab their set of new cards, usually late-night or even wee hours as well. So Lulu499 has the uDesignit does she? I forgot to post a watch on that cache so I missed the grab. Here we go again? Harmon Edited January 19, 2009 by SD Rowdies Quote
+John&Jess Posted January 19, 2009 Posted January 19, 2009 Stopped by Max's tonight thinking there would still be a handful of new cards and ended up the the last #7 and the last #7.5! Excellent work! Congrats condorman and duck! Sorry James if that was you pulling into the park as we were leaving. Quote
+AirDuck Posted January 23, 2009 Posted January 23, 2009 I am truly honored and very surprised that I had become a geocache trading card. My friends and family members were also shocked when I showed them the card. Thanks again to all who were responsible. This makes my hobby that much more enjoyable. Happy caching! -Darold Quote
vagabond Posted February 2, 2009 Posted February 2, 2009 I really haven't paid much attention to the Yrium cards since the originals were put out, but I was at GC1ENZA chirp chirp in Temecula on 1-30-09 (the nano/micro capitol of the world) and I spotted the Snake & Rooster tng card 6 and picked it up. I'm glad to see the tradition is being carried on, I know he would have loved to see it carried on Quote
+jahoadi and john Posted February 14, 2009 Posted February 14, 2009 (edited) Grabbed a TNG card #3 (Team Adelos) from GC1KAJY Golden Hill Cache on 13 Feb 09 Edited February 14, 2009 by jahoadi and john Quote
+The Lost Clan Posted February 14, 2009 Posted February 14, 2009 zeber and I each grabbed two different YMS #21 Duncan! cards from Digueno (GCQ83Z) on Feb 12th. None left - sorry! Quote
+map4navigation Posted February 23, 2009 Posted February 23, 2009 Picked up TNG Card 5 Kwvers today from Kitchen Creek: Monteverde 2! Quote
+jahoadi and john Posted March 2, 2009 Posted March 2, 2009 We left a Team Adelos card in both LuLu's NUTS for caching and PLNMC #5 - Two Palms. They are Yrium TNG card #3. Quote
+FlagMan Posted April 19, 2009 Posted April 19, 2009 I just dropped a new supply of Yrium TNG #7 and #7.5 cards in Max's Favorite Park. Come 'n get 'em!! Quote
+FlagMan Posted April 22, 2009 Posted April 22, 2009 (edited) Introducing Yrium TNG #8 - LegoCollin: Happy Birthday, Collin, and Happy Earth Day!! Kudos to lulu499 for selecting LegoCollin as the latest victim, and to Harmon for the card design!! An adequate supply has been left at Max's Favorite Park and, yes, the Misprinter did strike!! Edited April 22, 2009 by FlagMan Quote
+SD Rowdies Posted April 22, 2009 Posted April 22, 2009 (edited) Introducing Yrium TNG #8 - LegoCollin: Happy Birthday, Collin, and Happy Earth Day!! Kudos to lulu499 for selecting LegoCollin as the latest victim, and to Harmon for the card design!! An adequate supply has been left at Max's Favorite Park and, yes, the Misprinter did strike!! Just returned home with five TNG #8 and five TNG #8 misprint cards. Grabbed for some of the east-county gang including Splashette, Team Fatman, FATTBOY, Map4navigation, and myself. Remaining are seventeen TNG #8, nine TNG#8 misprints, thirty TNG #7, and eighteen TNG #7.5. Once again my heartfelt thanks to Tom for asking me to handle the TNG #8 photo layout. I must say that this particular effort was unique and challenging in several ways. Consider a case in which a loving mother has recommended her own precious son, you know, a dash of the Mother Mary and child sort of situation. Boundless pitfalls await a free-spirited graphic artist when a mother is involved. Of course a father was involved as well but you know how it is with guys and family photos … “Looks good t' me.” Well I know of only two things that offer little risk when said to a woman … “Yes ma’am,” and “Navajo White.” Luckily I chose the former response rather than the latter and that saw me through the TNG #8 layout review with few regrets and with mom’s requirements met for the most part. Requirements: Lego theme – check