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Tell me about dipping


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What is the intended purpose of dipping?


I think I have seen cachers dipping their own and running up big miles but isn't this kinda not the right thing?


So would I dip the TB of another so they get credit for my journeys until I finally drop it? Would I take a TB to Idaho, dip it, then bring it back near home and dip again and keep it in my possession and keep doing this? If I make frequent business trips to the same location, would I dip the TB each time I go to rack up mileage?


For cachers who have those magnetic TBs that go on your car, or a decal on your window, does the owner dip that as the travel to hides, or do others who see it log it?


Guess I am just lost in the self dipping part. Dipping the TB of another is less mystical. Not really concerned about the ethics of others, just would like to know the intent of its use.




Lots of people have a personal TB that they carry with them. As they log caches they "dip" the TB in and out so that it keeps track of the mileage between caches.


Its their own TB so this is fine.


Also, if you grab a TB from a cache and carry it with you to a few others the same day or over a period of time you can "dip" the TB in and out of each cache you visit. This allows the owner of the TB so see where their TB has been. Eventually you should drop it. But dipping it for a bit is fine.


One of the best TB times I have ever had was watching a guy take my TB and "dip" it into caches all over the Middle East. Instead of just dropping it some place it visited many caches and I could track where it was going and had been.


Lots of people have a personal TB that they carry with them. As they log caches they "dip" the TB in and out so that it keeps track of the mileage between caches.


I know WHY people dip TBs and such, its just that I don't GET IT! I personally do not see any real benefit derived from doing so. Nonetheless, this is a sport where anything is possible and I do not chide my fellow cachers if they choose to "dip" TBs. If they get some enjoyment out if doing so, more power to them. I just don't see any benefit or challenge for me to do the same. Each to their own in how they play the game.


Dipping just recently came on my geocaching radar when I picked up a Geocoin and the owner emailed me and asked me to take it along with me for a few caches so she could get credit for miles and another state (Oregon) before I took it into Washington. I was happy to do this for another cacher and in fact took photos of the coin near all of the caches I logged it in and out of.


I understand what you mean be questioning the ethics of this practice. But if it's one thing I've learned about the game, the sport of Geocaching, it's is different things to different people. There are variations on how to play.


For instance, I choose not to "discover" trackables. This means logging that you saw them in a cache or at an event. I prefer to only log trackables that I actually help move from cache to cache. Many cachers consider it part of their game to discover trackables.


I recently bought several GeoGems. I have no intension of letting these out into the wild. Around here, cool coins are always ending up missing in action. I can imagine that a nice looking (fake) gem will fall the same fate. So, I will keep these with me and log them in and out (dip) them while I'm out caching. I will also take photos of them at these dipped caches. I might eventually figure out a way to affix these GeoGems to a walking staff/stick so that others may discover them if they want to while I'm out caching.


So, yes, dipping is what some do, and some will choose not to do. It's all in how you play the game.


I understand what you mean be questioning the ethics of this practise. But if it's one thing I've learned about the game, the sport of Geocaching, it's is different things to different people. There are variations on how to play.

For instance, I choose not to "discover" trackables. This means logging that you saw them in a cache or at an event. I prefer to only log trackables that I actually help move from cache to cache. Many cachers consider it part of their game to discover trackables.

So, yes, dipping is what some do, and some will choose not to do. It's all in how you play the game.


It's not the ethics of it that I question, it's just the interest in actually dipping trackables. There is no right or wrong to be discussed. It's more like which sport is more interesting - baseball or cricket? Baseball I get and I like it. Cricket, I just don't get at all.


Discovering trackables I do like, to me it's just a way of logging that I saw a nice unique item. However, when I attend a local event some of my fellow cachers have broken it down the task to just writing the codes down on a piece of paper and then distributing for all to "discover". However, I don't get to actually pick up and look at the actual trackable item. At that point I just lose interest. It's fine if my other caching friends like to do it, I just don't participate like they do.


However, I do something that a number of my caching colleagues don't do and that is keeping a large collection of coins. I collect them by buying pairs of coins, putting one of the coins out for distribution into the game and I keep one for my own display and to show off! Yes, its a bit more expensive but it is my way of celebrating the sport.


