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Goals For 2019


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14 hours ago, GrateBear said:

How did you get the different colors?  I downloaded the macro, went in for edit, added the codes for the colors I wanted, but the map still came out with just different shades of the base color.

I'd have to verify when I get back to my personal laptop, but if I recall correctly, when running FindStatGen in GSAK, go into Options, then you select edit map files.  You should then see a list of all your maps installed.  You can either do color schemes for maps individually, or edit the Master Shading File and have it apply across your maps.  This also lets you choose different number thresholds.

On 12/21/2018 at 11:59 AM, hzoi said:

- Add 2+ countries to our list


Done with Latvia and Lithuania, and we will also add Cyprus and San Marino before the end of the year.


On 12/21/2018 at 11:59 AM, hzoi said:

- Fill in Landkreise (county) maps for Hessen and Rheinland-Pfalz


Got Rheinland-Pfalz this past weekend.  I may or may not get a chance to get the last four for Hessen before the end of the year.  I have it planned out, I just need to take a long day and do it.


On 12/21/2018 at 11:59 AM, hzoi said:

- Log GC40 before @on4bam :laughing:


got this in January B)


On 12/21/2018 at 11:59 AM, hzoi said:

- Make our Europe map more colorful with more finds in neighboring countries -- too much orange and yellow right now.  Needs more blue and green, I think. 



Doing pretty well on this.  I did tweak the scale so that some that used to be orange are now red, but otherwise I've been working on revisiting countries.  The color palette is much more diverse at the moment, and Italy should at least be green (25+) at the end of the year.




I guess it's time to start working on my 2020 caching resolutions!

Posted (edited)
On 11/18/2019 at 7:06 AM, hzoi said:

I'd have to verify when I get back to my personal laptop, but if I recall correctly, when running FindStatGen in GSAK, go into Options, then you select edit map files.  You should then see a list of all your maps installed.  You can either do color schemes for maps individually, or edit the Master Shading File and have it apply across your maps.  This also lets you choose different number thresholds.

Tried that, looked like it would work, but then when it gets to "writing output", I get a system error.  Maybe it's a problem with the "maps installed".  Not sure how to address that.  But, thanks for the input.

Update--got it figured out!  Working just fine now.

Edited by GrateBear
On 12/25/2018 at 3:17 PM, Vooruit! said:

Here's my stats-crazy list:

- complete the D/T grid for Large sized caches - 10 squares to go, but hopefully 8 after this week. Still 7 squares to go, some of which can only be found a LONG way from home.

- complete the D/T grid for Placed (!) caches - 1 square to go: D1/T5. Done!

- complete the D/T grid for the 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th.... 30th? time. I keep insisting that enough is enough, but you know how that goes... Currently at 26, and it (finally?) has lost my interest.

- get the Emerald Head-In-The-Clouds badge for having found a cache > 3500 meters. For Diamond, I'll need to get out of Europe. Got it. Mont Blanc FTW!

- find my 1001st Regular sized cache (for a challenge). Got this one as well, and kinda kept on going with it, just because they're more fun than micros.



Posted (edited)

Back at the beginning of this thread, I said that one of the appealing things about caching for me is its spontaneity and setting goals kind of runs counter to that. I did set myself one goal, though, which was to reach 1000 finds, and I achieved that milestone on a terrain 4.5 cache in May. The rest of the year has been a mixed bag:

  • I scraped through the Cache Carnival promotion with a couple of trips to Sydney harbour to nab the 50+ FP caches around there, but bombed out badly in Mystery at the Museum due to the amount of travelling I would've had to do to complete it. I did redeem myself with the Streak Week promotion in spite of heavy rain on several of the days (oh for some of that now!).
  • I've hidden five new caches this year (a traditional, three multis and a challenge) but sadly had to archive one of my older ones due to destructive muggling.
  • I was able to attend the Wollongong Oz Geomuster mega in July as well as six other regular events. There are two more events next weekend I've logged WAs on so my Attended logs for the year will almost be into double figures, making it a socialising record for me.
  • In July I found my first Australian cache outside New South Wales while on a short winter escape holiday to Queensland.
  • My find count for the year to date (125) is the lowest since my partial first year in 2013, and with the sparsity of unfound caches in this region and very few new ones, that downwards trend is likely to accelerate next year, with cache-finding mostly just confined to trips away.

My goal for the remainder of the year (and probably into the start of next year) is to try to get through the current fire season without losing any caches to the inferno.

