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Gc.com E-mail Delayed

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Hmmm, borderline geocaching topic I agree, but I noticed that my 'new cache notifications' were arriving days after the cache was activated for which I just figured GC.com had issued.


I've found out now that it's my ISP (PLUS NET) that has the issues, some e-mails are taking a week to arrive, work ones especially so PLUS NET are gettting the sack.


Can anyone recommend a reliable ISP. I'm not fussed about the costs, I need reliability.


Thanks, in complete frustration


My BT Broadband seems pretty good - never had any issues and at 8 meg it's nice and fast too - good for those FTF moments - every second could count. definatley a caching related comment :rolleyes:


I do find it frustrating that there is sometime a delay from GC.com with notifications and PQs - a well covered subject in the past <_<

Posted (edited)

Hmmm, borderline geocaching topic I agree, but I noticed that my 'new cache notifications' were arriving days after the cache was activated for which I just figured GC.com had issued.


I've found out now that it's my ISP (PLUS NET) that has the issues, some e-mails are taking a week to arrive, work ones especially so PLUS NET are gettting the sack.


Can anyone recommend a reliable ISP. I'm not fussed about the costs, I need reliability.


Thanks, in complete frustration


have you got a gmail account ?

Edited by stora

Hmmm, borderline geocaching topic I agree, but I noticed that my 'new cache notifications' were arriving days after the cache was activated for which I just figured GC.com had issued.


I've found out now that it's my ISP (PLUS NET) that has the issues, some e-mails are taking a week to arrive, work ones especially so PLUS NET are gettting the sack.


Can anyone recommend a reliable ISP. I'm not fussed about the costs, I need reliability.


Thanks, in complete frustration


have you got a gmail account ?


Ah, good thinking, I think I can see where you are going here and it will also identify who uses my plus net address compared to my web site address. Hopefully my transition to another ISP can go easily.


I have to say that Plus Net have been one of the most reliable ISPs we have used. There are problems with incoming email but the delay should be hours and not days, and is decreasing all the time. It is also worth noting that Plus Net are not the only ISP having problems at the moment, they are the one who have admitted it and apologised.


My advice is to stick with them for the moment. We are on the edge of a broadband and telephone price war and this is not the time to commit to a 12-month contract. Personally I have not had a good experience of BT.


On a side subject, if any cachers do need a gmail invite (sorry GoogleMail in the uk) then just let me know.


I agree, Plus Net have been reliable and I usually tolerate problems with IT because it's just the way of things. One of my issues is that Plus Net haven't apologised and they claim the delay is at worst by hours. Their helpline is clogged up and the e-mail help defaults to standard answers about non related issues. There is a huge topic on their forum that they are ignoring, they usually step in and help.


I have offered to upgrade my package to get higher priority but no response.


So I have a problem, they are ignoring/not resolving/denying it.


Plus Net are turning into a 'big player' company and they've forgotten their customers. Time to go I think, but I won't cut my nose off to spite my face from what you say.




Incoming email Delays (Ref 31938) - Update


Posted on: Wednesday 10 May 2006, 17:56

Since April 29th we have been experiencing higher volumes of inbound mail than normal. This has caused intermittent message queues to form on a number of our inbound mail servers, resulting in lengthy incoming mail delivery delays for some mails sent to our customers.


We do understand the difficulties customers experience when mail is delayed, especially over long periods of time. We assure you that our engineers have been working to resolve this issue as quickly as possible and we are treating the ongoing nature of this problem very seriously indeed.


The mail queues on our platform are being managed carefully and are now reducing. It is predicted that things will return to normal within the next 24 hours. Please note however that the nature of this problem makes the time for a full resolution very difficult to predict accurately.


The increased level of inbound mail activity we have experienced has been caused by a number of spamming groups who have actively targeted our mail platform with a sustained spam attack. This is not the first time this has happened and previously we put in place complex guards against this type of attack. However, the spammers are highly organised and have developed new techniques that we must now adapt our mail platform to cope with.


Up until now, we have deliberately accepted all mail, even if it comes from ISPs who are listed as known spam sources. While that means legitimate mail from customers of some ISPs gets through to our customers, it also means we are accepting a lot of mail that other ISPs would reject at source. We are making a number of changes to tighten up our approach on this and we believe we can make both short and long term improvements to prevent the recurrence of this type of issue in the future.


We will provide further updates tomorrow in relation to the current status of the mail platform, and the changes we intend to make to combat the spammers activities before we accept mail onto our platform.



Regards, Mand Beckett


So it's not just me having problems with PlusNet. I've had at least two emails delayed by 4 days.

I've had problems with BT, Demon and PlusNet, so would like to take this opportunity to publically recommend that people avoid them. :( But maybe my expectations are just too high? :ph34r:


So it's not just me having problems with PlusNet. I've had at least two emails delayed by 4 days.

I've had problems with BT, Demon and PlusNet, so would like to take this opportunity to publically recommend that people avoid them. :o But maybe my expectations are just too high? :D



May I suggest using a free email service like gmail, never have problems receiving my ISPs email through the service, even when my ISPs servers are at their flakiest, if you are interested in a gmail invite contact me through my profile :D


I had a similar problem around Christmas with Google mail but they offered no real explanation but it went away after a week or so.

One email arrived a month after it was sent !! :o

I had a similar problem around Christmas with Google mail but they offered no real explanation but it went away after a week or so.

One email arrived a month after it was sent !! :o



Were you receiving email from your ISP via the gmail service?


I also have a number of ISPs for a variety of reasons, plus a few non isp e-mail accounts e.g. gmail. None of those are experiencing any mail delays. Volumes of spam are very high but I think it's long if it takes 30 seconds.


I also have lots of gmail (googlemail) invites if people need them.


On a related topic. I was thinking of creating another website, using space not provided by my ISP. Anybody know a good company that can provide webhosting and domain name services ata reasonable price?

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