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Mystery Halloween Geocoin


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Nah, if you can find them ( seems to be hard around here except at Halloween :D ) You gotta eat Kraft - they aren't as sweet as Brach's and Almost as a caramel should taste :):)


As far as Peeps go . . . ever put them into the microwave for say 6 seconds :D ?


No No No you have to freeze them over night. Crunchy peeps are yumm-o! And I cant wait to see more coin looks like a full halloween theme and even looks like it's glow in the dark!

I might be willing to try those frozen ones, but I was traumatized by Peeps as a child. My Mom used to take them out of the package and seperate them before putting them into the Easter Bashet with all that green grass stuff. Needless to say...It was a MESS. Besides, I'm not a fan of marshmallow anyway!


Well then, You won't want to try it where you melt the caramel then dip the marshmallow in to coat it and let it dry ;) Yummo ( peeps are "phony" marshmallows)


Pssst, the coin is now up to $8.57 :D




Nah, if you can find them ( seems to be hard around here except at Halloween :D ) You gotta eat Kraft - they aren't as sweet as Brach's and Almost as a caramel should taste :):)


As far as Peeps go . . . ever put them into the microwave for say 6 seconds :D ?


No No No you have to freeze them over night. Crunchy peeps are yumm-o! And I cant wait to see more coin looks like a full halloween theme and even looks like it's glow in the dark!

I might be willing to try those frozen ones, but I was traumatized by Peeps as a child. My Mom used to take them out of the package and seperate them before putting them into the Easter Bashet with all that green grass stuff. Needless to say...It was a MESS. Besides, I'm not a fan of marshmallow anyway!


Well then, You won't want to try it where you melt the caramel then dip the marshmallow in to coat it and let it dry ;) Yummo ( peeps are "phony" marshmallows)


Pssst, the coin is now up to $8.57 :D

You're getting a little too CREATIVE with that candy, I think. Anyway, I only paid $8.17 for mine! Neener, Neener, Neener!!


Of course can only stand to eat a couple of pieces at a time :)


I'm a candy corn freak!!

I absolutely love them!!

In fact, I was munching on a pile of them when the idea for this coin came to mind!! :D

That sweet sugary taste can be pretty overwelming though, after about a half a bag!! :D:D


I also love Caramels!

A few weeks ago I found a bag of "Brach's Milk Maid Caramel Candy Corn". I thought "HEAVEN!"

EEEEK!! Now those things have a definate sugar overload!! 5-6 pieces and even "I" have to stop eating them.

That's the reason I knew the exact name of them. I read the bag because I haven't eaten them all just yet. :)


Anyone for a PEEPS Ghost? ;)


D-man :D


Look at this: Brach's Milk Maid CHOCOLATE Caramel Candy Corn


To keep this post on topic, looks like glow-in-the-dark ghosts to me. :D


"Look at this: Brach's Milk Maid CHOCOLATE Caramel Candy Corn"

YES , indeed :) - I KNOW


"To keep this post on topic, looks like glow-in-the-dark ghosts to me. "

I was thinking the same thing . . . COOL


Of course can only stand to eat a couple of pieces at a time :)


I'm a candy corn freak!!

I absolutely love them!!

In fact, I was munching on a pile of them when the idea for this coin came to mind!! :D

That sweet sugary taste can be pretty overwelming though, after about a half a bag!! :D:D


I also love Caramels!

A few weeks ago I found a bag of "Brach's Milk Maid Caramel Candy Corn". I thought "HEAVEN!"

EEEEK!! Now those things have a definate sugar overload!! 5-6 pieces and even "I" have to stop eating them.

That's the reason I knew the exact name of them. I read the bag because I haven't eaten them all just yet. :)


Anyone for a PEEPS Ghost? ;)


D-man :D


Look at this: Brach's Milk Maid CHOCOLATE Caramel Candy Corn


To keep this post on topic, looks like glow-in-the-dark ghosts to me. :D

Thats it I have had enough of this candy stuff and it is making me hungry for some.

Now I am going to have to go and get some.

But i will not buy to much so i can save some money to buy more of these Mystery Halloween Geocoins.

They are starting to look better and better.

Visit The Presales At Geoswag For Your Mystery Halloween Geocoin Right Here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Pssst, the coin is now up to $8.57 ;)

You're getting a little too CREATIVE with that candy, I think. Anyway, I only paid $8.17 for mine! Neener, Neener, Neener!!