Now if you want to insert "ethics" into the conversation here - I think it is wrong for people to take coins out of the game's circulation and essentially steal the coins and put them into their own private collection. That I will never do. But I also understand that once a trackable is released into the wild that I may as well consider it gone and I will never see it again. My released trackable will probably only last a few months and then end up in somebody's private pocket. I reserve the right to curse them to H.E.L.L. !!! :):D


I did this with my dog's travel bug and I will probably get one for my new dog... I use it to keep track of which caches I visited where I brought my dog along. This allows me to track where I brought my dog, see how far she's traveled with me. It also allows me to keep a list of the caches my dog visited which I need to log for a Geocaching merit badge from Dog Scouts of America where they require a certain number of caches.


I thought about dipping this thread in the Luxembourg forum before moving it on to the Travel Bug forum, but I didn't want Eartha to slap me for an impermissible virtual movement.

  • Funny 1

I have a coin that I used to dip. I stopped after it became too much of a burden as I DO like to watch my numbers (go up). Besides, INATN now calculates my milage for me. I would imagine GSAK does too, or soon will.


I have a coin that I used to dip. I stopped after it became too much of a burden as I DO like to watch my numbers (go up). Besides, INATN now calculates my milage for me. I would imagine GSAK does too, or soon will.

GSAK has had a macro around for a while, that will tell you how many mile's you've accumulated. It will even put mileage in as how many time's that would equal around the world, and even to the moon.


OK. Well then.... got it. But I did like the double dipping line the most.


So dipping didn't have a specific intention, it just kinda grew into being. Wonder what is the most times a single TB has been dipped. Oh, well. that is a question for another day.




I've dipped TB's or coin's for all sort's of reason's. Some to drop off in the area we where out caching in but handed over the TB to the person I was caching with. It was there with me just didn't leave it. So I'll drop it in a cache and they will grab it. Kind of keeps a better track of the trackable's mileage. Some of my own coin's that I are in my collection that I won't send out, I'll some time's dip them into an event or a cache I really like. It makes for a easy way to look back at some of the cache's I've enjoyed. Just look where the coin has been.


I did used to dip a personal coin for mileage but gave up on that a long time ago and have found other means to keep track of that sort of thing.


I've also had a friend's coin in my hand's for the past year or so, and I took it on vacation with me and I dipped it in to a couple of caches on my trip. This gave them a way to check out what we did on our vacation. Plus I did dip it into one of the great lakes while on our trip. Got pic's to prove that. :(


I've had people dip one of my coin's while they where on a trip so it was logged into another state too.


There's all sort's of reason's while someone will dip a trackable. It's all in fun whatever the reason for the dipping. A trackable can play a part in a whole other side game if you want.


I know WHY people dip TBs and such, its just that I don't GET IT! I personally do not see any real benefit derived from doing so. Nonetheless, this is a sport where anything is possible and I do not chide my fellow cachers if they choose to "dip" TBs. If they get some enjoyment out if doing so, more power to them. I just don't see any benefit or challenge for me to do the same. Each to their own in how they play the game.


Dipping my "geo-dipper" into a cache definitely is a good way for me to track my cache visits for miles.


I also copy the "find" entries I leave at each cache into the dipper entry for my personal TB so that i always have a record or journal of my own adventures.


Toss in that my geo-dipper allows me something I can use and place in photos to show my presence at a location for places like Virtual Caches or Earth Caches where you normally have to include a photo of yourself to get credit.


Hard to do when you are running solo and using a regular 35mm and not a point-and-shoot. ... so easier to photograph the object ... and much more personal than an image of my GPS device. :laughing:


I have two personal coins that I dip for mileage. One I dip at only one cache when out on a caching trip away from home and then on return dip it in one of my own caches close to home. The other is to record countries I have cached in (Canada, USA, New Zealand & Portugal) dip in one cache in each new country and then in the same near home cache. I also dip all my new trackables in this same near home cache so that when I finally place them in a cache like the one I started in New Zealand they start with some great mileage (for me it is all about numbers). In the case on the NZ one it is still there after 18 months, moved frequently but not far(very small country). Whatever works. I delete all the dipping logs in my near home cache otherwise it would look far to busy, its old and not found too much anymore.


