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Vinyl is Back! Well, BN Vinyl that is!


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Finally Packed!


I'm leaving for two nights for a Weekend New Year's Party.


So, please email Jolene if you have any questions, for now.


(Both Group 1 & Group 2)


I would like to wish everyone a Safe and Happy New Year.

Please drive carefully if you're out there on the road.


You're in my thoughts!


Hugs! ;)




Finally Packed!


I'm leaving for two nights for a Weekend New Year's Party.


So, please email Jolene if you have any questions, for now.


(Both Group 1 & Group 2)


I would like to wish everyone a Safe and Happy New Year.

Please drive carefully if you're out there on the road.


You're in my thoughts!


Hugs! ;)




Have a fun and safe trip!


I am having a prob putting that onto the record.......I don't know what to do know......maybe one of the other songs......not sure.



I think Jamie will be able to make it fit for you..... Not sure yet. I will ask..


I think Jamie will be able to make it fit for you..... Not sure yet. I will ask..

Thanks just let me know if she can work that for me. Just incase she can't I am going to think of some other stuff and work on what I have already. Once again thanks, GeoSmurfz


I think Jamie will be able to make it fit for you..... Not sure yet. I will ask..

Thanks just let me know if she can work that for me. Just incase she can't I am going to think of some other stuff and work on what I have already. Once again thanks, GeoSmurfz



Posted (edited)

If there's still room, we would like to be in.


501 Gang

Line 1: 501 Gang

Line 2: Bushwhackers, Inc.

Line 3: (Produced By

Line 4: Oakcoins)

Line 5: DNF Blues

Line 6: (I've got the)

Top Color: FFF501

Bottom Color: 2FE4FF


Let me know if we made the cut. ;)

Edited by 501_Gang
Posted (edited)




If there's still room, we would like to be in.


501 Gang

Line 1: 501 Gang

Line 2: Bushwhackers, Inc,

Line 3: Produced By

Line 4: Oakcoins

Line 5: Geocacher Blues

Line 6: (I got the)

Top Color: FFF501

Bottom Color: 2FE4FF


Let me know if we made the cut. ;)


Welcome to group 2.


I will follow this post with important info I have pulled from the 9 pages of this thread.... And an updated list of group 2.


Edited by crazycavelover
Posted (edited)

~ BN Vinyl Geocoin Records ~


This will be available Spring 2007.


Going to be Trackable with an Icon


If you'd like to see what your Record would look like for fun Try it here: http://www.says-it.com/record/index_2.php


A record has two sides= One Individual Side and One Common Side.

On your side:

line 1~ Your Geocaching Name

line 2~ Name Of Your Record

line 3~ Produced By

line 4~ Oakcoins

line 5 & 6: Your Song's name


Your choice of two different colors on your side: (Make sure you write down the hex numbers).

Top Color:

Bottom Color:


Each coin will have the "adapter" design in the center.


We're adding the center hole as a single cut out. Center hole is approximately 10-cents or less per coin.


Jamie AKA MadHatter is doing the artwork and the personalized side will include the MadHatter's Logo in the Left Area. You may include one small logo of your own with limited colors, which will replace the Stereo Time Area. Just remember the hex colors you used (the 6 figure code) so that those can be converted to PMS ink colors and get a web image of what you want for your "icon." The larger, the better for reproduction cause he'll hand draw them. Your first two colors are the 2 background colors. Then you have 2 colors to work into your Logo. Sorry, it's so limited.

Raised metal would be best for this, but a single color would be OK too. (Group 1) Quote is for a Max of 4 colors and the side already uses 2-3. Oh and the more simplistic, the better as far as art fees. It's not a large area. The coins are only 1.5" in diameter. They're 45s


Second group Made: As long as Oakcoins approves a Second round with the same Common Back side of the coin, and the Series remains the same, with no alterations.


We're (group 2) going to talk to Oakcoins on Pricing, and come back with costs.


In exchange for the vendor's name being on the coin in the area indicated, the overall quote would receive a healthy discount off the base price we're currently working with. That would be our final number.


The vendor confirmed they'd work with us (Group 1) and provide some sort of discount for their name in the "produced by" field. Still waiting to get the specifics about Group 2.


All "Records" are Vinyl (Black Nickel with Sandblasting with Soft Enamel) so that all of the coins look alike except for the interior that people design for themselves.


