+Dr. Boggis Posted June 29, 2005 Posted June 29, 2005 I find it hard to believe that any person who wants one hasn't already got a gmail account.......but if there are any out there, I have 50(!) invites to send out. Email me and I'll send you one. Quote
+PassingWind Posted June 29, 2005 Posted June 29, 2005 I find it hard to believe that any person who wants one hasn't already got a gmail account.......but if there are any out there, I have 50(!) invites to send out. Email me and I'll send you one. What are the benefits of having one of these gmail accounts for those of us not familiar with it ? Quote
+Kite and Hawkeye Posted June 29, 2005 Posted June 29, 2005 What are the benefits of having one of these gmail accounts for those of us not familiar with it ? Gmail is a nice webmail system with lots of storage, and you can Google search your mail. And don't forget the cool factor . I've been using my regular email address for more than ten years, though, and I don't want to change. Plus, my preferred username is too short for me to be allowed to use it on Gmail! Bah. In other news, the Magellan contest cache is now listed on this site, so if you're among the handful of people who've already signed the log book, feel free to log your find. If not... you can still win a Magellan hat, if you're among the next two people to drop by! Quote
+Dr. Boggis Posted June 29, 2005 Posted June 29, 2005 I find it hard to believe that any person who wants one hasn't already got a gmail account.......but if there are any out there, I have 50(!) invites to send out. Email me and I'll send you one. What are the benefits of having one of these gmail accounts for those of us not familiar with it ? For me, it's just another email address I use to sign up for things online. I don't really use it much, I just jumped on the bandwagon when they first came out, in part to secure boggissimo@gmail so it would be the same as my hotmail and yahoo mail accounts. Their supposedly great feature is that you don't need to delete any emails, since they have so much space to store them. The alleged downside is that since all the emails are kept on their servers, they can be scanned and used to identify ways in which you might like to click on their sponsors' links. In my experience, I've not been bothered by any adverts, but then I run Adblock on Firefox so I don't actually see any adverts on web pages any more. I don't like the interface much, but some people love it, and there are (mostly PC) apps available which will interact with gmail to do various things. Some people went mental about their privacy policy (basically, they keep all correspondence on their servers, and even if you think you've deleted it, they can't guarantee that it's actually gone), but unless you're planning an assassination I doubt it'll bother you. Quote
+QDman Posted June 29, 2005 Posted June 29, 2005 For anyone who's interested, I've just posted a hint to Extorted Treasure. Quote
+Cornerstone4 Posted June 30, 2005 Posted June 30, 2005 Just thought I would let you know that there are no more hats at the Magellan cache. HelBob Duo and I grabbed the last two! Cornerstone4 Quote
+FlagMan Posted June 30, 2005 Posted June 30, 2005 For anyone who's interested, I've just posted a hint to Extorted Treasure. Well, Horatio and I aren't completely sure that this hint goes quite far enough..... Quote
+TucsonThompsen Posted June 30, 2005 Posted June 30, 2005 Well, Horatio and I aren't completely sure that this hint goes quite far enough..... Yes...but QDMan fancies himself a man of infinite jest. Of most excellent fancy. I hath borne upon my back a thousand different coordinate sets. Where be my cache? My trinkets? My bits of useless swag that were wont to set the cacher upon a roar? Seriously, Randy. Given the iterations I've sent you, it would seem possible that given the construction of this, there are alternate ways of interpretation that lead to good and plausible coord sets. I feel as if I'm trying to find the one way to see how your brain interpreted this, and coming up with many many others (read all previous e-mails I've sent you) Slowly becoming another AFJ. --TT-- Quote
