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Multiple Attending of Events


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I think that most of you are missing that most of these event finds are just that: actual and real finds. The only thing that makes them different is the fact that after the weekend is up they are picked back up.
I'm not sure who you are referring to but I was serious. I will get a chair and sit at some coordinates and put an ammo box under my chair with a logbook. Then you can find my cache. However to log the cache there is one additional logging requirement that you must bring me a cold beer. Call it a beer cache! :) I win because I get a beer and you win because you get to log another smiley! :P This whole deal could work! :P

I think under the new rules this would have to be classified as a puzzle cache but that aside, getting someone in Wisconsin to part with a beer even if it was for a smily may be one heck of a hard sell. :P

A mystery cache! Even better! I knew there was a good solution for this! :P

I think that most of you are missing that most of these event finds are just that: actual and real finds. The only thing that makes them different is the fact that after the weekend is up they are picked back up. These caches nearly always abide by every GC rule save for the amount of time they spend on the ground.


Real as in other than the fact they aren't listed on gc.com and therefore a not gc.com caches. No, they don't abide by every GC rule. If they did people would list them. Don't want to maintain them long term? Denied. Don't have permission to be left in place long term? Denied. To close to other caches? Denied. Placed in unapproved locations? Denied. Unapproved containers? Denied.


Shall I continue?


One more, Aren't listed on gc.com? Denied. Oops, guess you got me on that one. Just use some other approved cache or event page, that makes it all on the up and up and no one can say otherwise.


I think that most of you are missing that most of these event finds are just that: actual and real finds. The only thing that makes them different is the fact that after the weekend is up they are picked back up. These caches nearly always abide by every GC rule save for the amount of time they spend on the ground.


Real as in other than the fact they aren't listed on gc.com and therefore a not gc.com caches. No, they don't abide by every GC rule. If they did people would list them. Don't want to maintain them long term? Denied. Don't have permission to be left in place long term? Denied. To close to other caches? Denied. Placed in unapproved locations? Denied. Unapproved containers? Denied.


Shall I continue?


One more, Aren't listed on gc.com? Denied. Oops, guess you got me on that one. Just use some other approved cache or event page, that makes it all on the up and up and no one can say otherwise.

Rebuttal...Denied! Not because I can't but because there is no point. :P Come on up to a WI event then throw stones if you wish....


These caches nearly always abide by every GC rule save for the amount of time they spend on the ground.


If they abide by the rules then please show me a GC number of a cache that was placed and then picked up. To setup and have an event you have agreed to the rules put out by Goundspeak. Please show me where you comply with those rules with your temporary caches.




Please show me where the rules put out by Groundspeak say you can't log multiple attends on an event in order to log the temp caches that were placed during the event.




Came here looking to see if you can be honest in your position and not blow smoke about this 'nearly, every' justification.


You want to log caches that aren't listed on this site. That's all this is. There's no hidden agenda, no forgotten mis-placed cache that needed to be logged. You want to log caches that are not listed on this site.


Yeah, yeah, yeah there's this 'it was placed at a gc.com event' loophole you want to use.


You want to log caches that are not listed on this site.


Say it.

Posted (edited)

Came here looking to see if you can be honest in your position and not blow smoke about this 'nearly, every' justification.


You want to log caches that aren't listed on this site. That's all this is. There's no hidden agenda, no forgotten mis-placed cache that needed to be logged. You want to log caches that are not listed on this site.


Yeah, yeah, yeah there's this 'it was placed at a gc.com event' loophole you want to use.


You want to log caches that are not listed on this site.


Say it.


I don't really care... it doesn't affect me one way or the other :P


PS. Any rules that say you can't?

Edited by BRTango
Posted (edited)

I don't really care... it doesn't affect me one way or the other :P


That's cool, you can speak your piece just like everybody else. No complaint from me.


Me personally, I don't want to log caches that aren't listed on this site. And usually I only give my opinion about if others should, when I'm asked. (Such as a thread like this)


I just never really cared for this half-as..baked justification on how it's really the same as any other listed gc.com cache. Lite-caches I guess they would be called by these folks.