How to upload your picture to the forum:


You go to the website and create your record. Then at the bottom choose the right

button that mentions web imaging/image shack


it will bring you over to where it publishes your image on image shack.


next scroll to the last one where it mentions "Direct Image"


right click, and copy


Then come here, hit reply and above this very text area, there's a picture of a tree.


When you mouse over it, it says Insert Image.


Click on the tree, and then paste what you copied from Image shack.


Make sure there aren't 2 http:'s, if there are, just manually erase one of them.


then type what you want here and hit reply. It should post your image.


You can go to imageshack.us and do this for any picture from no on.


FYI: No one is fronting any money for anyone else. Invoicing per person will be directly from the vendor, payable via PayPal (most likely). Coin order is placed once all payments are received or replacement members are added for non-payers. You will be paying for your own 50 coins to do as you please. (Personally, I hope everyone will trade coins with me. I would love to have the "TOP 40" collection).


40 people, 2000 coins still is 50 coins each. The 40 dies are worked into the entire price. The only shared die fee in the end is the backside. I won't put $ numbers on this forum, but I have sent them to Allie at each interval. ( I have edited AtlantaGal's post to reflect the 19 coins added to the original 21)


In a nut shell each person is paying for one die, 50 coins, shipping and then 1/20th of the common die and the profile icon.


An updated list of Group 2:


ChanceRider ~ #22

Line 1: ChanceRider

Line 2: And The Hoofbeats

Line 3: Produced By

Line 4: Oakcoins

Line 5: Ghost Cachers

Line 6: In The Sky

Top Color: 919BFF

Bottom Color: FC83FF


Vegas Gamblers ~ #23

Line 1: Vegas Gamblers

Line 2: John & Sharon

Line 3: Produced By

Line 4: Oakcoins

Line 5: Viva "Cache" Vegas

Line 6: Broke by Noon

Top Color: FFBA6F

Bottom Color: FF4134


Snowwolf75 ~ #24

Line 1: Snowwolf75

Line 2: And The Howlers

Line 3: Produced By

Line 4: Oakcoins

Line 5: Of Wolf And Cache

Line 6: {leave blank}

Top Color: 88BBFF

Bottom Color: FFAABB


River City ~ #25

Line 1: RiverCity

Line 2: Team Moagy

Line 3: Produced By

Line 4: Oakcoins

Line 5: On the Road Again

Line 6: {leave blank}

Top Color: 4BD4FF

Bottom Color: C8FFE2


lindsychris ~ #26

Line 1: Lindsychris

Line 2: Hiding My Crows

Line 3: Produced By

Line 4: Oakcoins

Line 5: (We're half Way There)

Line 6: Cachin' On A Trail

Top Color: 7BFF03

Bottom Color:1990FF


GeoSmurfz ~ #27

Line 1:

Line 2:

Line 3: Produced By

Line 4: Oakcoins

Line 5:

Line 6:

Top Color: FBFF65

Bottom Color: 0CE7FF


Not So Lost Puppies ~ #28 IN, based on the post... may not respond to my email until Jan 2

Line 1: Not So Lost

Line 2: Puppies

Line 3: Produced By

Line 4: Oakcoins

Line 5: Oh Where, Oh Where Has

Line 6: My little cache gone?

Top Color: (NEED HEX CODE)

Bottom Color: (NEED HEX CODE)


coreynjoey ~ #29

Line 1: CoreyNJoey

Line 2: The Lost Satellites

Line 3: Produced By

Line 4: Oakcoins

Line 5: Ammo Can Guys

Line 6: Livin In A Micro World

Top Color: 20BF9F

Bottom Color: 87CEFF


wij Drie ~ #30 (if funding allows)

Line 1: team Wij Drie

Line 2: tot cache

Line 3: Produced By

Line 4: Oakcoins

Line 5: Drie kleine cachertjes

Line 6: (...zochten bij het hek)

Top Color: Orange (NEED HEX CODE)

Bottom Color: Orange (NEED HEX CODE)

Logo: our three 'kabouter' from our atavar


wsgaskins ~ #31

Line 1:

Line 2:

Line 3: Produced By

Line 4: Oakcoins

Line 5:

Line 6:

Top Color:

