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How much ($) have you found while geocaching?


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Posted (edited)

I've been at it a month today. It's been fun and interesting, seeing new areas checking out places to go but how much $ have you found while geocaching?

I found $5 while walking down a cache a few weeks ago, I didn't even find the cache the first time so the $ made it worthwhile. :D


Then yesterday in a lil more urban area near a bus stop I'm walking around the shelter to get to the cache and I wonder a lil to far and see all these bent bus cards (that I picked up and threw in the trash at work). I see another $5 dollar bill. Not bad $10 in under month, it paid for the Geocache.com app. Now I'm working on the upgrade. :D


So how much have the cachers that have been at it longer found?


If this isn't the right area to be posting this please move it to the appropriate forum.

Edited by CHIEF_500

I picked up a $20 on the ground at an event. Did some wandering around and asking people about it. Ended up keeping it.


I've taken dollars out of caches, trading for the money (usually) with unactivated TB tag. As I'm going to leave the tag anyway, I consider the cash a "free find". (I need small bills for the many parks around that now charge $2 day use fees - I often arrive with nothing but a $20s)


There's a cacher in my area who is quite fond of FTF. He usually leaves a buck for the second finder. If that's me, I take it ;-) I don't know if this was his intent, but it sure helps slow me down on hunting new caches - I'd rather have his dollar than the FTF :lol:


We were looking for a cache outside the NASA Stennis facility down in Mississippi (no, I didn't realize there was a NASA facility in Mississippi either until we stopped there). GPSr led us to a pine tree. On one side was the cache container, on the other side was an empty pack of smokes with $25 in the wrapper. Just so happens that it paid for our BBQ lunch, so it worked out nicely.


I've found pennies and even a quarter in caches, but nothing more.


This isn't a hobby that will turn a profit. :laughing:


When we first started, there weren't many cachers, and FTF prizes were often cash, ranging five bucks to twenty we grabbed on most "5" rope tree hides.

The other 2/3rds spare GPSr, a blue legend was a "5"-multi FTF prize.

- You had to coax folks out then. ;)

Couldn't live on it, but often paid for food and gas for the day. :)


It wasn't 'til years later, when so many cachers joined, pill bottles placed every .1, and stats the big thing ,that we first saw someone write, "bragging rights" on a cache page. :laughing:

Posted (edited)

I remember the day when I saw a 50 EUR bill on the ground in the outskirts of Killarney, Co.Kerry Ireland; I started my hiking route along the Kerry Way that morning (as far as to Black Valley). I was much surprised; it was just a couple steps away from me; I stopped to look around if any person nearby just dropped the bill. At this very moment a young lady who hurried in the same direction noticed the bill and quickly picked it up. Big disappointment :)

Edited by -CJ-

The money I've found wasn't in the caches it was dropped by people along streets and while I'm walking to GZ of the cache I happen to find it laying on the ground.

$10 so far in bills and a few coins. But it did pay for my app download to my phone. Caching makes you pay to whats around you.


Sorry, musta misread.


Rare for someone to go into their wallets when far into the woods, up a mountain, or on the water, so no, I guess we don't find money while geocaching. :lol:


I thought I'd found an Iphone once whilst caching but on closer inspection it was a copy made in China that ran off Java software. I looked it up online and it was considered to be counterfeit goods, so I took it to work and my friend filmed whilst I drove over it with a 6 ton forklift! :lol:


Sadly, I've found FAR less than I've spent...




Like I say to my wife when any comments about caching expenses come up - "I could decide to do yachting on weekends...." - only silence follows..... :)




I once found a $20 bill on the sidewalk while wandering around the city. I looked around and didn't see anyone, so I put it in my pocket.


We once found several quarters, amounting to a couple dollars, while hiking along a forest road. Assumed they must've fallen out of campers' pockets, as they were near a campfire and pile of spent shotgun shells.


Other that that, I mostly find just a few random pennies.


I used to leave a $20 bill in every "100th cache" milestone find, back when finding 100 caches was a huge effort requiring travel to several counties or states. That would get expensive now that one can find 100 caches in a day when visiting a reasonably cache-dense area. So now I only do that for super-special cache finds or for 1000th cache milestones.


I've found exactly $2.41 so far. $2.32 in caches in the form of quarters or smaller coins, and the rest while searching for caches. I keep all my coin finds in a coin bank and we'll buy something cool and caching related with it when we fill it up.


I am assuming everyone is swapping the $ they find in the cache for something of the same value (i am ignoring FTF prizes). The point of geocaching is not to earn money but is to have fun finding the cache, you are not meant to come back from caching with more money or stuff than you came back with, (unless you legitimately swapped in the cache)


We found a wallet the other day. We had previously talked with the guy and he took our pic with our phone. I was able to find him from his name and contact him on facebook. It was really cool.


I've found pennies and even a quarter in caches, but nothing more.


This isn't a hobby that will turn a profit. :laughing:


I have a trademark, I leave a shiny penny in many of the GeoCaches I find. It is my unique trademark.


Walked one of my multis yesterday. At the point where the hiking trail crosses a two track, noticed a pile of fresh trash. Someone swept fast food and drink containers out of car and onto forest road.

After a debate with myself over whether to fool with this or ignore it (if I picked it up, I was going to be carrying it the rest of the way around about 5 miles), I picked it up.

Among the paper and aluminum drink cans, a $10 bill. And the trash compacted okay too. So not that much of nuisance to haul.


Walked one of my multis yesterday. At the point where the hiking trail crosses a two track, noticed a pile of fresh trash. Someone swept fast food and drink containers out of car and onto forest road.

After a debate with myself over whether to fool with this or ignore it (if I picked it up, I was going to be carrying it the rest of the way around about 5 miles), I picked it up.

Among the paper and aluminum drink cans, a $10 bill. And the trash compacted okay too. So not that much of nuisance to haul.


Sometimes CITO can be extra rewarding. Cool.

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