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Billy Twigger's recovery

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Posted (edited)

Copy of a post on one of the Scottish forums in December last year



Some of you will remember that one of the original Scottish geocachers had a terrible accident over two years ago. For those of you who know Ewan, you will be pleased to see an update from an email his father sent me:



EWAN – an update

After more than 2 years and 3 months in hospital Ewan at last got home on December 16th. Lorna has been tremendous in coping with selling two houses, buying another and dealing with architects and builders in getting the house into a wheelchair-friendly condition – all that in addition to her daily visits to hospital to tend to Ewan's needs. The alterations have included the creation of a ramp to the front door, widening of all doors, creation of a wet room and the installation of a monorail to assist Ewan to get out of and into bed. A team of carers will be in attendance and a simple daily routine will soon be established.

Ewan's general health is quite good but as with all tetraplegics he seems to be more susceptible to sundry infections than able-bodied people. His spirits remain high and he has very limited movement in his right hand enabling him to cope with his power chair.

Lorna has worked wonders ably supported by Fraser (now a cameraman with BBC) and Callum (a student at Glasgow Metropolitan College)

2009 beckons with a new phase in life and all that that will bring.

Jim and Elma

December 2008

Edited by Big Wolf

Big Wolf, thanks for updating us! That's good news indeed! :ninja:


I've never met Ewan, but I almost feel I know him through his forum posts and some truly marvellous logs. My very best wishes to him and to Lorna.


I'm sure Firth of Forth won't mind me copying her post from the GeoX forum and posting it here.


I'm sorry to say that Ewan's (aka Billy Twigger) move from hospital to home just before Christmas was short-lived and he was back in hospital within a week or two.


In the last month, Ewan's health has deteriorated significantly, and he is not expected to survive and is receiving palliative care. He has a very strong heart that keeps him going, but the strain on his family, who visit every day, must be tremendous.


I know that those of you who had the good fortune to know Ewan, or to cache with him, or even to do any of his marvellous caches, will be very sorry to hear this. He is such a nice guy and neither he nor his family deserve what they have been through these last two and a half years. For those of you new to caching, Ewan fell from a cliff on Bute (while cache setting) and suffered very serious injuries in September 2006.


I'm sure Firth of Forth won't mind me copying her post from the GeoX forum and posting it here.


I'm sorry to say that Ewan's (aka Billy Twigger) move from hospital to home just before Christmas was short-lived and he was back in hospital within a week or two.


In the last month, Ewan's health has deteriorated significantly, and he is not expected to survive and is receiving palliative care. He has a very strong heart that keeps him going, but the strain on his family, who visit every day, must be tremendous.


I know that those of you who had the good fortune to know Ewan, or to cache with him, or even to do any of his marvellous caches, will be very sorry to hear this. He is such a nice guy and neither he nor his family deserve what they have been through these last two and a half years. For those of you new to caching, Ewan fell from a cliff on Bute (while cache setting) and suffered very serious injuries in September 2006.

I'm really sorry to hear that, especially since it had all seemed to be looking so good. My thoughts are with Ewan and his family.


Just checking the Forums, really sorry to learn the latest news.


We have followed his progress and this is very sad news.


Our thoughts are with Ewan and all those close to him.


Please keep us informed.


THis really is so sad. After the good news of several months ago, this change of direction is really tough to hear about. My thoughts are with Ewan and his family. Thanks to Dave and Sally for the updates.

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