Bottom Color:


onesearching2find ~ #32

Line 1: Zuma

Line 2: & jesse The Cachehound

Line 3: Produced By

Line 4: Oakcoins

Line 5: Keep On Cachin'

Line 6: In The Free World

Top Color: F7FF34

Bottom Color:77FF43

Logo Color: FF8813


GBOTS ~ #33

Line 1: By GBOTS and

Line 2: Koh Koh, Too

Line 3: Produced By

Line 4: Oakcoins

Line 5: Wasted Time

Line 6: (nano cache)

Top Color: EF1400

Bottom Color: 1203FF


WhiteBear ~ #34

Line 1: Running Bear

Line 2: Bushwack of Mine!

Line 3: Produced By

Line 4: Oakcoins

Line 5: Go Where No

Line 6: Bear Has Gone Before

Top Color: FF27A0

Bottom Color: 1A22FF

Text Color: FFEB1C


501 Gang ~ #35

Line 1: 501 Gang

Line 2: & The bushwhackers

Line 3: Produced By

Line 4: Oakcoins

Line 5: DNF Blues

Line 6: (I've Got The)

Top Color: FFF501 <--------- How Appropriate!!

Bottom Color: 2FE4FF


~ #36

Line 1:

Line 2:

Line 3: Produced By

Line 4: Oakcoins

Line 5:

Line 6:

Top Color:

Bottom Color:


~ #37

Line 1:

Line 2:

Line 3: Produced By

Line 4: Oakcoins

Line 5:

Line 6:

Top Color:

Bottom Color:


~ #38

Line 1:

Line 2:

Line 3: Produced By

Line 4: Oakcoins

Line 5:

Line 6:

Top Color:

Bottom Color:


~ #39

Line 1:

Line 2:

Line 3: Produced By

Line 4: Oakcoins

Line 5:

Line 6:

Top Color:

Bottom Color:


~ #40

Line 1:

Line 2:

Line 3: Produced By

Line 4: Oakcoins

Line 5:

Line 6:

Top Color:

Bottom Color:




Atwell Family ~ Wanted to join, made album, emailed

Line 1: The Atwell Family

Line 2: The Sound Of cache

Line 3: Produced By

Line 4: Oakcoins

Line 5: Cache Every Mountain

Line 6: Hide-Seek-Find

Top Color: (NEED HEX CODE)

Bottom Color: (NEED HEX CODE)


Applewomyn ~ Not sure, made an album, Emailed


glennk721 ~ Maybe, (Glad to talk with you again and thanks for the input. Keep your spirits high)


Parrolet ~

Line 1: Parrolet &

Line 2: The Ammo Can Buzzards

Line 3: Produced By

Line 4: Oakcoins

Line 5: Birds Of A Feather

Line 6: (Cache Together)

Top Color: (NEED HEX CODE)

Bottom Color: (NEED HEX CODE)


One more note~

group 2 ~ Please send your album art directly to me. I will then forward group 2 artwork to Jamie when he needs it. It will be easier to keep track of everyone's artwork this way.


Thanks and great job everybody!

I will update any info I have missed... Feel free to point out any errors. I did a bunch of cutting and pasting for this post. Sorry I didn't credit those who originally posted the info... Hope you understand.

Stay tuned...CCL



Edited by crazycavelover

I am having a prob putting that onto the record.......I don't know what to do know......maybe one of the other songs......not sure.



Jamie replied and I quote "I have been adjusting some longer songs/names - if I can't fit them, I'll

let you know - no worries there."


Hope that helps everyone.... ;)




Alright, here it is and yes, we will do it.


line 1~ 501 Gang

line 2~ & The Bushwhackers

line 3~ Produced By

line 4~ Oakcoins

line 5~ DNF Blues

line 6~ (I've got the)


Top Color~ FFF501

Bottom Color~ 2FE4FF


Will email the stats & image to you soon.



Posted (edited)

Great 501 Gang!


Updated the list.....


Edit: Just got an email from glennk721. He is interested.


2nd edit: Don't want to add folks before they are sure. Also, removed the declined list. Don't want to make people feel bad...


Happy New Year!!

Edited by crazycavelover

I don't think anyone has used this song yet, but here's mine! A play on the song/lyric, "twisting the night away"


I want a really bright blue for the bottom, but just can't seem to find it on the color wheel that is on the record making website.