+Cornerstone4 Posted June 30, 2005 Posted June 30, 2005 I just got a care package from Groundspeak for the upcoming event. 5, yes five, WJTB's. Cornerstone4 Quote
+Dan-oh Posted June 30, 2005 Posted June 30, 2005 AFJ? Um, did I miss the memo as well? maybe: Advanced Joint Formula Jouf, Saudi Arabia (airport code) All Joking Fool After Jester Fun Quote
+bitmap Posted June 30, 2005 Posted June 30, 2005 AFJ? I'd guess he's referring to the Alien Fresh Jerky cache... Quote
+The Dillon Gang Posted June 30, 2005 Posted June 30, 2005 AFJ? Um, did I miss the memo as well? maybe: Advanced Joint Formula Jouf, Saudi Arabia (airport code) All Joking Fool After Jester Fun All Fresh Jam or Jellies Always Find Joe Any Fraudulent Jasper Quote
+Miragee Posted June 30, 2005 Posted June 30, 2005 Almost Found Jewels Angst-Forming Journey . . . I almost had a very bad day Tuesday. P.T. and I finally found "Golden Hammer" after a lengthy search. Then after finding "Walking for Your Health," I turned off my GPSr and put it in my fanny pack pocket since I had found the next caches we were going to. Only after we were back in town and after we had lunch at Kip's on Second St. (very good food) did I discover my GPSr was missing. I hiked all the way back out to "Golfcourse Overlook" and nearly all the way to "Walking for Your Health" before finding it face-down in the dirt. Boy, did I learn a lesson about attaching the GPSr to the pack if I ever use that pack pocket again. Quote
+Dr. Boggis Posted June 30, 2005 Posted June 30, 2005 AFJ? I'd guess he's referring to the Alien Fresh Jerky cache... Ah yes, that'd be it. Never got anywhere with that one. Quote
+Dr. Boggis Posted June 30, 2005 Posted June 30, 2005 Hope everyone has a fun long weekend, we're off to Sequoia and King's Canyon tomorrow..... Quote
+QDman Posted June 30, 2005 Posted June 30, 2005 Maybe I should have sub-titled it, "The Herrings are as Red as Roses." Quote
+Team Gecko Posted July 2, 2005 Posted July 2, 2005 (edited) Just returned from a week of business in Norfolk. While there, I was limited to evening searches for caches I could reach on foot since I did not have a car. Only got seven but they were all entertaining. At the last cache, I re-encountered an ID I had seen previously throughout Virginia by the amazing mega-mega-ultra-mega cacher CCCooperAgency. This is not a company, just a couple that is fanatic about caching in the extreme. Here is their profile page: http://www.geocaching.com/profile/Default....22-70ccf5276e0e Pretty humbling to realize someone has over 10,000 finds. -Gecko Dad Edited July 2, 2005 by Team Gecko Quote
+TrailGators Posted July 2, 2005 Posted July 2, 2005 (edited) Be sure to do the close by regular cache Mono Cache and go swimming in the lake! (I did while I was there) The mineral level in the water makes you float like a cork! ... well, maybe a waterlogged cork, but it is an experience. ( I almost said nonetheless or nevertheless but maybe a period is best these days!) Enjoy your trip. EDIT - Added text and link: Mono Lake Tufa State Reserve A swim in Mono Lake is a memorable experience. The lake's salty water is denser than ocean water, and provides a delightfully buoyant swim. Old timers claim that a soak in the lake will cure almost anything. Keep the water out of your eyes or any cuts, as it will sting. If it is at all possible try to get to Bodie very early in the morning and sign up for the guided tour they fill very fast. When we were there last year we were fortunste to get a guide that has been preparing to write a book on the history of the town which at one time was actually larger than San Francisco. Good luck My boys and I stopped by Bodie and we took a tour of the Stamp Mill! It was really cool! Being an EE, I particularly enjoyed the story about Thomas Leggett being the first one to EVER run electrical power over a long distance. all the mills were all converted from wood (and there are no trees near Bodie) over to 25Hz AC to power all the mills! Bodie was a "high-tech" place for it's time! We also learned that the