+GEO*Trailblazer 1 Posted December 24, 2007 Posted December 24, 2007 GCXWVE NSPS Geocaching Project This is what Kansas is doing as of March 15,2008. I contacted Mr.DaveD and Mr.cantuland. cantuland gave me the above link to the upcoming geocaching event. And.......from cantuland and DaveD Hey GEO*! What a coincidence! The '08 Meades Ranch Tour is going to be March 15, 2008. I submitted the event a few days ago and am awaiting approval. It should show up on the list of Kansas geocaches any day now (along with a few other caches that I submitted). As soon as it gets published, I'll start promoting. I guess I'm already promoting. As far as bench marks go, I personally know the president of Berntsen International. I would suggest ordering the disk from Berntsen. Berntsen makes bench mark disks custom made and is a well-known and well-respected company. The company that I work for has ordered Berntsen bench marks before for a Cessna airport and they have done great for years; and they were ordered before I started working for them. I also know some surveyors across Kansas who would be willing to get some hard-core GPS coordinates on a mark like that. As far as the NGS Blue Book, I'm not sure yet what route to go for that. I haven't looked into it yet. I do know that there are some disks in my area that are used for calibrating surveying instruments. They were meant to be good within themselves and not necessarily part of the larger NGS network, but they were eventually incorporated into the NGS network. (See the geocache entitled: Wichita CBL) So somehow it should be possible. David Doyle is the NGS guru who knows all about that stuff. I will bring it up with David Doyle in a few days if I get the chance. It's just before Christmas right now and in early January I'll be in Salina, Kansas, giving a speech to Kansas surveyors about the NSPS Geocaching Project (GCXWVE); David Doyle is also going to be there giving a speech about NGS stuff. I think I'm signed up to hear his speech. That will be part of the Salina Seminar Series, January 10, 11 and 12, Thursday through Saturday. A little ways west of Meades Ranch, near Hays, Kansas, is MINGO which is the world's oldest active geocache. GC30 I believe. It was the first geocache in Kansas and either the seventh or eighth geocache ever. From Mr. DaveD, Dave Doyle to me show details 6:56 PM (3 hours ago) Reply Charles Information on the process to submit a GPS for inclusion into the National Spatial Reference System can be found at: NGS Project Proposal Form http://www.ngs.noaa.gov/PROJECTS/proposals/project1.shtml You will find a variety of links at the top of the page will guide you through the process. That being said, since you are working with Ernie, who is a licensed land surveyor, in a couple of months we will be releasing an enhancement to our On Line Processing User Service (OPUS) which will allow those LSs who register with us to be able to more quickly, easily and efficiently submit GPS data for publication without alot of the hassle associated with "Blue Booking." Myself and Dr. Richard Snay will be attending the annual conference of the Kansas Society of Land Surveyors in Salina in a couple of weeks where we will give presentations on this new process. If Ernie is there it would be a good time to discuss this activity. Regards -- Dave Doyle I just thought I would start this to keep us an update on how things go and are going. I also know many things can happen and will be happy with which ever way this goes. I hope we could all meet for this moment in time and reflect upon the future of what we are doing for the good of the Nation. I am Honored and still humbled by such possitive response when I write to these great people within our benchmark community. Quote
+PFF Posted December 24, 2007 Posted December 24, 2007 (edited) Thanks for the update. The US POWER SQUADRON did not have to go to all this trouble to get DE5174; nor did they have to pay for their mark. It was set for them by the government. DE5174'THEN LEFT INTO PARKING AREA FOR THE U.S. POWER SQUARDON HEADQUARTERS DE5174'BUILDING AND THE STATION 5.66 FT. (1.73 M) NORTHEAST OF DE5174'THE FLAGPOLE. Edited December 24, 2007 by PFF Quote
DaveD Posted December 24, 2007 Posted December 24, 2007 The commemorative marker for the U.S. Power Squadrons was set by the National Geodetic Survey at the direction of the National Ocean Service, Office of Coast Survey in recognition of the 40 years of active national service provided by the Power Squadrons to the National Cooperative Charting Program -- http://nauticalcharts.noaa.gov/MCD/uspscoop/index.htm, which has been of invaluable assistance in our efforts to produce and maintain the most accurate and up to date nautical charts for safe navigation. The recovery of geodetic control markers was only a very small footnote in the rational for setting this mark. Quote