I personally have no problem with people dipping EXCEPT when they dip into caches that the bug could not possibly ever be in. For instance, I have a couple of nanos out there that have a few TBs logged into them. There's no way a TB can fit into a nano and as a result I've had a few people make comments about the fact that the TBs being on the cache info page led them to be looking for something much bigger than what they eventually did or did not find.


I'd like to see either a caching miles function for premium users like a TB map or to see TB drops disabled for certain caches (perhaps at the owners discretion) but only those that are micros or nanos

  • Love 1

I personally have no problem with people dipping EXCEPT when they dip into caches that the bug could not possibly ever be in. For instance, I have a couple of nanos out there that have a few TBs logged into them. There's no way a TB can fit into a nano and as a result I've had a few people make comments about the fact that the TBs being on the cache info page led them to be looking for something much bigger than what they eventually did or did not find.


I'd like to see either a caching miles function for premium users like a TB map or to see TB drops disabled for certain caches (perhaps at the owners discretion) but only those that are micros or nanos


I can understand dipping the bug through a nano if it had been at the cache site, but I agree, no one should be leaving the bug listed there if it's not.


I've seen people leave bugs under a rock or log when they couldn't get it to fit into the cache. "I couldn't get it to fit so look for the bug 25 feet west of here." The bug goes missing after that. :laughing:

Wonder what is the most times a single TB has been dipped. Oh, well. that is a question for another day.


Not sure about most dipped but certainly one of the most traveled. Worldtraveler


OK, now on my "gotta find this cache list"....some cache hidden by "worldtraveler"


I have a coin that I used to dip. I stopped after it became too much of a burden as I DO like to watch my numbers (go up). Besides, INATN now calculates my milage for me. I would imagine GSAK does too, or soon will.

GSAK has had a macro around for a while, that will tell you how many mile's you've accumulated. It will even put mileage in as how many time's that would equal around the world, and even to the moon.


I'm trying to understand about dipping because I'm new to this and want to track my travels. It is tedious to do. Also, I guess I would also have to dip it in a cache close to home at the end of a day of caching so it tracks the travel back to home.


I'm interested in the GSAK macro. That seems much easier. Do you know what it is called?




I'm trying to understand about dipping because I'm new to this and want to track my travels. It is tedious to do. Also, I guess I would also have to dip it in a cache close to home at the end of a day of caching so it tracks the travel back to home.


I'm interested in the GSAK macro. That seems much easier. Do you know what it is called?




Check this thread: How to run FindStateGen3 statistics


I'm trying to understand about dipping because I'm new to this and want to track my travels. It is tedious to do. Also, I guess I would also have to dip it in a cache close to home at the end of a day of caching so it tracks the travel back to home.


I'm interested in the GSAK macro. That seems much easier. Do you know what it is called?




Check this thread: How to run FindStateGen3 statistics


Okay, I'll have to give that a try. Thanks!


I once dipped a frisbee golf disc into a cache that would not hold it simply because it's goal was to visit as many frisbee golf courses that it could. I eventually dropped it into another frisbee golf cache and to my satisfaction I had helped the bug on it's way twice! I think dipping is ok, in my opinion. Keep on caching!


I can onderstand the OP, I don't really get it either.

I had a TB recently that came from a Technical museum in the Czech Republic, it wanted to visit technical or historical landmarks and museum and take photos there. I didn't have much time to go to a museum so the other day I set out a nice route along the tech university in Delft, and the old site of the technical museum there where I'd been once. There was a micro cache there which I logged, I took pictures of the TB there but hadn't thought about dipping it at all. I left the TB in a cache near the tech university where it fitted and posted the pics and cache numbers I took it to in the TB log.


I get confused when I see that there's been TB's and (normal sized) coins in micro caches. When I see that the cache has a history of having TB's I assume that they fit. Now I know that doesn't have to be true if there's dipping involved. But I don't really get it. I keep my GSAK/Findstatsgen statistics and that's fine with me.


What is the intended purpose of dipping?


I think I have seen cachers dipping their own and running up big miles but isn't this kinda not the right thing?


So would I dip the TB of another so they get credit for my journeys until I finally drop it? Would I take a TB to Idaho, dip it, then bring it back near home and dip again and keep it in my possession and keep doing this? If I make frequent business trips to the same location, would I dip the TB each time I go to rack up mileage?


