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Cache Page Music?


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I just clicked on a cache. The page played music!


I'm not the best when it comes to HTML and such....


How do you put music on the cache page?


You'll need a good understanding of how to use the HTML. One code that will work in HTML is

<Bgsound src="your-song.mid"autostart="true"loop="infinite">

To do this, you will have to indicate, when entering the cache page, that you are using HTML code.


Please don't do it. There are some people who look at the cache pages at work and don't want music suddenly coming out of their speakers.


Then there are people like me who still have slow dialup connections (24K). Music really slows down the loading of other pages.


If you put music on your cache page, include a button so someone can choose to play it . . . or not.


You won't be able to do it. HTML Tidy strips out all <bgsound> tags. The page you're referring too was created before HTML Tidy was implemented. If that cache owner were to edit their webpage, they'd find that their ability to play music automatically would vanish.


Thank you for HTML Tidy, GC.com.


I don't like the music either, however there are stop buttons on browsers and volume controls on speakers.


If you're worried about getting caught at work, perhaps it's best to leave the personal web browsing for one's own time.

Please don't do it. There are some people who look at the cache pages at work and don't want music suddenly coming out of their speakers.


HEE HEE - yes, once while I was "at lunch" I was surfing for local caches and music started playing! It was clever music, but a little eery, and I had a head peek in my office asking me what I was doing.

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