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Latest OpenStreeMap UK Garmin Mapsets...

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Thought it was about time for this to have its own dedicated topic now, and would it be useful for this to be a pinned topic also?


For all those interested:


I have just compiled the latest UK map tiles [with and without contours] into new UK maps for the Garmin GPSrs.


The UK maps I compile include the following areas:





Isle of Man

Channel Islands

Northern Ireland

Republic of Ireland


This is true for both the full UK mapsets, with and without contour data [contour data is from the Scottish Mountaineering Club].


The updated ones are prefixed with 090311 [the old ones are prefixed with 090225] and should be available on the following link as of now. These new ones include all changes made to the OSM mapping data up to the 10th of March 2009.



As the non-contour UK map is now often over 55MB, I have also split it into smaller mapsets, one for England and Wales, one for Ireland and finally one for Scotland. This is only useful for older Garmin models with limited memory capacity. If required I may split England and Wales into separate mapsets too.


As these are new, please report any problems directly to me, via my profile on Geocaching.com or via my Gmail account [talkytoasteruk@googlemail.com].


If you want to grab them then you can find them here: http://sites.google.com/site/talkytoasteruk/ukmaps


I have made many changes to the site, imcluding lots of screenshots, FAQs and other useful data too.


All the maps have been tested on either a Garmin Legend Hcx or GPSmap60c. They have also been checked in GPSMapEdit on a Windows PC.


I hope you find them useful?





Hi I have just noticed the latest version is 166mb the previous 171mb is there something missing from the files.

Nope doesn't seem to be, I noticed that too when I was compiling them, I suspect that the reduction in size is due to some cleaning up of the OSM data that the tiles are rendered from. I did check them pretty thoroughly and couldn't see any missing areas or data.


Hope this helps?





Hi I have just noticed the latest version is 166mb the previous 171mb is there something missing from the files.

Nope doesn't seem to be, I noticed that too when I was compiling them, I suspect that the reduction in size is due to some cleaning up of the OSM data that the tiles are rendered from. I did check them pretty thoroughly and couldn't see any missing areas or data.


Hope this helps?






Thanks for checking :D and the great work you put into these :mad::huh:


Can they be used with mapsource? I use this software to load maps to my garmin vista. Is worth a go.

I don't think so, and to be honest I don't use Mapsource at all, so I'd have no way of testing this functionality.


Do you have a Garmin Vista that has limited memory? If so I have split-mapsets for specific parts of the UK and Ireland which you can used instead. If however, you have a Garmin Vista that takes MicroSD cards then I'd suggest you load the whole UK mapset with contours on it instead.


Hope this helps?





Can they be used with mapsource? I use this software to load maps to my garmin vista. Is worth a go.


From memory it is possible to add custom maps to Mapsource, as that how I uploaded the SMC Contours to my Quest a few years back.

I do remember that it involved a bit of registry modification.

Posted (edited)

For all those interested:


I have just compiled the latest UK map tiles [with and without contours] into new UK maps for the Garmin GPSrs.


The UK maps I compile include the following areas:





Isle of Man

Channel Islands

Northern Ireland

Republic of Ireland


This is true for both the full UK mapsets, with and without contour data [contour data is from the Scottish Mountaineering Club].


The updated ones are prefixed with 090325 [the old ones are prefixed with 090311] and should be available on the following link as of now. These new ones include all changes made to the OSM mapping data up to the 24th of March 2009.



As the non-contour UK map is now often over 55MB, I have also split it into smaller mapsets, one for England and Wales, one for Ireland and finally one for Scotland. This is only useful for older Garmin models with limited memory capacity. If required I may split England and Wales into separate mapsets too.


As these are new, please report any problems directly to me, via my profile on Geocaching.com or via my Gmail account [talkytoasteruk@googlemail.com].


If you want to grab them then you can find them here: http://sites.google.com/site/talkytoasteruk/ukmaps


I have made many changes to the site, including lots of screenshots, FAQs and other useful data too.