Well, I paid $7.47! So there...


Can't wait to get them, the bits in the preview look great!



What in heavens name is Candy Corn?


Marshmellow? Caramel? :):D


This topic about the Mystery Halloween coin is been so much fun to read. Not to mention I got a bunch of candy corn and marshmellows in my Halloween Mission yesterday, ooh And I got pretzels too. hmmm....may have to experiement with something using all of these. My hubby wanted all the stuff already, will make him a snack and see what he thinks of it. He likes when I bake for him.



The Mystery coin is looking pretty cool, been trying to put peices together on how it is going to look. and not to mention I hope it does glow, those are our favorite kinds geocoins.


"ElliPirelli - What in heavens name is Candy Corn?"

THIS is candy corn:


Don't forget about the candy pumpkins:


ANDlast but not least - Autumn Mix:



And the top picture is what appears to be on the coin :santa::rolleyes:


This topic about the Mystery Halloween coin is been so much fun to read. Not to mention I got a bunch of candy corn and marshmellows in my Halloween Mission yesterday, ooh And I got pretzels too. hmmm....may have to experiement with something using all of these. My hubby wanted all the stuff already, will make him a snack and see what he thinks of it. He likes when I bake for him.



The Mystery coin is looking pretty cool, been trying to put peices together on how it is going to look. and not to mention I hope it does glow, those are our favorite kinds geocoins.

I hope it just the Geocoin that glows and not the things you are giving him to snack on.

HUMMM is there Glowing candy???


Pssst, the coin is now up to $8.57 :santa:

You're getting a little too CREATIVE with that candy, I think. Anyway, I only paid $8.17 for mine! Neener, Neener, Neener!!

Well, I paid $7.47! So there...


Can't wait to get them, the bits in the preview look great!



What in heavens name is Candy Corn?


Marshmellow? Caramel? :rolleyes::santa:


I've got candy corn from team fireboy..........mm yammy...taste like...............i don't know..................very sweet..............but yammie. :santa::santa::santa:



Posted (edited)

"ElliPirelli - What in heavens name is Candy Corn?"

THIS is candy corn:


Don't forget about the candy pumpkins:


ANDlast but not least - Autumn Mix:



And the top picture is what appears to be on the coin :santa::santa:


But you HAVE to buy BRACH'S brand!!

Other's just taste like sugared wax. :rolleyes:


I can remember the Autumn Mix at one time had Maple Flavored Corn Cob shapes. I really miss those. :santa:

I guess they dropped them from the mix because the flavor would be absorbed by the rest of the candy as well if they sat around too long without being eaten.


On Topic: :santa: The ghost were designed to be white. But, from the first preview pic, it looks like guys at Geoswag.com made an executive decision to make them glow.

Good Call! :santa:

I guess that's why they make the big bucks!! :santa:


D-man :santa:

Edited by gridlox

This topic about the Mystery Halloween coin is been so much fun to read. Not to mention I got a bunch of candy corn and marshmellows in my Halloween Mission yesterday, ooh And I got pretzels too. hmmm....may have to experiement with something using all of these. My hubby wanted all the stuff already, will make him a snack and see what he thinks of it. He likes when I bake for him.



The Mystery coin is looking pretty cool, been trying to put peices together on how it is going to look. and not to mention I hope it does glow, those are our favorite kinds geocoins.

I hope it just the Geocoin that glows and not the things you are giving him to snack on.

HUMMM is there Glowing candy???


You are so funny River Cacher, yes meant the coin glowing, not the candy glowing. I love my husband to much to want to do anything to hurt him. :santa: So excited to see more pics of this mystery :rolleyes: geocoin.




My question/s is how high will the price go before we see it all?? and will it arrive prior to the 31st of Oct-08?

I have no idea on the price but from what we know is it is 1.75 inches and .35mm thick with glowing ghost and what you see so far. This looks and sounds like a high Qaulity coin as normal with them.

The ship date I can not answer for sure either but I was told I will get my order before Halloween.

from what i see the coin is going to be going up on cost more so you had better get one soon.

Get Your Halloween Mystery Coin Right Here From Geoswag.com


"ElliPirelli - What in heavens name is Candy Corn?"

THIS is candy corn:




Ah - now I know what those funny yellow, white & orange stickers are with the Halloween stickers.

Well - something different.