I came all the way to your event and all you have for me is a lite cache?



edit: extra word.

Edited by BlueDeuce

Came here looking to see if you can be honest in your position and not blow smoke about this 'nearly, every' justification.


You want to log caches that aren't listed on this site. That's all this is. There's no hidden agenda, no forgotten mis-placed cache that needed to be logged. You want to log caches that are not listed on this site.


Yeah, yeah, yeah there's this 'it was placed at a gc.com event' loophole you want to use.


You want to log caches that are not listed on this site.


Say it.


I don't really care... it doesn't affect me one way or the other :P

Ditto. If I added all my event finds I could easily add several hundred finds to my stats. I just felt it should be pointed out that most of these temps are as above board as they can be while still not being GC assigned caches. I would be absolutely thrilled if there was a "Event Temp" catagory to log these finds to get them off the real stats but as that does not exist, I think people should be able to see how many finds they have made ....wether they are GC assigned perms or temps at a GC event.


PS. Any rules that say you can't?


There used to be no rule against virtual TB logging.


It wasn't like he woke up one day and suddenly decided it was wrong.


Here's hoping for a new day.


Maybe someone should start a poll to find out what the majority thinks.


I think the majority care about numbers and like the idea of logging an event cache 56 times.


Came here looking to see if you can be honest in your position and not blow smoke about this 'nearly, every' justification.


You want to log caches that aren't listed on this site. That's all this is. There's no hidden agenda, no forgotten mis-placed cache that needed to be logged. You want to log caches that are not listed on this site.


Yeah, yeah, yeah there's this 'it was placed at a gc.com event' loophole you want to use.


You want to log caches that are not listed on this site.


Say it.

I wouldn't log a temporary event cache that didn't have it's own GC number but that's just me. As I read the "rules" - it is up to the cache owner to police the logs on his own cache or event. GC.com does not police these logs. Given that, a cache owner or event host can simply tell everyone that they can log the event extra times for finding temporary caches. Similarly a cache owner can tell someone who didn't find the cache that since they were looking in the right place they should go ahead a log the find. Is it right for a cache owner to do this? I don't know. I suspect that cache owners do this because they think it makes the game more fun. People looking for temporary caches can believe that since they found a cache their find count goes up. Instead of being frustrated by logging a DNF on a cache the wasn't there, they can pretend that they would have found it anyway. After all it's only game where the only true objective is to have fun. On the other hand, a cache owner that allows multiple finds on an event or lets you change a DNF to a find on a missing cache, can't force you to log that extra smiley. If you believe it is wrong to log these you don't have to. Your find count is safe. Explain to me why you are worried about someone else's find count?


Came here looking to see if you can be honest in your position and not blow smoke about this 'nearly, every' justification.


You want to log caches that aren't listed on this site. That's all this is. There's no hidden agenda, no forgotten mis-placed cache that needed to be logged. You want to log caches that are not listed on this site.


Yeah, yeah, yeah there's this 'it was placed at a gc.com event' loophole you want to use.


You want to log caches that are not listed on this site.


Say it.

I wouldn't log a temporary event cache that didn't have it's own GC number but that's just me. As I read the "rules" - it is up to the cache owner to police the logs on his own cache or event. GC.com does not police these logs. Given that, a cache owner or event host can simply tell everyone that they can log the event extra times for finding temporary caches. Similarly a cache owner can tell someone who didn't find the cache that since they were looking in the right place they should go ahead a log the find. Is it right for a cache owner to do this? I don't know. I suspect that cache owners do this because they think it makes the game more fun. People looking for temporary caches can believe that since they found a cache their find count goes up. Instead of being frustrated by logging a DNF on a cache the wasn't there, they can pretend that they would have found it anyway. After all it's only game where the only true objective is to have fun. On the other hand, a cache owner that allows multiple finds on an event or lets you change a DNF to a find on a missing cache, can't force you to log that extra smiley. If you believe it is wrong to log these you don't have to. Your find count is safe. Explain to me why you are worried about someone else's find count?


