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Latest OpenStreeMap UK Garmin Mapsets...

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In a nutshell (I'm a noob)...Would I be better using this map set or my existing Garmin UK Topo Ver 2.00?


I use a GPSMAP 60Csx


Thanks :)


Load them both and compare them. Only you'll be able to answer your own question subjectively :):)


In a nutshell (I'm a noob)...Would I be better using this map set or my existing Garmin UK Topo Ver 2.00?


I use a GPSMAP 60Csx


Thanks :)


Load them both and compare them. Only you'll be able to answer your own question subjectively :):)

Stop being logical :)


For all those interested:


Another week and another set of updates....


Over the weekend I have compiled the latest GB/British Isles/Ireland map tiles with contours into new maps for Garmin GPSrs.


The British Isles mapsets I compile include the following areas (this has now replaced the UK mapset):





Isle of Man

Channel Islands

Northern Ireland

Republic of Ireland


The GB mapset I compile includes the following areas:





Isle of Man

Channel Islands


The Ireland mapset I compile include the following areas:


Northern Ireland

Republic of Ireland


The full GB/British Isles/Ireland mapsets come with contour data [contour data is from the Scottish Mountaineering Club] and are now routable.


The updated ones are prefixed with 111021 [the old ones are prefixed with 111014] and should be available on the following link as of now. These new ones include all changes made to the OSM mapping data up to the 21st October 2011.


If you want to grab them then you can find them here: http://talkytoaster.info


As these are new, please report any problems directly to me, via my profile on Geocaching.com or via my Gmail account [talkytoasteruk@gmail.com].


This update not only includes newer routable versions with contours for GB/British Isles/Ireland, but also routable versions without contour data. The UK mapset has now been replaced by a British Isles one (it covers the same area). I have also tweaked the British Isles mapsets to try and address an issue reported on the new Etrex 20 and 30 models; all other Garmin models were not affected.


More details about the routing features can be found in the FAQ on my site.


I have versions of the GB/British Isles & Ireland mapsets which are compatible with MapSource/BaseCamp (PC), and have also been tested in MapSource/BaseCamp before release. Versions for Mac OSX (RoadTrip/BaseCamp) are also available.


Details and the maps can be found here: http://talkytoaster.info/ukmaps.htm


This should allow those that have Garmin GPSrs with limited memory to select small areas to upload to these devices complete with contour data.


If anyone wants similar maps (with or without contours) for other parts of Europe or elsewhere, then please feel free to contact me to discuss your needs.


CAVEAT: No mapping solution is perfect.

From OpenStreetMap:-

"By the very nature of the wiki-style process there is no guarantee of accuracy of any kind. Then again, few proprietary maps carry a guarantee of accuracy, either. In fact, some have artificially-introduced errors."

Furthermore, I and others have already confirmed this with even GB OS maps; deliberate errors and moved paths (some from 10 years or more after the change was documented by the local council/county are not reflected on the latest OS maps). Not everything is accurately mapped, even on 1:25K. All maps should be considered a guide and not a factual statement.


To participate and help improve the maps you just need to go to http://www.openstreetmap.org; create an account, upload your tracks from your GPSr and then edit the maps. Help on how to do this can be found on the OpenStreetMap site.


The contour data is from The Scottish Mountaineering Club, more details about them can be found here: http://www.smc.org.uk/ContourMaps.php


I have tested these maps on a Garmin Oregon 200 [the full British Isles & Ireland versions with contour data] and also on a computer in MapSource/BaseCamp for those versions designed for use with it to ensure that they load and render as expected. I do not test all the map data or functions as this is not possible in a reasonable time-frame.


Hope this helps?


All feedback and comments are most welcome.


Also, I am now hosting the UK Geocaching Records that were originally hosted/maintained by Mongoose39uk (these can be found on the same site as the maps I offer). Unfortunately as my 'spare' time is very limited so far this year I haven't managed to update the records page. Anyone submitting records should ensure that they supply a bookmark of the caches in their record.


I have reorganised the map page on the site to hopefully make it easier to find which mapset you want.





What was the issue with the Etrex 20 and 30 then out of interest?


I am new to all this, downloaded your GB routable map with contour during the week and used it for a days caching on my Etrex 30 today and it performed perfectly.


Thanks a lot great bit of work you do there, will sort out a donation for you once I get paid :)




What was the issue with the Etrex 20 and 30 then out of interest?


I am new to all this, downloaded your GB routable map with contour during the week and used it for a days caching on my Etrex 30 today and it performed perfectly.

The GB mapset was not affected, only the British Isles one. Hopefully I've sorted it now, if not I'm not sure if it will ever work on the new Etrex models.


If you are willing to try the latest British_isles+Contours mapset and report back to me I would be most grateful.







Is there a problem with this week's (111021) British Isles_Contours MapSource file? When I open MapSource after installing the new files, I get a dialogue box telling me that 'MapSource product' British-Isles+Contours is missing. Last week's (111014) works fine. I notice that the latest .zip file is considerably smaller than last week's (341Mb as opposed to 360Mb) and contains fewer files (133 against 140); is it incomplete?






Is there a problem with this week's (111021) British Isles_Contours MapSource file? When I open MapSource after installing the new files, I get a dialogue box telling me that 'MapSource product' British-Isles+Contours is missing. Last week's (111014) works fine. I notice that the latest .zip file is considerably smaller than last week's (341Mb as opposed to 360Mb) and contains fewer files (133 against 140); is it incomplete?