For cachers who have those magnetic TBs that go on your car, or a decal on your window, does the owner dip that as the travel to hides, or do others who see it log it?


Guess I am just lost in the self dipping part. Dipping the TB of another is less mystical. Not really concerned about the ethics of others, just would like to know the intent of its use.




I'd just like to add that I would strongly discourage double dipping. It doesn't make anyone happy and it is kind gross if you stop and think about it.



For cachers who have those magnetic TBs that go on your car, or a decal on your window, does the owner dip that as the travel to hides, or do others who see it log it?



I am a real newbie when it comes to the dipping thing. I do get the why part. Now the how to log 'dipping'? Do I just mark it as placed in the cache then immediately log it back out? This is indeed a time consuming thing to do. I think I will look into some of the tracking software mentioned in the thread.


Now, about the car TB's- I assumed if I got one it would be for other geocachers to see and log- am I right?

Do I just mark it as placed in the cache then immediately log it back out? This is indeed a time consuming thing to do.


Yep, you would normally do the drop when you are logging the cache and then retrieve it right back out.


Now, about the car TB's- I assumed if I got one it would be for other geocachers to see and log- am I right?


Correct. People just come across the bug while out and about and log a Discover on it.


I am a dipper! :) If I am going on a trip I will usually find a local TB that I will take and dip into all the caches I visit. Along with logging the find I also log that I dropped and picked up the TB. I also write a log for each drop and pickup. I end up getting some great feedback from the TB owners, along with a lot of the cache owners.


It's all about the fun, and the experience.


I am a dipper! :) If I am going on a trip I will usually find a local TB that I will take and dip into all the caches I visit. Along with logging the find I also log that I dropped and picked up the TB. I also write a log for each drop and pickup. I end up getting some great feedback from the TB owners, along with a lot of the cache owners.


It's all about the fun, and the experience.


ayep. Take pictures, tell stories, have fun.


Lots of people have a personal TB that they carry with them. As they log caches they "dip" the TB in and out so that it keeps track of the mileage between caches.


I know WHY people dip TBs and such, its just that I don't GET IT! I personally do not see any real benefit derived from doing so. Nonetheless, this is a sport where anything is possible and I do not chide my fellow cachers if they choose to "dip" TBs. If they get some enjoyment out if doing so, more power to them. I just don't see any benefit or challenge for me to do the same. Each to their own in how they play the game.


I am with ya! I kinda don't get it because what does it really matter? I suppose to folks like this it is absolutely a numbers game. Me, I don't care, I do it because I enjoy it, I don't care how many caches I have or how many I have found, or how far I have traveled while doing so. I just enjoy it. It is kind of like counting your steps as you walk around the track 3 miles...lol My husband does that....lol So I guess to each his own. Enjoy!


I personally have no problem with people dipping EXCEPT when they dip into caches that the bug could not possibly ever be in. For instance, I have a couple of nanos out there that have a few TBs logged into them. There's no way a TB can fit into a nano and as a result I've had a few people make comments about the fact that the TBs being on the cache info page led them to be looking for something much bigger than what they eventually did or did not find.


I'd like to see either a caching miles function for premium users like a TB map or to see TB drops disabled for certain caches (perhaps at the owners discretion) but only those that are micros or nanos


While we see much validity in your case (particularly the matter of leading cachers to be looking for something bigger than it really is), we have personally encountered a situation where a geocoin was dropped into a Bison tube micro. Being curious as to why it was so logged, we went to the cache and found the geocoin hanging next to the bison tube (both being well hidden). Other than the fact that the geocoin didn't actually fit inside the actual cache, we see no reason for not logging it as such. (However, this is also another reason why in nearly all cases we discourage micros.)


Our best recommendation for addressing the size perception is to simply include that in your cache description. I have seen many descriptions indicate they were nanos, so why couldn't a line be included indicating that "despite any traveler that may have been logged into this cache, it is a nano".


Finally, if we have a traveler that wants to visit other states, and it does, but we only were able to find a few micros while passing through, shouldn't it get credit for having visited the other states?


Good luck in your geocaching endeavors!




Last year I bought a Signal antenna topper for my car. A couple of weeks ago it came off in the car wash. I started thinking about making it a personal travel bug.