People talk about real caches. hmmm, okay it's really a container you found with your gps. It's not a gc.com cache.


People say the owner allows it. hmmm, okay but you didn't find the gc.com cache.


People say they are only having fun. hmmm, okay still no cache.


People say they want to log caches on this site that aren't listed here, or they didn't find. And gc.com doesn't disallow them from logging it.


ahhh! Now I believe you.


It's always so easy to critize what someone else is doing. Why not go out caching instead of posting complaints?


:P Don't Ruin It For Everyone Else.


It's always so easy to critize what someone else is doing. Why not go out caching instead of posting complaints?


:ph34r: Don't Ruin It For Everyone Else.

I'm not independently wealthy and don't have the gas money. So far i dont think anyone is complaining. Just discussing ideas and thoughts.


Sounds lame to me but there's nothing to be done about it so I'm not going to let it worry me. I'm going to finish out the work day and go home and have a beer. That sounds much better to me than worrying about some lamo padding their stats to impress ????? Hmmmmmmm........ I can't see that it will impress anybody. Like I said, it sounds pretty lame.


Anybody care to join me for a beer?


Maybe at the next event, the person or team with the highest find count has to buy the beer?


I think I like that.


Ohhhhhhhhh....... Sounds good to me. At the last two events here in Chico, Team Alamo was present. They are currently the #1 cache finders world wide. Now if they bought one beer for each of their 21,580 caches at each event......... OMG! I don't even want to begin to consider the hangover..............


As long as they don't make the local FTF folks buy the beer I'm ok. Then again, I'm nowhere near to the local FTF leader so I guess I really don't have to worry about that. :ph34r:


It's always so easy to critize what someone else is doing. Why not go out caching instead of posting complaints?


B) Don't Ruin It For Everyone Else.



Where's Readyornot? :D


I wish I could...but I've found them all until I go home... B):ph34r:


B) Don't Ruin It For Everyone Else.

Hey. Thats my line. B)



It just doesn't have the same effect with out Judge Judy there.The happy family picture imposes no sense of law on others as much as the pic of JJ looking at you like,"Try it punk".




I just talked with the judge. She said multiple logging of caches is... well lets just say shes against it. I took this picture as she warned me not to do it.



This is neat. and a fairly common topic. Consider this...... How many people died yesterday because someone logged an event or cache multiple times? How many died today? and tomorrow? seems like a pretty pathetic complaint to me in the overall scheme of things. If you are so concerned about some one having more finds than you, you should seek professional help. if there were a 20 million dollar prize for the most finds then this would be a topic worth discussing. (and I would be doing ALOT more searching) I think what I am really trying to say is calm down, grow up, get a life, and stop whining. No matter what we do some people will always be dishonest, will you let a few ruin the enjoyment of the many? I can certainly tell you that those few will NEVER affect my life or my enjoyment of geocaching (again, unless there is a 20 million dollar prize) :ph34r:

Posted (edited)

I think that most of you are missing that most of these event finds are just that: actual and real finds. The only thing that makes them different is the fact that after the weekend is up they are picked back up. These caches nearly always abide by every GC rule save for the amount of time they spend on the ground. An interesting way to silence all you rabble rousers would be to leave the caches there for say three months and a day, then pick them all up.....but if that were the case you'd have nothing to complain about and then you'd be sad......er


It really is sad to read such trash as is brought out on this topic.


Perhaps that is the way temp caches are done in your neck of the woods. That hasn't been my experience at events in the midwest. Actually, the majority of temp event caches I've seen do not meet the listing criteria. I've seen temp caches that are:


- within mere feet of active railroad tracks

- within 100 feet of existing, active published caches

- in the event organizer's coat pocket hanging on the wall at the restaurant where the event was held

- in the table centerpiece at the event

- on clearly marked private property (but it was only there for a day, so it is ok, right?)