Just answered your question via email as you sent me an email too. Quoted below for the benefits of others:


I have tweaked the files a bit, hence the smaller size, but it works fine on my version of Mapsource and BaseCamp, just re-checked it now.


Did you delete the old files first before unzipping the new ones? If not I'd suggest you try that. If that fails try using the uninstall.bat and then run the install.bat again.


Hope this helps?




I have tweaked the files a bit, hence the smaller size, but it works fine on my version of Mapsource and BaseCamp, just re-checked it now.


Did you delete the old files first before unzipping the new ones? If not I'd suggest you try that. If that fails try using the uninstall.bat and then run the install.bat again.


Hope this helps?

I haven't installed this update yet, but some time ago you changed the folder and map set names. I note that in watsonic's post, the new set has an underscore where the old set has a '+', so I wonder whether that's the issue.


The last time you changed the folder name, all I had to do was:

  1. run uninstall.bat from the old set
  2. delete the old directory
  3. extract the new set from the zip file while ensuring to extract to an appropriately named directory
  4. run install.bat from the new set

Everything then worked. However, I haven't installed this set yet and so this is pure conjecture - but HTH.



Posted (edited)



I haven't installed this update yet, but some time ago you changed the folder and map set names. I note that in watsonic's post, the new set has an underscore where the old set has a '+', so I wonder whether that's the issue.

That's not the issue (last time was a change from UK to British-Isles), as the file is correctly named as: 111021-British-Isles+Contours-Routable-MapSource.zip on the site.


As I said in my earlier reply I've just re-checked the British-Isles+Contours (Routable) mapset for MapSource/BaseCamp in both products, works fine for me, no errors and looks complete. I had duplicated some map tiles in earlier versions, which I've now removed, hence the smaller file than last week.


I've also checked the install.bat file, that is also correct.




Edited by talkytoaster
Posted (edited)

My typo. The reported missing file has the correct title British-Isles+Contours. I have tried (a) uninstalling and reinstalling, (b ) deleting and recopying all files into a known working target folder, without success. Frustrating, as this update should include some 5 hours of work that I put into updating OSM.


I have tweaked the files a bit, hence the smaller size, but it works fine on my version of Mapsource and BaseCamp, just re-checked it now.


Did you delete the old files first before unzipping the new ones? If not I'd suggest you try that. If that fails try using the uninstall.bat and then run the install.bat again.


Hope this helps?

I haven't installed this update yet, but some time ago you changed the folder and map set names. I note that in watsonic's post, the new set has an underscore where the old set has a '+', so I wonder whether that's the issue.


The last time you changed the folder name, all I had to do was:

  1. run uninstall.bat from the old set
  2. delete the old directory
  3. extract the new set from the zip file while ensuring to extract to an appropriately named directory
  4. run install.bat from the new set

Everything then worked. However, I haven't installed this set yet and so this is pure conjecture - but HTH.



Edited by watsonic

My typo. The reported missing file has the correct title British-Isles+Contours. I have tried (a) uninstalling and reinstalling, (b ) deleting and recopying all files into a known working target folder, without success. Frustrating, as this update should include some 5 hours of work that I put into updating OSM.

I'm at a loss as to why you are seeing this problem, as I've already said I have tested that mapset again in both MapSource and BaseCamp without any issues or errors reported. I also only have 132 files in the directory when the file is unzipped.


The change from last week (and earlier versions) is due to some duplicated map tiles that shouldn't have been there. These have now been removed and that is why the mapset appears to be smaller rather than larger (as is the usual case).


No one else has reported any problems yet.


Is anyone successfully using the latest Mapsource/BaseCamp version of the British-Isles+Contours (routable) mapset in either MapSource or BaseCamp (other than me)?







I haven't installed this update yet, but some time ago you changed the folder and map set names. I note that in watsonic's post, the new set has an underscore where the old set has a '+', so I wonder whether that's the issue.

That's not the issue (last time was a change from UK to British-Isles), as the file is correctly named as: 111021-British-Isles+Contours-Routable-MapSource.zip on the site.


As I said in my earlier reply I've just re-checked the British-Isles+Contours (Routable) mapset for MapSource/BaseCamp in both products, works fine for me, no errors and looks complete. I had duplicated some map tiles in earlier versions, which I've now removed, hence the smaller file than last week.


I've also checked the install.bat file, that is also correct.




As I wrote, I hadn't installed the latest mapset at the time. FWIW, the changes between versions are fairly minimal so, unless I've spotted an omission on the ground or edited the map myself, I only update about once every couple of months.


However, I've now installed the latest mapset both to Mapsource and and to my Dakota 20 and confirm success with both.



Posted (edited)

Hi Geoff,


As I wrote, I hadn't installed the latest mapset at the time. FWIW, the changes between versions are fairly minimal so, unless I've spotted an omission on the ground or edited the map myself, I only update about once every couple of months.


However, I've now installed the latest mapset both to Mapsource and and to my Dakota 20 and confirm success with both.

That's great, thanks, and I've also had a couple of Etrex 20/30 owners tell me that the tweaked British-Isles+Contours (Routbale) mapset works fine on their devices.


So it seems that I did fix the problems with that mapset after all.




Edited by talkytoaster

I've tried again with this week's fileset. I still get the message "British-Isles+Contours not installed" from MapSource and can see no detail. However I CAN see the outlines of the tiles. I therefore clicked my way through these to add them to the mapset and uploaded it to my Legend HCx — and lo and behold everything is there!


