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Premier Geocoin Race II


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The standings are updated. :D

I will try to keep the page updated often today and tonight as new logs arrive. Notice may not be given here but you can look at the bottom of the standings page for day and time last updated.


Today the final lap is being run!!!!


IF your coin has been dipped you probably noticed the mileage doesn't match the standings page vs. the geocoin page. About 2 weeks ago I started manually figuring mileage for the dipped racers so logs don't have to erased so close to the end.


I will give everyone 2 days after today for late logs to be entered. Being a weekday I don't expect to many, especially among the leaders.


Thank you to everyone who enter the PGR II and the race owners who donated race prizes. Also a special thank you goes to Oakcoins for donating race prizes as well and the metal tags that were attached to the racers.


I'm sorry to those who lost their racers(I lost both of mine). Part of the TB/geocoin territory unfortunately.

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The UNofficial results are in!!!!!!!!!!!


Congratulations to LZ33 (USA Racer #33) for winning the most mileage category with 26,977.5 miles.


And Congratulations to islander1988 (Islander's Lighthouse GeoTag Racer #4) for winning the most placement category with 29.


I think the winners are set but the rest of the field may shift a little as late logs come in. LZ33 has a 3500 mile lead on 2nd place and islander1988 has a 6 placement lead over third since LZ33 is 2nd and can't win both categories.


If both our winners send me a PM with their snail mail addresses I will get the prizes out in a few days.


Again, Thank you to everyone who participated and to Oakcoins for sponsoring the PGR II :D

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The following is a transcript from the PGR II banquette held in the Champagne room of the beautiful Gold Bar casino in downtown Hiram Georgia USA and this transcription may not be reused without written consent from someone. The following transcript is the acceptance award speech for the most mileage category, race winner from race entrant/owner LZ33, owner of a single racer in the SGS (Shilo Geocup Series) race II.


Hello and thanks to all of you that are here tonight to witness this great honor and assist me receiving this wonderful award. This was a great and a close race coming down to the finish line as we thought we had a clean sweep coming around the final turn with only one drop separating us and Islander‘s GeoTag #4 racer. Knowing the rules sanctioned by SGS that a racer couldn’t win both most mileage and drops we were hoping for the double crown victory for our first year out but we couldn’t pull that one off and our hats are off to the islander 1988 team.


Most importantly, I would like to thank the sponsors that came on board for our first year racing with SGS, Bowman’s Garage, AMMO Can Gear Boxes and Multi Mucus oil. I would also like to thank Warthog for driving our racer the farthest distance.


But before I conclude tonight I would like to express my gratitude to the sponsors that make this sport possible. Of course to the president of SGS, Shilo for donating his time and the cachers that donated the trophies and also to Oakcoins for their continuing support by supplying the racer tags and great prizes and Sara our hats off to you too. I thank everyone that helped drive this racer whether it was far or short and invite you and all the racers over to the Ossian Tavern to continue this celebration. THANK YOU!


That was LZ33 at the PGR II banquette last night. One of our affiliates with ESPU sports was at the O.T. for a live interview but due to the showering champagne the camera circuits were shorted however, it was reported that LZ33 will donate one of his V2 XLE geocoins as part of the prize package for PGR III race. Back to you Bob.


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