- not actually containers, but a piece of paper taped someplace

- and occasionally, I've seen temp caches that actually meet the guidelines of being listed


And, yes, I've seen both experienced and novice cachers gladly claim finds for these caches by either logging multiple attends on the event or multiple finds on existing physical caches.


Personally, I don't log temporary caches. Early on I did, because all the experienced cachers (read: active for a long time and with "big" numbers) did. Once I thought about it, I deleted those find logs.

Edited by NoLemon

I think that most of you are missing that most of these event finds are just that: actual and real finds. The only thing that makes them different is the fact that after the weekend is up they are picked back up. These caches nearly always abide by every GC rule save for the amount of time they spend on the ground. An interesting way to silence all you rabble rousers would be to leave the caches there for say three months and a day, then pick them all up.....but if that were the case you'd have nothing to complain about and then you'd be sad......er


It really is sad to read such trash as is brought out on this topic.

Does that also mean that if I find a counterfeit $20 bill, it becomes real money because I found it? :ph34r:


I think that most of you are missing that most of these event finds are just that: actual and real finds. The only thing that makes them different is the fact that after the weekend is up they are picked back up. These caches nearly always abide by every GC rule save for the amount of time they spend on the ground. An interesting way to silence all you rabble rousers would be to leave the caches there for say three months and a day, then pick them all up.....but if that were the case you'd have nothing to complain about and then you'd be sad......er


It really is sad to read such trash as is brought out on this topic.

Does that also mean that if I find a counterfeit $20 bill, it becomes real money because I found it? :ph34r:


No... but you can spend it if you like... if its a good enough counterfeit, you might even get away with it B)

Posted (edited)

It's always so easy to critize what someone else is doing. Why not go out caching instead of posting complaints?


B) Don't Ruin It For Everyone Else.



Where's Readyornot? B)


I wish I could...but I've found them all until I go home... B):D


What are you talking about... I here there are plenty of park and grabs being placed along the roadsides ever day there... get out and go find a few :ph34r:


Oh... wait... no... don't... I forgot, those aren't GC approved caches... those are AQ approved caches. Hmmmm... nope... wouldn't recommend looking for those afterall. B)

Edited by BRTango

I would sure hate to have this cachers gas bill, and all in just 3 years.

Name Count

Traditional Caches* 2069

Multi-caches* 280

Virtual Caches* 103

Event Caches* 822

Unknown (Mystery) Caches* 156

Webcam Caches* 7

Locationless (Reverse) Caches* 55

Cache In Trash Out Events* 18

Earthcaches* 7

NGS Benchmarks 2


*Total Caches Found 3517

It makes you think the rest of the count from the person you referenced is a bunch of BS. It does boil down to integrity. This person obviously has none.


The statistics quoted are the numbers of a personal friend. If you want to question integrity, start at the first line... these numbers were accumulated over 5 years, not 3.

This cacher has attended the midwest geobashes, nearly every event he has been able to, and you will find his name on almost every log you open in SE Wisconsin and NE Illinois. I have seen days when he and his caching buddies would go out and score 30 or 40 finds for the day, Trudy & I have seen him on the trail and know there is no way we could keep up with him for even an hour. The cacher that has been singled out is very high energy and his integrity is beyond reproach.


It might be advised to walk the trails with a fellow cacher before demeaning him. Better yet, don't demean the activities of your fellow cachers, it's their game.


This is neat. and a fairly common topic. Consider this...... How many people died yesterday because someone logged an event or cache multiple times? How many died today? and tomorrow? seems like a pretty pathetic complaint to me in the overall scheme of things. If you are so concerned about some one having more finds than you, you should seek professional help. if there were a 20 million dollar prize for the most finds then this would be a topic worth discussing. (and I would be doing ALOT more searching) I think what I am really trying to say is calm down, grow up, get a life, and stop whining. No matter what we do some people will always be dishonest, will you let a few ruin the enjoyment of the many? I can certainly tell you that those few will NEVER affect my life or my enjoyment of geocaching (again, unless there is a 20 million dollar prize) B)

This post is duly noted in the context of its author's "I want to be a cache reviewer" thread. :ph34r:


This is neat. and a fairly common topic. Consider this...... How many people died yesterday because someone logged an event or cache multiple times? How many died today? and tomorrow? seems like a pretty pathetic complaint to me in the overall scheme of things.