It's odd however that MapSource appears to be unable to interpret these files as it has in previous weeks, even though they are present.




It's odd however that MapSource appears to be unable to interpret these files as it has in previous weeks, even though they are present.

Still don't understand why you are having a problem as others have confirmed that like myself, they are not seeing any issues with the latest mapset for MapSource/Basecamp.


Mine is working fine under MapSource 6.16.3 and BaseCamp 3.1.2





I don't use TT maps on my GPSr but though it might be nice to have them available on MapSource (Ver 6.16.3) so I downloaded and installed MapTk to C:\Garmin\MapTk.

So far, so good...

I downloaded the "111021-British-Isles+Contours-Routable-MapSource.zip" file and extracted all the files it contained to a newly created "C:\Garmin\British-Isles+Contours" folder. Then I ran the "Install" batch file in that folder. It reported a successful installation (four times).

So far, not so good...

I opened MapSource and "British-Isles+Contours" appears in the drop down map selection list but there are no maps displayed, just a white rectangle... Any suggestions?

I opened MapSource and "British-Isles+Contours" appears in the drop down map selection list but there are no maps displayed, just a white rectangle... Any suggestions?

You have the same version of MapSource and MapTk as me. However, I have MapTk installed to C:\Program Files\MapTk rather than C:\Garmin\MapTk. Other than that, about the only thing that I can think of is whether you've actually selected that product as opposed to it merely appearing in the list. From the View menu, point to Switch to Product, then ensure there is a tick next to British-Isles+Contours.


Sorry if I'm teaching Granny to suck eggs ;)

I opened MapSource and "British-Isles+Contours" appears in the drop down map selection list but there are no maps displayed, just a white rectangle... Any suggestions?

You have the same version of MapSource and MapTk as me. However, I have MapTk installed to C:\Program Files\MapTk rather than C:\Garmin\MapTk. Other than that, about the only thing that I can think of is whether you've actually selected that product as opposed to it merely appearing in the list. From the View menu, point to Switch to Product, then ensure there is a tick next to British-Isles+Contours.


Sorry if I'm teaching Granny to suck eggs ;)


Just tried it again.... This time I had maps. I'm guessing that the last time, I just wasn't zoomed in far enough. Sometimes I feel really stupid :huh:


Having had a quick play with the TT OS maps on MapSource, I have an observation / question. There are a lot of interrupted brown lines that all seem to be labelled "Trail". Is there any way of distinguishing 'Bridleways' from 'Footpaths'? That's quite important if, like me, you do a fair amount of cross country riding on a bicycle.

Posted (edited)

Having had a quick play with the TT OS maps on MapSource, I have an observation / question. There are a lot of interrupted brown lines that all seem to be labelled "Trail". Is there any way of distinguishing 'Bridleways' from 'Footpaths'? That's quite important if, like me, you do a fair amount of cross country riding on a bicycle.

My understanding is that Trail is a footpath (or marked that way) and Unpaved Road is a Bridleway (or marked that way). That certainly appears to be the case in my neck of the woods anyway.




Edited by talkytoaster

Having had a quick play with the TT OS maps on MapSource, I have an observation / question. There are a lot of interrupted brown lines that all seem to be labelled "Trail". Is there any way of distinguishing 'Bridleways' from 'Footpaths'? That's quite important if, like me, you do a fair amount of cross country riding on a bicycle.

My understanding is that Trail is a footpath (or marked that way) and Unpaved Road is a Bridleway (or marked that way). That certainly appears to be the case in my neck of the woods anyway.





This is one of the main downsides to OSM maps as it relies on the person plotting the track to both know what sort of track it is, and know what it should be defined as within OSM. It doesn't make any difference to me most of the time but I can see that if you're out trail riding it could be awkward if it's wrong, but then you have the opportunity to make corrections if you find mistakes.


Having had a quick play with the TT OS maps on MapSource, I have an observation / question. There are a lot of interrupted brown lines that all seem to be labelled "Trail". Is there any way of distinguishing 'Bridleways' from 'Footpaths'? That's quite important if, like me, you do a fair amount of cross country riding on a bicycle.

My understanding is that Trail is a footpath (or marked that way) and Unpaved Road is a Bridleway (or marked that way). That certainly appears to be the case in my neck of the woods anyway.




Unfortunately, that's not universal. FWIW, I added about 10 miles of cycleway to the map before finding out that you could mark trails as 'cycles allowed'. IME, most editors, who are just members of the public, seem to upload their GPS traces, smooth out a few jaggies, then mark the way as a road, trail, etc. without taking much time to mark trail permissions. So even though Potlatch2 lets you mark trails as 'cycles permitted', 'cycles not allowed', and even dismount points, IME few editors bother.


With that said, I wouldn't even rely on an OS map - let alone OSM - to determine whether a right of way existed. If I don't have access to local knowledge and there's nothing on the ground to indicate it's a bridleway, cycleway, or BOAT then I assume its a footpath.

I opened MapSource and "British-Isles+Contours" appears in the drop down map selection list but there are no maps displayed, just a white rectangle... Any suggestions?

You have the same version of MapSource and MapTk as me. However, I have MapTk installed to C:\Program Files\MapTk rather than C:\Garmin\MapTk. Other than that, about the only thing that I can think of is whether you've actually selected that product as opposed to it merely appearing in the list. From the View menu, point to Switch to Product, then ensure there is a tick next to British-Isles+Contours.