My question is: can I go back and dip it into caches that I've visited since I started caching over a year ago?

I personally have no problem with people dipping EXCEPT when they dip into caches that the bug could not possibly ever be in. For instance, I have a couple of nanos out there that have a few TBs logged into them. There's no way a TB can fit into a nano and as a result I've had a few people make comments about the fact that the TBs being on the cache info page led them to be looking for something much bigger than what they eventually did or did not find.


I'd like to see either a caching miles function for premium users like a TB map or to see TB drops disabled for certain caches (perhaps at the owners discretion) but only those that are micros or nanos


I am of the opinion that if someone takes a personal geocoin to a cache and records the visit (by taking a picture of the coin next to the nano) this is good and they should get the credit. Isn't this the point- that the coin is physically logging the miles with the person?


I'm a big dipper - I just love to dip. Sometimes I dip, well more like a Dump our entire collection of coins in an event...


If I like a cache I might dip a couple...


Like if I found it - I dip our Found it coin.


If it's an evil micro - I dip our evil micro.


I dump in events to log the history of the collection... Course it floods the cache page TB history log too... Another bonus..


I do not dip for miles... I don't dip for numbers. I just like to dip. I even like to skinny dip... Dipp'n is just what I do...That's it!


It's all about the Journey to us. Just shut up and Dip... LOL That's a phrase from a fishing and shrimping club we belong to... Never new it had other applications.. See life is like a box of Chocolates after all.


Well, I'm dipp'n (another term for leaving to go someplace).


I'm a big dipper - I just love to dip. Sometimes I dip, well more like a Dump our entire collection of coins in an event...


If I like a cache I might dip a couple...


Like if I found it - I dip our Found it coin.


If it's an evil micro - I dip our evil micro.


I dump in events to log the history of the collection... Course it floods the cache page TB history log too... Another bonus..


I do not dip for miles... I don't dip for numbers. I just like to dip. I even like to skinny dip... Dipp'n is just what I do...That's it!


It's all about the Journey to us. Just shut up and Dip... LOL That's a phrase from a fishing and shrimping club we belong to... Never new it had other applications.. See life is like a box of Chocolates after all.


Well, I'm dipp'n (another term for leaving to go someplace).


We have carried two coins with us that belong to other cachers and have dipped them to share our caching adventures with them. After about 25,000 miles each we released one and placed the other so that the owner could get it...We enjoy watching the journeys of trackables that mean something to us,.


Newbie here. Tell me if I am correct: I understand dipping to be dropping off a TB in a cache when the visit is logged, then writing a note for the same cache and retrieving the TB that was just dropped. Is that right? Can anyone point me to a cache that has had a TB dipped so I can see the process?


What are your thoughts for dipping in the following situtations:

1. A TB that wants to "visit" as many caches as possible. (I say dip in all the caches I visit and drop in the last one that I visit day or week)

2. I have a TB that to drop, but it won't fit the cache (I say dip until I find a cache where it will fit)

3. A TB w/ a specific geographic goal (i.e-Toms River, NJ or Civil War sites) (I say DON'T dip but help get it on its way)




Posted (edited)

Newbie here. Tell me if I am correct: I understand dipping to be dropping off a TB in a cache when the visit is logged, then writing a note for the same cache and retrieving the TB that was just dropped. Is that right? Can anyone point me to a cache that has had a TB dipped so I can see the process?


What are your thoughts for dipping in the following situtations:

1. A TB that wants to "visit" as many caches as possible. (I say dip in all the caches I visit and drop in the last one that I visit day or week)

2. I have a TB that to drop, but it won't fit the cache (I say dip until I find a cache where it will fit)

3. A TB w/ a specific geographic goal (i.e-Toms River, NJ or Civil War sites) (I say DON'T dip but help get it on its way)





Typically a bug will get dropped along with a Found it log so there no indication on the cache page that a bug was dipped. There's no second cache log when the bug is retrieved. The bug will simply show Placed/Retrieved by the same cacher. Shaky Bacon


A bug should get credit for any cache it has visited. Some bug owners will get annoyed if their bug is routinely Dipped but never released to be picked up by another cacher. If you plan on taking the bug on a long trip you might want to check with the owner to see what they prefer. Just as a courtesy.


Bugs can be logged through any cache, any size except Earthcaches and webcam caches.