When i was active on eBay there was a seller who sold boxes of 2 part labels. Normally these labels might cost around $40 for the box. He sold the labels for about $12/box and then ordered the UPS labels on his account and had them delivered to peoples houses for free. It cost the seller nothing but they kept all the profit. In the long run UPS was eating the cost due to a loophole in their system. This seller sold thousands of these and their only cost was the listing fee on eBay and their time. eBay didnt care because they made money. UPS was so big they didnt care either.


Who died because of it? No one i think. Did that make it ok what the seller did? Use your own moral compass here.


Lots of things dont kill people, but that doesnt make them right.

If you are so concerned about some one having more finds than you, you should seek professional help.

I dont care about someone elses finds or ours for that matter. But it sure does clog up the event pages and alter the amount of event caches that are shown on someones profile.

No matter what we do some people will always be dishonest, will you let a few ruin the enjoyment of the many?

While dishonesty will prevail, does that mean we have to embrace it?


While dishonesty will prevail, does that mean we have to embrace it?


Without knowing the intent of the person posting the multiple logs... how can you say they are being dishonest. I don't believe your ebay-UPS post is a good analogy at all. Noone here is making any profit from this at all... there is no scamming involved. It is simply people posting multiple logs on an event... which, by the way... there is no rule against it.


Dishonesty in this would be if they were trying to make people believe they attended more events than they have. If you can show me someone who is intentionally trying to do that... then maybe I can agree that people are being dishonest. Until then... I find it hard to bring into question someone's integrity and/or honesty over something that to them is legitimate, there are no rules against it, and it doesn't / shouldn't matter to anyone else.



Event Caches* 822


*Total Caches Found 3517

It makes you think the rest of the count from the person you referenced is a bunch of BS. It does boil down to integrity. This person obviously has none.


The cacher that has been singled out is very high energy and his integrity is beyond reproach.


It might be advised to walk the trails with a fellow cacher before demeaning him. Better yet, don't demean the activities of your fellow cachers, it's their game.

If he attended 832 events in your area then you guy must be having more events that all the rest of the country. Especially when his events are 24% of his total finds and you say he is caching all the time. With those kind of numbers the totals are questioned. I know a guy that does cache most all the time and in the last 5 years he has over 6000 caches and his events are less than 2% of his total finds.


So give us all a break. You guys just like to pad numbers.



Without knowing the intent of the person posting the multiple logs... how can you say they are being dishonest.

You are correct. When i wrote that i wasnt specifically referring to the logging of event caches- just dishonesty in general. I can see how it looks now- and that was not my intent. Thanks for pointing that out.


Without knowing the intent of the person posting the multiple logs... how can you say they are being dishonest.

You are correct. When i wrote that i wasnt specifically referring to the logging of event caches- just dishonesty in general. I can see how it looks now- and that was not my intent. Thanks for pointing that out.


No problem... and seriously, like vtmtnman said... without the judge judy... things just aren't the same. It took me two or three days to figure out you were the same person!!


I propose we start a petition to bring back the Judge Judy Avatar!!! Anyone else with me?


Just kidding :ph34r:


I don't believe your ebay-UPS post is a good analogy at all. Noone here is making any profit from this at all... there is no scamming involved. It is simply people posting multiple logs on an event... which, by the way... there is no rule against it.

In general and not talking about logging event caches dozens of times...

I guess my thinking is that sometimes we can do things and they aren't illegal and no one dies because of it, but just because they don't meet those criteria doesn't necessarily mean that they are the right thing to do. Just some food for thought.