Sorry if I'm teaching Granny to suck eggs ;)


Just tried it again.... This time I had maps. I'm guessing that the last time, I just wasn't zoomed in far enough. Sometimes I feel really stupid :huh:


D'oh! Since Pharisee's experience of a blank map seemed similar to mine I tried zooming in, and sure enough the detail appears eventually, though it disappears again when I zoom out to try to view the whole British Isles map. Sorry for the confusion.


Hi there


Just got my Gps62s on the internal memory i have Garmin V4 Topo on it


got to download load the Mapsets with contours to my Micro sd card but i read this


Please note: Uploading the GMAPSUPP.IMG to your Garmin GPSr [or MicroSD card] will overwrite any existing mapset on the device using the same name. This should not effect the basemap that came preinstalled on the GPSr.


So do i need to change the file name on my internal memory Garmin V4 topo gmapsupp.img to topo.img or can you change the file name on the microSD card to read say britishtopo.img.


has you can see just not sure which you can change and i do not want to make a mistake!


anyhelp would be great


coming to the U/k in the new year so thought i get it all ready to go




Labrador Wild Man

Goose Bay,Canada


Hello Labrador Wild Man


So do i need to change the file name on my internal memory Garmin V4 topo gmapsupp.img to topo.img or can you change the file name on the microSD card to read say britishtopo.img.


You can change the name to "anything_you_want.img" personally I use something to remind me of what it was. I now have three .img map files on my card so what I've done is put a .txt file on the card also, telling me what the file size is, what it is, the date and where it came from.





For all those interested:


Another week and another set of updates....


Over the weekend I have compiled the latest GB/British Isles/Ireland map tiles with contours into new maps for Garmin GPSrs.


The British Isles mapsets I compile include the following areas (this has now replaced the UK mapset):





Isle of Man

Channel Islands

Northern Ireland

Republic of Ireland


The GB mapset I compile includes the following areas:





Isle of Man

Channel Islands


The Ireland mapset I compile include the following areas:


Northern Ireland

Republic of Ireland


The full GB/British Isles/Ireland mapsets come with contour data [contour data is from the Scottish Mountaineering Club] and are now routable.


The updated ones are prefixed with 111028 [the old ones are prefixed with 111021] and should be available on the following link as of now. These new ones include all changes made to the OSM mapping data up to the 28th October 2011.


If you want to grab them then you can find them here: http://talkytoaster.info


As these are new, please report any problems directly to me, via my profile on Geocaching.com or via my Gmail account [talkytoasteruk@gmail.com].


This update not only includes newer routable versions with contours for GB/British Isles/Ireland, but also routable versions without contour data. The UK mapset has now been replaced by a British Isles one (it covers the same area).


More details about the routing features can be found in the FAQ on my site.


I have versions of the GB/British Isles & Ireland mapsets which are compatible with MapSource/BaseCamp (PC), and have also been tested in MapSource/BaseCamp before release. Versions for Mac OSX (RoadTrip/BaseCamp) are also available.


Details and the maps can be found here: http://talkytoaster.info/ukmaps.htm


This should allow those that have Garmin GPSrs with limited memory to select small areas to upload to these devices complete with contour data.


If anyone wants similar maps (with or without contours) for other parts of Europe or elsewhere, then please feel free to contact me to discuss your needs.


CAVEAT: No mapping solution is perfect.

From OpenStreetMap:-

"By the very nature of the wiki-style process there is no guarantee of accuracy of any kind. Then again, few proprietary maps carry a guarantee of accuracy, either. In fact, some have artificially-introduced errors."

Furthermore, I and others have already confirmed this with even GB OS maps; deliberate errors and moved paths (some from 10 years or more after the change was documented by the local council/county are not reflected on the latest OS maps). Not everything is accurately mapped, even on 1:25K. All maps should be considered a guide and not a factual statement.


To participate and help improve the maps you just need to go to http://www.openstreetmap.org; create an account, upload your tracks from your GPSr and then edit the maps. Help on how to do this can be found on the OpenStreetMap site.


The contour data is from The Scottish Mountaineering Club, more details about them can be found here: http://www.smc.org.uk/ContourMaps.php


I have tested these maps on a Garmin Oregon 200 [the full British Isles & Ireland versions with contour data] and also on a computer in MapSource/BaseCamp for those versions designed for use with it to ensure that they load and render as expected. I do not test all the map data or functions as this is not possible in a reasonable time-frame.


Hope this helps?


All feedback and comments are most welcome.


Also, I am now hosting the UK Geocaching Records that were originally hosted/maintained by Mongoose39uk (these can be found on the same site as the maps I offer). Unfortunately as my 'spare' time is very limited so far this year I haven't managed to update the records page. Anyone submitting records should ensure that they supply a bookmark of the caches in their record.


I have reorganised the map page on the site to hopefully make it easier to find which mapset you want and updated the compatibility table with new models reported to work.





Hats off to talkytoaster


Just load the maps onto Basecamp and Mapsounce for the first time


and it work first time glad i read and read all the info


not going to the U/K until next year just have to keep the maps update


How do you do that just over write the file where you have them?


looks simple








Hats off to talkytoaster


Just load the maps onto Basecamp and Mapsounce for the first time


and it work first time glad i read and read all the info


not going to the U/K until next year just have to keep the maps update


How do you do that just over write the file where you have them?

Thanks for the feedback.


Quoted from the FAQ: :laughing:


2f. How Do I Update The Mapset for BaseCamp/Mapsource


The simplest way to update the mapset to the latest version for use in BaseCamp or MapSource is to go to the directory where you installed the mapset, e.g. C:\Garmin\British-Isles+Contours


Once in there delete all the files in there. Then unzip the new mapset to the now empty directory.


