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Can I cache with you?

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I've gone caching with BOTH of those weirdos.


Well hell, Bret...that just shows we don't have any standards!



I've cached with both of you so I'd have to agree :)


hey now, i don't recall Bret or myself ever browsing through porn at a cache site like a certain smurf i know!


oh wait - i cant say that about bret, can i?

Posted (edited)

Great...now NO ONE is going to want to go caching with me. :D

Go caching with you? Maybe.

Shake your hand? NEVER!

Edited by Mopar

Great...now NO ONE is going to want to go caching with me. :D

Go caching with you? Maybe.

Shake your hand? NEVER!


i think we need to get you two in a tent...



I've gone caching with BOTH of those weirdos.


Well hell, Bret...that just shows we don't have any standards!



I've cached with both of you so I'd have to agree :D


hey now, i don't recall Bret or myself ever browsing through porn at a cache site like a certain smurf i know!


oh wait - i cant say that about bret, can i?

Drunken teen porn at that! :)




I'll cache with just about anyone...and have!


Next time you're visiting scenic Central Illinois give me a shout...we'll go caching...and grab a Moonburger! :D




some people have no standards... :D


Hey, I have standards.....<snip>image removed-we've seen it enough already</snip>They're just not very high.

Sheesh, your standards are so low you even let me tag along one afternoon. :)


I have met/cached with 28 of the top 100 forum posters, and 15 of the people who have posted to this thread. The only generalization I can make is this: if you want to DNF a lot of caches, wimseyguy's the caching partner of choice.


As for who I'd like to cache with, I would go out on a limb and choose people with whom I sometimes respectfully disagree in the forums (the keyword being "respectfully"). When you meet someone for a day of hiking, you usually discover that you have far more in common than you might have thought. Two good examples would be Renegade Knight and Coyote Red.


Drunken teen porn at that! :)



you know - i REALLY don't need to know your preferences... best you keep that to yourself :D

If it was my preference, don't you think I would have kept it instead of leaving it out there for the next pervert to find? :D


Drunken teen porn at that! ;)



you know - i REALLY don't need to know your preferences... best you keep that to yourself ;)

If it was my preference, don't you think I would have kept it instead of leaving it out there for the next pervert to find? :anicute:


good point ;)


Drunken teen porn at that! ;)



you know - i REALLY don't need to know your preferences... best you keep that to yourself ;)

If it was my preference, don't you think I would have kept it instead of leaving it out there for the next pervert to find? :anicute:


good point ;)

I suppose I should have taken it with me under the guise of CITO, but I was far too drunk to think that clearly ;)



I'm dangerous when caching...just ask my friends! <snip>

I'd love meeting most anyone anytime!!! I also love to give tours of our local area...come on down (or UP as it most probably would be for many of you)!!! I've got a few caches waiting for another victim...err...cacher...yeah, cacher, that's the ticket!!


I considered putting you on my list. Considered long and hard. I, however, have actually been to several of your caches. I believe I called the one "evil" and I left DNA as proof of my having been there. Now, while I wholeheartedly believe an afternoon of you would be a hoot, you live just too darn close to risk it. I have no problem whatsoever imagining one of us coming out of the woods (probably not me) and waiting to show the EMT's where the idjit is, waiting for help. :anicute:


Well....WTWTPT, I said dangerous not psychotic...but others have hinted I need help (would you call buying a straight jacket a hint???) :huh: Anyway, you're likely talking about "Remember Brer Rabbit where you left DNA??? I did too!! Some have called Tod and I (and yes, even KAboom...poor child) the "devils of Devil's Lake"!! Nothing could be further from the truth!!


We have yet to have to call for professional help...but I'm sure there's always a chance for that!! :anicute:


Come on out to our Lazy Hayes Days event at Hayes State Park May 18th-20th and I promise to make it all up to you!!! Besides, I need more victims...sorry, that should read visitors...for our next traps...errr hides!! We'll be placing several new "hides" for the event!!


I'll cache with just about anyone...and have!


Next time you're visiting scenic Central Illinois give me a shout...we'll go caching...and grab a Moonburger! :)




Or you can choose to just drive right by Bret's house and throw trash in his lawn. :D


I'll cache with just about anyone...and have!


Next time you're visiting scenic Central Illinois give me a shout...we'll go caching...and grab a Moonburger! :D




Or you can choose to just drive right by Bret's house and throw trash in his lawn. :D


Hmmm...Stunod's trash....or Sax's porn.....Stunod's Trash.....Sax's porn..... :)


I going to get to cache with wrlwnd this week. I love meeting cachers I've talk to on the forums. It's like meeting with an old friend and make a new one at the same time. :)

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