Edited by barefootjeff
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On 6/5/2019 at 8:13 AM, CAVinoGal said:
On 12/18/2018 at 6:09 PM, CAVinoGal said:
  • Complete the 400+ streak challenge  - GC44V51 (2018 goal was a cache a day, so once I complete that, I'll only have another month to go to get this challenge complete!) YES! We completed this with 404 days, which seemed like an appropriate # of consecutive days have a find before our "Cache Not Found" day.
  • Hide a cache a month (or more) to give back to those who hid enough to keep our 2018 streak going.  So far I only have 5 hides, focus for 2019 will be hiding instead of finding.  I want to do some puzzles and quality traditionals. I've missed the one a month bit, but have hidden 6 since I set this goal, one in Dec. 2018, one in January, one in April, and 3 in May, with a couple more in the works. I've also helped hubby place a couple, so I guess that counts too!
  • Find my 2000th geocache  I'll have to work to get this one - I have 400 to go with less than half the year.  Due to life in general, geocaching has taken a backseat for the past couple of months, but I hope to get out and do some hiking this summer, finding caches along the way.  We have some travel planned too - new areas to explore!
  • Avoid poison oak - I had 4 breakouts over the course of 2018 - so I need to be more aware of my surroundings and avoid all P.O. as I seem to be quite sensitive to it. So far, so good.  I've seen it around but have managed to avoid gettng any on me!
  • Enjoy Geocaching!  For me, that's a given, when I do get out and find some!  Or hide some.  It's more work to hide - and maintain, but I enjoy that aspect as well.  


So, at this point in the year, I need to hide more, and find more.  Let's go!!


It's now December, and hzoi has started a thread for 2020 goals.  Goals are good - even when you miss the mark, as I did in 2019. 

  • We did complete our streak of a cache a day in 2018, and completed the 400 consecutive caching days challenge. Completed.
  • I've hidden 6 in 2019, short of my goal of one hide each month.  I have ideas, and plans, permission forthe locations I want has not been forthcoming.  And I haven't found good locations that don't need permission.  Maybe I'm too choosy about my placements....  I'll be making the same goal for 2020, one per month or 12 new hides for the year. Half Completed.
  • I'm at 1771 finds today, so I'll need 229 by Dec. 31 to reach this goal.  It's not going to happen. NOPE
  • So far, YES!  I haven't had a single outbreak this year, and now that the rains have started, I doubt I will be anywhere there will be poison oak to come in contact with.  Completed.
  • Yes, I still enjoy geocaching!  Completed.

OK,  I'm not as far off the mark as I thought!  Now to hop over to the Goals 2020 thread and make some new goals for next year!

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As I'm starting to think about 2020, here's what I said for 2019:



- keep on walking more and finding out of the way caches


I think I've probably done that to an extent, although it's something I need to keep doing. I've certainly walked in some nice spots. I've also found lots of virtual caches which don't generally involve too much walking in this part of the world, but I enjoy the idea of virtuals. I've also found some really nice caches. Favourite caches are a toss up between K2 Filmcache (some proper mountains in Austria), Space Invader and Wolf Hunt along with Death in Venice.



- at least one a month would be nice


Yes, done that - and found less caches than last year which was implicit. I should think I'll be at about 180 by the end of the year. Partly the number is due to there being less caches I'm interested in appearing in this part of the world, partly due to spending time doing some other things, partly due to having less money and partly because I'm trying to walk further to find better caches.



- maintain the caches I've hidden and think about adding to them as inspiration strikes


Maintenance has been fine and I added three adopted caches which are some distance from me, although in an area I visit regularly. I have ideas for new caches and might get around to implementing some of them next year, we'll see.



- find a micro cache.


I found three of them (up from 0 in 2018). They were crackers though - Death in VeniceSeegrubbe and Gipfelkreuz Hafelekarspitze 2.334 m


I also managed to get my total of Regular sized caches up above the number of micros, added Austria as a country as well as caches in Koln and Brussels - which given that I didn't know if I'd have a job and be able to have a holiday this time last year will do me nicely.

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On 12/18/2018 at 12:06 PM, K13 said:

2019 Goals include:


Attend at least 12 events

Host at least three events, including a CITO

Place at least four caches, each a different type

Concentrate my solo-caching efforts on Earthcaches and Virtuals, and other non-Traditional caches


I attended a total of 30 events, including 5 CITO and 2 Mega.

I hosted 3 regular events and 1 CITO.

I placed 55 Traditional, 2 Multis and 1 Mystery, (and created a 10 stage Adventure Lab) - and have a plan for a LBH in the next few days.

I spent more time caching with friends than solo, but still managed to get more non-traditional caches than I otherwise would have.


I'll call my 2019 goals exceeded....now for 2020?

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On 12/31/2018 at 11:49 AM, DreamMachine74 said:

For the following year, I want to continue caching by finding at least 1 a month, go and find more caches in different counties, and place a few caches.

Alright, year end update, even though this isn't quite a year technically. 


I found over 370 caches this year.....and much more than one a month. I can't blame myself too much for this goal...I didn't know how this year would shape up.


