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Twin Ports Geocoin (first Edition) Invoices Sent!

Team Petey1

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Posted (edited)

Here they are!!! They are even more beautiful than I ever could've imagined!! Please forgive my pictures (as my digital camera isn't very good with close-ups) but, I wanted you to be able to see them "for real"...


These coins are trackable and have a unique icon.


These are the 2 coins that are on sale now...


1. Polished Nickel/Blue - 250 minted ($8.50 each)




2. Polished Gold/Black - only 200 minted ($9.00 each)





Shipping is:

$2.50 for 1 or 2 coins.

$3.50 for 3, 4 or 5 coins. (5 coins maximum per household)


If you have an interest in these coins, you can email me at: DrummerWB@yahoo.com


Finally, there were only 50 of this Black Nickel coin minted - and only 45 will be sold. Starting tomorrow (June 12th), they will be available only on eBay...





Thanks for looking!! And, FYI, 50 of these coins will be placed in "the wild" - so, if you choose not to purchase one now, watch for one coming to a cache near you!


One last note -- Team Petey1 is NOT our profile. Our actual profile is TEAM PETEY - without the 1. For some reason, the forum wouldn't allow us to use our normal geocaching name.


All the best and happy caching to all!


-Glen from Team Petey.

Edited by Team Petey1

Several people have emailed me asking if there are still coins left...




They are still available (as of right now, I still have about 50 left).


If you're interested, PLEASE let me know! Email me at: DrummerWB@yahoo.com


Thanks for looking and Happy Caching!!

Posted (edited)



Everyone who has paid for your TEAM PETEY / TWIN PORTS Geocoins, your orders were shipped out yesterday morning! You should have them this week!


We still have the Highly Polished Nickel coins left, so if you would like to order some, email me ASAP! My email address is: drummerwb@yahoo.com


Also, the Black Nickel Limited Edition Coins (only 50 made/only 45 will be sold) are now UP FOR BIDS on eBay. If you have an interest, check them out! The first one will be sold in less than 24 hours!!

Edited by Team Petey1

Thank you for ALL the nice comments and emails about the coins!!!


I'm REALLY glad you're enjoying them - and, hopefully, a bunch will end up in the wild as well as in your collections! (I'm sending my first out right here in the Twin Ports this weekend! I activated it tonight - and off it goes!) I'm holding 50 back to send out into the wild - so, this is just the 1st of many...


All the best to ALL of you! And, happy caching!


-Glen from Team Petey.


Thank you SO MUCH for including the Activation codes with these coins. It has really been a hassle for me lately to be forced to retrieve those codes, only to find out there has been an error in the engraving: "Sorry the coin does not exist in our system".......I wish that more sellers would actually "verify" the validity of the Tracking Numbers as you did.


Thank you SO MUCH for including the Activation codes with these coins. It has really been a hassle for me lately to be forced to retrieve those codes, only to find out there has been an error in the engraving: "Sorry the coin does not exist in our system".......I wish that more sellers would actually "verify" the validity of the Tracking Numbers as you did.


I have to say that the way they did it was neat also. When they wrote out the activation code, it has an O in it, which can either be a zero or the letter o. They put a note underneath that said that it was not a zero! How cool, and great attention to detail! Thanks!


I have requested a trade for this coin but have not heard from the owner so looking to trade for 2 of these from anyone.


I have just been buying to many coin and need to shift to trading for them.


For trade we have the following personal geocoins.


Team Sand Dollar in Gold, Silver, or Bronze.

Buffalo Wings V1 in Gold, Silver, or Bronze.

Buffalo Wings V2 (Florida Trail) (Trackable with icon) in:

Bronze, Antique Silver, Black Nickel(White buffalo) and Copper(Black buffalo)



Team Sand Dollar


I'm sorry Team Sand Dollar - I thought I'd responded to everyone offering a trade.


I'm waiting to trade any of the coins until I've recovered my investment. I completely fronted the $3,500 to have the coins made - and, I holding off on virtually all trades until I'm back to "square".


Thanks for your interest - and, again, thanks to EVERYONE for your support!


-Glen from Team Petey.


I'm sorry Team Sand Dollar - I thought I'd responded to everyone offering a trade.


I'm waiting to trade any of the coins until I've recovered my investment. I completely fronted the $3,500 to have the coins made - and, I holding off on virtually all trades until I'm back to "square".


Thanks for your interest - and, again, thanks to EVERYONE for your support!


-Glen from Team Petey.


If you think you will be interested in trading and are interested in our original non trackable Buffalo Wings geocoin or Team sand Dollar geocoin you might want to set up the trade now as the number of these coins are become low.


I am willing to set these aside for the future trade and this way you get the coins you want.



Team Sand Dollar


Due to several orders that didn't materialize, I unexpectedly have some coins left to sell. I have some up on eBay, but they are cheaper here...


High Polished Nickel/Blue: $8.50

High Polished Gold/Black: $9.00 (VERY limited supply)


Shipping is $2.50 for 1 or 2 coins. $3.50 for 3, 4 or 5 coins. (1.00 more for international shipping).


If you'd like some, email me at: drummerwb@yahoo.com



Posted (edited)

All new orders have been shipped and you should receive your coins within the next day or so (aside from the orders in Europe - You'll receive yours within the next week or so).


If anyone else is interested, please see my post just above this one... There are still more to go around! :shocked:


Thanks everybody!!!

Edited by Team Petey

All new orders have been shipped and you should receive your coins within the next day or so (aside from the orders in Europe - You'll receive yours within the next week or so).


If anyone else is interested, please see my post just above this one... There are still more to go around! <_<


Thanks everybody!!!


Awesome. Thanks, TP...can't wait to get a couple more in my hands!


WOW!! What a COOL picture!!! Thank you so much for sharing it! I'm looking at the ACTUAL bridge I designed the coin around as I type this - and, as I look back at your picture, there's an interesting similarity! :laughing:


Bottom line: I LOVE the picture. Thanks!! And, I'm glad you enjoyed the coin!!


Keep the emails coming! Orders are still gladly being accepted! :laughing:


Mine came today, absolutely stunned at how quickly it came considering it was only posted in the states on friday!!


the coin is great, and the person i bought the coin for (Petey) is very happy too. Thank you!

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