+GEO*Trailblazer 1 Posted December 24, 2007 Author Posted December 24, 2007 I feel that 40 years deserves a BM of their own. We have not been at it no where near that long. But I hope we have and will continue to provide accurate up to date data as well. In 33 years maybe we could get a COMMEMORATIVE disc set as well. If I(we) have to purchase one I will work on some way to promote and come up with some of it maybe all. Just depends on how all things go. I can not promise you anything. I am working on it now. MERRY CHRISTMAS ALL Quote
DaveD Posted December 24, 2007 Posted December 24, 2007 As I noted in my previous post, with the enhancement to OPUS coming in a few months NGS will be creating a mechanism that will allow surveyors with dual-frequency GPS to quickly get new monuments into a database that will reside at NGS - we call it OPUSDB. We are already working on this with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Surveyors who want to have their data published will need to register with NGS and give their permission for these data to be made available. It would be possible to have special geocaching marks set and published if this community would work with the National Society of Professional Surveyors (NSPS) and get them involved. Ernie Cantu from Kansas has taken a leadership role in this and may be a good place to start. Quote
+PFF Posted December 25, 2007 Posted December 25, 2007 (edited) DaveD wrote: The commemorative marker for the U.S. Power Squadrons was set by the National Geodetic Survey at the direction of the National Ocean Service, Office of Coast Survey in recognition of the 40 years of active national service provided by the Power Squadrons to the National Cooperative Charting Program.... The USPSQD's contribution is acknowledged. I was just thinking that with the large number of new benchmarks placed every year in the United States, how difficult would it be to occasionally name a station GEOCAC? Granted, it's not as colorful as DEAD DOG, SNAFU, and KUDZU. But it would be cool to have some stations with that name sprinkled here and there around the country. Sometime in 2008, we should hit the milestone of 25,000 NGS recovery reports--many of which are the first update in over 20 years. If you have a chance, please consider throwing a bone to the dogs--soon. Some of us won't be around in 33 years. -Paul- Edited December 25, 2007 by PFF Quote
Team Fawlty Posted December 25, 2007 Posted December 25, 2007 (edited) If you have a chance, please consider throwing a bone to the dogs--soon. Some of us won't be around in 33 years. Hear hear! And if we are around, we will probably be having problems with BMs of a different sort. Merry Christmas, Brendan Edited December 25, 2007 by Team Fawlty Quote
+PFF Posted December 25, 2007 Posted December 25, 2007 And if we are around, we will probably be having problems with BMs of a different sort. Now, Brendon.....You could have gone all day without saying that! -Paul- Quote
+GEO*Trailblazer 1 Posted December 26, 2007 Author Posted December 26, 2007 Wait !!! I am having... never mind. I don't think we will have to wait that long.....I hope!! Quote
+cantuland Posted December 29, 2007 Posted December 29, 2007 (edited) This is what Kansas is doing as of March 15,2008. The '08 Meades Ranch Tour is going to be March 15, 2008. I submitted the event a few days ago and am awaiting approval. It should show up on the list of Kansas geocaches any day now (along with a few other caches that I submitted). As soon as it gets published, I'll start promoting. I guess I'm already promoting. I found this thread. The '08 Tour has been published! Geodetic Center Tour '08 at Meades Ranch Saturday, March 15, 2008 10:00 a.m. N39° 14.046' ~ W98° 39.597' Geocaching.com Event GC15XVW Details available via http://tinyurl.com/2rbfrr and also with GC waypoint GC15XVW. -cantuland Edited December 29, 2007 by cantuland Quote