winter's there are BRUTAL! It is often -70 to -80 below zero in the winter. The town is at an altitude of ~8400 feet so they only get 10 days in the year where then low temperature is above freezing! Burr! Another, little tidbit we learned was that they buried Mr. Bodie and made a fancy tombstone for him. When the tombstone was done they forgot which gravesite was Mr. Bodie's. So they guessed and put the fancy tombstone over one of the graves. It didn't matter anyhow because they took Bodie's name off his fancy tombstone used it for a President Garfield even though Garfield isn't even buried in Bodie! Anyhow, I could go on and on but Bodie was very interesting place! Thanks for the recommendation! Edited July 2, 2005 by TrailGators Quote
+TrailGators Posted July 2, 2005 Posted July 2, 2005 Just returned from a week of business in Norfolk. While there, I was limited to evening searches for caches I could reach on foot since I did not have a car. Only got seven but they were all entertaining. At the last cache, I re-encountered an ID I had seen previously throughout Virginia by the amazing mega-mega-ultra-mega cacher CCCooperAgency. This is not a company, just a couple that is fanatic about caching in the extreme. Here is their profile page: http://www.geocaching.com/profile/Default....22-70ccf5276e0e Pretty humbling to realize someone has over 10,000 finds. -Gecko Dad Hey she's only done 4 Earthcaches! I just did my first two so I think I can pass her up! Speaking of Earthcache's here's Tufa Towers: . My youngest son was more entertained by chasing the bazillion flies along the shoreline! Here's Travertine Earthcache. Those are my two boys in the background. Anyhow, I was pleasantly surprised to see that Earthcaches are actually really fun!! Quote
+Team Gecko Posted July 2, 2005 Posted July 2, 2005 My boys and I stopped by Bodie and we took a tour of the Stamp Mill! It was really cool! Being an EE, I particularly enjoyed the story about Thomas Leggett being the first one to EVER run electrical power over a long distance. all the mills were all converted from wood (and there are no trees near Bodie) over to 25Hz AC to power all the mills! Bodie was a "high-tech" place for it's time! There is another curious fact about that electrical run to the Bodie stamp mill. Back in the 1890s, it was believed electricity could not make any sharp turns and would only stay in the wire if it travelled in a straight line. That is why the 13-mile run from Green Creek was surveyed as a straight line. Here is some background: http://www.bodie.net/st/ElectricMill.asp BTW, there is often pretty decent Brook Trout fishing over at the other end of the wire. -Gcko Dad Quote
+RocketMan Posted July 2, 2005 Posted July 2, 2005 Harmon - Looks like some good Photoshop material! Quote
+SD Rowdies Posted July 2, 2005 Posted July 2, 2005 (edited) Harmon - Looks like some good Photoshop material! Rocket Man, I'm all over it! Well, after my holiday chores that is. Had a good start as I arrived home last night and realized what my weekend would be like. Let me see, vacuum the house, wash both cars, repair washing machine, replace water heater, and reload Microsoft XP and applications on a daughter's PC. So far I set up the PC, repaired the washer, and bought the new water heater. As you might suppose I'm spreading the pain out over three days. Looks like two a.m. photo-editing sessions once again. Dancing? Did I mention Saturday night dancing? ... and the SD Rowdies cookout and spa party Monday evening. Life is good? Yowzah! Harmon Edited July 2, 2005 by SD Rowdies Quote