OK, I hope I will be able to change my record. I was just too rushed to get it right. With Fluttershy gone I may be up a creek. But here is what I finally came up with for final project. We'll see, I sure don't want to make a lot of work for someone. I'm going to bed now.




I thought of some more just in case she couldn't get that one to work. I have 8 more to decide from. If anyone likes these more then the last ones let me know. So I can pick one of them and then if anyone wants the rest they are more than welcome to them. Here they are. I mostly like #1 and #8 :anitongue:

1. Poison

Every Rose Has Its' Thorn

Every Geocache Has Its' Thorn


2. Styx

Mr. Roboto

Mr. Microboto


3. Starship

We Built This City

We Stash This Cache


4. Pat Benatar

Hit Me With Your Best Shot

Find Me With Your Best Shot


5. Lipps Inc.




6. Donna Summer

She Works Hard For The Money

She Travels Far For The Geocache


7. Glass Tiger

Don't Forget Me When I'm Gone

Don't Forget Me When Your Found


8. Wham

Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go

Cover Me Up Before You Go-Go


OK, I hope I will be able to change my record. I was just too rushed to get it right. With Fluttershy gone I may be up a creek. But here is what I finally came up with for final project. We'll see, I sure don't want to make a lot of work for someone. I'm going to bed now.




Email the new info to me ASAP and I will get it to Jamie. I dont think its too late.... I will find out in the morning. CCL


Will we have an option to buy more than 50 coins each? Or have more made in the future?


Buy more than 50, Yes I believe so based on earlier forum posts

Have more made in the future, I dont know yet... I will ask Fluttershy and Oakcoins.



I know that this has been asked in the 8+ pages before this but I can't find it. How can I get a logo added to the record on the right side. I have the avitar but I cant get it to go on the record. Either post here if someone knows or email me through my profile with directions. :anitongue:

Posted (edited)

I know that this has been asked in the 8+ pages before this but I can't find it. How can I get a logo added to the record on the right side. I have the avitar but I cant get it to go on the record. Either post here if someone knows or email me through my profile with directions. :anitongue:


You don't have to add it. In fact, it's probably best for the artist if you do not add it. You simply find a large size, clear web image of what you want and include it attached to the email with your record image. In the body of the email explain what you want done with it.

Edited by AtlantaGal
Posted (edited)

I know that this has been asked in the 8+ pages before this but I can't find it. How can I get a logo added to the record on the right side. I have the avitar but I cant get it to go on the record. Either post here if someone knows or email me through my profile with directions. :anitongue:


You don't have to add it. In fact, it's probably best for the artist if you do not add it. You simply find a large size, clear web image of what you want and include it attached to the email with your record image. In the body of the email explain what you want done with it.


Now thats just to simple.



Edited by Vegas Gamblers
Now thats just to simple.

Personally I use the wonderful image editing software known as Paint Shop Pro... What others have said is true, though. It's just easier in the long run to give the artist the image for the logo. They'll be resizing and redrawing the coin anyway to give it more detail for the mints, so a pixelated tiny logo might not help much.

Posted (edited)

I've been trying to think of a good song title...