All the maps have been tested on a Garmin Oregon 200. They have also been checked in GPSMapEdit on a Windows PC.


I hope you find them useful?




Edited by talkytoaster

And these are the first maps that have got some of the roads and paths that I contributed :ph34r: I thought that as I'm benefiting from the maps I should put something back so I've started mapping the missing bits of my own area - it's easy and quite interesting if anyone's thinking of having a go.


And thanks Martin for putting the maps together and making it so easy to stick them on a GPS.


I've said it before on here, but I'll say it again...


It's *such* a shame that the editing tools for this fantastic project are so clunky! Just looked around the map for Wakefield and great progress has been made but I spied a missing footpath. In the spirit of the project, I thought I'd add it (GPS unnecessary as it follows a "use" boundry"). OK, maybe I didn't give it long enough, but a three-point line defined as a footpath should be easy and user-friendly to add. Fortunately I used the "practise" mode as I could find no way of adding anything but a use boundry or any way of snapping to existing points.


I've said it before on here, but I'll say it again...


It's *such* a shame that the editing tools for this fantastic project are so clunky! Just looked around the map for Wakefield and great progress has been made but I spied a missing footpath. In the spirit of the project, I thought I'd add it (GPS unnecessary as it follows a "use" boundry"). OK, maybe I didn't give it long enough, but a three-point line defined as a footpath should be easy and user-friendly to add. Fortunately I used the "practise" mode as I could find no way of adding anything but a use boundry or any way of snapping to existing points.


It's not difficult. Look at the comprehensive guide here: Guide for how to do it. I've added my town and several surrounding villages, and footpaths in the area that I have walked these past few weekends. I've just bought Garmin OS GB Discoverer but will continue to contribute to the free maps as I know they may be invaluable when I go to an area where I have no map.


Potlatch took me an evening to get the hang of.

My town consisted of just one B-Road, so I got myself a 20 quid datalogger for the car and I've been slowly building up the area over the last few weeks.


Just tried to copy these maps across to my Colorado and I cannot see them after copying. I have tried copying both to the internal memory and also an SD card. Incidentally do they work from the internal memory ?

I have copied them into the Garmin folder as .IMG's as instructed. I don't see the relevant copyright notice when starting up the Garmin. Can anyone suggest what I am doing wrong ?


Just tried to copy these maps across to my Colorado and I cannot see them after copying. I have tried copying both to the internal memory and also an SD card. Incidentally do they work from the internal memory ?

I have copied them into the Garmin folder as .IMG's as instructed. I don't see the relevant copyright notice when starting up the Garmin. Can anyone suggest what I am doing wrong ?

Did you unzip the file first and then rename it as required as GMAPSUPP.IMG?


I use these on my new Oregon 200, and they work fine when placed on the MicroSD card in the GARMIN folder. I also suspect that they will work fine when placed in the GARMIN folder on the internal memory, but as my Oregon 200 hasn't got sufficient internal memory I haven't been able to test this.


If you are still having problems, please read the FAQ here: http://sites.google.com/site/talkytoasteru...ree-uk-maps-faq, and if that doesn't solve the problem then feel free to email me via my profile.


Hope this helps?






Did you unzip the file first and then rename it as required as GMAPSUPP.IMG?



Yes. I will email you a screenshot of the folder


I pulled down a copy of the UK plus contours map yesterday, and it was up and running on my Colorado in a couple of minutes...


I am assuming you've installed the drivers from the cd that comes with the Colorado???


non geek method for installing the OSM map file:


Plug the USB lead into your Colorado


1. Download the zipped map

2. Unzip the map to your desktop using your favourite unzipper

3. RENAME it to GMAPSUPP.IMG (click it once, hit F2 and then rename it)



4. Double click the GARMIN COLORADO icon (blue triangle) and NOT the drive with the Colorado unit number.....

5. Open the GARMIN folder

6. Drag the GMAPSUPP.IMG file from your desktop into the open GARMIN folder and wait for the copy to happen.

7. Disconnect the Colorado..


Job done..... :unsure:


Thank you very much for these maps. I can't wait to get out and use them.



