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*** This Just In***


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This just in ...




Have I seen this banner photo somewhere else?


Hey!!! Cool, never seen a frog like that, or have I.


Thanks GratefulDad for the cache out there.

Posted (edited)

Good gosh Dave, what happened to the snow? Terrific scenery I must say and you are doing great with that camera.


My granddaughter is a river guide and kayaks like that including submerging at the bottom of falls.

Edited by SD Rowdies
Close encounter ...




of the 6,000 kind.


Who dat?

Congrats Duncan! :rolleyes: It's pretty amazing that that group has a combined find count in excess of 20,000 caches! I still remember when I first started and a saw Parsa had 300+ finds and I thought that was incredible! How times have changed... :D
Posted (edited)
Close encounter ...




of the 6,000 finds.

Who dat?

Congrats Duncan! :rolleyes: It's pretty amazing that that group has a combined find count in excess of 20,000 caches! I still remember when I first started and a saw Parsa had 300+ finds and I thought that was incredible! How times have changed... :D

Here's the astonishing part, nowadays three-thousand finds barely qualifies you as a Geocaching little leaguer. Who would have thought?


Dat be Duncan! and his friendly rival $kimmer, dat's who-dat?


Of course Splashette was at the wheel with over seven thousand finds.


So what's the secret of their success? ... Dairy Queen of course. Well, you know, that and very supportive spouses.

Edited by SD Rowdies
Close encounter ...




of the 6,000 finds.

Who dat?

Congrats Duncan! ;) It's pretty amazing that that group has a combined find count in excess of 20,000 caches! I still remember when I first started and a saw Parsa had 300+ finds and I thought that was incredible! How times have changed... :D

Here's the astonishing part, nowadays three-thousand finds barely qualifies you as a Geocaching little leaguer. Who would have thought?

Then that means I'm a Pee Wee... :rolleyes::D
This just in ...




Honk if you know the name of this beach.

Honk Honk

Would that be the informal GeoName?

Oops..I'm still green at honking. That would be Tidelands Park beach in the Crown City of Coronado..

Excellent, unofficially know as "Dinghy Geobabe's Landing."

This just in ...




Honk if you know the name of this beach.

Honk Honk
Would that be the informal GeoName?
Oops..I'm still green at honking. That would be Tidelands Park beach in the Crown City of Coronado..
Excellent, unofficially know as "Dinghy Geobabe's Landing."

Good thing I didn't honk. I would have gotten it wrong. I was going to guess that the Geobabes had named it "Harmon You Son Of A Beach"... :laughing:

Posted (edited)
This just in ...




Honk if you know the name of this beach.

Honk Honk
Would that be the informal GeoName?
Oops..I'm still green at honking. That would be Tidelands Park beach in the Crown City of Coronado..
Excellent, unofficially know as "Dinghy Geobabe's Landing."

Good thing I didn't honk. I would have gotten it wrong. I was going to guess that the Geobabes had named it "Harmon You Son Of A Beach"... :laughing:

How did you know? ... the Geobabes called you didn't they?


For your next challenge ... find the three dinghies in this picture.

Edited by SD Rowdies
Posted (edited)

This just in ...




Honk if you know where this is.


Hey FATTBOY, you're a credit to your species ... whatever species that is. We love y' man!


Nice job-site office by the way.

Edited by SD Rowdies
Posted (edited)

This just in ...




Now look what the Geobabes did to me.


It's not that I don't appreciate having over three-thousand finds, even if they made me do it,

and I certainly don't mind the spiffy crown that Splashette made for me, and I sorta like that

Laurel-leaf effect of the crown-tip photograph, but wrapping that Garmin auto-power cord

twice around my head gave me a Geocaching headache.


What would I do without those two vine-ripend gals in my life to give Sandy a hand keeping me

on the arrow-straight road to rightiousness? ... I ask y'?


Life is good,



NOTE Please submit congratulatory remarks to the San Diego Congratulations Thread. Thank

your for your consideration and I'll be taking names of the ones that don't do so. C'mon,

would it kill y' t' be nice to an old man? I'm beggin' y'.


(By the way, feel free to use the photograph as your home or office screen-saver.)

Edited by SD Rowdies

This Just In...




From a dimly remembered song of my childhood...

We hunted and we hollered

And the first thing we did find

Was a horse in a tree

And that we left behind


One said "It was a horse"

And the other said "Nay!"

And one said "It was a ghost!"

And we all ran away...

Posted (edited)

In my defense, I'd like to point out that they are, at least, partially bunched...

Fallin' down ain't "bunched." For example ...




No socks and no ladder. Ladder for seesies.

Edited by SD Rowdies
Posted (edited)
No socks and no ladder. Ladder for seesies.