I propose we start a petition to bring back the Judge Judy Avatar!!! Anyone else with me?


Just kidding B)

Yeah- but lots of people kept saying- "Who is that lady on your avatar?" :ph34r:


I don't believe your ebay-UPS post is a good analogy at all. Noone here is making any profit from this at all... there is no scamming involved. It is simply people posting multiple logs on an event... which, by the way... there is no rule against it.

In general and not talking about logging event caches dozens of times...

I guess my thinking is that sometimes we can do things and they aren't illegal and no one dies because of it, but just because they don't meet those criteria doesn't necessarily mean that they are the right thing to do. Just some food for thought.


I definately follow the logic... but in a game that's not supposed to have any competition, I just don't understand the angst. The logging criteria is really between the individual and the event/cache owner and has no bearing on us.


I know that at one time (not sure if its still there) itsnotaboutthenumbers.com showed actual finds and multiple logs. So for the people who do really care about the numbers... they can just look there. Although the ones who don't really care about them and post multiple times as a part of their own game criteria probably are posting their stats to the site.


I propose we start a petition to bring back the Judge Judy Avatar!!! Anyone else with me?


Just kidding B)

Yeah- but lots of people kept saying- "Who is that lady on your avatar?" :ph34r:


What? You mean people don't know who Judge Judy is?


Well... admittidely I only know of her because my mother never missed a show... but still... its Judge Judy!!




I think that most of you are missing that most of these event finds are just that: actual and real finds. The only thing that makes them different is the fact that after the weekend is up they are picked back up. These caches nearly always abide by every GC rule save for the amount of time they spend on the ground. An interesting way to silence all you rabble rousers would be to leave the caches there for say three months and a day, then pick them all up.....but if that were the case you'd have nothing to complain about and then you'd be sad......er


It really is sad to read such trash as is brought out on this topic.


Perhaps that is the way temp caches are done in your neck of the woods. That hasn't been my experience at events in the midwest. Actually, the majority of temp event caches I've seen do not meet the listing criteria. I've seen temp caches that are:


- within mere feet of active railroad tracks

- within 100 feet of existing, active published caches

- in the event organizer's coat pocket hanging on the wall at the restaurant where the event was held

- in the table centerpiece at the event

- on clearly marked private property (but it was only there for a day, so it is ok, right?)

- not actually containers, but a piece of paper taped someplace

- and occasionally, I've seen temp caches that actually meet the guidelines of being listed


And, yes, I've seen both experienced and novice cachers gladly claim finds for these caches by either logging multiple attends on the event or multiple finds on existing physical caches.


Personally, I don't log temporary caches. Early on I did, because all the experienced cachers (read: active for a long time and with "big" numbers) did. Once I thought about it, I deleted those find logs.

The one event I saw people finding temp caches; the caches were not >528 feet apart.

What? You mean people don't know who Judge Judy is?


Well... admittidely I only know of her because my mother never missed a show... but still... its Judge Judy!!



Its our guilty pleasure. (Wife and I). We record it on dvr and dont usually miss an episode. Its great to watch her yell at people who log events more than once uhh, people who play by their own rules. :ph34r:B)


I have another question. If i find a Large cache that was a 5 gallon bucket and then it had an ammo can in it, which had a large lock n lock, which had a smaller lock n lock, which had a micro in it, and i signed all the logs. Can i get 5 smilies for the find(s)? :ph34r:


I have another question. If i find a Large cache that was a 5 gallon bucket and then it had an ammo can in it, which had a large lock n lock, which had a smaller lock n lock, which had a micro in it, and i signed all the logs. Can i get 5 smilies for the find(s)? :ph34r:


Only if you sign the outside of each container with a sharpy...


Since logging temporary caches at events seems to be ok, does this mean that pocket caches can make a come back?


How are those any different at an event than other temporary caches?




Since logging temporary caches at events seems to be ok, does this mean that pocket caches can make a come back?


How are those any different at an event than other temporary caches?