Did you unzip the file first and then rename it as required as GMAPSUPP.IMG?


I use these on my new Oregon 200, and they work fine when placed on the MicroSD card in the GARMIN folder. I also suspect that they will work fine when placed in the GARMIN folder on the internal memory, but as my Oregon 200 hasn't got sufficient internal memory I haven't been able to test this.

I can confirm that they will work on the internal memory of the Oregon 300 :laughing: However, I done as instructed and unzipped the file, renamed it GMAPSUPP.IMG put it into the Garmin folder on the GPS and it didn't work. ;) I gave roolku a call and he told me to rename the file that was on the GPS to GMAPPROM and it worked a treat. :unsure:

I don't understand why it didn't work, and the new name did, but it fixed the problem for me.



Am about to buy a new GPS, was looking at the etrex range and am wondering if one is better than the others to use with these maps?

I had been planning to go for the Summit HC, but guess the vista HCx with the card slot would be better?





Am about to buy a new GPS, was looking at the etrex range and am wondering if one is better than the others to use with these maps?

I had been planning to go for the Summit HC, but guess the vista HCx with the card slot would be better?

The they work great with the Legend Hcx as that is what I originally used them on and tested them on when I compiled them.


Unless you need the electronic compass and other gadetry that the Vista models have then go for a Legend Hcx instead. Great unit.


Hope this helps?




Posted (edited)

If I put this map onto my Oregon, will it then enable the GPS to build it's own route to a destination?

Can I also run this map at the same time as talkytoasters maps?

I believe that is the idea with the routable mapset, although I have not tried it as I have no use for that facility.


As to using both mine and the routable mapsets, you will I believe, have to either have each one on a seperate MicroSD card, or you might be able to switch by having one mapset on the internal memory of the Oregon, and the other on the MicroSD card. Some suggestions how this might work can be found here: http://garminoregon.wikispaces.com/Maps#toc18


Hope this helps?




Edited by talkytoaster

For all those interested:


I have just compiled the latest UK map tiles [with and without contours] into new UK maps for the Garmin GPSrs.


The UK maps I compile include the following areas:





Isle of Man

Channel Islands

Northern Ireland

Republic of Ireland


This is true for both the full UK mapsets, with and without contour data [contour data is from the Scottish Mountaineering Club].


The updated ones are prefixed with 090408 [the old ones are prefixed with 090325] and should be available on the following link as of now. These new ones include all changes made to the OSM mapping data up to the 7th of April 2009.



As the non-contour UK map is now often over 55MB, I have also split it into smaller mapsets, one for England and Wales, one for Ireland and finally one for Scotland. This is only useful for older Garmin models with limited memory capacity. If required I may split England and Wales into separate mapsets too.


As these are new, please report any problems directly to me, via my profile on Geocaching.com or via my Gmail account [talkytoasteruk@googlemail.com].


If you want to grab them then you can find them here: http://sites.google.com/site/talkytoasteruk/ukmaps


I have made many changes to the site, including lots of screenshots, FAQs and other useful data too.


All the maps have been tested on a Garmin Oregon 200. They have also been checked in GPSMapEdit on a Windows PC.


I hope you find them useful?





For all those interested:


I have just compiled the latest UK map tiles [with and without contours] into new UK maps for the Garmin GPSrs.


The UK maps I compile include the following areas:





Isle of Man

Channel Islands

Northern Ireland

Republic of Ireland


This is true for both the full UK mapsets, with and without contour data [contour data is from the Scottish Mountaineering Club].


The updated ones are prefixed with 090422 [the old ones are prefixed with 090408] and should be available on the following link as of now. These new ones include all changes made to the OSM mapping data up to the 21st of April 2009.