When you next load BaseCamp or MapSource it will automatically use the updated map tiles.


This assumes that you have correctly installed the mapset in the past; have previously installed MapTK and run the install.bat (at some point in the past for that mapset). It also assumes that you have successfully tested that the mapset installed correctly the first time and checked that it showed up in BaseCamp or MapSource.





If anyone can spare me losing what little hair remains I'd be grateful.


I've tried putting these maps onto a Montana 650 and can't get them to work. I've unzipped the file, put it onto the flash card in the Garmin folder and the unit doens't see it. When I go to the map setup and "select maps" menu it isn't even listed as a map.


As yet I haven't downloaded the full user manual but if anyone could give me a quick pointer what I might be doing wrong (when I get home and off this underpowered laptop it's more of an option to RTFM) I'd be most grateful.


Have you renamed it to just gmapsupp ?

Try installing it to the Garmin folder on the unit itself.


I have tried these on my 62s and I have them, TOPO, & OS maps and all are available ok.

Just had a look at the manual and it wasn't much help.

I have seen some Oregons that would work if the maps were on the SD card and others would only work if the maps were on the unit. Remember that they must go in the /Garmin folder of the SDcard/Unit. The name doesnt seem to make any difference on the 62 as I have just named them as gmapsuppOS & gmapsuppTOPO and it works ok for me.


Thanks DD&V


I tried those things and none of them worked. I know the maps will work, because I tried my flashcard in a Montana 600 before buying the 650. I'm not sure if I need a firmware upgrade to this one (doubtful, since it's newer than the one that worked) or if I'm doing something else silly.


I've tried it in the unit and the flashcard, tried putting it in \garmin and in \garmin\custommaps with the others, tried renaming it gmapsupp.img and a few other names.


When I'm back at my more powerful desktop and fast internet connection I'll download basecamp and see if that helps. At present I'm on an underpowered laptop with a slow internet connection via slightly flaky wireless so not the best for downloading big files.




I tried those things and none of them worked. I know the maps will work, because I tried my flashcard in a Montana 600 before buying the 650. I'm not sure if I need a firmware upgrade to this one (doubtful, since it's newer than the one that worked) or if I'm doing something else silly.


I've tried it in the unit and the flashcard, tried putting it in \garmin and in \garmin\custommaps with the others, tried renaming it gmapsupp.img and a few other names.


When I'm back at my more powerful desktop and fast internet connection I'll download basecamp and see if that helps. At present I'm on an underpowered laptop with a slow internet connection via slightly flaky wireless so not the best for downloading big files.

Which mapset is it? Is it the British-Isles or GB one?


The unzipped and ideally renamed file (renamed to GMAPSUPP.IMG, just remove the prefix that I add to it) and copy it to the GARMIN directory on the internal memory or the MicroSD card. If you use Windows then the IMG extension may be hidden, don't add it, or you'll end up with GMAPSUPP.IMG.IMG and that probably won't be recognised by the GPSR.


Either way they should work fine. I also suggest that you ensure you have the latest firmware as I seem to remember that an early 650 user reported problems until they updated the firmware.


Hope this helps?







Hats off to talkytoaster


Just load the maps onto Basecamp and Mapsounce for the first time


and it work first time glad i read and read all the info


not going to the U/K until next year just have to keep the maps update


How do you do that just over write the file where you have them?

Thanks for the feedback.


Quoted from the FAQ: :laughing:


2f. How Do I Update The Mapset for BaseCamp/Mapsource


The simplest way to update the mapset to the latest version for use in BaseCamp or MapSource is to go to the directory where you installed the mapset, e.g. C:\Garmin\British-Isles+Contours


Once in there delete all the files in there. Then unzip the new mapset to the now empty directory.


When you next load BaseCamp or MapSource it will automatically use the updated map tiles.


This assumes that you have correctly installed the mapset in the past; have previously installed MapTK and run the install.bat (at some point in the past for that mapset). It also assumes that you have successfully tested that the mapset installed correctly the first time and checked that it showed up in BaseCamp or MapSource.





Thanks for that very easy will start updating






I tried those things and none of them worked. I know the maps will work, because I tried my flashcard in a Montana 600 before buying the 650. I'm not sure if I need a firmware upgrade to this one (doubtful, since it's newer than the one that worked) or if I'm doing something else silly.


I've tried it in the unit and the flashcard, tried putting it in \garmin and in \garmin\custommaps with the others, tried renaming it gmapsupp.img and a few other names.


When I'm back at my more powerful desktop and fast internet connection I'll download basecamp and see if that helps. At present I'm on an underpowered laptop with a slow internet connection via slightly flaky wireless so not the best for downloading big files.

Which mapset is it? Is it the British-Isles or GB one?


The unzipped and ideally renamed file (renamed to GMAPSUPP.IMG, just remove the prefix that I add to it) and copy it to the GARMIN directory on the internal memory or the MicroSD card. If you use Windows then the IMG extension may be hidden, don't add it, or you'll end up with GMAPSUPP.IMG.IMG and that probably won't be recognised by the GPSR.


Either way they should work fine. I also suggest that you ensure you have the latest firmware as I seem to remember that an early 650 user reported problems until they updated the firmware.


Hope this helps?





I forget which mapset it was now, I think it was the GB version.