I did end up finding more caches in different counties. I think I racked up 4 or 5 counties....not bad at all. 


This final goal was one that felt very daunting to me....hiding caches seemed SUPER difficult to me, and that's why I kept myself from hiding any until May. After that, I began releasing a bunch....and now I sit at 37....of which 32 are traditionals. The rest are events, mysteries and multi's.....and another multi is awaiting approval.


Overall, I did pretty well this year, I'm happy.

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Posted (edited)
On 12/21/2018 at 5:51 PM, on4bam said:


Log GC40 (as previous years)

FINALLY find a cache in Luxembourg.

Get percentage of traditionals down

Find more RV caches (that's not 'recreational vehicle' but a series of caches, one in every Flemish town, Rondje Vlaanderen).

Find more "worthwhile" caches. Ignore all others.

Have fun geocaching.


Found GC40

Added Luxembourg (found 69 on a long weekend)

Traditionals are now  at 55.39%

2 RV caches to go + Superbonus. All 3 are located within our normal radius, so not necessary to book accommodation away from home.

Found a bunch of very special caches (gadget and different tools needed).

Had fun...


Didn't know at the time of of posting that we would be able to add a lot of Japanese prefectures but we failed to add all prefectures we traveled through because of cache locations and not enough time. Only added 4.


Edited by on4bam
Posted (edited)

Progress in 2019 towards each goal is indicated in bold in the quotey box below.  In addition to achieving two goals and making progress towards five others, I also managed to do the following along the way:

  • I got to 8,000 total finds a few weeks ago.
  • I had my best year for D/T averages (2.27 Difficulty, 2.38 Terrain), which brought up my overall average to 1.85 / 1.78.
  • I've now cached in 634 U.S. counties, with 537 of them being connected in a contiguous chain.


On 12/14/2018 at 9:01 PM, The Leprechauns said:

Here are my long term goals.  I will not achieve all of them next year, but it will be fun to return to this thread in a year and see which ones I met or made progress on.


1. To find at least 250 "Challenge Caches" (212 so far).

I've now found 288 challenge caches.  Goal achieved!
2. Complete the Ohio History Challenge (28 old school caches down, 14 to go).

I made great progress on this challenge; I'm down to five unfound old Ohio caches (one of which I DNF'd last month).

3. Complete the Ohio 360 Degree Challenge (245 degrees cached, 115 to go).

Thanks to my team's sponsorships from Hampton Inn and McDonald's, after several roadtrips I am down to needing just one weekend roadtrip to Lima, OH to complete the remaining 21 degrees.  I also found and signed the final challenge cache in north central Ohio.
4. To find caches in contiguous counties from the Atlantic to the Pacific coast (8 counties to go).

I made no progress on this goal in 2019, other than to agree that I will fly to Denver sometime, meet up with my daughter, and cache our way to southwest Utah to finish this.
5. To find caches in contiguous counties from the US northern border to southern border (13 counties to go).

I made great progress, connecting Nashville Tennessee to Shreveport Louisiana with a continuous chain of counties; I can fill in the missing six counties with a quick trip to Houston.  I also made my northern connection extend up to Michigan's Upper Peninsula, which is way more impressive than Niagara Falls.
6. To log at least 2 finds on each of the 81 Terrain & Difficulty Star combinations ("Double Fizzy" - 5 grids left).

I finished my Double Fizzy in August and I'm now two grids away from a Quadruple Fizzy.
7. To find at least two caches hidden in each month since May 2000 ("Double Jasmer" - 4 months left).

I made no progress on this goal in 2019, though I did find lots of oldies in months where I already had at least two finds.
8. To find caches in all 50 US states and DC (46 down, 5 to go).

No progress.  I need trips to the Dakotas/Minnesota, Alaska and Hawaii.
9. To find 360 virtual caches (266 down, 94 to go).

I've now found 288 virtual caches.
10. To find 150 letterbox hybrid caches (110 down, 40 to go).

I've now found 137 letterbox hybrid caches.


Edited by The Leprechauns
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On 12/16/2018 at 1:51 PM, rosebud55112 said:

1. Continue working on getting my Non-Traditionals/Total caches ratio up to 50%

2. Add 3+ countries

3. Add 12+ counties

4. Break 300 multi-caches

5. Hide 6+ new puzzle caches


1. Good progress on this.  I found 307 more non-trads than traditionals this year, bringing my NT ratio up from 46.0% to 49.2%.  I'm now just 82 NT caches away from my goal.

2. Success--added Grand Cayman, Honduras, and Mexico while on a cruise in June.  Had to DNF the only cache I had a chance with in Belize.

3. Success beyond my hope--39 new counties in 2019

4. Missed this one.  Needed 43, picked up 32

5. Missed big on this one.  Only one published this year--this morning in fact.



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