If you want to grab them then you can find them here: http://sites.google.com/site/talkytoasteruk/ukmaps



As the non-contour UK map is now often over 55MB, I have also split it into smaller mapsets, one for England and Wales, one for Ireland and finally one for Scotland. This is only useful for older Garmin models with limited memory capacity. If required I may split England and Wales into separate mapsets too.


As these are new, please report any problems directly to me, via my profile on Geocaching.com or via my Gmail account [talkytoasteruk@googlemail.com].


I have made more changes to the site, including lots of screenshots, FAQs and other useful data too.


All the maps have been tested on a Garmin Oregon 200. They have also been checked in GPSMapEdit on a Windows PC.


I hope you find them useful?





Martin, could I ask a favour please?


As I have UK TOPO could you split the files so that The Channel Islands and the IOM are separate files (with contours if possible).


I can then look at adding them to the existing TOPO tiles or putting them on a different MicroSD card to prevent overwriting the existing image file I have of the UK.


Many thanks

Posted (edited)

Martin, could I ask a favour please?


As I have UK TOPO could you split the files so that The Channel Islands and the IOM are separate files (with contours if possible).


I can then look at adding them to the existing TOPO tiles or putting them on a different MicroSD card to prevent overwriting the existing image file I have of the UK.


Many thanks

If you just want IOM and the Channel Islands only then you can get pre-compiled maps for each of them in Garmin format here: http://downloads.cloudmade.com/europe#breadcrumbs


I have no plans myself to just split out the Channel Islands and the IOM at this time.


Oh and you'll also find a map for Malta there too. :laughing:


Hope this helps?




Edited by talkytoaster

Hi All

This is mainly for Martin but any one could probably help.

I have some garmin venture hc s that i would like to put some mapping on for use with a scout group. the garmin maps are too expensive and your opensource maps sound like they may fit the bill.

the venture hc has 24mb of internal memory so a would not be able to put the whole of the UK on.

now heres the question

can i load only portions of the map on to the unit ie just where we use them, Hampshire, west sussex and surrey.?

I have yet to try these maps out, i have the garmin topo maps on my colorado and so far these have been good enough, but i will sort out a sd card and try these maps out on my unit to see how they look.

hope you can help




Jumping in and possibly misunderstanding the question...

With my first GPS I got a shareware version of GPSMapEdit, which I registered so I could use it to create maps & waypoints for my particular peculiar GPS (Alan Map 500). That can read the Garmin files and will allow you to edit them to create customised maps. Maybe give it a try?


Hi All

This is mainly for Martin but any one could probably help.

I have some garmin venture hc s that i would like to put some mapping on for use with a scout group. the garmin maps are too expensive and your opensource maps sound like they may fit the bill.

the venture hc has 24mb of internal memory so a would not be able to put the whole of the UK on.

now heres the question

can i load only portions of the map on to the unit ie just where we use them, Hampshire, west sussex and surrey.?

I have yet to try these maps out, i have the garmin topo maps on my colorado and so far these have been good enough, but i will sort out a sd card and try these maps out on my unit to see how they look.

hope you can help



With or without contours?


Without them, I can probably create a mapset under 24MB that could include most of the South East.


With them, I think it would be tricky to get anything with contours, except possibly at county level.


However, I suggest that you try the full UK mapset with contours on your Colorado first to make sure that the areas you are interested in are detailed and covered enough by OSM.


Hope this helps?





Lets Try This Again!!

Thanks Martin for getting back.

After a long morning i managed to get the maps to work on my colorado.

the detail on the map at this stage is not brilliant but far superior to the base maps that are issued on the garmin range.

for our particular use the maps with contours are best, and we would need maybe 3 counties for most of the time . we are located in Chichester West Sussex about 7 mile from the Hampshire Border and 25mile from the Surrey border, we rarely venture too far from here. Even Horsham is miles away!