+SD Rowdies Posted July 2, 2005 Posted July 2, 2005 (edited) Just returned from a week of business in Norfolk. While there, I was limited to evening searches for caches I could reach on foot since I did not have a car. Only got seven but they were all entertaining. At the last cache, I re-encountered an ID I had seen previously throughout Virginia by the amazing mega-mega-ultra-mega cacher CCCooperAgency. This is not a company, just a couple that is fanatic about caching in the extreme. Here is their profile page: http://www.geocaching.com/profile/Default....22-70ccf5276e0e Pretty humbling to realize someone has over 10,000 finds. -Gecko Dad Hey she's only done 4 Earthcaches! I just did my first two so I think I can pass her up! Speaking of Earthcache's here's Tufa Towers:My youngest son was more entertained by chasing the bazillion flies along the shoreline! Here's Travertine Earthcache. Those are my two boys in the background. Anyhow, I was pleasantly surprised to see that Earthcaches are actually really fun!! TrailGators and family, Obviously you are having a great time. You've already hit some of my favorite places to see. Live it up. Harmon Edited July 2, 2005 by SD Rowdies Quote
+SD Rowdies Posted July 3, 2005 Posted July 3, 2005 Harmon - Looks like some good Photoshop material! I'm all over it! Quote
+TrailGators Posted July 3, 2005 Posted July 3, 2005 Cool background Harmon! That improves that Earthcache! I'll be sure to show that photo to Trevor! Quote
+Silver Horde Posted July 3, 2005 Posted July 3, 2005 Wow, that's so great! Even got the colours in the reflections!! wonderful. ttfn Jane Quote
+Dan-oh Posted July 3, 2005 Posted July 3, 2005 (edited) I'm fixin' to load up the family and move to 'Beverl...um, The Forbidden Forest (GCME1Z) tonight around 9pm if anyone want to join us. Cell is 858-361---- to make contact. Man, 9pm is nearly past my bedtime! edit: no need to have my cell # hanging around after the fact Edited July 4, 2005 by Dan-oh Quote
+RocketMan Posted July 3, 2005 Posted July 3, 2005 We helped my son move into a house in Santa Barbara on Friday. After spending the night in Ventura, we did a little caching along the beach. Looking for a place to cross the river: Unsuccessfully trying to keep my shorts dry: RM Quote
+TrailGators Posted July 3, 2005 Posted July 3, 2005 (edited) Hey RM, Campyc must be related to the Dak Girls! Edited July 3, 2005 by TrailGators Quote
+The Dillon Gang Posted July 4, 2005 Posted July 4, 2005 I'm fixin' to load up the family and move to 'Beverl...um, The Forbidden Forest (GCME1Z) tonight around 9pm if anyone want to join us. Cell is 858-361-7662 to make contact. Man, 9pm is nearly past my bedtime! just did it. it was a blast! although the little ones raised quite a ruckus as we found each marker. Quote
+The Dillon Gang Posted July 4, 2005 Posted July 4, 2005 We helped my son move into a house in Santa Barbara on Friday. After spending the night in Ventura, we did a little caching along the beach. Looking for a place to cross the river: Unsuccessfully trying to keep my shorts dry: i noticed that you were careful not to look at the camera.... Quote
+SD Rowdies Posted July 4, 2005 Posted July 4, 2005 (edited) Wow, that's so great! Even got the colours in the reflections!! wonderful.ttfn Jane Thank you, thank you, thank you. Couldn't resist dropping that sky into TrailGators vacation photo. I've got another playful idea for his other two shots. Good to hear from another Twitcher. By the way, Shalla's Horse Shoe TB from Sandy Creek Ranch is making the rounds in South Wales. Ta-ta indeed, Harmon Edited July 4, 2005 by SD Rowdies Quote
+SD Rowdies Posted July 4, 2005 Posted July 4, 2005 (edited) Trying to keep my shorts dry. My, my. my ... the photo gods are looking after me tonight. Can't believe the crotch shot. Thanks RM. Actually TrailGators is going to lose on this deal because now I must swap a photo-editing idea from a couple of his vacation shots onto one of your shots. You'll understand later on. Dang, I was going to hit the sack early after a tiring day of water-heater installation following a day of washing-machine repair. No way can I go to sleep with this idea on my mind. The staff is good, Dave, but I do believe that you're supposed to be walking on the actual upper surface of the water, not the lower surface. Rocket science, pooh. Harmon *** Later on *** I'm b-a-c-k. Don't let go of your staff Dave. Edited July 4, 2005 by SD Rowdies Quote
+Cow Spots Posted July 4, 2005 Posted July 4, 2005 I now know how twitchy TT gets when he gets to a cache-rich area. We decided to go cachin' up in Phoenix today, did a huge run where we both got around 35+ caches today, and when I get back home he nags me for the ones we missed. Did I mention it was over 110 degrees today? We must be insane! Quote