Best facial shot of Collin – check NASCAR racing – Check Favorite NASCAR driver Tony Stewart – check Ice hockey – check Cat Warriors books – check Earth day is birthday – check Geocaching logo – check. After several days of changes and revisions I sent the final photo-layout to FlagMan late one night and retired with a satisfied mind. In the wee hours my pillow whispered to me, “Harmon, I’ve got a killer-idea for a TNG #8 misprint card, wanna hear it?” I always listen to my pillow so I was up and at it until first light of dawn. Let me ask you this, have you ever seen an image of an old man being whispered to by his pillow? Don’t miss this chance, it’s a misprint card to die for and I sure hope I’m not the one t’ do th’ dyin’! Happy bearthday Collin, sure hope that you like your Yrium-card. Thank you Tom and Nancy, Harmon SD Rowdies Edited April 22, 2009 by SD Rowdies Quote
+splashman Posted April 22, 2009 Posted April 22, 2009 Wow, awesome job on Collin's card Harmon! They just keep getting better 'n better! I just now turned on my computer (I had to fire up the Red Baron and do some mowing on the north 40 this morning) and saw that the new cards had been put out and my heart sank because I thought they'd be all gone. Thanks so much for picking up the cards for us! Now, maybe I'll have to quit stalking you for those sarcasm pills layout! (actually the pills are working, I'm a happy camper these days!) Splashette Quote
+SD Rowdies Posted April 22, 2009 Posted April 22, 2009 Wow, awesome job on Collin's card Harmon! They just keep getting better 'n better! I just now turned on my computer (I had to fire up the Red Baron and do some mowing on the north 40 this morning) and saw that the new cards had been put out and my heart sank because I thought they'd be all gone. Thanks so much for picking up the cards for us! Now, maybe I'll have to quit stalking you for those sarcasm pills layout! (actually the pills are working, I'm a happy camper these days!) Splashette Janie, I'm ever-so pleased that your visit to Dr. Sarcasma payed off, you know, for my own sake. Maybe now I can come out of hiding. Good guess that this set of cards will go fast knowing that a mom is involved. Ridin' the Red Baron again huh? Steve must be ever-so proud of you the way you handle power equipment while he's fiddling around in air-conditioned equipment rooms. Your pal, Harmon Quote
+jahoadi and john Posted April 22, 2009 Posted April 22, 2009 Wow, awesome job on Collin's card Harmon! They just keep getting better 'n better! I just now turned on my computer (I had to fire up the Red Baron and do some mowing on the north 40 this morning) and saw that the new cards had been put out and my heart sank because I thought they'd be all gone. Thanks so much for picking up the cards for us! Now, maybe I'll have to quit stalking you for those sarcasm pills layout! (actually the pills are working, I'm a happy camper these days!) Splashette Janie, I'm ever-so pleased that your visit to Dr. Sarcasma payed off, you know, for my own sake. Maybe now I can come out of hiding. Good guess that this set of cards will go fast knowing that a mom is involved. Ridin' the Red Baron again huh? Steve must be ever-so proud of you the way you handle power equipment while he's fiddling around in air-conditioned equipment rooms. Your pal, Harmon Harmon did ya pick one up for me? you know I'm busy placing rest stop caches for you.. I never make it north of I- 8 very often! Quote