+GEO*Trailblazer 1 Posted December 31, 2007 Author Posted December 31, 2007 Happy New Year GEOCAC I have written to Groundspeak. No reply yet but with the Holidays it will be a while. I will post what I get. I hope we can get something really nice going for this next year. YOU ALL DESERVE IT. I know the Meads Ranch will be awesome and will see what we can do to add to it. I am still pondering this years contest. If you are really enthusiastic you could contact your States Geodetic Advisor and ask if they are looking into setting any new marks for NGS Publication. I am in that process as of the New Year. I hope to be out there more this New Year but things may be tight still for a while. I will do the best I can and hope you all have a very prosperous New Year. Thanks Ernie It still amazes me the way things clicked on this. See you in the New Year!! Quote
+GEO*Trailblazer 1 Posted January 3, 2008 Author Posted January 3, 2008 GC15XVW MEADES RANCH TOUR 2008 The event is up. We are still in the process of getting things lined out. I will keep you updated things are really looking good is all I can say right now. This is going to be awesome. Quote
tdx Posted January 3, 2008 Posted January 3, 2008 This looks like fun, I'll definitely try to keep that weekend clear for this. Quote
stvanme Posted January 3, 2008 Posted January 3, 2008 I will be in NE Oklahoma visiting relatives the weekend of the event. I'll see if I can make the "side trip". Looks like fun! Quote
+GEO*Trailblazer 1 Posted January 6, 2008 Author Posted January 6, 2008 As of this moment things are looking realllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly good for this. Everything is just falling right into place. Quote
+GEO*Trailblazer 1 Posted January 6, 2008 Author Posted January 6, 2008 I have a vision. I would like to see a GEOCAC Benchmark in all 50 States. Maybe we could make this into a game............ 1.Contact your State Geodetic Advisor and see where your State stands on this. And see if you can get it done for your State. 2.You will have to get with a State or County Surveyor to help with setting the mark,that is if you are not a surveyor yourself. I am going through The State Geodetic Advisor for Missouri and MSPS (Missouri Society of Professional Surveyors). 3.Keep us up to date here on all the details. I know we do not have benchmarkers in all 50 States but maybe one of us can do 2 or 3 states. Once I have Missouri done I will look into getting Arkansas and New Mexico. If someone does not beat me to it. I am working on some other details at the moment that until they are approved by Groundspeak I can't mention it yet. But it will be a way to help us out,hopefully. So this next week should be full of answered e-mails across the Nation so as it becomes available I will let you all know. Let me hear some thoughts on this. Thanks GEO* Quote
68-eldo Posted January 7, 2008 Posted January 7, 2008 Can you give us a step by step description on how you accomplished this? It would help us to work with the other states. Quote
+GEO*Trailblazer 1 Posted January 7, 2008 Author Posted January 7, 2008 Can you give us a step by step description on how you accomplished this? It would help us to work with the other states. No. It has not been accomplished yet. But here is what I have so far. So the first thing to do is to contact your state advisor NGS State Geodetic Advisor Program If your state is not on the list my first step would to be to get with a licensed surveyor from that said State and see about getting added to the list. There is a link on the page. The next thing I did was I contacted Ernie(cantuland). There is a list on the Meades Ranch events page that leads to other Surveying Societies. I then called and joined the Missouri Society of Professional Surveyors. Some offer a membership even if you are not a surveyor. I wanted to do like cantuland is doing on getting Geocacher/Benchmarkers and surveyors together. And placing geocaching/survey related caches..and hopefully a benchmark. It is through these connections and the call I placed to Groundspeak. Most of this is still in the planning stages so I am just posting it as I can. There are many things still going on behind the curtian so I have to wait to explain those. Because some of it has not been approved and I would hate to lead someone in the wrong direction. Quote
+GEO*Trailblazer 1 Posted February 9, 2008 Author Posted February 9, 2008 The Artwork has been approved. Berntsen is working on the benchmark now. And we should get to see it before long. I think we will have a separate Event for the setting of the mark. I still need to talk to cantuland about this though. We are also still working on just the right place to set it for maximum benefit. Just thought I would drag this up to the top again since some things are happening. More great news soon. Quote
