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Circle of Four Geocoin

Geocoin Design

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Pre-sale: $

Reservation: No $


My last presale ran smoothly and this too shall pass smoothly into the night.


Regular edition prices are $12, Sets are $67.



Nobody needs to comment on the 'presale ~ reservation' debate. If you want the coin, get it next week or forever hold your peace :)


@Atwell: Tks


Poor Keewee - GeocoinGuy should have done a great big Australia with a prominent Tasmania, and a little New Zealand on the side :laughing::ph34r:

I was just re-reading the thread, and it dawned on me... this sounds like a fast food drive-thru:


GD: Welcome to Geocoin Design, may I help you?


Greenish: Yes, I'd like the "Big Australia" with the "Prominent Tasmania", Oh, and I'd like a "Little New Zealand" on the side!


GD: That's one "Big Australia" with the "Prominent Tasmania" and a "Little New Zealand" - Your order comes to $12 at the first window. Please drive through!


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Are you suggesting that Australia is the center of the Earth and the rest of Oceania are its moons? LOL :blink:



Here ya go Liz! :D





Lovely!!! And that was my order exactly, but i'll be wanting the SET not just the one, so please feel free to bill me for $67 ....or so :D Do you still need me to drive through...or shall I bring 'round the pickup truck?


Couples questions:

1. Cost?

2. Pre-Sales, does that mean you are taking peoples money or just taking order?


Also have the same questions.


Turns out the presale will be starting at 10:30pm my time, on the only night I won't have easy internet access, in a country where I don't speak the language. I've had a look for places that might have wi-fi nearby, so hope I can get to one of those if it's not too late, but would be worth knowing cost/payment info ahead of time.


Ditto, Aug 5-7 is the "Lost in MV" Mega event that I'll be attending. As far as I know there is no interest on site :( What about having 2 dates as has been done with other coins in the past?


This morning, I attempted to edit Jim's title. Somehow, and I have no idea how it happened, because it's a simple step of Copy subtitle, Paste Subtitle, but somehow, I obliterated his entire first post and replaced it with his post #46. :blink::huh::blink::huh::blink::huh:

I didn't even copy the text from post #46, so it's a mystery to me. A geocoin mystery, instead of a mystery geocoin.

Don't know how it happened, and I apologize to Jim, and hope that he has a record of his first post, or wants to send me a link to the color version that disappeared.


Are you suggesting that Australia is the center of the Earth and the rest of Oceania are its moons? LOL :blink:



Here ya go Liz! :D






It is in Australia...all their maps have their continent in the centre, just like we North Americans are in the centre of our maps...if that makes sense? We noticed that after we moved.


It is in Australia...all their maps have their continent in the centre, just like we North Americans are in the centre of our maps...if that makes sense? We noticed that after we moved.

Well who's to say that each of us aren't in the center of our own little worlds? LOL :P


Just wanted to say that there are now 10 versions of this coin. I have decided that I am going to mint only 30 of Version A; 15 Version H (AE) & 20 Version I (AE). Versions B-F are regular versions. Version G will be available in sets only. I realize that some of you will be in 'no internet' zones, and some will be fast asleep.


However, I am maintaining some pretty strict minting guidelines. Full sets will be limited to 2 per customer, so folks who are going to be getting an extra set for someone who won't be able to... choose your proxy shoppers wisely!


"Circle of Four" is being produced in Translucent Hard Enamels and is a 3 level coin. It will be pretty hefty at 2"x3.5mm.


As a reminder, PRESALES will begin on Saturday, Aug 6th at 2:30pm US PACIFIC TIME.


Cool - can I put in a pre-order for the pre-sale now please? I want one of each thanks, bye.


Hmmm - I predict a huge internet outage in Tazzie... 12 hour outage starting in about half and hour!!! :o


Cool - can I put in a pre-order for the pre-sale now please? I want one of each thanks, bye.


Hmmm - I predict a huge internet outage in Tazzie... 12 hour outage starting in about half and hour!!! :o

NOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!! :o:cry:


I fear there is going to be a bit of a webstore joust a little later today...


For those just joining us, Circle of Four begins presales at 2:30pm US PACIFIC time TODAY!!! About 6hrs and 45min from now. :D :D


Those sets went quick! 1-2 minutes?


It seems that the 5 regular editions are made both in polished gold and rhodium. Does that mean there's currently 10 regular editions? (Yes, still a newbie.)

Posted (edited)

Yay - got me a set. Thanks Jim!

ME TOO!!!!! Yay for quick typing fingers! Or mouse clicking fingers....


I am happy now. :anicute:


Back to bed :tired:

Edited by Greenish

Those sets went quick! 1-2 minutes?


It seems that the 5 regular editions are made both in polished gold and rhodium. Does that mean there's currently 10 regular editions? (Yes, still a newbie.)


WOW - It took this long for someone to ask WHAT THESE WERE BEING PLATED IN!!! Congrats Mamoreb, you have just scored yourself an Artist Edition!!!