A bug should not be logged through caches it or the holder has never visited. Just being in the area does not allow them to be logged in the nearest unvisited cache.

Edited by BlueDeuce
Posted (edited)

Typically a bug will get dropped along with a Found it log so there no indication on the cache page that a bug was dipped. There's no second cache log when the bug is retrieved. The bug will simply show Placed/Retrieved by the same cacher. Shaky Bacon


Ok I looked at shaky bacon. I saw no log for North Cedar indicating Blue Duece visited, dropped a TB, nothing. On the log for Caching at the bank, i saw a find for blue duece. tell me if I am correct in what i think happened. Ok here goes:

blue duece logged a note at N. Cedar and dropped shaky to start his mileage tracking, then he somehow grabbed it from n cedar. after that he deleted the note on the cache log.

Next he logged a find at cachin bank at which time he dropped shaky. then he retrieved shaky somehow.


from my own explanation, I am confused how Blue Duece was able to retrieve Shaky from the cache w/o a log.


Also where will the "bug show placed/retrieved"? on the TB page?


thanks for the help...I really appreciate it.

Edited by ralitaco
Posted (edited)

When you Retrieve a bug from a cache you access the bug page and select Found it? Log it! (or Add a log entry if you are the bug owner) then select Type of log Retrieve.


You might goto the cache page to access the bug listing but you don't use the cache logging to do the Retrieve.


I have a personal travel bug that I log through every cache I visit. When I find a cache I go online and post my Found it log. Just before I submit I select my bug in my drop inventory and click Ok. After I post my Found it log I re-access the cache page, click on my bug listed there and do the Retrieve from the bug page.


For the most part no one ever sees my bug listed or notices the drop.


If I am revisiting a cache I'll post a Note and drop the bug. I immediately get the option to delete the note. Again I access the bug page and Retrieve it right back out. It takes less than 10 seconds and the owner only sees the email generated from when I posted the note.

Edited by BlueDeuce

Sometimes you might forget to drop the bug in the cache that you actually dropped it in, but you have already logged your find. You can do a Write a Note and then select the bug from your inventory and submit. You can select more than one bug with the Shift or CTRL (selectively pick randomly from inventory)


Around here in these parts most folks that write a note to dip / drop in caches like event caches, delete the posting after the dip or drop. Not sure if that's a good thing after a drop but totally agree with it on the dip. I'm to lazy to go the extra step most times and folks still seem to accept me.


i only thing i remember reading about dipping is if a bug shows up at the same cache more then a certain number of times - they cancel your bug or geocaching account depending on how often you do it - THEY CALL IT DOUBLE DIPPING


Anybody ever write a note or make a design on a map by dipping? While looking at the maps of the travels of Geo coins, I thought it wouldn't be that hard to do. Seemed a person could lay out a design by dipping it in the right caches, at the right cords, & make a star or some such.



One of the best TB times I have ever had was watching a guy take my TB and "dip" it into caches all over the Middle East. Instead of just dropping it some place it visited many caches and I could track where it was going and had been.


this is a perfect example where dipping can be a good thing. That poor bug may have stayed there for months had the cacher left it in a seldom found cache. One of my own bugs stayed in a cache for 8 months waiting for someone to go the lengh to find a difficult cache. I would have much rather seen it dipped instead of left to rot


I had never heard of 'dipping' until this week.  I was especially curious because I have 4 travel bugs that I took with me on my trip out west.  I live in Indiana. I picked these up in the Bahamas and wanted to drop them in one of the 4 states I traveled (WA, WY, ID, MT).  I found caches in all four states but none of them were big enough to 'drop' a bug.  I ended up bringing them back home with me.  I really wanted to give credit for them having been at all the caches but I couldn't see how.  Dipping them would be perfect but I didn't take pix of them next to any of them b/c I didn't know about dipping.  Is it too late for me to log them as having been at the caches in these states?

23 minutes ago, ernurse21 said:

Is it too late for me to log them as having been at the caches in these states?

No. Using the website, go to your logs on those caches, and click on "View / Edit Log / Images". Then click the pencil icon to edit your log. At the bottom will be a list of the TBs you have in your inventory. Select "Visited" on the ones you want to "dip", then submit your log entry. Voila!

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