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Vinyl is Back! Well, BN Vinyl that is!


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No coins :rolleyes::anibad:

I live in wyoming and thay are coming out of utah i can drive there in 2 hours it takes ups 2 weeks. :ph34r::P

Well there is next week. B):rolleyes:


Jevans, they are being shipped USPS, not UPS...if that helps??


When sending them out, I know a few people emailed me for trades on mine. Working to get them out quickly, I just thought I would put one in each package instead of trying to remember.


That being said, if someone didnt get mine in the mail (I might have missed one or two) or picked up during the Fest and didnt get one, feel free to email me via my profile.


Please note, I am out of the country for 2 weeks so the mail wont be sent until I get home.






When sending them out, I know a few people emailed me for trades on mine. Working to get them out quickly, I just thought I would put one in each package instead of trying to remember.


That being said, if someone didnt get mine in the mail (I might have missed one or two) or picked up during the Fest and didnt get one, feel free to email me via my profile.


Please note, I am out of the country for 2 weeks so the mail wont be sent until I get home.






Incredibly generous of you Christian! Thanks again so much! You run a great company.


And Jamie too. Awesome job on the artwork - really!

Posted (edited)

They're here! They're here! I removed our mail from the box and was again disappointed that the coins didn't arrive :rolleyes: .... then, the key to the large "package box" fell out onto the ground! :rolleyes::anibad: Hooray! There it was... "the box".


And a huge thanks to rivercity for emailing and telling me about the surprise! In my excitement I'd opened one of the small cardboard boxes, and hadn't taken the other out of the shipping box. When I looked, there it was!


A huge thank you to Allie, Jolene, Jamie, and Nielsenc!



Edited by chancerider

quick pics... batteries died in my camera (so they are recharging) so these aren't the best, but it will give you an idea...


nielsenc (thanks for the surprise!!!):



mine :



Wow Allie! Thanks for the neat surprise coin. I can not wait to see it.


I did not get to trade with neilsenc in person....there was just too much going on at GCF I knew I was forgetting some stuff!!!! We will just have to trade the old fashion way.


I am crossing my fingers and hoping they come today! However the postman will probably fall on his butt because there is about 1.5" of ice covering everything right now, and were supposed to get 6-12" of snow on top of it. AHHHHHH!!!!! I will take pics and post them as soon as I get them. I also will package up trades and sales and contact the traders to get confirmed addressess.


Here I am at work called home wife said I got a box in the mail it is my coins . And I cant go home tell 11:30 pm . ;)B)


This is hard to sit and wait for time to go by it goes slow with nothing to do but dream of my coins at home. B)B)


Wonder if I could snake home no. ;);)


Well I probably wont get mine today as the weather will probably prevent the mailman from coming.... ;);)B);)


Haha that reminds me of a joke:

If walking is so good for you then why does my mailman look like Jabba the Hut?


So now that orders are being delivered, I would like to share my surprise for the group.


Each Participant of the Geo 40 Series will receive 1 of these Trackable coins! (1 Coin Per Participating Record)


I am in the process of paying for my Portion, so it will be a little while for availability.

I'll be certain to keep you posted! I hope you like them! The Reverse side will be the common side, as all the others. There are 75 being produced: 39 to be given away, and the remaining are mine for possible trade or sale.




Thanks Allie!


I just "Skipped" back to read some of the post I missed and saw this, what a great surprise!

if i traded with you already, i'd love to see a pic of my coin, I take lousy pics and I dont have a scanner.


I think we actually traded twice, as I have two of your coins. Sorry I missed your picture in the upload.

Let me know if you want the second coin traded back?


Here is your picture <_<


if i traded with you already, i'd love to see a pic of my coin, I take lousy pics and I dont have a scanner.


I think we actually traded twice, as I have two of your coins. Sorry I missed your picture in the upload.

Let me know if you want the second coin traded back?


Here is your picture <_<




I only have 1 of yours! I wonder if someone I traded with maybe traded the one i traded them to you by mistake instead of there coin.


I also have not been checking coins, it may be possible some coins were mixed up in others boxes? since they are in plastic bags and the common back side is whats showing, I havent looked at any of them!


..... since they are in plastic bags and the common back side is whats showing ......


I have been taking them out of the plastic bag so I can check them as they go out. I don't remove the coin from the plastic sleeve, just look to make sure the coin is the right one. Is this a bad thing?