Crawling up drain pipes with kneepads for seesies. And not crawling up drainpipes during rainstorms for seesies, too.


I guess I'm guilty on all charges... :P


(But it was the desert heat that caused my socks to fall up like that... :D )

Edited by Let's Look Over Thayer
Posted (edited)
No socks and no ladder. Ladder for seesies.

Crawling up drain pipes with kneepads for seesies. And not crawling up drainpipes during rainstorms for seesies, too.

I take your point on both counts, all three in fact. In my own case the Geobabes made me do it.

Edited by SD Rowdies
Posted (edited)



:( Boy howdy! She shore is purdy!!! :(

:(You should see my seesters! :mad:


What ever happened to ammo cans anyway? Oh yeah, Roxy's Box did 'em in.

Edited by SD Rowdies
Posted (edited)


Ahhhh good memories for me. Yes....Ladder for seesies. 6-ft. pole for real men! :lol:





:lol: Hey TT isn't that little one about a year old? pics? How many caches did he amass in his 1st year?r/jnj ;)

Edited by jahoadi and john
Posted (edited)

Ahhhh good memories for me. Yes....Ladder for seesies. 6-ft. pole for real men! :lol:





Let the record show that you were the first to scale that wall for SCCC No. 3. You did so

July 18, 2004. Not only that you did the deed when the cache was much more difficult to

reach, located in the corner of the walls and hidden within a piece of tin roofing that blew

away later that year in 60-mph winds. That piece of tin roofing came from Carpenter from

Hell's garage that burned to the ground during the Cedar Fire.




Not only that you were the one that nominated Sandy Creek Cowboys for YMS #3. We really

appreciated the honor and now I've grown old enough to look exactly as depicted on that card.






Sandy Creek Cowboys

Edited by SD Rowdies
Posted (edited)

This Just In: Miragee and TrailGators on Gold Mountain in Big Bear.


Miragee and I went out for some morning caching yesterday. We only planned to go for an hour. We made it to the This is as Far as I can go cache and then we decided to go farther. Our GPSs said that the cache at the peak of Gold mountain was only 0.78 miles away. We figured that there would be a trail at the top of the ridgeline. So we meandered up the trail and made it to the top of the saddle only to find that the peak was on another ridge (that we couldn't see when we made the decision) that was another 500 feet of vertical and there was no trail that continued up to the peak from that direction. So we thought about it for awhile, and then decided to bushwhack our way up to the top for the last 0.6 miles. It really wasn't that bad because we were able to navigate through clearings all the way to the top. It was well-worth the hike because the views from the peak were awesome! Miragee took all the photos because I forgot my camera (because we were only going to be gone an hour). The hike ended being 6.6 miles with about 1700 feet of vertical gain. Barb had to pick us up because we ended coming out up way down highway 18, which about 4-5 miles from where we parked and we didn't feel like walking back. Thanks for picking us up Barb! I forgot to mention that we also got to see a brand new Rubicon bend up his rear bumper. That was cool! :)




Edited by TrailGators
This Just In: Miragee and TrailGators on Gold Mountain in Big Bear.


Miragee and I went out for some morning caching yesterday. We only planned to go for an hour. We made it to the This is as Far as I can go cache and then we decided to go farther. Our GPSs said that the cache at the peak of Gold mountain was only 0.78 miles away. We figured that there would be a trail at the top of the ridgeline. So we meandered up the trail and made it to the top of the saddle only to find that the peak was on another ridge (that we couldn't see when we made the decision) that was another 500 feet of vertical and there was no trail that continued up to the peak from that direction. So we thought about it for awhile, and then decided to bushwhack our way up to the top for the last 0.6 miles. It really wasn't that bad because we were able to navigate through clearings all the way to the top. It was well-worth the hike because the views from the peak were awesome! Miragee took all the photos because I forgot my camera (because we were only going to be gone an hour). The hike ended being 6.6 miles with about 1700 feet of vertical gain. Barb had to pick us up because we ended coming out up way down highway 18, which about 4-5 miles from where we parked and we didn't feel like walking back. Thanks for picking us up Barb! I forgot to mention that we also got to see a brand new Rubicon bend up his rear bumper. That was cool! :)





Yeah, whatever...What I want to know is the story about that shirt. I could swear the eyes blink if you stare at it long enough. :)

Yeah, whatever...What I want to know is the story about that shirt. I could swear the eyes blink if you stare at it long enough. :)
That's one of my favorite shirts. I got that shirt when I slept at the Wild Animal Park with my youngest son, Trevor when he was in the 4th grade. It's hard to believe that was 7 years ago. The back of the shirt says "I slept with the beasts." It was very cool experience! :)

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