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G.A.G.B - News And Information


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For the benefit of any people new to this forum the GAGB forum has a bit more than post everything in one place in its set up.


GSP despite this being the third most popular forum have never split it into sections taking the view that local forums do this better than they could.


All these forums can be found here :-


The GAGB forums


General Geocaching Related Topics

Where it all happens



The place to discuss caching events.


Trigpointing Related Topics

The place to discuss Trigpointing and related matters.


Landowner Permissions

Negotiations, approaches, agreements - let us know about them here


Regional Forums

Regional forums on GAGB and regional forums hosted elsewhere



Everything to do with geocoins


Technology Advice

A place where you can ask for advice about gps units, computers, or any tech problems you might have, caching related or not.


Off Topic

A place to discuss all non-caching and non-GAGB subjects (within reason!)



Run your own polls


Help offered

A place for you to offer your services to other members


For testing purposes

For testing purposes


I don't know about others, but I find the GAGB forums a bit clunky and very time consuming to go through as there are so many categories etc...


I just don't have chance to go through all that, so I tend not to stop by....


Is there one or two main areas you can suggest as being "worth a look each day?"


I don't know about others, but I find the GAGB forums a bit clunky and very time consuming to go through as there are so many categories etc...


I just don't have chance to go through all that, so I tend not to stop by....


Is there one or two main areas you can suggest as being "worth a look each day?"


Certainly :)


The one closest to this forum is the General geocaching forum it could do with a few newer posts.


If you enjoy the odd joke or just want to talk about your day then the Off topic forum is the place to go.


And if you want to just play the odd game there is always the Arcade


Beyond that the Technology forum is usefull for UK based cachers.


You can set up your profile (user account) to not show forums you are not interested in as well.


Of note you can create a forum account without becoming a member of the GAGB.


I don't know about others, but I find the GAGB forums a bit clunky and very time consuming to go through as there are so many categories etc...



One thing I like about the GAGB forums is the "New Posts" link which only shows posts since you last visited across all forums so it's easy to see which are the hot topics.


I don't know about others, but I find the GAGB forums a bit clunky and very time consuming to go through as there are so many categories etc...



One thing I like about the GAGB forums is the "New Posts" link which only shows posts since you last visited across all forums so it's easy to see which are the hot topics.


Ahh forgot about those


Here you go linky goodness :)


Forum portal


Today's posts


New posts since last visit


Many of you will know that last May, by popular request, we separated usage of our forums from membership of GAGB the organization.


We've recently provided two new forums for GAGB Members only. At present we're discussing re-writing our constitution and possibly changing the name of our association in those forums. If you're a Member of GAGB and haven't seen those threads, you may want to take a look and have a say in the future of your association.


If you don't know whether you're a Member or not, take a look at the Announcement at the top of the General forum, which gives a link to where you can check, and join if you're not a member.



Bill, Chairman GAGB


The Forestry Commission have recently expressed concerns to the GAGB about the recent increase in the number of applications for permission for caches on land managed or owned by them in Dorset, and about the total number of caches now on that land.


If you're in the Dorset area, or have an interest in Landowner agreements generally, you may want to take a look at this thread. If you're a GAGB Member, as opposed to a Forum User only, you can also follow the committee discussion about this in the Committee Discussions forum.


Just a reminder that the poll on the name of our Association closes on Saturday at 12.59pm. If you're a GAGB Member and want a say in our choice of name get your vote in now if you haven't already done so.


Hmmm... I regularly read the GAGB forums but I didn't (and still can't) see anything about this.

You won't have seen the poll as it was for GAGB Members only, but there's a thread about it in the open-to-all General Forum here.


Just a reminder that voting on GAGB's proposed new constitution opens to Members and other eligible categories on Sunday. If you believe yourself to be eligible but haven't checked your status please see this post on GAGB's forums. Thanks.


Permission to cache from Ringwood Town Council


After a slight misunderstanding regarding the area to be covered in the permission, Ringwood TC have agreed to allow caching on their land along the lines of the Hampshire County Council agreement. Currently, the permission is confined to the Poulner Lakes area but, subject to prior consultation, they will consider any requests in respect of other areas within their control. The agreement has now been published on the GAGB agreement database and if any member wishes to set any caches on other Town Council land, then they should seek specific permission – I've agreed to be the contact to facilitate this and update the agreement as appropriate.


As announced on the GAGB forum, I'm sorry to announce that BillD is currently unwell and has decided not to stand for re-election. After a vote by the committee, NobbyNobbs has agreed to stand in as Chairman temporarily until the elections.