wwflover13 Posted February 9, 2008 Posted February 9, 2008 Great news! I just set the first-ever (I think) "GEOC" benchmark! It would've been "GEOCAC", but my estimating skills were off when deciding on which size stamps to get.. Quote
+GEO*Trailblazer 1 Posted February 9, 2008 Author Posted February 9, 2008 Maybe you should have made it G I C now. Quote
+GEO*Trailblazer 1 Posted February 12, 2008 Author Posted February 12, 2008 Artists Rendition(Me) As soon as I get the benchmark I will add images of it as well. It will be a domed 4" Benchmark. Quote
+Ernmark Posted February 13, 2008 Posted February 13, 2008 Nice! PS - Should you have a dot in the center for the survey parties? Quote
+Klemmer Posted February 13, 2008 Posted February 13, 2008 Hey, with a little rigging up something, that could replace the Geocaching trailer hitch cover on my Jeep with one of those! Yeah, that could work. Count me in for at least one. Nice design, also. Quote
+GEO*Trailblazer 1 Posted February 13, 2008 Author Posted February 13, 2008 Nice! PS - Should you have a dot in the center for the survey parties? Hey, with a little rigging up something, that could replace the Geocaching trailer hitch cover on my Jeep with one of those! Yeah, that could work. Count me in for at least one. Nice design, also. Ernmark, According to GC Policy on the logo I can't add anything. What someone else may want to add later is not up to me. But for approval it has to be clean. Klemmer&TBM, Hadn't thought of that one. A drilled hole and a keeper. I am not sure on what Berntsen will have and we have not talked in details on it either. I am still waiting to post the Geocoin as we are still working out details. Thanks for the replies guy's. Quote
+GEO*Trailblazer 1 Posted February 20, 2008 Author Posted February 20, 2008 Hey Hey look what came in the mail today. A 4" Benchmark for GEOCAC. Thank you so much Berntsen! You are awesome and did a great job. Now to get it up to cantuland so we can christen it at the Meades Ranch Event, March 15,2008. Quote
+GEO*Trailblazer 1 Posted February 23, 2008 Author Posted February 23, 2008 I got some better images of the benchmark. Quote
+Klemmer Posted February 24, 2008 Posted February 24, 2008 OK, looks good! So, what's the deal on these? You selling them, or is Berntsen? $? Quote
+GEO*Trailblazer 1 Posted February 26, 2008 Author Posted February 26, 2008 Klemmer & TeddyBearMama "OK, looks good! So, what's the deal on these? You selling them, or is Berntsen? $?" This is the 1st. The Proto Type to be set near Meades Ranch Kansas. I am not selling them and I am in talks with Berntsen now. I am hoping to do 50,One for each US State. I am hoping that with the geocoin that is coming out to gather support to offset costs...which will never really cover all of it but at least some of it. I will let all know if they will be available to the Public when we get through with all the details. I am hoping that other get involved in their state to help to get one set and added to the NGS Data base. So far I have, cantuland,Kansas. earnmark,Pennsylvania. PFF,North and South Carolina. Me, Missouri,Arkansas and New Mexico. Can we add your name for California? Klemmer & TeddyBearMama Quote
+Klemmer Posted February 26, 2008 Posted February 26, 2008 Sure! We'll do what we can. Will have to get hooked up with some local surveyors. Quote
+GEO*Trailblazer 1 Posted February 26, 2008 Author Posted February 26, 2008 (edited) Sounds good. Might Start with the Claifornia State Geodetic Advisor. CALIFORNIA GEODETIC ADVISOR I contacted ours and he said they would provide the GPS. I joined the MSPS Missouri Society of Professional Surveyors. I am not a surveyor yet....................but an interested party. They allowed me in imagine that. I am in contact with a Newly joined member at geocaching for MSPS they have started placing geocaches as well. Now they want to know more about this project. This is gonna be a fun adventure. added link to California Geodetic Advisor. added link to main map. NGS State Geodetic Advisor Edited February 26, 2008 by GEO*Trailblazer 1 Quote
+NorthWes Posted March 1, 2008 Posted March 1, 2008 Hmmm.... I wonder if we can get this done in Alaska? Hmmmmmmmm... That's gotta be done by Berntsen as a commemorative paperweight, if nothing else! $$$ + + + I like the receiver hitch fill plug - I'd buy it in a heartbeat for my NitroCACHER. (speaking of which - time to go hitch up the snowmachine for tomorrow's ride...) Quote