On the odd camp we may venture to wales or somerset.

we would use the gps,s alongside OS maps for the most part, we are only trying to keep up todate with the technologies.

With the current prices of the Gramin maps, you may well find that there is a market for smaller snippits of maps as i am sure that there are quite a few people ith the smaller memory units that this would apeal too.

we have 4 units in the group and for the OS quality maps i think we would be looking around £500 which the group cant afford to pay. So anything above the basemap is an improvement.

I have looked at the GPSmapedit link that Guanajauto suggested, but i am not sure, i am not that brilliant with software unless it is made for dummies like me!

but i would try if push comes to shove.So any other suggestions?

thanks so far



Lets Try This Again!!

Thanks Martin for getting back.

After a long morning i managed to get the maps to work on my colorado.

the detail on the map at this stage is not brilliant but far superior to the base maps that are issued on the garmin range.

for our particular use the maps with contours are best, and we would need maybe 3 counties for most of the time . we are located in Chichester West Sussex about 7 mile from the Hampshire Border and 25mile from the Surrey border, we rarely venture too far from here. Even Horsham is miles away!

On the odd camp we may venture to wales or somerset.

we would use the gps,s alongside OS maps for the most part, we are only trying to keep up todate with the technologies.



I have managed to create a mapset for the South East of England with Contour data in under 23MB. This has meant that I have had to cull some data from the contour sets, including all Trig Points, Names, Preview Map, etc [only from the SMC contour map tiles].


It covers the south coast including all of the Isle of Wight to the easten tip of the mainland coast; north to above London and west across to past Oxford.


I have checked it out in GPSMapEdit and it looks fine.


If anyone else wants to use these on low memory Garmin models then let me know as I can update this mapset too; but probably less frequently.





If I put this map onto my Oregon, will it then enable the GPS to build it's own route to a destination?

Can I also run this map at the same time as talkytoasters maps?

I believe that is the idea with the routable mapset, although I have not tried it as I have no use for that facility.


As to using both mine and the routable mapsets, you will I believe, have to either have each one on a seperate MicroSD card, or you might be able to switch by having one mapset on the internal memory of the Oregon, and the other on the MicroSD card. Some suggestions how this might work can be found here: http://garminoregon.wikispaces.com/Maps#toc18


Hope this helps?





Sadly I get an error, routable maps not available in this area :D

Which then leaves me the dilema ;) , do I use my exisitng base maps and routable maps (locked to Micro SD Card) or your superb free maps once I get out of the car!


Is there a way I can fit multiple mapsets on to one card? I have tried google but calling it gmapsup2 did not work.


I sail, I cache, I drive. I really dont want to step from the boat on to the pontoon change memory cards then do it again as I get in the car!


Any advice most apprechiated.


Thanks GerritS


Hi Everyone.


Firstly thanks to Martin (and others), for all the work on the maps.

Secondly, I am having problems downloading the latest OpenStreetMap (UK + contours) onto my new eTrex Legend HCx.


I have saved the zipped file on my computer and have used Winzip to extract it but the file that I end up with is still a .zip file. Does anyone know what I may be doing wrong?

Does it have to be a IMG file to work?


Big "Thank You" to anyone who can shine some light on this one.


I have saved the zipped file on my computer and have used Winzip to extract it but the file that I end up with is still a .zip file. Does anyone know what I may be doing wrong?

When you have unzipped it, have you actually gone to the folder you selected to unzip it to? It should be there with the full prefixed name as in the ZIP file and as listed on my site?


You could also try 7Zip to unzip it, which I personally prefer; available FREE from here: http://www.7-zip.org/


Also, have you actually got a MicroSD card for your HCX? Otherwise you will not be able to use the maps on your GPSr as it effectively has no internal memory for maps.


Apologies if this seems rather simplistic, but these are common problems and I just need to be sure. Have you also read through the FAQ I have up on my site as it covers most other common issues that users encounter?


Does it have to be a IMG file to work?