Let me see what upgrading the firmware does for me, maybe it does have an older version in it. It will be a couple of days before I get to it but I'll certainly check it out and report back.


Curious, I had some spare time so had a fiddle with it. It looks like OSM didn't want to play nicely with another test map on there. Which is odd, because previously when I'd tried a completely virgin flashcard with only the OSM maps it still didn't want to play.


I think the problem was that I'd dumped a load of new files on it and had some kind of timeout when loading them, so it ended up with an incomplete dataset.


Now I've got a card with the eastern US topo maps and GB OSM maps and it seems happy, for now at least.


For all those interested:


Another week and another set of updates....


Over the weekend I have compiled the latest GB/British Isles/Ireland map tiles with contours into new maps for Garmin GPSrs.


The British Isles mapsets I compile include the following areas (this has now replaced the UK mapset):





Isle of Man

Channel Islands

Northern Ireland

Republic of Ireland


The GB mapset I compile includes the following areas:





Isle of Man

Channel Islands


The Ireland mapset I compile include the following areas:


Northern Ireland

Republic of Ireland


The full GB/British Isles/Ireland mapsets come with contour data [contour data is from the Scottish Mountaineering Club] and are now routable.


The updated ones are prefixed with 111104 [the old ones are prefixed with 111028] and should be available on the following link as of now. These new ones include all changes made to the OSM mapping data up to the 4th November 2011.


If you want to grab them then you can find them here: http://talkytoaster.info


As these are new, please report any problems directly to me, via my profile on Geocaching.com or via my Gmail account [talkytoasteruk@gmail.com].


This update not only includes newer routable versions with contours for GB/British Isles/Ireland, but also routable versions without contour data. The UK mapset has now been replaced by a British Isles one (it covers the same area).


More details about the routing features can be found in the FAQ on my site.


I have versions of the GB/British Isles & Ireland mapsets which are compatible with MapSource/BaseCamp (PC), and have also been tested in MapSource/BaseCamp before release. Versions for Mac OSX (RoadTrip/BaseCamp) are also available.


Details and the maps can be found here: http://talkytoaster.info/ukmaps.htm


This should allow those that have Garmin GPSrs with limited memory to select small areas to upload to these devices complete with contour data.


If anyone wants similar maps (with or without contours) for other parts of Europe or elsewhere, then please feel free to contact me to discuss your needs.


CAVEAT: No mapping solution is perfect.

From OpenStreetMap:-

"By the very nature of the wiki-style process there is no guarantee of accuracy of any kind. Then again, few proprietary maps carry a guarantee of accuracy, either. In fact, some have artificially-introduced errors."

Furthermore, I and others have already confirmed this with even GB OS maps; deliberate errors and moved paths (some from 10 years or more after the change was documented by the local council/county are not reflected on the latest OS maps). Not everything is accurately mapped, even on 1:25K. All maps should be considered a guide and not a factual statement.


To participate and help improve the maps you just need to go to http://www.openstreetmap.org; create an account, upload your tracks from your GPSr and then edit the maps. Help on how to do this can be found on the OpenStreetMap site.


The contour data is from The Scottish Mountaineering Club, more details about them can be found here: http://www.smc.org.uk/ContourMaps.php


I have tested these maps on a Garmin Oregon 200 [the full British Isles & Ireland versions with contour data] and also on a computer in MapSource/BaseCamp for those versions designed for use with it to ensure that they load and render as expected. I do not test all the map data or functions as this is not possible in a reasonable time-frame.


Hope this helps?


All feedback and comments are most welcome.


Also, I am now hosting the UK Geocaching Records that were originally hosted/maintained by Mongoose39uk (these can be found on the same site as the maps I offer). Unfortunately as my 'spare' time is very limited so far this year I haven't managed to update the records page. Anyone submitting records should ensure that they supply a bookmark of the caches in their record.


I have reorganised the map page on the site to hopefully make it easier to find which mapset you want and updated the compatibility table with new models reported to work.


Please Note: There will probably be no new maps next weekend as I'm away on business again.




Posted (edited)

I've hitherto used Garmin MapSource to upload TT's maps (since I had to select part of the mapset, because of the limited SD card capacity on my eTrex Legend HCx), and my understanding has been that 'The File That Matters' is GSMAPSUPP.IMG. MapSource will replace this, so your upload will have to have this name — and only this name — and the uploaded file had better include any previously loaded maps you've paid for, or they will be overwritten.


Call me thick, but I've now acquired a Garmin Dakota 20 with more memory space and I am staggered to find that it will use ANY .IMG file. I've renamed the installed (paid for) Discoverer file as 'DISCOVERER_GMSUPPMAP.IMG', and uploaded TT's weekly file with its unamended full name (111104-British-Isles-GMAPSUPP.img — without modifying it to a mere 'GMAPSUPP.IMG') — and both of them work!


The Discoverer maps don't recognise footpaths for routing, but the OSM maps do. Excellent. And I can readily tell how up-to-date my GPSr's OSM file is from its name (and, incidentally, it appears on the Dakota menu as 'OpenStreetMap: british_isles' — a better description than I got uploading from MapSource). And it takes about 1/10th of the time to upload, compared with MapSource. Magic.

Edited by watsonic

The Discoverer maps don't recognise footpaths for routing, but the OSM maps do.


And that can be a real PIA sometimes when you're using them on a bike.... They don't appear to differentiate between footpaths and bridleways so you very often have to backtrack and find an alternative route.


The Discoverer maps don't recognise footpaths for routing, but the OSM maps do.


