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What's In Your Kit

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GPSr, Palm Vx (sorry Moote!) spare batteries, swaps, pen/pencil, maps, Romer, compass, first aid kit, camera, waterproofs, water, food, mobile phone, locking penknife - these I take whatever length of time I am out. For a day's walking I would add: Trangia and full packed lunch.


I think that that is all.

Edited by walkergeoff
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1) First Aid Kit

2) IPAQ + Cables

3) Torch

4) Swaps Bag

5) Food + Water

6) Spare cache!

7) Cache repair kit. 1L Ice Cream container, ZipLoc Bags, Pencils, Notebooks, Pencil sharpener, 35 mm film containers and Logs for same.

8) Coat

9) OS Map and compass

10) Ham radio 70 cms Transceiver


and if i'm going onto Dartmoor or Bodmin Moor then I'd carry a few extra bits.

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Depends where the cache is, if I'm with the kids I tend to do easier caches with a fairly short walk so I don't really carry that much stuff, if I'm off, by myself (not very often ;) ) on the fells I take torch, food, compass, water, survival bag, knife, lighter and fire lighters, whistle, spare batteries and so on...

I also take a tupperware box with swaps in and a stash of spare pencils, pads and pencil sharpeners in case they need replacing - seems to happen quite a lot that!

If I'm going for a really difficult one I might take the canoe! ;)

Edited by The Golem
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Most of the recent caches I've done, it has been just the GPSr (eTrex Legend), and either the cache printout, or the palm. I always have mobile phone and leatherman with me, but they go everywhere.


I've not really gone for long caching hikes yet, so haven't seen the need for a caching bag - but I'm sure the time will come.



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GPSr, Palm Vx (sorry Moote!) spare batteries, swaps, pen/pencil, maps, Romer, compass, first aid kit, loo paper, trowel, waterproofs, water, food, mobile phone, locking penknife - these I take whatever length of time I am out. For a day's walking I would add: Trangia and full packed lunch.


I think that that is all.

Well just about everything Walkergeoff has mentioned except that I use a peak cooker.. Brews up in minuets yeah.... plus a few additions..


Quad bike.. Direct telephone link to Boulmer (RAF ASR) just in case yer know..


But on a serious note.. you can not be to cautious... folks me scoff an think yer wimp.. better the warm dry wimp than the rough tough cold wet disorentated hypothermic wasick..


Ther are some places out there that look like an evening stroll that turn into a fight for survival..


I know.. over reacting.. yep.. all it took was a clump of grass to turn a days cacheing into a drama...


Now did I tel yer about the time........ ;)

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Simply Paul takes a banana to find caches with!

Just the once! B)


I also tend to pack a dead and/or leaking pen, some flat batteries and the OS map for the area adjacent to the one I'm visiting. What it would be to be as well organised as the posters here!


Other things I've been known to take caching: Mobile (it's with me all the time anyway) - 'Instant Sunshine' (my 1million candlepower torch) - LED head torch - A TB tucked in a pocket so that I forget all about it until I get home - OS map if I'm lucky (1:50k) - Pocket radio and/or MP3 player for entertainment on a long march - Mars bars and water (Ben Nevis/Snowdon) - CAMERA! (For cool caching pix, or to be robbed for its 4xAA) - Pocket change (for parking/phone) - Change of boots/socks (if I know I'm likely to get wet/muddy) - Caching buddy. Better than a mobile in case of trouble. Probably. :lol: - Cache swops (less and less so these days) and last, but not least, warm hat in this weather. A potential lifesaver. smilexmas.gif

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We usually have with us...


2 x pda`s, one with tomtom, other with memory map and GPX sonar.

2 x Gps`s C60 and Vista.


Rucksags, with plasters, water, swaps, dry socks, mobile phone, note book, pens, money, camara.


Long trips in the car usually have sandwiches, pop, and crisps. Laptop, power invertor for 240v hook up, more wires than a BT exchange. Spare dry shoes, pants and underwear (yep we`ve learnt that mistake.... falling up to your arm pits in a bog isn`t nice, even worse when you have no dry clothes).


Most important of all, a list of possible caches we`ve planned, with notes on possible walking distance, to drop if time is getting short and we are on a mission.


By hey it`s only a game we can give it up anytime we like.... er... maybe.



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When I go out I take two important things with me my husband Paul he carries a rucksack filled with everything .spare batteries,cooker,spam (can`t go without fried spam sandwiches) ,flask,maps,coats,hats,gloves,cache details

(a strange thing called a compass! it was due to this thing I brought him a GPS)and anything else he considers essential also a mobile for the phone a friend option.

;) I however carry a rucksack with what I consider the true essentials

1 chocolate

2 sweets

3 more chocolate

4 water

5 pen

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