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The "Where in Canada" Map Quiz!

Happy Paddlers

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Posted (edited)

This one should be easy too I hope, lots of clues in the image.


I actually know someone who lives there.




This is a cache by our friends Canuck Thistles GC1Q5PC Iglooliks ups and downs

Thistles was teaching there last winter..


A new one later today

Edited by stagunner

Took a few minutes but I found this one too!


Good hunt! the one for the Whirlpool Gorge area took about 5 seconds to ID... but still got beat.


Perhaps there should be a time zone handicap for posting... I like to sleep in!


Doug 7rxc


It's usually a little slower on weekends.


My first thought - but I'm GEless on the weekend, at least until I get around to fixing up my other laptop. - was that it looks like the west campgrounds at Sandbanks Provincial Park in Ontario. But unless they've very recently reversed the policy against geocaching in the parks, it can't be.


I'll have a spin around the country tomorrow, if I can get away with it at work.

Posted (edited)

at Grand Lake NB


Princess Park


Cabin Fever


Call Someone Who Cares


Hope some one beats me while I'm typing, don't have many ideas for one to offer... ha.

This was a worthy quarry... fine hunt.


Doug 7rxc


edit: I'm working on one... but GE and KML hate me! Doing it the hard way...

Thanks for the hint, but I already was posting my answer when I saw it... :laughing:

Edited by 7rxc

at Grand Lake NB


Princess Park


Cabin Fever


Call Someone Who Cares


Hope some one beats me while I'm typing, don't have many ideas for one to offer... ha.

This was a worthy quarry... fine hunt.


Doug 7rxc


edit: I'm working on one... but GE and KML hate me! Doing it the hard way...

Thanks for the hint, but I already was posting my answer when I saw it... :)


Those would be the correct caches


Hope this one isn't as much 'fun' as that last one... I think I'm going to back off a bit with Christmas season approaching... don't mind seeking, but I do have some other things to do as well... life you know.




I've been having problems using GE with the KML viewer... being basic member is part of it...

being very new to using the GeoCacheing Viewer is another... even with refresh set to on request, I manage to blow thru my limit in seconds... hope to solve that bit...


Anyway, I admit to a bit of adjustment here to get moving along... Nothing that should affect the search though.

I removed some clutter that was blocking it a bit... I did use the North is UP guideline... and this is zoomed out more than usual... because it's a big area... any problems I don't see, but can address if needed.


Doug 7rxc


Hope this one isn't as much 'fun' as that last one... I think I'm going to back off a bit with Christmas season approaching... don't mind seeking, but I do have some other things to do as well... life you know.




I've been having problems using GE with the KML viewer... being basic member is part of it...

being very new to using the GeoCacheing Viewer is another... even with refresh set to on request, I manage to blow thru my limit in seconds... hope to solve that bit...


Anyway, I admit to a bit of adjustment here to get moving along... Nothing that should affect the search though.

I removed some clutter that was blocking it a bit... I did use the North is UP guideline... and this is zoomed out more than usual... because it's a big area... any problems I don't see, but can address if needed.


Doug 7rxc


FOUND IT!!! cache name 1970 m GC1YA6N


I will get one up soon

Posted (edited)


FOUND IT!!! cache name 1970 m GC1YA6N


I will get one up soon


Dang... I thought it wouldn't be very hard, but that was quick... although almost all except the Grand Lake ones were less than 30 minutes tops... from see to done... I didn't claim a couple of them... It's hard to balance the difficulty level isn't it? Of course the mountain is very white right now... the Fernie ski area is up and running a bit to the south with oodles of snow... We'll let someone else do the finding for now, I'm idea'd out! But I'll take a peek at any that get offered...




edit: Same to dfx... fast one... I sort of thought it looked familiar, but I've only seen it from a bicycle...


Doug 7rxc

Edited by 7rxc

Was out today... missed dfx's offering.... took about 25 minutes to do... then I saw stagunners new one...

I won't claim that, but I know it... two minutes to get the answer... but I can't take time to do a new one so I'll be quiet... I will email him though...


Keep it up, we want some new blood to play... I've spilled most of mine around here for now...


Doug 7rxc


You may need to brute force this one, like I did with the previous map...I guessed a general location that I felt it would be in and then I zoomed in and went North to South using to major features to assist me not to go too far North or South...


For those of you that are looking at my finds to see if it is the cache...I have NOT searched or found this one, nor have I been in the area.


I may expand the map size later today but not sure it will help...Note someone had PM'd me a couple of days ago telling me the cache but not wanting to claim the find (as they do not have time to post a new map)...so it is findable

Posted (edited)

Just running through today.... I fess up to locating it... only took a few minutes... and I had no idea where to begin either... also now have done Savant 9's offering as well... that took a bit longer, without looking at the posted caches either...


I would refer people back to my post when we were discussing HOW TO ideas...


Post #29


Photo analysis is often subtle... you identify details you can see, and not just objects... that's what makes it fun, if time consuming... you analyse and then GUESS... this one has lots of things that point to it... and it isn't really that hard... but then I like D5 puzzles too.... but I don't solve more than 50% of those before moving on...


As I said once before as well... it is very hard to balance this between too easy and too hard... as we are all finding out... we do need more players...


Sorry for not having time to claim and post... I'm working out a few computer problems as well.


One last thing I've noticed for the benefit of any new comers... we've managed to NOT blatently give away coordinates... just Identifed cache names and numbers... I now remember a few had geographic references, so it isn't perfect, but ok for practice. Anyone can start at the begining and play the whole series from scratch for practice... We should keep it that way, I think... plus you have the answers to mark your performance... just don't peek.


Got to get running through again...


Doug 7rxc

Edited by 7rxc

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