+SD Rowdies Posted April 22, 2009 Posted April 22, 2009 (edited) Wow, awesome job on Collin's card Harmon! They just keep getting better 'n better! I just now turned on my computer (I had to fire up the Red Baron and do some mowing on the north 40 this morning) and saw that the new cards had been put out and my heart sank because I thought they'd be all gone. Thanks so much for picking up the cards for us! Now, maybe I'll have to quit stalking you for those sarcasm pills layout! (actually the pills are working, I'm a happy camper these days!) Splashette Janie, I'm ever-so pleased that your visit to Dr. Sarcasma payed off, you know, for my own sake. Maybe now I can come out of hiding. Good guess that this set of cards will go fast knowing that a mom is involved. Ridin' the Red Baron again huh? Steve must be ever-so proud of you the way you handle power equipment while he's fiddling around in air-conditioned equipment rooms. Your pal, Harmon Harmon did ya pick one up for me? you know I'm busy placing rest stop caches for you.. I never make it north of I- 8 very often! Jodi dear, For a pal like you I'll make sure you get a set of the cards. Should have grabbed a set for you right away but over- looked the fact that you live in Methico. Time passes ... I'm good to go with this so send me an email with your mailing address. Made it there and back just in front of the bow-wave of the 15/52 commute. Actually I need the same sort of email from Team Fatman FATTBOY, and Map4nav'. No problem in Janie's case, I'll just toss her cards onto the new-mown lawn she cut today. Harmon Edited April 23, 2009 by SD Rowdies Quote
+TucsonThompsen Posted April 22, 2009 Posted April 22, 2009 I'll be coming to town this weekend and I realise I''m just not into the Yrium cards as much as some others are. So...I'll be releasing some Vintage Yrium cards that I have. Yes....these suckers are the original ones that Yrium himself printed before he passed away. The one's I'll be passing along are the Yrium's Pals series (Kind of like the Honus Wagner T206 of Yrium cards) Including: Zcat, Whistlestick, Mark71mark, Gromit, Iron Chef, Jeremy, Splashman &Splashette, Gumby and Pokey, sotrk, Bikedog, and some others. Keep an eye out to complete a hard to complete collection. --TT-- Quote
+SD Rowdies Posted April 22, 2009 Posted April 22, 2009 (edited) I'll be coming to town this weekend and I realise I''m just not into the Yrium cards as much as some others are. So...I'll be releasing some Vintage Yrium cards that I have. Yes....these suckers are the original ones that Yrium himself printed before he passed away. The one's I'll be passing along are the Yrium's Pals series (Kind of like the Honus Wagner T206 of Yrium cards) Including: Zcat, Whistlestick, Mark71mark, Gromit, Iron Chef, Jeremy, Splashman & Splashette, Gumby and Pokey, sotrk, Bikedog, and some others. Keep an eye out to complete a hard to complete collection. --TT-- TT, That's great, a real boost for some serious collector. One of my Geocaching regrets is that I wasn't able to do the layout for your Yrium card, although your existing card is exceptional. I would have used the photo of your crushed elbow. Hmm, that crushed-elbow photo hasn't been posted on a Forum thread in a very long time. Harmon Edited April 23, 2009 by SD Rowdies Quote
+travelita Posted April 23, 2009 Posted April 23, 2009 Harmon SD Rowdies Sir, I do love Navajo White, Sir! Dropped 4 Cards (TNG #7, TNG #7.5, TNG #8 Misprint, TNG #8) at Bird Sanctuary Bug Drop (GC18Y9P) and 4 Cards at Why? (GCZD4F) Congratulations LegoCollin! Quote
+Tiek00n Posted April 23, 2009 Posted April 23, 2009 I stopped my Max's Favorite Park on my way home, and took 2 #7's, 2 #7.5's, 2 #8's, and one #8 misprint, leaving only 1 #8 misprint left! Quote
+The Fat Cats Posted April 23, 2009 Posted April 23, 2009 I just got back from Max's...took 4 each TNG #7 and #7.5, so we could drop some in the east county. Took the last misprint TNG #8, and 4 regular TNG #8s, one each for The Lost Clan, boysnbarrie, kwvers!, and ourselves. The new cards look great! Good job and congrats to LegoCollin! Quote
+John&Jess Posted April 23, 2009 Posted April 23, 2009 (edited) Stopped by Max's yesterday just after Harmon (actually, I drove around the turnabout until he left ). Picked up 2x TNG#8 and one misprint. Excellent work as usual! Congrats and Happy Birthday! J&J&J Edited April 23, 2009 by John&Jess Quote
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