And that can be a real PIA sometimes when you're using them on a bike.... They don't appear to differentiate between footpaths and bridleways so you very often have to backtrack and find an alternative route.


Or if it's just a short section of footpath you can always get off and walk it. I've done that a few times now.


For all those interested:


Another week and another set of updates....which I managed to do even though I was away on business, got back a bit earlier than expected on Friday.


Over the weekend I have compiled the latest GB/British Isles/Ireland map tiles with contours into new maps for Garmin GPSrs.


The British Isles mapsets I compile include the following areas (this has now replaced the UK mapset):





Isle of Man

Channel Islands

Northern Ireland

Republic of Ireland


The GB mapset I compile includes the following areas:





Isle of Man

Channel Islands


The Ireland mapset I compile include the following areas:


Northern Ireland

Republic of Ireland


The full GB/British Isles/Ireland mapsets come with contour data [contour data is from the Scottish Mountaineering Club] and are now routable.


The updated ones are prefixed with 111111 [the old ones are prefixed with 111104] and should be available on the following link as of now. These new ones include all changes made to the OSM mapping data up to the 11th November 2011.


If you want to grab them then you can find them here: http://talkytoaster.info


As these are new, please report any problems directly to me, via my profile on Geocaching.com or via my Gmail account [talkytoasteruk@gmail.com].


This update not only includes newer routable versions with contours for GB/British Isles/Ireland, but also routable versions without contour data. The UK mapset has now been replaced by a British Isles one (it covers the same area).


More details about the routing features can be found in the FAQ on my site.


I have versions of the GB/British Isles & Ireland mapsets which are compatible with MapSource/BaseCamp (PC), and have also been tested in MapSource/BaseCamp before release. Versions for Mac OSX (RoadTrip/BaseCamp) are also available.


Details and the maps can be found here: http://talkytoaster.info/ukmaps.htm


This should allow those that have Garmin GPSrs with limited memory to select small areas to upload to these devices complete with contour data.


If anyone wants similar maps (with or without contours) for other parts of Europe or elsewhere, then please feel free to contact me to discuss your needs.


CAVEAT: No mapping solution is perfect.

From OpenStreetMap:-

"By the very nature of the wiki-style process there is no guarantee of accuracy of any kind. Then again, few proprietary maps carry a guarantee of accuracy, either. In fact, some have artificially-introduced errors."

Furthermore, I and others have already confirmed this with even GB OS maps; deliberate errors and moved paths (some from 10 years or more after the change was documented by the local council/county are not reflected on the latest OS maps). Not everything is accurately mapped, even on 1:25K. All maps should be considered a guide and not a factual statement.


To participate and help improve the maps you just need to go to http://www.openstreetmap.org; create an account, upload your tracks from your GPSr and then edit the maps. Help on how to do this can be found on the OpenStreetMap site.


The contour data is from The Scottish Mountaineering Club, more details about them can be found here: http://www.smc.org.uk/ContourMaps.php


I have tested these maps on a Garmin Oregon 200 [the full British Isles & Ireland versions with contour data] and also on a computer in MapSource/BaseCamp for those versions designed for use with it to ensure that they load and render as expected. I do not test all the map data or functions as this is not possible in a reasonable time-frame.


Hope this helps?


All feedback and comments are most welcome.


Also, I am now hosting the UK Geocaching Records that were originally hosted/maintained by Mongoose39uk (these can be found on the same site as the maps I offer). Unfortunately as my 'spare' time is very limited so far this year I haven't managed to update the records page. Anyone submitting records should ensure that they supply a bookmark of the caches in their record.


I have reorganised the map page on the site to hopefully make it easier to find which mapset you want and updated the compatibility table with new models reported to work.





For all those interested:


Another week and another set of updates...


Over the weekend I have compiled the latest GB/British Isles/Ireland map tiles with contours into new maps for Garmin GPSrs.


The British Isles mapsets I compile include the following areas (this has now replaced the UK mapset):





Isle of Man

Channel Islands

Northern Ireland

Republic of Ireland


The GB mapset I compile includes the following areas:





Isle of Man

Channel Islands


The Ireland mapset I compile include the following areas:


Northern Ireland

Republic of Ireland


The full GB/British Isles/Ireland mapsets come with contour data [contour data is from the Scottish Mountaineering Club] and are now routable.


The updated ones are prefixed with 111118 [the old ones are prefixed with 111111] and should be available on the following link as of now. These new ones include all changes made to the OSM mapping data up to the 18th November 2011.


If you want to grab them then you can find them here: http://talkytoaster.info


As these are new, please report any problems directly to me, via my profile on Geocaching.com or via my Gmail account [talkytoasteruk@gmail.com].


This update not only includes newer routable versions with contours for GB/British Isles/Ireland, but also routable versions without contour data. The UK mapset has now been replaced by a British Isles one (it covers the same area).


More details about the routing features can be found in the FAQ on my site.


I have versions of the GB/British Isles & Ireland mapsets which are compatible with MapSource/BaseCamp (PC), and have also been tested in MapSource/BaseCamp before release. Versions for Mac OSX (RoadTrip/BaseCamp) are also available.


Details and the maps can be found here: http://talkytoaster.info/ukmaps.htm


This should allow those that have Garmin GPSrs with limited memory to select small areas to upload to these devices complete with contour data.


If anyone wants similar maps (with or without contours) for other parts of Europe or elsewhere, then please feel free to contact me to discuss your needs.


CAVEAT: No mapping solution is perfect.