+GEO*Trailblazer 1 Posted March 1, 2008 Author Posted March 1, 2008 Hey one way or the other Nortwes. I have a good feeling that it won't be as expensive as we think. I am still waiting on a reply from Berntsen on the price per unit and a bulk price as well. Do not think I can do the bulk one quite yet but maybe we will have a big help from some sponsors we can work things out. I will keep you all updated as I get it. Quote
+GEO*Trailblazer 1 Posted May 31, 2008 Author Posted May 31, 2008 OK all. I have got 2 States involved now. Kansas and Missouri. I have been in contact with Berntsen and if we do a run of 6 Benchmarks at a time they will be much cheaper. I need 4-5 States to get on board so we can make an order of 6. All interested can contact me again and we can talk about all the cost involved. I am also going to speak at the MSPS (Missouri Society of Professional Surveyors)monthly meeting this Tuesday and go over details. I also have a document that Ernie (cantuland)has compiled and should be available to all real soon. Hopefully we can streamline it all to make it easier for the rest of the States to get on board. So contact me again and we will get things going. Quote
+intolerable Posted May 31, 2008 Posted May 31, 2008 I'd be interested in helping with WA, although have *zero* idea what would be involved... Quote
foxtrot_xray Posted May 31, 2008 Posted May 31, 2008 I'd be interested in helping with WA, although have *zero* idea what would be involved... Okay, idiot question.. but if you're going to set it, doesn't it need to have a center point / mark? Looks good tho! Me. Quote
+GEO*Trailblazer 1 Posted May 31, 2008 Author Posted May 31, 2008 According to the Logo use policy there can be NOTHING there. Only the Logo. Now what happens after it is set and the plumb line marks a spot. Quote
+GEO*Trailblazer 1 Posted July 6, 2008 Author Posted July 6, 2008 Just adding an update to where we are at. I have ordered 6 of the Benchmarks and was trying to get some community help with it. I have already mustered lots of support but would like all to get involved in some way or other. GEOCOIN FORUM GEOCAC BM AND COIN Quote
+dhenninger Posted July 8, 2008 Posted July 8, 2008 I would like to help out as well. I am in NJ, but have no contacts with the state. I would buy a disk, coins, whatever might help. Quote
+Astro_D Posted July 8, 2008 Posted July 8, 2008 I am in contact with the Wisconisn advisor and he seems very interested in this project. Will keep you updated. AstroD Quote
+TheAlabamaRambler Posted July 11, 2008 Posted July 11, 2008 GEO*Trailblazer 1 published an article today in The Online Geocacher that may be of interest here. I am going to be all over this for Alabama! http://onlinegeocacher.com Quote
+GEO*Trailblazer 1 Posted July 14, 2008 Author Posted July 14, 2008 I just got off the phone with Mr. Doyle (DaveD) with the NGS. The word is getting out and all of the State Geodetic Advisors are aware of the new GEOCAC project. We also spoke of how this is a great way to educate those who may not be aware of all the technical issues that go into Mapping and how our GPS really works. If you are in another country besides the US and would also like to get involved e-mail me through my profile. There are some pilot projects that may be used in helping us in other Nations and Countries. I am working on the writeup to make this a little easier for those who have already shown interest and will get it out ASAP. I just wanted to clear up some trivial things that are also part of the project. Thank you all once again for your continued support of this project and look forward to working with all of you. Quote
foxtrot_xray Posted July 15, 2008 Posted July 15, 2008 Who, in our state should we look into contacing? (I mean, is there a standard head position, like "Head Survey Marker Guy" or some such? ) Quote
DaveD Posted July 15, 2008 Posted July 15, 2008 Contact info for NGS State Advisors -- NGS State Geodetic Advisors If your state doesn't have an NGS advisor you can try working with the states professional surveyors organization State Professional Surveyors Associations Quote
foxtrot_xray Posted July 15, 2008 Posted July 15, 2008 Contact info for NGS State Advisors -- NGS State Geodetic Advisors It figures, redneck Georgia wouldn't have one. Is it an open position? Can I apply? If your state doesn't have an NGS advisor you can try working with the states professional surveyors organizationState Professional Surveyors Associations I'll be looking into this method then! Thanks Dave! Quote