Q - Is there any corn in the candy - or corn syrup - or is it all sweetness.


Wonder if my yet to arrive Halloween Mission will have some in it??? Always game to try something new - Have even tasted peanut butter chocolates - now that was a mouthful of stickiness!


Wonder if my yet to arrive Halloween Mission will have some in it??? Always game to try something new - Have even tasted peanut butter chocolates - now that was a mouthful of stickiness!

The trouble with those missions is, I don't know what others might have for sweets and what might be new... :D

Lots of typical German sweet are available abroad. Well at least in Ireland I could get most of my favourite brands...

So for my christmas mission I just have to take a chance. But nevertheless I already scanned the supermarket shelfes for ideas, what would be nice to send... :)



I as a chocolate and sweet addict like the idea of sweets on a coin! Can't wait to find it in my mailbox. But chances are slim to have it before Halloween...


"ElliPirelli - What in heavens name is Candy Corn?"

THIS is candy corn:




Q - Is there any corn in the candy - or corn syrup - or is it all sweetness



It is sweetness, i got a dose full from team fireboy and let the whole family taste, it is very sweet and we think it taste like............... :)


Don't tel you because when you get candy corn you most taste it yourself. :D:D


It stays so a big surprise :D






Looks to be a blood dripping "SUPERMAN" Ghost (makes me want to s c r eeeeem :):D )


PS, As far as the candy corn goes : I think it supposedly resembles a kernel of corn :D OH, It's pure SUGAR

Posted (edited)


HUURRRAAAAYYYYY HUURRRAAAAYYYYY I Got Mine I Got Mime I Got My Bag of Brachs Indian Corn.

It is the ones with the chocolate on the bottom and they sure are gooooddddddd.

Now I can not wait to get the Geocoin.

Edited by River Cacher

Looks like a S for SOUTH and a W for WEST. I bought mine before the price went up. I think the guys at geoswag do a fantastic job. I buy a lot of coins from them. (not even a inkling of this at GR, you are good at keeping secrets!)


Looks like a S for SOUTH and a W for WEST. I bought mine before the price went up. I think the guys at geoswag do a fantastic job. I buy a lot of coins from them. (not even a inkling of this at GR, you are good at keeping secrets!)


I Think you are right on all accounts.. I was trying to figure out what "S" & "W" would do with a coin :) - you know, like trying to find a word?


That, my friends, is a compass rose made of ghosties and ghoulies and longleggedy beasties and things that go bump in the night, and then candies to sweeten the pot a bit!


*just my guess, lol!


Boy, I wish I had bought one! I know I still can, but real life intrudes on the geocoin budget!


Naomi :)

Posted (edited)

That, my friends, is a compass rose made of ghosties and ghoulies and longleggedy beasties and things that go bump in the night, and then candies to sweeten the pot a bit!


*just my guess, lol!


Boy, I wish I had bought one! I know I still can, but real life intrudes on the geocoin budget!


Naomi :rolleyes:


WOW Naomi, Your mind is truly active and I bet you are right :(

Edited by fairyhoney
Posted (edited)

I tried, I really did! I tried to hold back from buying any new coins until all of the ones I have in the mail got here but I couldn't hold out anymore. Ordered two in N...oh and a complete set of Musketeers coins. Might as well go all in :rolleyes: .

Edited by kayn_os
Here's a better look at it:





WOW....It is looking more nice as it is being put together. We are so glad we ordered one, right off the bat. Thank You Mauison. What a :D AMAZING geocoin this is going to be.
Here's a better look at it:





WOW....It is looking more nice as it is being put together. We are so glad we ordered one, right off the bat. Thank You Mauison. What a :D AMAZING geocoin this is going to be.


This is just a Photoshopped version of what it more than likely will look like. There will be N and E ghosts, instead of two S and two W ghosts. It looks like a great design, wish I had bought some when they first came out! Now to see the other side!

Here's a better look at it:





WOW....It is looking more nice as it is being put together. We are so glad we ordered one, right off the bat. Thank You Mauison. What a :D AMAZING geocoin this is going to be.


This is just a Photoshopped version of what it more than likely will look like. There will be N and E ghosts, instead of two S and two W ghosts. It looks like a great design, wish I had bought some when they first came out! Now to see the other side!

Lets see will a Geocoin like this fit in with all of my Halloween Goodies.c912de93-128d-4925-bfec-6fa432f4dbcb.jpg

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