From OpenStreetMap:-

"By the very nature of the wiki-style process there is no guarantee of accuracy of any kind. Then again, few proprietary maps carry a guarantee of accuracy, either. In fact, some have artificially-introduced errors."

Furthermore, I and others have already confirmed this with even GB OS maps; deliberate errors and moved paths (some from 10 years or more after the change was documented by the local council/county are not reflected on the latest OS maps). Not everything is accurately mapped, even on 1:25K. All maps should be considered a guide and not a factual statement.


To participate and help improve the maps you just need to go to http://www.openstreetmap.org; create an account, upload your tracks from your GPSr and then edit the maps. Help on how to do this can be found on the OpenStreetMap site.


The contour data is from The Scottish Mountaineering Club, more details about them can be found here: http://www.smc.org.uk/ContourMaps.php


I have tested these maps on a Garmin Oregon 200 [the full British Isles & Ireland versions with contour data] and also on a computer in MapSource/BaseCamp for those versions designed for use with it to ensure that they load and render as expected. I do not test all the map data or functions as this is not possible in a reasonable time-frame.


Hope this helps?


All feedback and comments are most welcome.


Also, I am now hosting the UK Geocaching Records that were originally hosted/maintained by Mongoose39uk (these can be found on the same site as the maps I offer). Unfortunately as my 'spare' time is very limited so far this year I haven't managed to update the records page. Anyone submitting records should ensure that they supply a bookmark of the caches in their record.


I have reorganised the map page on the site to hopefully make it easier to find which mapset you want and updated the compatibility table with new models reported to work.


Please Note: There will be no new maps next weekend as I'm away on business in Denmark again, and the following week I am in Newcastle (so there may be no new maps that week too).





TIMJRAEL makes a good point about a donation. When I last read through Martin's page he only mentioned a 'charge' if one ordered a disk from him; no request for 'donations'. That said his maps are just the ticket for me so I think it's a good suggestion to make a gift. If all of us who use his maps bunged him just a few quid each year I'm sure that would be a more tangible token of thanks.


Now where's my PayPal account?........ :blink:


For all those interested:


Another week and another set of updates...


Over the weekend I have compiled the latest GB/British Isles/Ireland map tiles with contours into new maps for Garmin GPSrs.


The British Isles mapsets I compile include the following areas (this has now replaced the UK mapset):





Isle of Man

Channel Islands

Northern Ireland

Republic of Ireland


The GB mapset I compile includes the following areas:





Isle of Man

Channel Islands


The Ireland mapset I compile include the following areas:


Northern Ireland

Republic of Ireland


The full GB/British Isles/Ireland mapsets come with contour data [contour data is from the Scottish Mountaineering Club] and are now routable.


The updated ones are prefixed with 111209 [the old ones are prefixed with 111118] and should be available on the following link as of now. These new ones include all changes made to the OSM mapping data up to the 9th December 2011.


If you want to grab them then you can find them here: http://talkytoaster.info


As these are new, please report any problems directly to me, via my profile on Geocaching.com or via my Gmail account [talkytoasteruk@gmail.com].


This update not only includes newer routable versions with contours for GB/British Isles/Ireland, but also routable versions without contour data. The UK mapset has now been replaced by a British Isles one (it covers the same area).


More details about the routing features can be found in the FAQ on my site.


I have versions of the GB/British Isles & Ireland mapsets which are compatible with MapSource/BaseCamp (PC), and have also been tested in MapSource/BaseCamp before release. Versions for Mac OSX (RoadTrip/BaseCamp) are also available.


Details and the maps can be found here: http://talkytoaster.info/ukmaps.htm


This should allow those that have Garmin GPSrs with limited memory to select small areas to upload to these devices complete with contour data.


If anyone wants similar maps (with or without contours) for other parts of Europe or elsewhere, then please feel free to contact me to discuss your needs.


CAVEAT: No mapping solution is perfect.

From OpenStreetMap:-

"By the very nature of the wiki-style process there is no guarantee of accuracy of any kind. Then again, few proprietary maps carry a guarantee of accuracy, either. In fact, some have artificially-introduced errors."

Furthermore, I and others have already confirmed this with even GB OS maps; deliberate errors and moved paths (some from 10 years or more after the change was documented by the local council/county are not reflected on the latest OS maps). Not everything is accurately mapped, even on 1:25K. All maps should be considered a guide and not a factual statement.


To participate and help improve the maps you just need to go to http://www.openstreetmap.org; create an account, upload your tracks from your GPSr and then edit the maps. Help on how to do this can be found on the OpenStreetMap site.


The contour data is from The Scottish Mountaineering Club, more details about them can be found here: http://www.smc.org.uk/ContourMaps.php


I have tested these maps on a Garmin Oregon 200 [the full British Isles & Ireland versions with contour data] and also on a computer in MapSource/BaseCamp for those versions designed for use with it to ensure that they load and render as expected. I do not test all the map data or functions as this is not possible in a reasonable time-frame.


Hope this helps?


All feedback and comments are most welcome.


Also, I am now hosting the UK Geocaching Records that were originally hosted/maintained by Mongoose39uk (these can be found on the same site as the maps I offer). Unfortunately as my 'spare' time is very limited so far this year I haven't managed to update the records page. Anyone submitting records should ensure that they supply a bookmark of the caches in their record.


I have reorganised the map page on the site to hopefully make it easier to find which mapset you want and updated the compatibility table with new models reported to work.


Please Note: There will be no new maps next weekend as I'm away on business again.




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