Circle of Four is being plated in Polished Gold and Rhodium - Artist Editions are being plated in Black Nickel + Polished Gold and Black Nickel + Rhodium. Artist Editions will have NO ENAMELING.


Yay - got me a set. Thanks Jim!

ME TOO!!!!! Yay for quick typing fingers! Or mouse clicking fingers....


I am happy now. :anicute:


This will make you laugh - I was in such a rush to order the set when entering the quantity I hit the F1 key instead of 1 key... next moment my page pre-order disappeared and I was seeing a help screen. I got a distinct sinking feeling at that point!!!!!!!!!! :laughing:


Congratulations on the sale Jim, and congratulations mamoreb on scoring an AE version! :)


Are the other versions that will be sold elsewhere going to be in Polished Gold and Rhodium also, or might they use different finishes?


It's a shame the Set was only in Polished Gold and not Rhodium. Jim - Is it an option have the Polished Gold ones swopped for Rhodium? (Just asking :))


Those sets went quick! 1-2 minutes?


It seems that the 5 regular editions are made both in polished gold and rhodium. Does that mean there's currently 10 regular editions? (Yes, still a newbie.)


WOW - It took this long for someone to ask WHAT THESE WERE BEING PLATED IN!!! Congrats Mamoreb, you have just scored yourself an Artist Edition!!!


Circle of Four is being plated in Polished Gold and Rhodium - Artist Editions are being plated in Black Nickel + Polished Gold and Black Nickel + Rhodium. Artist Editions will have NO ENAMELING.


Rats! AEs for asking questions!


Umm are they round ? :rolleyes:


Got my purchases, so now back to bed with a nice light giddy feeling, just like my wallet :laughing:


Cheers Jim


I got 2 of the green rhodiums.... The sets were all out by the time I re-logged back in... Didn't realize that rhodium was being offered. Never had a coin in that plating. So.... How many AE are being minted?



It's a shame the Set was only in Polished Gold and not Rhodium. Jim - Is it an option have the Polished Gold ones swopped for Rhodium? (Just asking :))


Good ask keewee!


Those sets went quick! 1-2 minutes?


It seems that the 5 regular editions are made both in polished gold and rhodium. Does that mean there's currently 10 regular editions? (Yes, still a newbie.)


WOW - It took this long for someone to ask WHAT THESE WERE BEING PLATED IN!!! Congrats Mamoreb, you have just scored yourself an Artist Edition!!!


Circle of Four is being plated in Polished Gold and Rhodium - Artist Editions are being plated in Black Nickel + Polished Gold and Black Nickel + Rhodium. Artist Editions will have NO ENAMELING.


Rats! AEs for asking questions!


Umm are they round ? :rolleyes:


Got my purchases, so now back to bed with a nice light giddy feeling, just like my wallet :laughing:


Cheers Jim


Now THAT is dedication Jim......AlliedOz got up at 5:30AM!!! Does getting up the earliest win him an AE? :ph34r:


Keewee - did you get that awful sinking feeling? :blink:


Wow! That was fast!! I've never done one of these before (so I don't even know about F1), but I must have been quick enough on the mouse! Didn't even realize there were two different metals. I am so excited to get a set! :D


Yay - got me a set. Thanks Jim!

ME TOO!!!!! Yay for quick typing fingers! Or mouse clicking fingers....


I am happy now. :anicute:


This will make you laugh - I was in such a rush to order the set when entering the quantity I hit the F1 key instead of 1 key... next moment my page pre-order disappeared and I was seeing a help screen. I got a distinct sinking feeling at that point!!!!!!!!!! :laughing:


Congratulations on the sale Jim, and congratulations mamoreb on scoring an AE version! :)


Are the other versions that will be sold elsewhere going to be in Polished Gold and Rhodium also, or might they use different finishes?


It's a shame the Set was only in Polished Gold and not Rhodium. Jim - Is it an option have the Polished Gold ones swopped for Rhodium? (Just asking :))

It's quite funny you should ask - The regular versions are being plated in Polished Gold and Rhodium. The extra (set version) is being plated in Polished Copper and will have a clear epoxy so as to not tarnish. That is the only distinction other than the enamel colors. However - it will not be the only version plated in Polished Copper. Worldcaching will have THEIR STORE version plated in Polished Copper with epoxy as well. :D



Keewee - did you get that awful sinking feeling? :blink:


Oh yeah, you betcha I did! I very, very nearly panicked!! Then I realised I'd only hit F1 and just needed to close the new window it had opened.


Problem was, when got to hit the 1 key to enter the quantity I nearly hit F1 again - my finger just kept gravitating to the F1 and not the 1!!!! Stupid finger!!! :laughing:


Can I please have an Artist Edition? (I figure it can't hurt to ask :laughing::))

Time will tell, Craig! :drama:


Well, if I doesn't hurt to ask, can I please have an AE as well? :anitongue::laughing::anitongue::laughing:


Bummer deal. Kids and other more important thing had to come first. I missed everything.

No you didn't. The regular versions are still available in my store and just by taking a first glance, some folks got multiple sets... leaving the possibility of trades!!!

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