We've Only Just Begun (To Cache) - The Carpenters

Will You Still Love Me (If We DNF?) - Chicago

Along Comes A Woman (To Cache With) - Chicago

Cachers Are Cachers - Depeche Mode

Just Can't Get Enough (Caching) - Depeche Mode

Come On Eileen (Let's Go Caching) - Dexy's Midnight Runners

Money For Swag - Dire Straight

Down With The Muggle - Disturbed

Goodbye Earl (I'm Going Cachin') - Dixie Chicks

Dirty Caching Laundry - Don Henley

Cachers are Strange - The Doors

Funky New Cache - The Eagles

New Cacher in Town - The Eagles

Wasted Time (Puzzle Cache) - The Eagles

Saturday Night (Lets Go Caching!) - The Eagles

Already Gone ('Been Muggled) - The Eagles

The Final Countdown (To The Kilo Club!) - Europe

Good Day To Cache - Exodus

Over My Head (its a 5/5) - Fleetwood Mac

The One You Love (My GPS) - Glen frey

Cache On My List - Hall & Oats

She Finds the Caches Without Clues - Harry Chapin

You've Got A Friend (To Cache With) - James Taylor

Everyday (We Cache!) - James Taylor

White Rabbit (At The Cache) - Jefferson Airplane

Come Monday (We Go Cachin') - Jimmy Buffett

Were You Born A Cacher? - Jimmy Buffett

Changes In Latitudes - Jimmy Buffett

Hurts So Good (But I Got FTF) - John Mellencamp

Who's Crying Now (The DNF Song) - Journey

Baby I'm Leavin' You (To go Cachin') - Journey

God Gave GPS' To You - Kiss

Alone I Cache - Korn

Heart Shaped Altoids Box - Nirvana

Lithium (batteries in my GPS) - Nirvana

Hella Good (Day for Cachin'!) - No Doubt

Where Have All The Caches Gone? - Paula Cole

Cache In The Rock Pile - Poison

It's The End Of The World As We Know It (and i'm Going Cachin') - REM

Shiny Happy Cachers - REM

No Muggles - Rage Against The machine

Under The Bridge (The Cache Is) - Red Hot Chili Peppers

Paint It Black (The Ammo Can) - Rolling Stones

(I Can't Get No) FTF - Rolling Stones

The Last Time (I Hunt That Cache) - Rolling Stones

I am a fake rock (Cache Container) - Simon & Garfunkle

I Remember You (From The Trail) - Skid Row

Two Caches - Spin Doctors

It's Been Awhile (Since We Went Caching) - Staind

Jungle Love (Near The Cache) - Steve Miller Band

Dance, Dance, Dance (Were FTF) - Steve Miller Band

The Logical Spot - Supertramp

Take The Long Way Home - Supertramp

Everybody Wants To Be FTF - Tears For Fears

Mary Jane's Last Cache - Tom Petty

Beautiful Day (To Cache) - U2

Still Haven't Found What m Looking For - U2

With or Without You (I'm Going Caching!) - U2

Cheap An' Nasty (Cache Needs Maintenance) - Whitesnake

Dude (Looks Like A Lady Cacher) - Aerosmith

Year Of The Cache - Al Stewart

Down In A Hole (looking For The Cache) - Alice In Chains

I Write The Logs - Barry Manilow

Happiness Is A Blank Log - The Beatles

Why Don't We Log It In The Road - The Beatles

I'm Just Happy To Cache With You - The Beatles

Can't Buy Me Swag - The Beatles

Caches We Did Today - The Beatles

Octopus' Garden (Theres A Cache In The) - The Beatles

Act naturally (Theres Muggles Around) - The Beatles

The Long And Winding Road (To The Cache) - The Beatles

A Day In The Life (Of A Cacher) - The Beatles

Please Mister Postman (Bring Me GeoCoins) - The Beatles

Edited by Nero

An updated list of Group 1: :anitongue::rolleyes::anitongue:

*Please Check your Spot and Make Certain the Information is Correct. If you have changes let Allie or Jolene know ASAP.


*If Your Hex Colors aren’t listed, please return to the Record Generator to Create a Set,

And Email them to me. (Just send the Hex numbers if everything else is correct, you don’t need to email me another Picture)


*Please send your full info, and remember that Your Name/Record Name is on Top and the Song Title is on the Bottom.


*All Words will be in Caps on the record. (Unless you need a Lowercase in Line 1. (Your Name) ,Please let me know!)


Fluttershy ~ #1

Line 1: Fluttershy

Line 2: Stray from the Pile

Line 3: Produced By

Line 4: Oakcoins

Line 5: Please Release Me

Line 6: (Let Me Cache Again!)

Top Color: 6FCBFF

Bottom Color: 33FFFF


AtlantaGal ~ #2

Line 1: AtlantaGal

Line 2: & The Nittany Lions

Line 3: Produced By

Line 4: Oakcoins

Line 5: So Many Roads

Line 6: (To Confuse My GPS)

Top Color: FFFFFF

Bottom Color: 87C5C4


Team Macha ~ #3

Line 1: Team Macha

Line 2: Cachin’ Country

Line 3: Produced By

Line 4: Oakcoins

Line 5: Gone Cachin’

Line 6: (I’ll Be Back Soon)

Top Color: ???

Bottom Color: ???


ParentsofSAM ~ #4

Line 1: ParentsofSAM

Line 2: G.R.I.T.S.