..... since they are in plastic bags and the common back side is whats showing ......


I have been taking them out of the plastic bag so I can check them as they go out. I don't remove the coin from the plastic sleeve, just look to make sure the coin is the right one. Is this a bad thing?


I did the same thing... I just wanted to make sure that the coins I send out were not messed up in any way. I don't see anything wrong with checking for quality, etc.

Posted (edited)

I don't think theres anything wrong with checking them, I've just been lazy and dropping a bagged coin in envelopes. i think I'll start checking them now though.

Edited by Nero

Received my coins this morning. All previous trades and purchases will go out today or tomorrow. I still have about 15 left for trading (any kind of trade, Geo 40 or not) if anyone is interested.




Thanks Allie!!!!

Now, where is that special Geo 40 coin icon?


Anyone have any idea of when we will get the special icon for our series?

When the folks at Groundspeak associate it. Give it time folks.. it'll eventually be there.


Does anyone now how long it takes to get these?? I am just wondering. I paid last week and have not gotten them yet. I am not sure just asking about how long if anyone knows.


Does anyone now how long it takes to get these?? I am just wondering. I paid last week and have not gotten them yet. I am not sure just asking about how long if anyone knows.


Christian is out of the country until March 12th, they will ship when he gets back.


Does anyone now how long it takes to get these?? I am just wondering. I paid last week and have not gotten them yet. I am not sure just asking about how long if anyone knows.


Christian is out of the country until March 12th, they will ship when he gets back.

Ok thank you I heard that before but was not sure if that was a rumor or not. Thanks for letting me know. Also how long does it take after they ship to get them. Is it the same time as if I ordered some coins from the site or longer? I saw someone posted after I posted about taking two weeks to get it from oakcoins to their house.


Does anyone now how long it takes to get these?? I am just wondering. I paid last week and have not gotten them yet. I am not sure just asking about how long if anyone knows.


Christian is out of the country until March 12th, they will ship when he gets back.

Ok thank you I heard that before but was not sure if that was a rumor or not. Thanks for letting me know. Also how long does it take after they ship to get them. Is it the same time as if I ordered some coins from the site or longer? I saw someone posted after I posted about taking two weeks to get it from oakcoins to their house.


Ours took a few days to arrive. I believe they were shipped the Tuesday after President's Day and they arrived by Friday.


Thank you lindsychris for the info. Since I live right out of Pittsburgh I should get them soon after he sends them out. Just like you did. Thanks again for the info.


I'm really very happy with the Geo 40 Series!


I'm very pleased to announce, that there are two surprises coming your way to each

Geo 40 Series Record!


I am sending one Broken Record "Vinyl is Final" Geocoin,

and 20 Collector's Edition Geocaching the Top 40, PINS!!!


(Every individual Record receives 1 Coin & 20 Pins)


Please email me (nyallieny@aol.com)

the following information:


Geocaching Name:

Geo 40 Record Title:

Full Name:

Current Address:


Because this is a bulky mailing, I ordered larger envelopes.

Depending on when I get them, and figure out how much it's going to cost me to ship,

I will let you know. I hope to mail them by the beginning of next week.


Thanks again! (And a Big Thank you, To Christian & Sara @ Oakcoins, and to Jamie for the Great Artwork!)



Posted (edited)

Oh, thank you, Allie! Another wonderful surprise!


I'm looking forward to adding the broken record

to my collection and seeing the pins. :D


Please let me know if I can help out with shipping.

Edited by rivercity

I'm really very happy with the Geo 40 Series!


I'm very pleased to announce, that there are two surprises coming your way to each

Geo 40 Series Record!


I am sending one Broken Record "Vinyl is Final" Geocoin,

and 20 Collector's Edition Geocaching the Top 40, PINS!!!


(Every individual Record receives 1 Coin & 20 Pins)


Please email me (nyallieny@aol.com)

the following information:


Geocaching Name:

Geo 40 Record Title:

Full Name:

Current Address:


Because this is a bulky mailing, I ordered larger envelopes.

Depending on when I get them, and figure out how much it's going to cost me to ship,

I will let you know. I hope to mail them by the beginning of next week.


Thanks again! (And a Big Thank you, To Christian & Sara @ Oakcoins, and to Jamie for the Great Artwork!)



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