+TrailGators Posted July 4, 2005 Posted July 4, 2005 Trying to keep my shorts dry. My, my. my ... the photo gods are looking after me tonight. Can't believe the crotch shot. Thanks RM. Hey Harmon, I can think of a few hilarious things you could do with that shot! To me it looks like a good add for Depends! Quote
+SD Rowdies Posted July 4, 2005 Posted July 4, 2005 I now know how twitchy TT gets when he gets to a cache-rich area. We decided to go cachin' up in Phoenix today, did a huge run where we both got around 35+ caches today, and when I get back home he nags me for the ones we missed. Did I mention it was over 110 degrees today? We must be insane! We knew that. Quote
+SD Rowdies Posted July 4, 2005 Posted July 4, 2005 (edited) Trying to keep my shorts dry. My, my. my ... the photo gods are looking after me tonight. Can't believe the crotch shot. Thanks RM. Hey Harmon, I can think of a few hilarious things you could do with that shot! To me it looks like a good add for Depends! Couldn't resist, rewind a few messages for result. So what are your ideas? I know a really gross Depends joke but I'll keep it to myself. Harmon Edited July 4, 2005 by SD Rowdies Quote
+TrailGators Posted July 4, 2005 Posted July 4, 2005 (edited) Edit: I moved my answer over to the Banter site... Edited July 4, 2005 by TrailGators Quote
+SD Rowdies Posted July 4, 2005 Posted July 4, 2005 (edited) Edit: I moved my answer over to the Banter site... You bad, you really bad. Would a nice ol' man like me do such a thang? Yikes, where'd he go? Edited July 4, 2005 by SD Rowdies Quote
+Dan-oh Posted July 4, 2005 Posted July 4, 2005 ...I know a really gross Depends joke but I'll keep it to myself. Harmon Um, can't be any worse than the "gift" I was given. GCMRYJ Quote
+SD Rowdies Posted July 4, 2005 Posted July 4, 2005 ...I know a really gross Depends joke but I'll keep it to myself. Um, can't be any worse than the "gift" I was given. Yikes! I seem to recall an email that notified me about that interesting gift just before it was presented to you. Can I conclude that those are recent photos meaning that you have kept the gift for many months? I do believe that you have reset the bottom peg down another notch for permissable Forum photos. Congratulations, as a Sandy Creek Cowboy I'm right proud of y' pard. Harmon Quote
+RocketMan Posted July 4, 2005 Posted July 4, 2005 Don't let go of your staff Dave. At least I am protecting the most important thing from that big shark! Quote
+TrailGators Posted July 4, 2005 Posted July 4, 2005 (edited) Edit: See Banter for my latest Photoshop enhancement of this photo! Edited July 4, 2005 by TrailGators Quote
+Dr. Boggis Posted July 5, 2005 Posted July 5, 2005 Don't let go of your staff Dave. At least I am protecting the most important thing from that big shark! Well, don't forget that actually it's a dolphin......but nice 'shopwork. Quote
+PassingWind Posted July 5, 2005 Posted July 5, 2005 Happy 4th of July !! from PassingWind and son at FlagMan's 2005 4th of July Cache. Quote
+Team Gecko Posted July 5, 2005 Posted July 5, 2005 Happy 4th of July !! from PassingWind and son at FlagMan's 2005 4th of July Cache. With patience and time, they can grow up to do one like this on the 4th of July. Can you guess where we are (without looking at our log)? -Gecko Dad Quote
+John&Jess Posted July 5, 2005 Posted July 5, 2005 Can you guess where we are (without looking at our log)?-Gecko Dad About 100 or so feet from JANO at the nearby summit log? Just my guess ~Jess Quote
+Team Gecko Posted July 5, 2005 Posted July 5, 2005 (edited) Can you guess where we are (without looking at our log)?-Gecko Dad About 100 or so feet from JANO at the nearby summit log? Just my guess ~Jess Not a bad guess. Right kind of terrain and vegetation. Too far south, though. BTW, Jano was my second ever cache find and first with a GPS. -GD Edited July 5, 2005 by Team Gecko Quote
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