GAGB Chairman / committee Elections will be announced shortly.


That time of year is approaching so we have arranged a timetable for all the cut off points:


cut off date for being GAGB member and able to vote: 29/10/09


nominations for chairman open : 30/10/09

close of nominations for chairman: 6/11/09

election for chairman: 8/11/09 - 13/11/09


nominations for committee: 14/11/09

close of nominations: 21/11/09

election of committee: 23/11/09 - 28/11/09


Nominations for the committee are closed. There were 8 nominations who accepted these were:


Dave Edwards-The Wombles

Tony Pinnington-mongoose39uk

Lucilla/Mrs B-The Blorenges







The constitution allows for up to 8 members of the committee so please all welcome your new committee. :signalviolin:


We'll be migrating the GAGB to a new webserver on 17th Feb 2010 at 10pm GMT


Details will be posted here of progress.


Migration under way, forums are currently un-available.


We'll be migrating the GAGB to a new webserver on 17th Feb 2010 at 10pm GMT


Details will be posted here of progress.


Migration under way, forums are currently un-available.


Ok, DNS updates have been applied. Hopefully these will spread quickly.


Forums are on-line on the new server. You'll get a message if you are still seeing the old server.

Posted (edited)

There's a new section added to the GAGB forum where cachers can propose "A Day Out" and invite interested others to join them.


Or perhaps you'd just like to share some "Caching Memories" and add photos if you have them?


Don't forget that you can add details of events to the GAGB Event calendar and can also add a post to the Events section of the forum to remind cachers of what's happening soon.


Hope you can drop in to the GAGB site soon or just call by for a chat in the Chatroom during the evening.


MrsB :laughing:

Edited by The Blorenges

GAGB is holding a CITO on a National Trust countryside property, Clent Hills in the West Midlands on Satuday 11th September. Please join us to help out. GAGB CITO with the NT


Our CITO is this weekend and we have about 70 people currently shown planning to attend. It's a big area (near Stourbridge) so please come along if you can help, or to the evening event in the pub if you prefer.


It's that time of year again. So we need to nominate and elect a new chairman and committee. To vote you need to be a full member of the gagb with a cut off date of this thursday coming: 7th oct at midnight.


Then the following dates apply:

nominations for chair open: 9th oct close 15th oct

voting for chair open 17th oct close 22nd oct


nominations for committee open 24th oct close 29th oct

voting open 31st oct close 5th nov


Please forward this to any forums that you are members of so that all know in good time to join.



Correction to the above dates:


Cut off date for being GAGB member and able to vote: 29/10/10


nominations for chairman open : 30/10/10

close of nominations for chairman: 6/11/10

election for chairman: 8/11/10 - 13/11/10


nominations for committee: 14/11/10

close of nominations: 21/11/10

election of committee: 23/11/10 - 28/11/10


Have been trying to log into GAGB again today but failed. Even using their 'email a password' doesn't seemto work. Any idea how I can get in please?


I've had this problem a few times before and gave up - my last try. :anibad:


Have been trying to log into GAGB again today but failed. Even using their 'email a password' doesn't seemto work. Any idea how I can get in please?


I've had this problem a few times before and gave up - my last try. :anibad:


Email sent. :mad:


PM me if you still can't get in.


Christmas is nearly upon us, then the end of December not long afterwards. Don't forget to head over the the GAGB website and enter our monthly competition. You may not win the lottery, but you may win some great geocaching prizes.


My Blog



to GAGB members, had an email from you last night to say that you had uploaded to the calender, the event for home coming scotland, mega 2014?? event. Thanks for the publicity. The next meeting is on March 5th, can we publish here the outcome and any further developments, as this is only a caching idea at the moment, which is moving very fast.




to GAGB members, had an email from you last night to say that you had uploaded to the calender, the event for home coming scotland, mega 2014?? event. Thanks for the publicity. The next meeting is on March 5th, can we publish here the outcome and any further developments, as this is only a caching idea at the moment, which is moving very fast.




Hi Rose & Thistle,


The GAGB forums are a very open and welcoming community, please feel free to add any updates you feel are appropriate. Alternatively drop an email to gagbcommittee@gagb.co.uk, we can consider any news you have to offer for future newsletters and the website. You may also want to consider the UK Geocaching Podcast.





Committee Member

Posted (edited)

There is now a new style newsletter for the GAGB called 'Seeker'

The Digital Book version can be found HERE requires Flash


if you prefer not to use Flash the PDF version can be found HERE


There is a feedback thread running over at the GAGB forum HERE

Edited by DrDick&Vick

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