Yes, it must be the raw IMG file named GMAPSUPP.IMG to work on Garmin GPSrs (on the Oregon there are other names that are supported).


Feel free to contact me directly through my profile if you are still stuck.


Hope this helps?





;):D:D Thanks Martin.


Used 7 Zip to extract the files and now have mapset installed on my Legend. Great stuff!


I don't know why WinZip didn't work. I also tried WinRar and that didn't work either. Never mind. All's well that ends well!





This thread got me looking at OpenStreetMap (OSM), which seems to be an excellent resource and after a few evenings I am happy editing and adding to maps.


More importantly the ability to convert the OSM maps, for wherever you like, into a Garmin .img file using the neat mkgmap software is excellent.


I have just experimented with the Channel Islands and now have bespoke maps on a micro SD card to use.


If you haven't had a dig into this and have a garmin then try it, after a few hours practise you can have really detailed maps on your GPSR for any area in the world.


Thanks for drawing attention to this area of mapping to me.


Hi All

Its Me again, i have downloaded the maps that martin produced for the south of england Thanks Martin.

However i dont seem to be able to get them on my Garmin Venture HC, does any one know how?

When i connect to my pc the gps does not show up as an additional drive, and the only way i can download any info seems to be via the Garmin Mapsource soft ware that came with it. But this software will not open the map or allow it to be imported.

Does anyone know if there is an alternative that will communicate with the gps?

Also Martin I found one of your hide over the weekend, it seemed to be a long way from Horsham for your first one! Whats up not enough hidey holes up there for you!


Thanks for all the help so far



Hi All

Its Me again, i have downloaded the maps that martin produced for the south of england Thanks Martin.

However i dont seem to be able to get them on my Garmin Venture HC, does any one know how?

When i connect to my pc the gps does not show up as an additional drive, and the only way i can download any info seems to be via the Garmin Mapsource soft ware that came with it. But this software will not open the map or allow it to be imported.

Does anyone know if there is an alternative that will communicate with the gps?

Also Martin I found one of your hide over the weekend, it seemed to be a long way from Horsham for your first one! Whats up not enough hidey holes up there for you!


Thanks for all the help so far



Try this :D



Posted (edited)

Hi All

Its Me again, i have downloaded the maps that martin produced for the south of england Thanks Martin.

However i dont seem to be able to get them on my Garmin Venture HC, does any one know how?

When i connect to my pc the gps does not show up as an additional drive, and the only way i can download any info seems to be via the Garmin Mapsource soft ware that came with it. But this software will not open the map or allow it to be imported.

Does anyone know if there is an alternative that will communicate with the gps?

Also Martin I found one of your hide over the weekend, it seemed to be a long way from Horsham for your first one! Whats up not enough hidey holes up there for you!


Thanks for all the help so far




Try this :D




Hi Matrix

The unit i have is the Venture HC not the HCX and us such has no mass storage as in the x for a card. When i try and view through windows explorer the unit is not shown as an extra drive, as it does on my colorado. I know it has memory built in but i canno find the drive for it.

Any other Ideas


Edited by burtsbodgers
Posted (edited)

Hi All

Its Me again, i have downloaded the maps that martin produced for the south of england Thanks Martin.

However i dont seem to be able to get them on my Garmin Venture HC, does any one know how?

Use the sendmap20 program as mentioned on my site, here's a link to the program: http://www.cgpsmapper.com/download/sendmap20.zip


Very easy to use, extract the files to a directory. Run the Sendmap20.exe file, select the map file (IMG) and then makes sure the GPSr is attached to the computer via USB and on, then press Send To GPS. Job done.


Also Martin I found one of your hide over the weekend, it seemed to be a long way from Horsham for your first one! Whats up not enough hidey holes up there for you!

My main office is down that way, but I work from home most of the time. I decided to place one there a few months after starting with this addiction ;-)


Don't worry I have another 50 in the Horsham area, and more planned.




Edited by talkytoaster

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