+GEO*Trailblazer 1 Posted July 16, 2008 Author Posted July 16, 2008 Contact info for NGS State Advisors -- NGS State Geodetic Advisors It figures, redneck Georgia wouldn't have one. Is it an open position? Can I apply? If your state doesn't have an NGS advisor you can try working with the states professional surveyors organizationState Professional Surveyors Associations I'll be looking into this method then! Thanks Dave! Yes that is a great link to the States, and to the NGS Advisors. Thanks DaveD Quote
DaveD Posted July 16, 2008 Posted July 16, 2008 NGS is currently in negotiation with the Georgia Department of Transportation to host an advisor position. Quote
68-eldo Posted July 16, 2008 Posted July 16, 2008 I just got off the phone with Mr. Doyle (DaveD) with the NGS. The word is getting out and all of the State Geodetic Advisors are aware of the new GEOCAC project. We also spoke of how this is a great way to educate those who may not be aware of all the technical issues that go into Mapping and how our GPS really works. If you are in another country besides the US and would also like to get involved e-mail me through my profile. There are some pilot projects that may be used in helping us in other Nations and Countries. I am working on the writeup to make this a little easier for those who have already shown interest and will get it out ASAP. I just wanted to clear up some trivial things that are also part of the project. Thank you all once again for your continued support of this project and look forward to working with all of you. OK, so I would like to help out with this, but if I call the state advisor I am not sure what to say. Is this something NGS is pushing or would that be my job to “push”? I eagerly await your write up so I know what is involved and what my role in this would be. Quote
foxtrot_xray Posted July 16, 2008 Posted July 16, 2008 NGS is currently in negotiation with the Georgia Department of Transportation to host an advisor position. Dave - You should have my e-mail, I think. You've contacted me before. I'll wait on contacting SAMSOG (Georgia's Surveying and Mapping association) then until I see if anything happens with that. OK, so I would like to help out with this, but if I call the state advisor I am not sure what to say. Is this something NGS is pushing or would that be my job to “push”?My plan was this. I'm making it public for any comments and to help others. I was going to write up a one or two page document that basically stated: 1. Who I was, who I was associated with (you guys. I'm not sure if that would help or hinder, tho! ) 2. The project goal. (Basically, fancied up, like a PR form would do: Promote interest in surveying, mapping, and recreational location hunting activities (read: geocaching) by placing a recognized NGS benchmark in each state.) 3. How it would benefit them, and what I would get out of it. (Good PR for the association and state, I'd be involved and learning of the process setting a benchmark.) 4. Express my willingness to work with them in almost any way in seeing this project to completion. I'll hold off now tho, until I hear from Dave if there's an advisor picked out. (I don't know how long that would take, however. Our DOT had a big scandal/shakeup earlier this year becuase of too much subcontracting and budget issues. I'm working on a restoration/historic building project by a federal grant that's issued by the state DOT. We're all approved for it, but because of this 'shakeup', we're on hold until we have someone assigned back to us that even KNOWS of this grant money. Go figure.) Quote
AZcachemeister Posted July 17, 2008 Posted July 17, 2008 I just got off the phone with Mr. Doyle (DaveD) with the NGS. The word is getting out and all of the State Geodetic Advisors are aware of the new GEOCAC project. We also spoke of how this is a great way to educate those who may not be aware of all the technical issues that go into Mapping and how our GPS really works. If you are in another country besides the US and would also like to get involved e-mail me through my profile. There are some pilot projects that may be used in helping us in other Nations and Countries. I am working on the writeup to make this a little easier for those who have already shown interest and will get it out ASAP. I just wanted to clear up some trivial things that are also part of the project. Thank you all once again for your continued support of this project and look forward to working with all of you. Breaking Radio Silence to state that I have attempted contact with the AZ State Advisor. We'll see what happens. Since neither UT nor NV have State Advisors, I may be able to help out there as well...no promises. End of transmission. Quote
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