Line 3: Produced By

Line 4: Oakcoins

Line 5: The Night The Cache

Line 6: Went Out In Georgia

Top Color: PMS 363

Bottom Color: PMS Yellow


Sillygirl & jrr ~ #5

Line 1: Sillygirl & jrr

Line 2: With The GC Street Band

Line 3: Produced By

Line 4: Oakcoins

Line 5: (Baby We Were)

Line 6: Born To Cache

Top Color: 32FF1C

Bottom Color: 3AF7FF


GPX Navigators ~ #6

Line 1: GPX Navigators

Line 2: & The Cacherettes

Line 3: Produced By

Line 4: Oakcoins

Line 5: Cache Around The

Line 6: Clock

Top Color: FF7881

Bottom Color: FDFF41


Damenace ~ #7

Line 1: Damenace

Line 2: Wish They Were Near

Line 3: Produced By

Line 4: Oakcoins

Line 5: Shine On You

Line 6: Crazy Geocoin

Top Color: ???

Bottom Color: ???


Cach-U-Nuts ~ #8 :rolleyes:

Line 1:

Line 2:

Line 3: Produced By

Line 4: Oakcoins

Line 5:

Line 6:

Top Color:

Bottom Color:


creacher ~ #9

Line 1: Creacher &

Line 2: The Blind Squirrel

Line 3: Produced By

Line 4: Oakcoins

Line 5: I Need A Miracle

Line 6: (To Find This Cache)

Top Color: 00ADE9

Bottom Color: 8BEF00


nielsenc ~ #10

Line 1:

Line 2:

Line 3: Produced By

Line 4: Oakcoins

Line 5:

Line 6:

Top Color:

Bottom Color:


57 Chevy ~ #11

Line 1: 57Chevy

Line 2: And The Mosquitos

Line 3: Produced By

Line 4: Oakcoins

Line 5: Papa’s Got A Brand

Line 6: New Bag Of Swag

Top Color: ???

Bottom Color: ???


Go JayBee ~ #12

Line 1: Go Jaybee’s

Line 2: Orchestra

Line 3: Produced By

Line 4: Oakcoins

Line 5: 3 Geocoins

Line 6: In The Fountain

Top Color: ???

Bottom Color: ???


UOTrackers ~ #13

Line 1:

Line 2:

Line 3: Produced By

Line 4: Oakcoins

Line 5:

Line 6:

Top Color:

Bottom Color:


Dressel Dragons ~ #14

Line 1: DresselDraggons

Line 2: Caching Inferno

Line 3: Produced By

Line 4: Oakcoins

Line 5: Burning Down

Line 6: The Cache

Top Color: DA000D

Bottom Color: E53300


OshnDoc ~ #15

Line 1: OshnDoc &

Line 2: The Penguins

Line 3: Produced By

Line 4: Oakcoins

Line 5: I Still Haven’t Found

Line 6: What I’m Looking For

Top Color: EEEEEE

Bottom Color: AAAFFF


crazycavelover ~ #16

Line 1:

Line 2:

Line 3: Produced By

Line 4: Oakcoins

Line 5:

Line 6:

Top Color:

Bottom Color:


jevans7~ #17

Line 1: jevans7

Line 2: Wyoming Caching

Line 3: Produced By

Line 4: Oakcoins

Line 5: Wide Open Spaces

Line 6: Cachin’ On The Range

Top Color: FFFD0D

Bottom Color: E52E00


~tasia~ ~ #18

Line 1: ~Tasia~

Line 2: And WheresDIB

Line 3: Produced By

Line 4: Oakcoins

Line 5: Caching The

Line 6: Night Away!

Top Color: ???

Bottom Color: ???


PennyPacker ~ #19

Line 1: PennyPacker

Line 2: With Johnny Cache

Line 3: Produced By

Line 4: Oakcoins

Line 5: I’m So Lonesome

Line 6: I Could Cache

Top Color: D1FFCF

Bottom Color: FFDOCB


The 4 F's ~ #20

Line 1: The 4 F’s

Line 2: My Hide Is Your Find

Line 3: Produced By

Line 4: Oakcoins

Line 5: I Wanna Cache

Line 6: With Somebody

Top Color: FF965A

Bottom Color: A5DAFF


summerandnana ~ #21

Line 1: Summerandnanna

Line 2: Searchin’ In The Night

Line 3: Produced By

Line 4: Oakcoins

Line 5: Cachemobile Express

Line 6: & The Nightriders

Top Color: ???