I've never quite understood what those are. Aren't they usually archived caches that have been brought to an event and just set there for the taking?


Since logging temporary caches at events seems to be ok, does this mean that pocket caches can make a come back?


How are those any different at an event than other temporary caches?



Is a pocket cache a traveling cache that i can carry in my pocket? <idea>


I don't like anyone has pulled this one out yet.


His (Mopar's) point is that it might be impossible or extremely difficult to do the programming that would be required to make it possible for the Temp caches to show up as a different Icon in the stats.

The point is irrelevant. Temp caches aren't allowed on the site. And as I indicated in countless threads in the past, I think logging attended twice for an event is stupid, and posting additional logs to "match" whatever "count" you determined your numbers should be is equally stupid. However I have no plans to be the point police and create complicated rules for determining what counts as a find. That is up to the cache listing owner to decide.


However I do reserve the right to stop abuse on this web site, and frown highly upon fake logs on archived caches (or any cache) just to boost numbers here - such as counting finds on other listing sites. Just because I don't want to be the point police doesn't mean I can't take appropriate action against the users who decide to abuse the features of this site.


But as I also said before, I don't lose sleep over it. I stand by my stance that there are no "points" for geocaching and no score to be kept. The site does not keep score but simply offers a history of your finds.


I don't like anyone has pulled this one out yet.


His (Mopar's) point is that it might be impossible or extremely difficult to do the programming that would be required to make it possible for the Temp caches to show up as a different Icon in the stats.

The point is irrelevant. Temp caches aren't allowed on the site. And as I indicated in countless threads in the past, I think logging attended twice for an event is stupid, and posting additional logs to "match" whatever "count" you determined your numbers should be is equally stupid. However I have no plans to be the point police and create complicated rules for determining what counts as a find. That is up to the cache listing owner to decide.


However I do reserve the right to stop abuse on this web site, and frown highly upon fake logs on archived caches (or any cache) just to boost numbers here - such as counting finds on other listing sites. Just because I don't want to be the point police doesn't mean I can't take appropriate action against the users who decide to abuse the features of this site.


But as I also said before, I don't lose sleep over it. I stand by my stance that there are no "points" for geocaching and no score to be kept. The site does not keep score but simply offers a history of your finds.


In the end, it's another case of until TPTB decide to stop it, the rest of us should just hush and not worry about it at all.


I'm in agreement with most of the folks here, I think it's ridiculous to log any sort of temporary caches at an event. Numbers are meaningless when some folks count 1 cache = 1 find and others count 1 = 30 finds.


I just worry about what I'm counting and don't assign any sort of meaning to the number after someone else's name....I can't work out the exchange rate fast enough.


I don't like anyone has pulled this one out yet.


His (Mopar's) point is that it might be impossible or extremely difficult to do the programming that would be required to make it possible for the Temp caches to show up as a different Icon in the stats.

The point is irrelevant. Temp caches aren't allowed on the site. And as I indicated in countless threads in the past, I think logging attended twice for an event is stupid, and posting additional logs to "match" whatever "count" you determined your numbers should be is equally stupid. However I have no plans to be the point police and create complicated rules for determining what counts as a find. That is up to the cache listing owner to decide.


However I do reserve the right to stop abuse on this web site, and frown highly upon fake logs on archived caches (or any cache) just to boost numbers here - such as counting finds on other listing sites. Just because I don't want to be the point police doesn't mean I can't take appropriate action against the users who decide to abuse the features of this site.


But as I also said before, I don't lose sleep over it. I stand by my stance that there are no "points" for geocaching and no score to be kept. The site does not keep score but simply offers a history of your finds.


Great post... but not one that will solve the debate in any way. Both sides can argue that Jeremy's statement supports their cause.


This is neat. and a fairly common topic. Consider this...... How many people died yesterday because someone logged an event or cache multiple times? How many died today? and tomorrow? seems like a pretty pathetic complaint to me in the overall scheme of things.

