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Should I change the container if its difficult to open?

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So I'm very new to the cache owning, I placed my first cache just 2 days ago, 4 people have found it but they have all said that it was very difficult to open unless you have TOTT, so would it be a good idea to change the container? It's on of those "looks like and MnM tin" that you usually see around Christmas time. It is difficult to open but its been waterproofed and painted, I'm just not sure if i should leave it or change to an easier opening container. A little advice is appreciated. THANKS!!!!


Also, I'm sorry if I put this in the wrong forum, I couldn't see where else it would go as, its also my first time in the forums. Thanks again.


First of all, welcome to the forums. As for the cache container, what will likely happen over time is that a screwdriver or similar object will be used to "pry" the lid open and the tin and lid will become dented. I am in a "dry" climate and have seen many tin containers with the dents from opening. If they were in a wet climate, I am sure they would no longer be waterproof (if they ever were in the first place. :rolleyes: ) If you like the container and don't mind the fact that in the future it will become disfigured and probably need to be replaced, don't worry about it. Cachers are a persistent lot and will do what it takes to get into the container.


Your mileage may vary.




Thanks for the info, I'm in a dry climate, as I live in a desert, I'm not worryed about the container I just wanted to make sure that it was ok for it to be difficult to open. Thanks so much for the info I think I'll leave it for now and keep an eye on it and if it does get messed up I can always change it. THANKS again!


Naturally it's nicer if it's easy to open. I've never seen anyone rate a cache more difficult just because it's hard to get open -- well, except when that's an intentional part of the cache, of course -- but if you don't mean for it to be difficult, I'd suggest making it clear that it's hard to open and suggest the best way to open it and what tool to use. That gives people a fighting chance of having the right tool on hand, and it also might minimize damage of the type cwgrizz mentions.


From the logs, it sounds like they are wiggling it open with their car keys. No big deal. Just keep in mind that a metal tin will not last forever. If you live in the area and it is easy to get to, you can stay on top of it and replace when necessary.


I change containers if a log says someone couldn't get it open. That's just me, though. Unless my cache container is intended to be difficult to open, I don't want a geocacher to make a trek out to the cache, only to find the container can't be opened.


The harder to open... the more susceptible to damage. And then the need for maintenance goes up.


Then again, I've heard complaints about how hard it was to open an ammo can. :lol:


Thank you all for the great advice, I do live in the area, its just down the street from my house, so I am keeping an eye on it while I look for a more suitable container. Thanks again for all the help, and now the next time I put one out i'll be better informed.


a cache that is hard to open is just a matter of time before you start getting logs that say 1. could not open cache - DNF. 2. could not open cache, but I found it 3. Needs maintenance!


Its happened to me a time or two. That is when I change the container, if multiple people say this. Usually when someone says they had a lot of difficulty opening it, I check on it and replace it if I cant easily open it myself.


sometimes if its a very hard to replace container that you do not want to change (or can), I might give it a little more leeway, but eventually it will need to be dealt with.



Then again, I've heard complaints about how hard it was to open an ammo can. :lol:


I've had quite a few ammo cans that I couldnt open. Sometimes...they just don't open easily!


Decon containers are the hardest for me to open. . Sometimes I can't Close them all the way. I've actually used all my weight trying to push it closed and had a branch break on me.


I've had one person claim a find after he "couldn't open the container". So, I went over there and checked out the cache.


The only way that ammo box could have opened up easier would have been if it opened itself.


So, I deleted the find, and sent an e-mail.


I found one that had gotten pretty rusty and was really hard to open; I was prying it with a screwdriver and poked the screwdriver right through the rusty container--luckily I didn't poke it right through my hand. I think it would be nice if you'd replace it sooner rather than later; but anyway thanks for being ready and willing to stay on top of the situation.

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