Bottom Color: ???


An updated list of Group 1: :anitongue::rolleyes::anitongue:

*Please Check your Spot and Make Certain the Information is Correct. If you have changes let Allie or Jolene know ASAP.


*If Your Hex Colors aren’t listed, please return to the Record Generator to Create a Set,

And Email them to me. (Just send the Hex numbers if everything else is correct, you don’t need to email me another Picture)


*Please send your full info, and remember that Your Name/Record Name is on Top and the Song Title is on the Bottom.


*All Words will be in Caps on the record. (Unless you need a Lowercase in Line 1. (Your Name) ,Please let me know!)




57 Chevy ~ #11

Line 1: 57Chevy

Line 2: And The Mosquitos

Line 3: Produced By

Line 4: Oakcoins

Line 5: Papa’s Got A Brand

Line 6: New Bag Of Swag

Top Color: 63FFFC

Bottom Color: 3B8F00





:rolleyes: Here's the color codes. Sorry bout that. <_< -57'

Posted (edited)

~tasia~ ~ #18

Line 1: ~Tasia~

Line 2: And WheresDIB

Line 3: Produced By

Line 4: Oakcoins

Line 5: Caching The

Line 6: Night Away!

Top Color: ???

Bottom Color: ???


would like to have it like this (if possible):

Line 1: ~tasia~

Line 2: and WheresDiB


Top Color: FFFFFF

Bottom Color: 187CFF (i hope it's a bright enough blue that the black nickel letters will show up well)

Edited by ~tasia~

I'm away, and left my laptop at home so I didn't have to worry about it, BUT

Hilton has a wonderful Business center! Yay!


I won't be able to answer questions or email until Monday, but

I wanted to put up the list for you.




Happy New Year!




CCL and the rest of group 2. Sorry I have not been on yet today to finish up my coin. I am at my in-law's right now using their computer. Mine is messed up I have to work on it this week If I can't get it fixed by friday I am just going to get a new one. Sorry for any set back this might cause. Seems like things just go wrong at the wrong time. But I will let you know if I get it fixed or a new one. My hard drive is still good. So everything is still on it. I just hope I don't loose it since it is windows 98 and the new ones have XP. Well just thought I would give you the update. I was also wondering on the records I saw everyone putting their name and name of record on top and the song on the bottom. On a record the song is on top and the name of artist and album is on the bottom. I was not sure if we were just going all the same way. Name of geocacher and album on top and song or bottom. Or if it is a choice of where to put them?? Mine will be.

Song---Every Geocache Has Its' Thorn "because every cache I got in the woods I have gotten at least one"

Published By Oakcoins



Thanks for your time. I will check the post again before I go home. GeoSmurfz :anibad:


CCL and the rest of group 2. Sorry I have not been on yet today to finish up my coin. I am at my in-law's right now using their computer. Mine is messed up I have to work on it this week If I can't get it fixed by friday I am just going to get a new one. Sorry for any set back this might cause. Seems like things just go wrong at the wrong time. But I will let you know if I get it fixed or a new one. My hard drive is still good. So everything is still on it. I just hope I don't loose it since it is windows 98 and the new ones have XP. Well just thought I would give you the update. I was also wondering on the records I saw everyone putting their name and name of record on top and the song on the bottom. On a record the song is on top and the name of artist and album is on the bottom. I was not sure if we were just going all the same way. Name of geocacher and album on top and song or bottom. Or if it is a choice of where to put them?? Mine will be.

Song---Every Geocache Has Its' Thorn "because every cache I got in the woods I have gotten at least one"

Published By Oakcoins



Thanks for your time. I will check the post again before I go home. GeoSmurfz :anibad:


Sorry to hear, I hope your computer is up and running in no time..


As far as the format of the album, That was the design choice of creator, Fluttershy. She would like all the coins to be the same way. She will be back at the computer and able to respond to questions on Monday.


Also, dont forget to write down the HEX color codes for the top and bottom of your album. I will need your color codes as soon as you can get them to me. Thanks and Happy New Year, CCL

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