When i was active on eBay there was a seller who sold boxes of 2 part labels. Normally these labels might cost around $40 for the box. He sold the labels for about $12/box and then ordered the UPS labels on his account and had them delivered to peoples houses for free. It cost the seller nothing but they kept all the profit. In the long run UPS was eating the cost due to a loophole in their system. This seller sold thousands of these and their only cost was the listing fee on eBay and their time. eBay didnt care because they made money. UPS was so big they didnt care either.


Who died because of it? No one i think. Did that make it ok what the seller did? Use your own moral compass here.


Lots of things dont kill people, but that doesnt make them right.

If you are so concerned about some one having more finds than you, you should seek professional help.

I dont care about someone elses finds or ours for that matter. But it sure does clog up the event pages and alter the amount of event caches that are shown on someones profile.

No matter what we do some people will always be dishonest, will you let a few ruin the enjoyment of the many?

While dishonesty will prevail, does that mean we have to embrace it?


Some have said your anology is way off. Actually I think it is perfect, and embodies every thing i am trying to say. basically in your example NO ONE CARES, and that should be the case here also. you say follow your own moral compass, I couldnt agree more, but with the freedoms we have in the USA everyones moral compass is a little different and thats ok too, as long as no one is being harmed cheated or stolen from,ETC.

Now if and when GS takes a stand and makes a rule we have a topic here. But for now i think we can all agree to disagree, some say its wrong, some say its ok , I say it is irellevant, numbers of cache finds does not affect anyones life,health or wealth, it does not break any currrent rules that anyone has noted so far, so does it really matter? now that i have said my piece i shall sit back and watch every one tear into me because im SOOOOO wrong, but after spending 8 years in the army (and a couple of those overseas) fighting for YOUR right to disagree with me I enjoy seeing juSt that. Exercise your right to think differently


This is neat. and a fairly common topic. Consider this...... How many people died yesterday because someone logged an event or cache multiple times? How many died today? and tomorrow? seems like a pretty pathetic complaint to me in the overall scheme of things.

When i was active on eBay there was a seller who sold boxes of 2 part labels. Normally these labels might cost around $40 for the box. He sold the labels for about $12/box and then ordered the UPS labels on his account and had them delivered to peoples houses for free. It cost the seller nothing but they kept all the profit. In the long run UPS was eating the cost due to a loophole in their system. This seller sold thousands of these and their only cost was the listing fee on eBay and their time. eBay didnt care because they made money. UPS was so big they didnt care either.


Who died because of it? No one i think. Did that make it ok what the seller did? Use your own moral compass here.


Lots of things dont kill people, but that doesnt make them right.

If you are so concerned about some one having more finds than you, you should seek professional help.

I dont care about someone elses finds or ours for that matter. But it sure does clog up the event pages and alter the amount of event caches that are shown on someones profile.

so you do care? or you dont? im confused

No matter what we do some people will always be dishonest, will you let a few ruin the enjoyment of the many?

While dishonesty will prevail, does that mean we have to embrace it?


Some have said your anology is way off. Actually I think it is perfect, and embodies every thing i am trying to say. basically in your example NO ONE CARES, and that should be the case here also. you say follow your own moral compass, I couldnt agree more, but with the freedoms we have in the USA everyones moral compass is a little different and thats ok too, as long as no one is being harmed cheated or stolen from,ETC.

Now if and when GS takes a stand and makes a rule we have a topic here. But for now i think we can all agree to disagree, some say its wrong, some say its ok , I say it is irellevant, numbers of cache finds does not affect anyones life,health or wealth, it does not break any currrent rules that anyone has noted so far, so does it really matter? now that i have said my piece i shall sit back and watch every one tear into me because im SOOOOO wrong, but after spending 8 years in the army (and a couple of those overseas) fighting for YOUR right to disagree with me I enjoy seeing juSt that. Exercise your right to think differently

. but not one that will solve the debate in any way.


No, I didn't think it would. I do think it's funny that almost two year to the day he refers to the "countless threads in the past".


This is just one more go-round. :ph34r:

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