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COINTEST! Name the geocar!


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Fanny....Imagine the fun you can have telling your friends and relatives "I'm sorry I can't come over to visit you today, I'm waxing my fanny and it's an all day job."




It's not me, it's the voices in my head!


Here are some I like:

Equus Latin for Horse, or horse, steed, mount


Alban - Patron Saint of refugees. If your horse or foal has been rescued, Alban may be the

right name Alban would also be a good name if your horse is protective of others.

(This car protects the Cachers and precious cargo, and you rescued her)


Boaz - From the Bible. Since Boaz means "swiftness" in Hebrew this may be the perfect name

for a horse that can run fast.

(Good for those FTF's!!!!)


Thought you might like the Horse thread


Well my sister entered I guess I must as well


Dendrobates auratus - green and black poison dart frog(matches your PathTag)


Leona le(o)-na\ is of Latin origin, and its meaning is "lion".

Feminine form of Leon.

American version; Léonie (see Leonie) is the French form more popular in Europe.



The Western Meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta) is a medium-sized.....

The Eastern Meadowlark, (Sturnella magna) is a medium-sized......


P.S. My Sister helped me a bit :)

Posted (edited)

Carrie or Carry (nice name and includes the word "car" and reminds of the word " to carry", that is what the car does)


Busie or Busy (includes the word "bus")


Laura's star (really nice story)

Edited by sterni2009
Posted (edited)

In keeping with that champagne theme: Brut Force

(note: I am not entering, just playing along)


edit to add, I looked up a definition, and there were several, but this one sounds like it could apply to geocaching.

brute force: The application of predominantly physical

effort to achieve a goal that could be accomplished with

less effort if more carefully considered. Figuratively,

repetitive or strenuous application of an obvious or

simple tactic, as contrasted with a more clever stratagem

achieving the same goal with less effort

Edited by Eartha

- Hannah (because you live in Montana :) )

- Heather

- Kali (because of your town)


Below are not entries, just commenting:

Seen a few that reminded me of Stephen King novels...

Carrie, Christine (can't help but think of that evil car in the movie/novel, sorry).

Or the "Roxanne" can't help but finish that one "turn on your red light...", shoot now I'll have that song stuck in my head.


- Hannah (because you live in Montana :o )

- Heather

- Kali (because of your town)


Below are not entries, just commenting:

Seen a few that reminded me of Stephen King novels...

Carrie, Christine (can't help but think of that evil car in the movie/novel, sorry).

Or the "Roxanne" can't help but finish that one "turn on your red light...", shoot now I'll have that song stuck in my head.


;) Well... if Christine reminds the evil car of the movie..... the name can be turned into the Greek version Christina! :)

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